St. Louis, Missouri, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2013 | INDIE | AFM
An anti-bullying campaign is in full force at a Benton Harbor school.
Some people in the music industry heard about what STEAM Academy is doing.
Today they made a stop at schools in the region - a tour focused on preventing bullying.
Kcane Markco of New Water Entertainment said, "We don't want the next president of the United States to be a victim of bullying and it go undetected and unhelped."
Family Coach Charles Patterson says part of STEAM's anti-bullying program is about rewarding students who do good.
It was one of the reasons students in good standing were invited to a Valentine's Dance last month to help kick-off the program.
"We tend to focus on the negative things. They seem to overpower the good. Now our students are realizing, you make good choices, you do good things, you'll be rewarded," Patterson said.
The school's principal told us that she believes students are making better choices due to the program.
Right now - they're still working out the details on the next event for students. - fox 28 News
Written by kCAne MarkCO on February 12, 2013. Posted in Blog, Shows
Dec 31st Lima Ohio
Dec 31st Cinn, Ohio
Jan 17th Lousiville, Ky
Jan 19th Nerve Djs Tech Conf. Cleveland, Oh
Jan 26th MidWest Leak Indpl, In
Jan 28th Main Event Cinn, Oh
Jan 30th Pure Passions Indpl, In
Feb 2nd Adis Cinn, Oh
Feb 16th Goshen,In – Goshen The Theater (Saturday) 6pm
Feb 17th St.louis,Mo – Hot104 & The Loft Down St.Louis
Feb 21st Toledo,Oh – Hot97.3 & Remy Show Girl Club
Feb 23rd Covinton,Ky Dj Will Money Birthday Bash (Invite Performance)
March 2nd Columbus,Oh
March 2nd Elkhart,In – Club 112
March 2nd Fort Wayne- TBA
March – Battlecreek,Mi – TBA
March – K Zoo,Mi – TBA
March – Grand Rapids – TBA
March 13/14th Austin,Tx – SXSW
March 23 Logansport, In
March – Lexington,Ky – TBA
April – Knoxsville,Tn – TBA
April – Nashville,Tn – TBA
April – Memphis,Tn – TBA
April – Jackson,Ms – TBA
April – B-Ham,Al – TBA
April – Huntsville,Al – TBA
April – Atlanta,Ga -TBA
April – Macon,Ga – TBA
April – Columbus,Ga TBA
Promoters Looking to Book Dates Contact:
Dj Big O 317 ( 317 ) 701-5285 www.twitter.com/djbigo317
kCAne MarkCO ( 765 ) 319-9324 www.twitter.com/kcanemarkco
BLaCK (765) – 461-2819 www.twitter.com/black_nrc - DJ Big O 317
Posted: Sunday, May 19, 2013 1:31 am
By Lindsey Ziliak
Tribune staff writer
Oliver Jackson — known in the music world as DjBigO317 — remembers being bullied by the kids on his high school football team for being small.
He told his coaches about it, but they brushed it off and told him to do the same.
Now, his 6-year-old daughter is battling issues with bullies at her school in Indianapolis, and he won’t let it go.
He is on a crusade to end bullying, and he’s taking the message beyond his daughter’s school.
He partnered with Kokomo artist kCAne MarkCO to launch an anti-bullying music tour that will travel to schools throughout the United States.
But, he said, that alone won’t fix the problem. It needs to be attacked on all fronts. That’s why he recently got behind Indiana’s latest anti-bullying legislation that redefines bullying and ramps up requirements for schools.
Jackson passed petitions around months ago garnering support for the bill.
His actions paid off. Gov. Mike Pence signed the bill into law May 11.
State Rep. Greg Porter (D-Indianapolis) spent years crafting and reworking the legislation. To see it pass was gratifying, he said.
“I am ecstatic about it,” he said. “It is a huge problem. It is, to a certain degree, a public health issue. It’s a mental health issue.”
Porter said Indiana was, at one time, ranked third in the nation for bullying incidents. He said when he started looking at the issue, one in four Hoosier students reported being bullied in the last 30 days. One in 20 had missed school because of bullying.
“This is something we can’t put our heads in the sand about,” he said. “It’s real. It affects us.”
The updated law redefines bullying to include bullying that happens through social media websites, text messages or other electronic media.
It also serves to hold schools accountable, Porter said. It’s specific in what it asks schools to do.
The law requires each school corporation to report the number and nature of bullying incidents that occur within the district on its annual performance report that’s available to the public.
It requires schools to have specific and detailed bullying prevention programs, investigation and reporting procedures and discipline rules. Those discipline rules must outline the use of follow-up services and support services for the victim and bullying education for the bully.
The law mandates more training for school personnel and volunteers. The training is designed to help them learn the school’s bullying prevention program.
State Rep. Mike Karickhoff (R-Kokomo) said Porter’s legislation had widespread support across party lines.
“It’s a good bill,” he said. “I can’t see the downside of it.”
The state was not breaking new ground on this, he said. Most schools already had some procedures and programs in place, he said. The law provides a common language and set of guidelines for them to go by.
Maconaquah School Corp. has had an anti-bullying policy in place since 2005. That policy defines what bullying is and establishes reporting procedures in its administrative guidelines.
“That doesn’t mean we can’t clean that up and make it better,” Superintendent Doug Arnold said. “We certainly want to do everything we can to prevent kids from moving in the direction of hurting themselves.”
Both Arnold and Kokomo-Center School officials wonder how the districts are going to accurately report the number of bullying incidents for the annual performance report.
Every bullying incident requires a judgment call. Does it actually rise to the level of bullying?
First they have to show that it’s more than a single incident. There has to be a pattern, said Dawn McGrath, director of programs for Kokomo-Center Schools.
They also have to make a judgment on intent. Did the student intend to harass, ridicule or humiliate another student?
“That’s tricky,” McGrath said.
If schools aren’t reporting bullying incidents the same way, then how can there be an apples-to-apples comparison between districts?
“I know there are going to be issues with the data, whether it’s underreporting or overreporting,” Arnold said. “We’ll just have to report honestly what we have and see how it shakes out.”
Arnold said he knows the intent of the legislation is positive.
The public has been turning to its legislators for nearly 15 years to address the bullying issue.
Georgia was the first state in the country to pass anti-bullying legislation in 1999 – after the Columbine shootings in Colorado.
From 1999 to 2010, 120 bills were passed in state legislatures across the country that either introduced or amended education or criminal statutes to address bullying and related behaviors in schools, according to a 2011 U.S. Department of Education report.
By 2011, 46 states had bullying laws. Only Hawaii, Michigan, Montana and South Dakota had none, the report stated.
It’s unclear right now how effective the legislation is across the country. Some states, however, are rethinking laws they passed years ago.
A formal report conducted in 2008 examining bullying in Washington schools concluded that despite legislation enacted in 2002, school districts did not appear to be addressing bullying uniformly in the state, and bullying had not declined much since the first bullying legislation was passed, the DOE report states.
Jackson is worried about the same thing happening here.
“The state is content,” Jackson said. “They passed a law. I’m waiting to see how they are going to do this. I’m curious to see how it’s going to get enforced.”
He just hopes schools will do the right thing and take the law seriously. It’s an urgent issue, he said
“Every day you drag your feet, somebody is out there seriously thinking about hurting themselves,” he said. - Kokomo Tribune
The Hip-Rock College Tour stops in Louisville Kentucky ft kCAne MarkCO & Eddie Roe
The Hip-Rock College Tour powered by NerveDjs own DjBigO317 stops in Louisville Nov 16th 2013 ft. MTV Sony Blacksmoke Records Inc artist kCAne MarkCO with special guest Eddie Roe “Mr Uknow” Live in Concert at Club Kingdom. Also present will be NerveDjs DjPunch317, DjSquad574 & DjQ1212 of B96 Louisville Radio. There will also be the official video shoot of the Remix Single (SHUDDup Bitch) by Eddie Roe ft kCAne MarkCO. - DJ Big O 317
The new year serves as a new grind for some. However cats like kCAne MarkCO just plan to elevate and keep it consistent! He dropped me two joints “Midwest Luv” and “Didn’t Wanna Be A Hater”! Check out his music and if you rock with it, show him with your likes, shares, comments and support! - Indy Hip Hop 93.3FM
Born and raised in the LOU (St.Louis) all sides. KCAne MarkCO began spitten rhymes in cyphers on corners and at parks in his hood, eventually making his way to the Crooked I (Indiana) through the Chi. KCAne MarkCO has fam all over the Mid West! So that's what he reps. the entire Mid West! It's hard to say who he sounds like because he sounds like himself. When he raps its just him having a conversation, that just happens to rhyme. It would seem that he does this because he loves it. No better reason than that! - Top Catlive
South Bend,Indiana native returns home for a brief moment as he brings The Anti-Bullying Tour ft. South Bend,Indiana native Oliver "DjBigO317"Jackson & NerveDjs
(The Founder of the Tour) & MtvJamz, Mtv.com International Recording Artist "kCAne MarkCO" native of St.Louis,Mo whom is now based out of Kokomo,Indiana will be bringing the tour to Notre Dame,Indiana own (WSND.nd.edu - 88.9 fm) to do a Live Radio Interview. Were they will be talking Anti-Bullying, The Tour, MtvJamz & Music on May 10th 2013. For any more details on The Anti-Bullying Tour go to https://www.facebook.com/BigO317antibullying and Like our Fan page on Facebook. Any media requests & interviews contact Oliver "DjBigO317" Jackson 317-701-5285. - CNN
MuzicNotez Crew: First off, it’s an honor to be doing this interview with you kCAne, thanks for taking the time to sit down with us.
What motivated you to start creating music? What age did you begin?
◾kCAne MarkCO: Around 12 I would say. My pops was a dj so I was around music from day 1
◾MuzicNotez Crew: Who were your musical influences, idols,or bands growing up that have helped mold you into the musician you are today? Or helped mold the music that you create? ◾kCAne MarkCO: I look up to many Artist and pioneers of hip hop. From as far back as KRS-1 and Takin to Kid Cud and Common. To some degree we as Artist are influenced by prettymuch anything we are exposed to. So I’m careful with what I listen to
◾MuzicNotez Crew: What’s the greatest concert you’ve ever been to or performed? ◾kCAne MarkCO: Shawnna out of the Chi. Her energy is unmatched. If you have never seen her do Rpm live…whew. You gotta see it
Facebook: Facebook.com/KcaneMarkco
Twitter: @KcaneMarkco
Website: www.kCAneMarkCO.com
◾MuzicNotez Crew: What’s the ultimate goal you want your music to achieve, or for you to achieve in your career as a musician? Any particular message you wish to send?
◾kCAne MarkCO: Respect for self, elders and others. That has always been the message. It’s the main ingredient of my music. If one bar could change one life for the better. Or make one person think twice in the wrong moment so that they do the right thing, perfect.
◾MuzicNotez Crew: How did you come up with the name kCAne MarkCO? What does it mean? ◾kCAne MarkCO: In the marvel Universe Cain Marko is the Juggernaut. I’m a former strongman champion and people used to call me the Midwest juggernaut. it just fit.
◾MuzicNotez Crew: You’re from St. Louis, where a lot of amazing artists havee come from. What’s the scene like there from an up and coming artist such as yourself? ◾kCAne MarkCO: There are two routes to take. Stay or Travel. As a student of KRS-1 and themovie Art of 16 Bars I choose to travel. To build a fan base outside of my city. Never ever forgetting where I’m from and ever reopen it to the fullest.
◾MuzicNotez Crew: What’s the inspiration behind your latest video ‘You Didn’t Wanna Be A Hater’? ◾kCAne MarkCO: I believe haters are basically bullies in disguise. When you chase your dreams it’s like a shiny new tow that they want to take. All the while proclaiming” I ain’t no hater” as the saying goes if you have to state what you are not you probably are. That said. When they see you working it makes them hate themselves for being to frightened to do the same.So it’s not a song against haters, it’s a song for those hated on. I am their voice. - Muzic Notez Magazine
Ballad of a Citizen kCAne (2013)
Explicit (2014)
NuORDER: The Mixtape (2014)
Fuck Wit Me (2014)
AlphaPak: The Origins of kCAne MarkCO (2014)
AlphaPak: The Origins of BLaCK FLaG (2015)
Black 2 Business Vol 4 (2015)
Mon Amour (2016)
ViTRUvian Man (2016)Mon Amour II (2017)

"AlphaPak" was formed in 2013 by NuORDER Midwest Music Group's owner kCAne MarkCO and consists of 7 solo hip-hop artists from his NuORDER Entertainment indy label. When 2 or more perform a song together they are called "AlphaPak". Members include kCAne MarkCo, BLaCK_NRC, C.B.G, Ad Polo, A1 da Last Drop (deceased), Sqadgang Turk, and T-Lew
Band Members