Ang P
Olympia, WA | Established. Jan 01, 2005 | SELF
Album Review
Ang P – L.I.F.E (Living In Fear Everyday)”
Written By: Brandon Graham
Every now and then you come across someone in life who is special. Truly special. It is noticeable, the dedication, the desire, the perseverance. Whether it is music, sports, writing, or just the art of life in general, we are always looking to find something new to sink our teeth into. The whole idea behind this site was to bring attention to the true artists and people out there that deserve it. Ang P and The Real Life Click are those types of artists. We here at the website have been fortunate enough to foster a relationship built on admiration and support for the never ending grind that is life. For the first time in 5 years, Ang P has released his own solo album. For the last year I have been hearing about how great it was going to be. Shaun aka Freshie took two trips out to Washington to watch the project come to life. Well it is finally here…….and it does not disappoint.
From Olymipa, Washington by way of New Jersey Ang P is only one piece of Real Life Click. The newest album from Ang is titled L.I.F.E. or Living In Fear Everyday. The album is a 40 minute, 13 track audio storybook about life. It begins with the opener “Real Talk” which basically is just a lesson on what people in our society go through when they are willing to chase a dream. As do many of the tracks on this album, it bleeds right into the next track, “Sounds of Failure.” What I took from the hook in this track is that everything equals itself out in the end. The lyrics, “What goes up must come down, what goes around comes back around”, for me, illustrate that life takes care of itself. The great thing about this album is that it has levels. It leaves a ton of room for interpretation, which is what all great music is supposed to do. Hip Hop in general is built on the foundation of using the mic to get out your message. Ang P does this with this album.
If you are a follower of the website you will recognize the track “Street Lights+Just a Man” from our very own mixtape, The Corner Talk Presents: The Lost and Found Vol. 1 (cheap plug). Ang actually gave us this track for the mixtape even though he was going to use it on his upcoming project. The track on the album is slightly different as it features Miz from Real Life Click and XP who opened for Macklemore and Ryan Lewis. This track is a political painting of the divide we have currently going on in our Country. As serious as this album likes to get it has tracks that are fun as well. “Sadderday”, speaks on the love for the popular Air Jordan sneakers. It touches on the desperation that some have and the depths that they stoop to “Be Like Mike.” Ang is a story teller who is able to bring to life the images of life. It’s never more noticeable then in the track, “Two Hearts Collide.” Ang speaks about two people going through life together to the point of having kids and in some cases staying together because of the kids. He paints this photo so well that it made me wonder if he had kids. He speaks on the sarifices that are made.
My absolute most favorite track on this album is a 2:47 heater called “This is Life.” Ang puts it all on the table in this one. He talks about tragedy, the President, the hood. Nothing is spared. The only track with a feature on it is “My Profile.” The track features Dice and Lega’C Jones. In my opinion, the most creative track is the final one on the album. “Trials and Tribulations” has a beat like no other song I have ever heard. The whole beat has a violin/fiddle playing in it. This track alone is proof that you can take chances and make a dope track that is different and still holds weight.
I had two big take aways from this album. First, Ang is for real. He speaks about real life issues that anyone can relate to. If you are on the grind in the hood trying to make it another day or a suburban Father like myself, he touches on topics that apply to everyone. Second, as I sat here listening to his album for the third and fourth time collectively, I tried to figure out who Ang P reminds me of. His lyrics resemble the thought process and substance of Nas and KRS-One, his willingness to take chances reminds me of Macklemore and music from our very own Bay Area in California. I racked my brain over and over again about who he reminded me of. Literally as I am typing this, not sure as to where it was going, it hit me. Ang doesn’t remind me of anyone. He represents and reminds me of L.I.F.E.
Go out and by this album ASAP. It’s worth the purchase. It is that damn good. 5 Stars!
“Cause these days, who knows….. where the f*ck we be, could have been a chance that my mother already buried me.” - Freshie17
Olympia, Washington emcee Ang P presents “Groundhog Day”, his new single produced by Smoke M2D6, best known for his work as a member of Washington crew Oldominion. “Groundhog Day” appears on L.I.F.E.: Living In Fear Everyday, his sophomore album featuring Macklemore collaborator XP, MIZ, Lega’C Jones and Dice Cunningham as well as production from Royce Da 5’9”/Fred Da Godson producer Nemisis, Know Life and Page Turner. Born in central New Jersey, Ang moved to the Pacific Northwest at age 8, where he became part of indie crew The Real Life Click (stream the SANGVIS REGVM: Blood of Kings EP on Spotify). “With everything going on in our communities around the country I wanted to make a song I felt might hammer in the idea of taking a stand for issues people may feel strongly about,” Ang says. “I wanted to highlight some interactions of everyday life throughout out the record. I wanted the song to be personal yet general enough for anyone going through a tough time or dealing with injustices to be able to relate to it no matter what their walk of life is.”
How did you get the name Ang P? What have reactions to it been?
Ang P comes from a nickname I had when I was younger. My name being Angel and my last name being Perez... Ang is almost naturally short for Angel. And well, the P is self-explanatory. Reaction has been difficult I'd say lol. People don't necessarily know my name is "Angel" so they don't always make the connection. I remember back when we would get drops from various artists and djs and they'd have the hardest time. We've gotten "Ong" "Aeng" "Aeng Puh". Try to imagine the sounds of those? lol.
What made you decide to become a rapper?
We'd have to blame my brother for that. You guys can thank him for all this music I make lol. At a young age hip hop was pretty much embedded in my soul. Being from Jersey we got a good dosage of it for sure and my brother being older than me... We'd always bump what was hot. Obviously a 5 year old wasn't going to learn "Shimmy Shimmy Ya" on his own... But he thought it was cool to have his little brother with him rapping these joints lol. That's how the delivery comes naturally. Think delivery and your voice HAS to pop on record. So rapping at the bus stop, or the neighborhood kick it spot helped with the ability to even rap. And of course I liked it because they thought I was cool. Plus I could curse my ass off... What little chump doesn't like to curse? Haha
What’s the first rap song you ever heard? Describe the moment.
Man, this one is hard to say. I was listening to hip hop out the womb pretty much. But the first one I always remember my father playing for us. He used to love quality audio equipment because he used to play music himself... But he had some really good headphones. And I remember sitting in my grandmother's living room with "Dre Day" blasting out the headphones. That'd have to be the first song I can really pinpoint.
How did “Groundhog Day” come together?
I heard the beat and had it for a while. It was pretty basic, had a couple changes throughout. The producer is Smoke M2D6 of Old Dominion. But I had the idea of an awareness building song somewhat. Didn't wanna go crazy with it, sometimes things like that can be kind of corny. But with a level of motivation, packed with emotion. That's why progressively the songs mood and delivery of the verses change as we get later in the song. Third verse having the "drained" feeling. Smoke eventually went off and killed the progressions while we were in studio. One of the stronger tracks on the album in my opinion.
What are your predictions for 2016 personally and globally?
Myself, work work work work work. No Rihanna... Yet lol. But nahh just want to increase the body of work. The transformation I've been putting myself through. Cut the ponytail off, hitting the gym and dropped about 50. All of that has helped with the image, my personal energy, charisma in general. Feels great. But overall just continue to make real music with real substance and deliver it creatively. More and more work.
And globally... Damn. That's scary really. I'm 26 going on 27 and so much has changed in the last 2 years never mind the last 20, and what's potentially happening next. Hopefully it isn't Trump. Wish that was a prediction we could accurately make. But I really hope we make some progress in our communities. I'm a firm believer that it starts with the adults in the community to direct the youth but that's a whole different interview right there. - James Dunn
The Whole 9 treks it out to the Pacific Northwest to chop it up with Olympia, Washington spitter Ang P for our latest installment. The NJ-born Ang moved to the Pacific Northwest when he was 8 and recently released a brand new album out now titled L.I.F.E. We speak about how it was working with Smoke of the legendary Olympia Hip Hop crew Oldominion, what the old school and new school can learn from each other, his typical fan, comparing Olympia to Seattle and his best tracks. For more on Ang, peep him on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Check out the interview below.
the9elements: Oldominion has a long history in the underground rap game. How did you connect with Smoke and how was the experience?
Ang P: Connecting with Smoke has been a blessing to say the least. At the time I didn’t know him personally, but he has been rooted in our small community for years now. Even before I was involved. So one day I just reached out and like they say, the rest is history. He’s not only become my go to engineer, and producer in a lot of cases, but also a genuinely good friend. A guy with that much experience, it’s nice to pick his brain every now and then. But like I said, most importantly over the last 3 or so years we’ve become really good friends. And to me that’s crucial in not only the creation process of music but life in general. Shouts to my guy Smoke and the rest of the OD!
T9E: What do you think the old school can learn from the new school and vice versa?
AP: The obvious thing being knowledge. Knowledge is what I’d say the new school can gain from listening to the older heads. I feel like we can always listen more. That experience can’t ever be gained from the past at any time, but the info gathered can. Everything has changed and we’ve all had to adapt to an advancing everyday life. Sometimes we can be stuck to our older ways. That’s a natural habit. That’s where I think older generations can benefit from some of the younger generation. Change. Adaptation. Knowledge is being gained daily.
T9E: Describe the typical Ang P fan.
AP: Well that’s kind of tough because I feel like my exposure is on the lower side. And of course we’re working to get the product out more and more. We’ve experimented with so many different types of songs. We like a lot of music so that’s going to happen. But over the last 3-4 years I feel like I’ve developed more and more into the artist I see myself becoming, or want to become rather. That falls more into, I guess people would say the “real Hip Hop” category. That’s how I see most of my fans describe their taste in Hip Hop. NaS, Jay, K.R.I.T., Kendrick, Cole, etc… Sometimes it’s tough explaining that to people with full confidence that that’s what I, or others consider my style/styles because obviously those are some very talented people. I’m just thankful to be in the same iPods or shuffle playlists (laughs).
T9E: How does Olympia compare and contrast to Seattle?
AP: Sheesh (laughs). Olympia is its own little beast. Seattle has the same elements of a lot of major cities. That’s natural with more businesses and population. The Northwest will always have its quirky ways and Seattle is no exception. But Olympia? Man! This is home (laughs), and it’s so crazy that it is home being that I’m from Jersey. Never would have thought in a million years that this would be where I’m at. It’s a small community. A melting pot of people. It’s weird. It’s a great place to find yourself as an artist. Any kind of Artist. Great place to develop. Gotta love Oly.
T9E: What track of yours do you think you should go down in history for and why?
AP: Me personally? I feel like that has yet to be created. But if I had to choose one right now that I hold really dear to me it’d have to be the Jordan song off the project called Sadderday. The thought and the reality that went into that song is deep. As a sneaker head and a kid from the hood who’s trying to become a more solid business man. There’s so many elements in that song that just hit home. Also I think lyrically and musically that’s one of my favorites. - I.G.O.D.
What is your name & where are you from?
I go by a nickname I had when I was younger. Pretty simple, my real name is Angel and people would always call me Ang naturally. My last name starts with a “P” so again naturally just added that and that’s where that came from.
When did you know you wanted to be an artist and why?
I think it’s similar for a lot a people, I think. We all love this culture. Being born in Jersey it kind of was just embedded in me at a young age. My older brother would rap, I of course would follow him. Through the years the seriousness kept advancing along with the quality of music and performance. Kind of just kept with it.
Describe you style and sound of music?
I’ve been told boom bap best describes it. But I also feel like boom bap is a specific era. I like to think I add a bit of a modern take on the style. I’ve had all the artists from early 90s, 2000s to study and just developed my own style being from Jersey and living in the West coast for most of my life.
Who influences you musically?
My father was always well rounded on his taste of music. I would listen to everything from Snoop to Sting, Black Sabbath to Santana, Isley Brother’s , Hall & Oates. Having an older brother almost 10 years older than me, he made sure we had all the new hip hop if course. So really I just love music.
What current project are you pushing?
Right now I just dropped a project to start spring called “L.I.F.E.” or “Living in Fear Everyday”. We feel it’s real strong on the social issues. Keeping it raw but very visual for the listeners.
Where can we find you online?
We have our website reallifeclick.com and of course twitter, IG, under AngTheFuture. Also the album is available all major streaming companies, iTunes, Google Play Music, Spotify, Tidal, etc.
What’s next for you?
Coming up next I wanted to lighten up a bit. Have a little fun. I have a producer I’m working with named Eddie Venom who has a cool flavor to his beats. We’re calling this one “Manicotti” not much of a concept other than the release party will be catered with manicotti lol. Wanted to enjoy making free music on this one. It’s going to be exactly that.
Any shout outs?
Of course my team RLC. Everyone helping with the push of this product because it’s been so overwhelming in terms of the love we’ve been getting… So thankful. My iStandard fam. And of course you guys here at GYBU! Thank you so much. - NA
Ang P - "#Project1031" Halloween 2016
Ang P X Eddie Venom - "Manicotti EP" July 2016
Ang P - "L.I.F.E. (Living In Fear Everyday) 2016
Real Life Click (Ang P & MIZ) - "SANGVIS REGVM: Blood of Kings EP" 2014
Ang P - "Chronic and Patron EP" 2014
Ang P - "Real Life Click Presents...Ang P" 2011

Ang P, born Angel Perez is an American emcee and recording artist based out of Olympia, WA. Born in Central New Jersey in the late 80’s Ang P’s early childhood was not ideal by any stretch of the imagination. A family life that consisted of drug abuse, domestic violence and an inner city upbringing shaped the way Angel would come to view the world as a whole.
Years later and after a 3,000 mile move to the Pacific Northwest Ang P started writing and recording songs at the age of 14. As of 2016 Ang P has released multiple projects and videos as part of the indie hip-hop crew, The Real Life Click.
in 2016, Ang P released his sophomore LP, L.I.F.E.: Living In Fear Everyday. The album tackles topics that we see and deal with every day from a very human standpoint. As human beings we are faced with our own hypocrisies, flaws, fears and shortcomings on a daily basis. With L.I.F.E, Ang P wanted to deliver a piece of art based on his own life experiences that encompass a wide range of feelings, emotions and ideas that most people can relate to in some aspect.
The album features production from Know Life, Page Turner, and New Jersey producer Nemisis who has produced songs for such notable artists as Royce Da 5’9”, Fred Da Godson and Nino Bless. The bulk of the production work however comes from Northwest mainstay and member of Old Dominion, Smoke M2D6. In addition to recording, mixing and mastering the entire album Smoke was a key player in helping this album come together creatively and is heavily represented in the final product.
Living In Fear Everyday also features contributions from MIZ and Lega’C Jones of The Real Life Click as well as Seattle emcee and singer Dice Cunningham. Rapper/singer XP who is most known for his frequent collaborations and tours with Macklemore & Ryan Lewis also lends his vocals to the 12 track offering.
Since the release of, L.I.F.E., Ang P has released two more EP's and is preparing the release of his upcoming album, Vibes and Dreams, in 2017.
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