"Armando Rene and The Band Do Brazil"
Houston, Texas, United States | INDIE
repotaje Francisco Dalcol
O cantor porto-riqueno esta gravando um CD de musicas romanticas cantadas em espanhol com un objetivo: misturar a salsa caribenha com o samba brasileiro.
"O amor e reciproco. Quando voce se amar, as pessoas sentirao isso e ti amarao mais".
repotaje Francisco Dalcol - Diario de Santa Maria, Brazil
A pesar de residir varios anos en europa y en el pais anglosajon, el cantautor puertorriqueno, vive orgulloso de sus raices, y atraves de sus canciones no olvida las costumbres de su isla del encanto.
"Me encanta crear musica para que las personas puedan amarse y quererse hoy manana y siempre"
entrvista por Lenytza Rodriquez Rodriquez - La estrella de Puerto Rico
"Hablar de una persona que lo tiene todo muy claro es bastante complicado, ya que cualquier expresion utilizada uede caer en la exageracion o en una absolutez innecesaria. Hacer una descripcion de Armando Rene es sin lugar a dudas una verdadera exquisitez."
entrevista por Giovanni Ovalle - El Dia, Houston Texas
Reportage Mauren Rigo
Quando se mescla salsa caribenha, samba Brasileiro, Batidas roqueras, jazz e bolero, qual e o resultado?- Una mistura deliciosa - empolga-se o musico porto-riquenho Armando Rene, ao se dar conta que conequiu compor um novo tipo de musica latino- americana.
O cantor,escritor e poeta que hoje en Houston, Texas desembarcou em Santa Maria para o lancamento de seu cd romantico "Alma Poeta".
A uniao de estilos que compoem o album, sera apresentada amanha no Theatro Treze de Maio. Do show, sairao as imagenes para o DVD Armando Rene Live in Santa Maria.
O evento vai mostrar que salsa, sambae outros ritmos podem andar juntos.
Atroca de experiencicia e de conhecimentos foram reciprocos aos santa-marienses, que hoje carimbam seus nomes em um trabalho internacional.
Apesar de dificil, pois nao falavamos a mesma lingua, o trabalho foi prazeroso- diz o baixista Fabio Mauss.
O show contara com bailarinos da Escola de Danca Thais Muller em em quatro de suas 16 musicas e e um verdadeiro culto ao romantismo. Musicas como Vento Virou, Dime Amor, e Por Eso Pienso, Provam que as cancoes de Armando estao ligadas ao amor e a todas as sensacoes que ele costuma causar. - Diario Di Santa Maria
2009- "Right to Survive" CD
a compilation of 10 very eclectic songs with crossover rhythms and performed in three languages. Armando Rene and The Band Do Brazil.
2007- "DVD Live in Brazil"
Performed in the Theater 13 di Mayo, located in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sur, Brazil. During this Presentation 16 songs were recorded live and five cameras captured the wonderful performance that gave statement to the birth of a fraternal meshing of melodies, cultures, languages and dance rhythms.
2005 - "Alma Poeta"
Put together the best of Southern Brazil with the lyrics of a seasoned Caribbean Song Writer / Performer and you have "Alma Poeta"..."The Soul of a Poet".
At first the difference of languages was a small barrier in the collaboration process, but sentiments prevailed and rhythms from both countries, Puerto Rico and Brazil, combined to form the unique mix of musical compositions that tastefully differ from the existing norm for Latin World Music. The Brazilians revolutionize the sound for a new generation as well as for the liking of all audience. Songs are performed in both Portuguese and Spanish bridging the two languages and uniting both cultures musically. Considered one of Armando Rene’s best vocal performances and poetic compilations to date, a tasteful array of twelve original songs. All songs recorded in Florinopolis and Southern Brazil.
Past Musical Productions:
2004 – “Eternal Leaves”
4 Songs recorded by All Star Band: Sammy of Oaxaca on guitars, Kaliman from Galveston on drums, Poncho from Playa del Carmen, and Armando Rene on Voice and creative lyrics. The recording session took only 2 hours and all songs were invented during the recordings!!! Long Live Rock
2002- "Hoy En Tus Ojos"
Seven original songs with vocals, one intro and one instrumental. Armando collaborates with his first guitar instructor, Javier Rojas from Cancun, Mexico. A soothing mixture of Tropical, Central and South American Rhythms interpreted with a unique voice and instrumental sentiment (Ovation Guitars).
1999 -"Desde Que Te Encontre"
A collaboration with Italian guitar virtuoso and musical composer Anthony Sidney, recognized for his work with Antonello Venditti, Ricardo Cocciante, Ana Oxa and the 1970's Italian Rock Band Perigeo. A fusion of European and tropical rhythms, consisting of 10 Pop Italian Ballads, interpreted in Spanish and English.
1997 "Sabor A Ti?"
In collaboration with the celebrated Italian rock guitarist "Marcos Torri & The Renaissance". Consists of 8 original songs in the Italian Rock /Ballad genre, interpreted in Spanish and Italian.
1995- "Brand New Day"
Created with the notorious Florentine Rock group "Best Before:", winners of such competitions as the "Best Emerging Stage Performance Band of Italy - 1995". Consists of 10 original songs of Hard Rock and Punk, interpreted in English and Spanish.
Music Video Productions
Peace by Peace - Santa Maria, Brazil
Director - Armando Rene
Album - Alma Poeta
DVD - Live Santa Maria, Brazil
Concert, Making of and Extras
Director - Armando Rene
Yah Tu Sabes- Florinapolis, Brazil
Director- Armando Rene / Jecco Bala
Album- Alma Poeta
Hoy en Tus Ojos- Florence, Italy
Director- Francisco Mattera
Album- Hoy en Tus ojos
Me Marcastes El Corazon- Guanica, Puerto Rico
Director- William Bedics
Album- Hoy en Tus Ojos
Canto A la Vida- San Juan, Puerto Rico
Director- William Bedics
Album- Armando and The Rennaissance
Creo en Angeles- Culebra, Puerto Rico
Director- William Bedics
Album- Desde Que Te Encontre
Contact: armandorene@hotmail.com and/or genemonte@hotmail.com
USA (713)533-9445 or (832)435-0274

The Do Brazil Band" recently re-united in the Studio to Record their second CD together "From the Land of The Collage", a compilation of 10 very eclectic songs with crossover rhythms and performed in three languages.
Considered as naturals on stage, "The Band from Santa Maria" establish a vibrant connection with the audience while delivering a unique and fraternal message for the entire world.
The Group plays from Samba to Salsa, Country to Cumbia , Latin Ballads to Romantic Rock, Rock Reggie and even Retro Jazz,...fusing music from all cultures to develop there unique sound.
Each musician has years of experience in his own field. Songs are performed in Spanish, Portuguese and English. The music is uplifting and in excellent taste, delivering an array of sentiments so contagious that it inspires the public to dance and sing to the Samba/Salsa beat during shows.
The band has hundred's of original songs and 4 of the members are Veteran Studio Engineers, that have assisted in the recordings of many musical projects in there region.
People from all ages enjoy the lyrics and arrangements... shows are uplifting and of universal appeal.
"Charismatic front man Armando Rene is a born stage performer and spectacular entertainer to watch and enjoy"- "Diario de Santa Maria", Brazil.
Contact: armandorene@hotmail.com and/or genemonte@hotmail.com
USA (713)533-9445 or (832)435-0274
Band Members