Houston, Texas, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2015 | SELF | AFM
Artist: Amarachi
EP: All or Nothing
REVERBNATION: http://www.reverbnation.com/amarachimusic317
While it is true many feel the music industry is in disarray it’s always a breath of fresh air to hear a new band or artist that’s not afraid to take chances with their musical expression. With Amarachi who resides between Texas and New York (originally from Nigeria) and her latest6 piece musical teaser
“All or Nothing” it’s clear to me she have surpassed what many consider to be the a-typical musical release. Emerging as a formidable artist these past few years in NY Ultra-Hip Hop scene, singer/songwriter, entertainer Amarachi currently performs as a professional model. She possesses a flair and showcases true roots of African music, Amarachi is a talent rich with experience and the gift of creating wonderful music. Gaining experience from the ultra-hip New York modeling scene, this dynamic artist is a sucker for a chick flick, and the earthy strum of an acoustic guitar. Influenced by the songs of Amy Winehouse and a grave admirer of Craig David’s Voice; she began singing at the age of 9. Nominated for 12 Brit awards, Craig David is absolutely a prime influence and indicator for how far Amarachi’s talents will reach over the coming days and months. This new album “All or Nothing” is the product of her recent hard work and resonating beauty. From the beginning of “Certified Criminal” to the end “Bye, Bye, Goodbye” this EP gives you a musical love/life anthem with a string of catchy songs and hooky vibe that will keep the listener entertained. Also present are messages that are uplifting and a vibe that is unmistakably, well Amarachi. Amarachi and her music combine many impressive musical styles: like retro Pop of the 70’s and even Folk, Pop, Indie-Rock, traditional Soul Rock and contemporary Singer/Songwriter. Some pieces I really like are the title track and “Certified Criminal” and “I’ll Be OK” with its amazing message, and “Killing Me Softly” which expands the possibilities as a possible radio hit in the making. The production is top notch and the playing from all other band members just hits the spot. Amarachi creates a sound that will make virtually any listener feel right at home. As a vocalist she delivers a gifted vocal timber that glides with precision. In the end she provides and a warm and captivating vocal timber overall. If you like Tweet, Gabrielle, Lelis and Sade to Solange you will like Dina Velenz. Much of this goes beyond traditional playing and songwriting. Lyrics are also an important component for me whenever I listen and review music. In this aspect Amarachi paints an impressive visual between the spoken word with messages of hope, love and the love of life itself.
Beware – “All or Nothing’ Has a slightly tragic side. Amarachi is love and “All or Nothing” delivers breathtaking music for the senses that has no boundaries – very much like love itself.
Download Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/all-or-nothing-ep/id921762390
Rating 4.5/5 Stars
Reviewed by: Curtis Winn - Curtis Winn
All or Nothing
Music Street Journal
G.W. Hill
This set is made up of acoustic rockers with the powerful female vocal performance of Amarachi. The vocals are the real selling point here. This is an effective set. There’s no question about that. I thas some range to it.
Certified Criminal
This acoustic rocker is catchy and delivered with a lot of passion. It’s a great tune and an excellent opener.
I'll Be Ok
There are no huge changes here, but this energetic number has a strong vocal performance and some tasty guitar work.
My Man
Although this is similar in its acoustic rock style, there is some jazz in the mix on this tune. It’s another accessible and effective piece.
Things You Do
There are some world music elements built into the melody here. Otherwise, this is a folk rocking tune quite similar to the rest of the music here.
Killing Me Softly-
I like the musical groove here. The vocal performance has a moment or two where she seems to get a little out of control – and not necessarily in a good way. Beyond that, though, this is right up to par with the rest of the set. Really, it’s just a minor issue, anyway.
Bye Bye, Good Bye
The closer continues the themes while not feeling repetitive. The vocal arrangement has multiple layers, and there are hints of jazz here. - G. W. Hill
Stocked full of hooks and a jovial playing style that never lets its guard down, to melodies which linger long after the playing has passed. From the fringes of New York comes Amarachi with her latest EP release entitled “All or Nothing” This stunning collection provides 6 tantalizing tracks with unique melodies that soak every accomplished note from the beginning of “Certified Criminal” and “My Man” through to climactic end of “Killing Me Softly” and the grand slam closer “Bye Bye Goodbye.” It offers many musical familiarities, wearing those inspirations proudly on its sleeve showcasing pop musical influences hinged on impressive musicianship and a unique vocals from Amarachi. This is especially lacking on today’s pop. Case in point: This is one of the most fascinating artists I’ve heard in a while, a long, long while. It’s fair to say that the CD goes far up and down the spectrum of emotions from Amarachi. CD is a bit bipolar – in a good way. Track 2 “I’ll Be Good” and “My Man” are paired well together back to back. Most of the album keeps you in a good, light hearted mood throughout. It has original songs reminiscent of modern jazzy-dance-pop with songs written similar to that style yet surprisingly with a contemporary edge like Norah Jones. I say surprisingly because Amarachi can be effective in this strip down environment. Though it certainly provides a consistent balance of some genres listed above I can also hear Pop and Contemporary Jazz-Folk – the albums worst kept secret.
As the CD slowly advances the melodies, addictive hooks return sporadically from time to time with a beckoning potency not far away from the mediocre mainstream. Bottom line: there’s something much more tangible about this release compared to most of the CD’s that slide across my desk this year – seems very pure, honest and personified human strength and courage. All these traits probably describe Amarachi’s personally. All tracks emerge from a modest yet highly refined pop-rock web producing much in the way of thick bass lines, eloquent vocals, guitar, rock solid acoustic rhythm guitar, earthy yet consistent solo segments. .
The instruments, and subsequent meticulous movements provided by this experienced band will leave their mark on you instinctually and inspire the emotions. Amarachi’s voice does not jump out but has a modest quality which defines itself and work well within the setting of each piece. Her mesmerizing soprano coupled with the acoustical exuberance paints you an impressive picture upon a vibrant musical canvas. Artists like Amarachi are not a dime a dozen, they shine quite like a priceless gem in a crowded pan of mud.
Buy on AMAZON: http://www.amazon.com/All-Or-Nothing-Amarachi/dp/B00NUPIGHQ
4/5 Stars
Jeffery Daly - Jeffery Daly
Amarachi releases “All or Nothing” EP
REVERBNATION: http://www.reverbnation.com/amarachimusic317
About the Artist: New York based supermodel Amarachi just released her latest 6 Track EP “All or Nothing” in 2014. Hailing from Nigeria and possessing the flair and true roots of African music, Amarachi is a talent rich with experience and the gift of creating wonderful music. Gaining experience from the ultra-hip New York modeling scene, this dynamic artist is a sucker for a chick flick, and the earthy strum of an acoustic guitar. Influenced by the songs of Amy Winehouse and a grave admirer of Craig David’s Voice; she began singing at the age of 9. Nominated for 12 Brit awards, Craig David is absolutely a prime influence and indicator for how far Amarachi’s talents will reach over the coming days and months.
This new 6 Track EP “All or Nothing” is the product of her recent hard work and resonating beauty. In this overly saturated market with a plethora of artists coming out of the woodwork, armed with nothing more than a PC, Microphone, a guitar and a crappy sounding CD – it’s nice to know there are a few artists out there that can still deliver music that will make your jaw hit the floor while plucking your heart strings at the same time. These new artists I speak of manage push their music out to the world and much of it is, do I dare say substandard in nature. So enter Contemporary Pop artist, singer-songwriter Amarachi who just released her much anticipated debut EP All or Nothing (EP). So what do artists like Erykah Badu, Alicia Keys, Nikka Costra, Solange Jane Monheit and Elaine Ellis have that Amarachi don’t? Not much if you ask me save the multi million dollars promotional machines and major record label support. Amarachi and her tight band break the mold with her “grooving” sound and amazing movements that will mesmerize both the novice and advanced listeners alike. Track 1 “Certified Criminal” could be a huge hit on Prime Time Radio. “All or Nothing” is shall I say amazing music that has deep seeded Jazzy-Vocal Pop roots but also possesses elements of Classic Contemporary Pop and even Funk, Blues, to Reggae. The playing skills of Amarachi’s band are all over the map but manage to never cross into “freak show” territory. But getting back to Amarachi – she is an undiscovered gem that could be huge is this gains momentum. Her look, her voice, her songs, her performances make this whole experience special.
Her voice is intoxicating and with her arsenal of players she gently takes you by the hand and leads you down a timeless yet impassioned 6 track journey. Right now after hearing Amarachi’s music I must say she n is the quintessential vocalist the world needs right now. I don’t say stuff like that often. She’s modest, young yet amazing, singing songs the way they were meant to be sung – confidently avoiding any over the top vocal “showboating”. “All or Nothing” is actually quite brilliant that has much to offer the listener. Apparently there are still a few composers, arrangers, musicians, and vocalists out there believe in playing music the way it is meant to be played – via just 4 instruments.
Conclusion: Amarachi’s “All or Nothing“ stands out from other artists in a good way within this overly saturated market. Her answer to mundane music is to deliver something unique and powerful. The music of Amarachi is comparable to a bottle of fine wine or a breath of fresh air, with a highly soulful singing style. The strong suit of “All or Nothing “ is Amarachi’s voice, beauty, artistic presence, passion and amazing spirit. It’s amazing!
by Mindy McCall. - Mindy McCall
Welcome: Amarachi
Got some new music to share with you all –her name is Amarachi. Hailing from Nigeria, and in possession of the true roots of African music, Amarachi has a been singing since she was 9 years old and has a knack for creating some great music. She cites her influences as Amy Winehouse and Craig David (Huge admirer) to name a few as well has been nominated for 12 Brit Awards. Amarachi also has a new album out called All or Nothing and is a product of here recent efforts.
On All or Nothing you get to see the talent and musicality Amarachi has as a singer/songwriter. With her lively acoustic influenced tunes mixed in with the right amount of pop and crooning, you can rest assured that your ears will not hate you. The one thing I’m digging about this album, is the the swag you will get in your stride — Some real, feel-good tunes.
Stream the album below and leave your thoughts in the comments. If you like it, you can pick up the album from iTunes
enjoY! - Jemex
Newsflash: New York based vocalist Amarachi just released her latest EP entitled All or Nothing.
REVERBNATION: http://www.reverbnation.com/amarachimusic317/album/82686-all-or-nothing
Hailing from Nigeria and possessing the flair and true roots of African music, Amarachi is a talent rich with experience and the gift of creating wonderful music. Gaining experience from the ultra-hip New York modeling scene, this dynamic artist is a sucker for a chick flick, and the earthy strum of an acoustic guitar. This latest 6 song staple All or Nothing was released back in 2014. I have to say I was extremely impressed with the opening 3 tracks “Certified Criminal”, “I’ll Be OK” and “My Man”. They made quite the first impression and each one possessed my full unadulterated attention. To be honest: I expected cheesy overly synthetic Dub-Dance-Pop, extremely predictable and shallow in nature and extremely compatible for a mass audience. What I discovered was actually quite the opposite. The whole CD is wonderfully earthy, conservative yet full of what I would call explosive musical energy with music that appeals to so many different senses on so many different levels. It reminds me of Lauryn Hill, Alice Russell, Melanie Fiona and Amel. On the other side of the sonic spectrum I can hear Adele, Alicia Keys, Nikka Costa and Janelle Monae. There’s a Acoustic-Rock-Pop-Blues influence in there as well.
What I really like about Amarachi depite her amazing visual and stunning vocal abilities is there is no attempt to sugar coat the truth or deliver what I call over the top alt rock. Cheesy music with an over the top front man via top flight sampling, cookie cutter songwriting via a mix that sounds more like a commercial than a piece of music. None of the above here! I applaud Amarachi for taking the high road with All or Nothing.
All or Nothing will also appeal to both advanced and novice listeners alike – but make no bones about it this is a hot EP. Whatever kind of listening level you’re on – some will identify with things while others will not. Like a three layered cake Amarachi is one vocalist that has a lot of depth and has so much to offer. Weather it’s musically, lyrically, inspirationally, emotionally, spiritually – if you feel like music is taking us in the wrong direction than rest assured Amarachi is taking us back in the right direction with this latest release entitled All or Nothing.
Bottom Line: I was blown away by Amarachi. She’s like a fine exotic piece of art. She will affirm your faith in music again and is a unique, hardworking vocal act that knows her way down a modeling runway and her way around a stage. At the end of the day All or Nothing is one hell of a ride and delivers 6 passionate tracks. Amarachi delivers action packed musicianship, entertaining songwriting and music that covers all the bases: Acoustic-Rock-Pop-Blues with a heavy dose of soul on the side.
10/10 Stars
C.J. Phillips. Approved by Cyrus Rhodes. - C.J. Phillips
Throughout this six track EP, the potential Amarachi shows for mainstream success is remarkable. She’s a classy woman with a unique voice. It makes a nice change from the dime a dozen pop divas that monopolize the music media’s attention. I enjoy hearing real vocals that haven’t been manipulated by studio trickery and songs using the natural sound of an acoustic guitar. Good honest, heartfelt, music. Her official web page says she’s been greatly influenced by Amy Winehouse and Craig David. It’s obvious that rather than being controlled by her influences, she’s used her talents to create something that is truly unique.
From the opening track, Certified Criminal, the music is infectious and the lyrics are thought provoking. Her voice is calming yet somehow knowing and powerful. The follow up track, I’ll Be Ok, shows a confident and strong willed woman willing to face whatever may occur. The music is lively and instantly catchy.
My Man brings a funky edge to the music which is guaranteed to get your head nodding. Amarachi’s voice really gets a chance to shine in this track. Things You Do brings things down a few notches for a more laid back groove.
Killing Me Softly takes the slow and swinging route with some passionate crooning. This is reflective and personal, but is sure to resinate with the listener. Bye Bye, Good Bye takes the old advice leave them on a high and wanting more. A great closing track to the album which will make you hit play again.
Her soulful voice fits perfectly with the upbeat and heavily rhythmic acoustic guitar work within these six songs, all of which clock in between three to four minutes. It’s great music for driving, hosting parties or just listening to on your own. EPs are a great introduction to new artists. I’m hoping there will be a full length album from Amarachi in the near future. - Dave
Still working on that hot first release.

Hailing from Nigeria and possessing the flair and true roots of African music, Amarachi is a talent rich with experience and the gift of creating wonderful music. Gaining experience from the ultra hip New York modeling scene, this dynamic artist is a sucker for a chick flick, and the earthy strum of an acoustic guitar. Influenced by the songs of Amy Winehouse and a grave admirer of Craig David’s Voice; she began singing at the age of 9. Nominated for 12 Brit awards, Craig David is absolutely a prime influence and indicator for how far Amarachi’s talents will reach over the coming days and months. This new album “All or Nothing” is the product of her recent hard work and resonating beauty.
In the single “Valerie”, Winehouse quoted “Since I have come home, my body’s been a mess”. Emulating the exact opposite, this striking and self made pop sensation is also influenced by N'abania, D'banj, and Iyanya as far as other artists from Africa. The creator of the hit “Oliver Twist”, D’banj was interviewed by BET’s April Woodward a few years back, where his enthusiasm and good humor were obvious highlights of his talent. An aspiring musical star with unlimited enthusiasm herself, Amarachi loves the hospitality and food of Houston TX, where she travels back and forth from apart from New York. One of her favorite places she has travelled to is Los Angeles; as she is a true lover of the ocean and beach. On the shores of striking destinations like Poipu Hawaii or Cancun, Amarachi’s future releases would be well received as she favors the sand always; and is a curator of the ocean and coastal dreams.
Asian and Vietnamese cuisine are favorites of Amarachi; reflective foods of transcendental spirits and tapioca pearls. The global excitement that has reached fever pitch for international sounds is abundant, and many landlocked souls are eager to explore. The quote from her new music “Your voice brings me back to reality” is a pinnacle call to action for anyone yearning to make the next period in their life stellar and full of wonderful revelations. Getting ready for the release of her new tracks and to paint a picture that she always dreamed as diverse and as colorful as the bustling market on a weekend, Amarachi is poised to make her biggest and most divine waves yet, in 2014.
Band Members