Atlanta, GA | Established. Jan 01, 2014 | SELF
Last week the folk-laced sister duo Beau + Luci release their highly anticipated album Fire Dancer. This year has seen the release of two singles: Fire Dancer's title track and gorgeous rendition of Emmylou Harris' "Deeper Well." Melodic tones, chill-inducing harmonies and perfect pitch make for a stunning debut for the two talented young songstresses.
Produced by Dan Hannon (Manchester Orchestra, Aaron Shust), the EP features collaborations with guitarist Scott Sharrand and keyboardist Peter Levin (Gregg Allman Band), as well as keyboardist Rami Jaffee (Foo Fighters, Wallflowers).
From start to finish, Fire Dancer is a record filled with sounds from the sisters South Georgia roots. Having been raised on a combination of rock 'n' roll, blues and country, Beau + Luci manage to make an album to satisfy listeners of a multitude of genres. What the duo lacks in years, they make up for in raw musicality, and we can't wait to see how far this talented twosome goes. Fire Dancer is out now. - PASTE MAGAZINE
Hailing from the swamp lands of Southern Georgia, raised on a heady blend of rock-and-roll and blues and classic country, Beau + Luci mine their rich musical heritage to dream up an extraordinarily timeless sound. On their debut EP Fire Dancer (due 3/3), the two sisters infuse their earthy yet lushly textured folk-rock with naturally immaculate harmonies that never fail to captivate. And in their songwriting, 18-year-old Beau and 21-year-old Luci reveal both a sublime sense of wonder and a graceful sophistication well beyond their years.
Produced by Dan Hannon (Manchester Orchestra, Aaron Shust), Beau + Luci’s debut EP finds the duo collaborating with a host of esteemed musicians, including guitarist Scott Sharrard and keyboardist Peter Levin (both members of the Gregg Allman Band) as well as keyboardist Rami Jaffee (best known for his work with Foo Fighters and the Wallflowers). Throughout the EP, Beau + Luci show a sharp sense of song-craft honed through their near-lifelong studying of legends like Joni Mitchell and Johnny Cash. At the same time, the two channel pure passion into each track, instilling the EP with a powerful energy. “With our songwriting, our main goal is to take what’s in our heads and hearts and express it in a way that people can connect with,” says Luci. “We want to be as honest as possible, and dig really deep with the hope that someone can listen and say, ‘Someone else is feeling the same thing I’m feeling—I’m not alone.’”
Along with drawing from real-life experience, Beau + Luci weave in elements of visionary storytelling throughout the EP. Inspired by a central character from Cornelia Funke’s Inkheart trilogy—a fire-eater named Dustfinger—the intensely charged “Fire Dancer” explores what Luci refers to as “the idea of taking something that could be used for destruction and instead using it to give hope.” On “Like a Drum,” meanwhile, Beau + Luci merge urgent rhythms and serpentine guitar work with brilliantly chilling lyrics (“The devil’s been beating me down/Wants my freedom”). “‘Like a Drum’ is about going through a difficult time, where there’s this constant wear and tear on your heart and you feel like you can’t get any relief,” says Luci. “But it’s also a refusal to give into that—it’s saying, ‘You’re not going to beat me down, I’m going to keep on going no matter what.’”
Glide is proud to premiere the Fire Dancer EP (below) in its entirety, a collection of seven songs basking in achingly beautiful two part harmonies, yet retaining a roots authority that spells true Americana. Beau + Luci reach out and snag ones ears’ with their songs that traverse spellbinding hymns, galloping roots musicianship and remind us of the golden voices of decades past.
“Every track on this EP is just a massive piece of us as people and as artists, says the duo. “We have worked so hard to create something that just raises the bar for us and that just makes us feel proud to be who we are and do what we do. There were days in the beginning that felt less like tests of character and endurability and more like dead ends. But once we got into a rhythm and started creating something that we all were amazed by and so proud of already, even in its infancy, we really formed a bond and connected on a completely different level to finish out this EP. Every single moment we spent in Dan’s basement studio, writing and singing and playing our hearts out was an absolute blast and, overall, an experience that we wouldn’t trade for the world. Through the months we spent creating this EP, we gained experience, knowledge, a better understanding of who we are as artists, writers, singers, and people in general, as well as gained a lifelong friend in our producer and so many others along the way.”
“We absolutely love and adore the incredible team of people who we’ve met and teamed up with along the way of making this EP,” adds Beau + Luci. “Every song has been another step up for us and every time we write, record, or perform our music, we feel ourselves tested and pushed to be better and better than we were before. We hope that is clear to anyone who hears this album. ” - GLIDE MAGAZINE
Georgia duo Beau + Luci have shared their captivating live performance of "Fire Dancer," the title track of their new EP! The video showcases Beau + Luci's undeniable flair as singers, songwriters and performers as they give us a special glimpse into the magic of their live set. Gorgeous harmonies flow with effortless grace as the sisters show exactly what they're made of - a little bit of country, a little bit of rock and roll and a whole lot of talent. We can't wait to see what the future holds for this brilliant twosome.
Also Watch "Fire Dancer" via YouTube:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXFa-eiiEzs - Paste Magazine
From the heart of the Southern Georgia swamplands, eclectic folk duo Beau + Luci unleash their debut EP Fire Dancer. Throughout the album, the sisters weave elements of their musical upbringing together to create a truly unique sound that will satisfy listeners young and old.
Standout tracks include their two previously released singles; "Fire Dancer," their first original song, as well as a dazzling cover of Emmylou Harris' hit "Deeper Well." Beau + Luci's impeccable songwriting and hauntingly beautiful lyrical content displays talent well beyond their young age.
The undeniably bold "Like A Drum" hits hard, showing an impressive dedication to the groups blended country-blues-rock 'n' roll history. Their musical heros are as diverse as their sound, with the girls being inspired by everyone from Arctic Monkeys to Emmylou Harris to One Direction. By bringing tiny elements of all of these influences into Fire Dancer, a memorable debut is born. We can't wait to hear what's next from Beau + Luci!
Find Beau + Luci, here:
https://twitter.com/BeauAndLuci - No Depression
Hailing from the swamplands of Southern Georgia, raised on a heady blend of rock-and-roll and blues and classic country, Beau + Luci mine their rich musical heritage to dream up an extraordinarily timeless sound. On their upcoming debut EP, the two sisters infuse their earthy yet lushly textured folk-rock with naturally immaculate harmonies that never fail to captivate. In their songwriting, 19-year-old Beau and 21-year-old Luci reveal both a sublime sense of wonder and a graceful sophistication well beyond their years. - NoiseTrade NEW + NOTABLE
Exposed Vocals: So tell us your story. Where did you grow up? What made you decide to become an artist?
Beau: Our parents raised us on a healthy mix of classic rock, blues, and gospel music. We were practically born with music in our veins and wanted to be able to reach people and touch them as deeply with our music as we were by the incredible artists who inspired and motivated us! Luci: We were born and raised in Waycross, Georgia, which is on the Okefenokee Swamp, and we grew up surrounded by music. We started singing in church choir when we were kids, then led the youth worship band when we got older. It was around that time that we began writing together and recording our own music, and it became very obvious to us that music was no longer a hobby. It was our passion and our calling, and we’ve been pursuing that passion ever since.
Exposed Vocals: Since everyone was a start-up once, can you give any smaller or local bands or artists looking to get gigs and airplay some tips?
Beau: All I can say is that you must have polite persistence! It’s hard to follow your dreams, but it’s also incredibly worth it. I’m sure you’ve heard that hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard— but its so true! If you keep pushing hard and are sold out on what you’re doing, eventually that will translate to others who will become sold out on you as well! Luci: Definitely polite persistence, and the drive to market yourself. In a perfect world, if your music is amazing and your show is killer, all the right doors would swing wide open, but that’s not the case, and you can’t sit back and believe it is, unless you’re okay with not having any gigs or getting airplay. That being said, if you’re doing what’s genuine musically, don’t let anyone tell you to change it so it will fit into a radio station’s playlist. There’s so much great music out there that doesn't ever play on a Top 50 station. It’s definitely not the only measure of talent.
Exposed Vocals: Do you ever make mistakes during performances? How do you handle that?Beau: Totally! No one is perfect, but if you have prepared the best you can and are doing your best, there’s nothing else that can be done. You practice, rehearse, and constantly work to be better, but eventually you’re going to mess up! All artists are perfectionists- constantly striving to be better- so it’s difficult to let things go, but it’s necessary to do so and move forward. At the end of the day, you just have to be aware of your weaknesses and do your best with that in mind! Luci: Absolutely. It may be cliche to say, but nobody’s perfect, and every single person who has ever stepped foot on a stage has messed up. Like Beau said, you practice and rehearse and do everything you can to be the best you can possibly be, but it happens, and the most important thing is to not freak out about it. Just roll with it, and don’t let it get into your head. Being on stage is all about putting your heart and soul out there and leaving everything on the table, and you can’t do that if you’re worried about messing up.
Exposed Vocals: Do you tour? Anything interesting happen on tour that you think our readers would enjoy hearing about?Beau: We are! We were lucky enough to go back to our hometown last August and play a benefit for the Magnolia House Shelter for the Abused. This benefit was done in the style of a “Dancing With the Stars” show. One of the acts did a Blues Brothers themed dance - one of our favorite films!- and they recruited our bass player, Preston, and guitar/keys player, Ryan, to pretend to play instruments and dance in the background. That was hilarious — and it benefited a great cause! Definitely one of my favorite moments. Luci: We are currently touring regionally, and it’s been an incredible experience. We played to our largest crowd yet at The Vidalia Onion Festival last year. It’s this massive festival in a tiny little town in Georgia, not far from where we grew up, and we played just before A Thousand Horses and Big & Rich. It was one of the most memorable days of my life.
Exposed Vocals: Any planned studio upgrades? What are you working with now?Beau: We have found our musical soulmate in Dan Hannon out of Eldest Only Productions! His studio is great- you step into it and the world might as well quit turning. It’s basically impossible to stop working once you get started! Of course, no studio is complete without a dog. Hanging out with Dan’s dog, Buckley, has become a necessary part of the B+L recording process! Luci: Dan is amazing, and there’s nothing we like more than losing a few days (or weeks!) in studio with him. We all joke that his studio is a magical place, but it’s the truth; the vibe there is just so good.
Exposed Vocals: How do you find ways to promote your music? What works best for you?Luci: We’re still learning about music promotion - and there is a lot to learn - but we’ve found that it’s all about building a relationship with fans and potential fans. So many people can go to a show or hear a song online, but unless it leaves them with a memory, or a specific feeling, it’s just noise. But if you can reach out on a personal level, whether in person or digitally, you get the chance to do more than push a song to a nameless consumer; you’re sharing the love of music with a person just like you, and that’s what really matters and why we keep making music and we and so many others keep buying and listening to music.
Exposed Vocals: If you could perform anywhere and with any artists (Dead or Alive) where and who would it be with? Why?Beau: That’s such a hard question! There are so many great artists that we love! For me, it would probably have to be with the original Allman Brothers Band line up at the Atlanta Pop Festival in 1970. Just to be there would have been incredible. Luci: Or at Fillmore East. Yeah, it is a hard question, and you took my answer, too. I would have to say The Band at The Last Waltz. When you think about all of the incredible talent there besides The Band - Eric Clapton, Van Morrison, Joni Mitchell and Emmylou Harris, Muddy Waters - it’s almost unbelievable. I would be happy to just be there in the crowd, but to actually play with so many of the people that inspired me to become a singer and to write songs would be a dream come true.
Exposed Vocals: So, what’s next? Any new upcoming projects that you want to talk about?
Beau: Our single, "Fire Dancer", came out on January 27, and the full EP is coming out on March 3! We can’t wait to share it all with everyone!
Exposed Vocals: If you weren’t making music, what would you be doing?
Beau: I can’t think of a single thing! It would have to be something in or around the music business, anyways. Luci: I’ve wondered that myself, but I always come back to music. Like Beau said, it would definitely be something in or around the music business.
Exposed Vocals: What should fans look forward to in the next year or so?
Luci: New music, new videos, new everything! Fire Dancer kicks off everything for us, and we’re looking forward to entering a new chapter in our careers.
Exposed Vocals: Any Shout-outs?
Beau: As always, we want to thank the B+L Family for all the love, support, and encouragement! We’re able to do what we love because of them, and we’re so grateful. - Exposed Vocals
Beau + Luci – Fire Dancer EP
Southern sister duo Beau + Luci, with their goosebump-inducing vocal combination also known as “blood harmony,” convey their bewitching lyrical stories against a backdrop that is equal parts Irish-tinged Appalachia and swampland blues on their new EP, Fire Dancer. Don’t miss this one. - MOTHER CHURCH PEW
Welcome to VENTS! How have you been?
We’ve been great! We’re staying busy and looking forward to a big 2017.
Can you talk to us more about your latest single “Deeper Well”?
Luci: Deeper Well is my favorite song from my favorite Emmylou Harris album. When we were looking for a cover to wrap up the project we were working on, it didn’t take us long to arrive at Deeper Well because it’s just an amazing song. We wanted to put our own spin on it, to tell the story in our own way, because we’ve all experienced the thirst for something more.
Beau: Deeper Well is a beautifully written song by the incredible Emmylou Harris about having had a glimpse of life that is so completely different than what you’ve always known and just chasing, forever, that feeling of something more.
Did any event in particular inspire you to cover this song?
Luci: I would say that it’s more the culmination of a series of events – of years, maybe – of the thrill and frustration that comes with following a passion. At times, it really does seem like the rivers have run dry and there’s nothing more you can do, but deep inside, there’s an unstoppable yearning for more, and it drives you to keep pushing and searching.
Beau: We love Emmylou Harris and have always admired not only her music and voice, but her incredible work as a lyricist. She excels at portraying something even deeper than the words that she’s singing and making you really feel what it is she was feeling when she wrote the song. The way she made us feel while listening to the song made us want to translate that into our own style and make others feel that way.
Any plans to release a video for the single?
Beau: Yes! Absolutely. We shot the footage over two days in the Blue Ridge Mountains, and it was an incredible experience. We’re getting ready to release it.
The single comes off your new album Fire Dancer – what’s the story behind the title?
Luci: Fire Dancer is the name of one of the songs on the EP, which was partially inspired by Dustfinger, my favorite character from Cornelia Funke’s Inkheart trilogy. We loved the idea of taking something that could be used for destruction – the fire – and using it to give hope to others. We wanted to express that duality in the song.
How was the recording and writing process?
Luci: In a word? Unbelievable. We met our producer (Dan Hannon) on a Friday night at a show in Atlanta and were in studio the next Monday. Of course we had the usual reservations – will we get along, how will this work out, will he get us and will we get him, that sort of thing – but there was an immediate energy there, and as soon as we started working, everything fell into place. It was hard work, and there were some difficult days, but there’s no way to express the way I felt when we finished. I’m extremely proud of it, and excited to release!
Beau: Once we got into a rhythm and started creating something that we all were amazed by and so proud of already, even in its infancy, we really formed a bond and connected on a completely different level to finish out this EP. Every single moment we spent in Dan’s basement studio, writing and singing and playing our hearts out was an absolute blast and, overall, an experience that we wouldn’t trade for the world. Through the months we spent creating this EP, we gained experience, knowledge, a better understanding of who we are as artists, writers, singers, and people in general, and gained a lifelong friend and collaborator in our producer and so many others along the way. We absolutely love and adore the incredible team of people who we’ve met and teamed up with along the way in making this EP. Every song has been another step up for us and every time we write, record, or perform our music, we feel ourselves tested and pushed to be better and better than we were before. We hope that is clear to anyone who hears this album.
What role does Georgia play in your music?
Luci: I heard someone say once that there’s a certain “swampy soul” in Georgia music, and I don’t think there’s a better way to describe it. We grew up surrounded by it, and we just soaked it up, then infused it in everything that we do. Just look at the artists that came from Georgia: The Allman Brothers, Otis Redding, James Brown, Gram Parsons. They have been such a huge part of our lives and have inspired us in so many ways. Beyond that, there’s a bit of mystery and magic that still lives in the Okefenokee Swamp, where we were lucky enough to grow up, and we carry that with us.
How much did Emmylou Harris influence the album?
Luci: Emmylou Harris has been a fixture in our musical lives for as long as I can remember, so trying to express how much she influenced this album is a bit difficult, just because she has influenced us so heavily before we ever even thought about writing this album. Her lyricism, her artistry, her harmonies… everything about her is so genuine. We want to capture that raw emotion and focus on artistry in everything that we do.
What aspect of life did you get to explore on this material?
Luci: For a six song EP, there’s a lot of life there: the valleys and the mountaintops, love and loss and pain and joy and hope, frustration, questions of life and death. From top to bottom, it’s a look back at our lives from the places we’re currently in, and a look toward what’s ahead, with all of the excitement and uncertainty that comes with it.
Beau: Every track on this EP is just a massive piece of us as people and as artists. We have worked so hard to create something that raises the bar for us and that makes us feel proud to be who we are and do what we do, and share it with the world, in the hope that it resonates with others.
Any plans to hit the road?
Luci: Definitely! There’s nothing quite like the feeling of playing live, and our goal is to share our music in new places to new people as often as we can.
Beau: We’re absolutely thrilled to take all of this music that we love and play it live— we hope to take it as far and wide as we can.
What else is happening next in Beau + Luci’s world?
Luci: We’ve got another single coming out in January, an EP to release in March, gigs to play, music videos to shoot, and new songs to write and record. Every day is another chance to grow and evolve, and we’re looking forward to seeing what the next year holds.
Read more at http://ventsmagazine.com/2017/01/09/interview-beau-luci/#3Wk5Avx4f48HhBhC.99 - VENTS MAGAZINE
Hailing from the swamplands of Southern Georgia, adorable folk sister duo Beau + Luci have arrived to steal your heart! Armed with the production expertise of Dan Hannon (Manchester Orchestra, Aaron Shust) and a lifelong obsession with artists like Joni Mitchell and Johnny Cash, the twosome brings a fresh new voice to folk on their new Fire Dancer EP. We were lucky enough to snag an interview with the budding superstars about working with family, Emmylou Harris and more:
Congratulations on the release of your new Fire Dancer EP! Do you have a favorite track?
Beau: Thank you so much! We’re so excited to finally have our original music out! I love all of the songs, but my favorite to record and to play live is Black Boots!
Luci: Yeah, thank you so much! It’s so hard to pick one, but I think I would say that Muddy Water is my favorite. It was heavily inspired by blues and spirituals, which I love.
What was it like working with Dan Hannon?
Beau: It’s always a great thing to work with someone as passionate and talented as Dan, but to get to become such good friends and work so closely together is an honor and privilege for us as people and as artists;. The entire team in studio has become a second family to us- we love them all and appreciate what they do so much. Dan is amazing at what he does and our musical soulmate. We count ourselves lucky to not only to work with him but to have him as such a great friend.
Luci: Working with Dan is incredible. Not only is he extremely creative and talented, but he’s also one of the most honest people I’ve ever met, and he’s not afraid to tell us when he thinks we can do better. The relationship we have with him is definitely not something we take for granted; it’s crucial to the creation process. We do have an amazing team around us, and we’re so grateful, because we know how important it is to have people who truly believe in you and want the best for you in this industry.
The first single off the EP was a cover of Emmylou Harris’ “Deeper Well.” What made you choose to cover that particular song?
Beau: We adore Emmylou Harris- we grew up on her music and have always been big fans of hers. So when we decided to do an acoustic cover, it was an obvious choice to go with one of her songs. Deeper Well really stuck out to us and we knew almost immediately that it was the one we wanted to put our own spin on.
Luci: Emmylou Harris is one of our greatest inspirations, and always has been. Deeper Well was one of my favorite songs of hers, so when we decided to finish out the EP with a cover, it was hardly even a question. We just wanted to thank her in our own way for how much she has inspired us, and put our own spin on an incredible song.
What’s the best part of working so closely with family? The worst?
Beau: The best part to me is that we never have to worry about giving or getting an honest opinion with one another. Luci is my sister, but we’re also extremely close friends and always have been. It’s just really freeing to be able to work so closely with my best friend and get the amazing opportunities I do to travel and grow both musically and as people together.
Luci: Like Beau said, always knowing you’re going to get an honest opinion is definitely one of the best parts, but it can also be the worst, when you really like something and expect the other to like it too! Luckily, though, it’s relatively rare for that to happen. Even though we grew up in the same house and have essentially the same musical background, we come at writing, recording, and performing from two totally different points of view, and we’re always pushing each other to be the best we can be. Plus there’s nothing like getting to do something like this with your sister!
Anything you want to say to your fans?
Beau: we’re incredibly grateful to everyone who takes the time to listen to our music or watch our videos or just keep up with us. It’s amazing to us that so many people devote time and energy to what we love and the art we are so proud to share with you all. We love and appreciate every single one of our fans!
Luci: We are so incredibly grateful to them. We get to do this because of everyone who has ever bought our music, come out to a show, or watched a video, and that is not something we ever take for granted. Music starts out so personally, but when it’s finished and released or performed, it’s for every single person who listens to it and feels a connection, and our hope is that we’re able to make that connection on such a personal level. - Independent Artist Buzz
Beau + Luci have been bursting onto the scene with their newest album, and recently we find them sharing their new video for “Fire Dancer,” a live piece that brings the essence of the group to life. Together the duo breathe new life into the piece that resonates throughout; creating a harmonious soul into their gorgeous sound. Check out the video for yourself, below! - Independent Artist Buzz
Beau + Luci's new single, "Fire Dancer," the title track from their upcoming EP Fire Dancer, is due out March 3, 2017. Currently available via Soundcloud and Spotify, , the duo's stunning vocal work is surrounded by strong melodies that come to life with a heavy dose of Americana.
Hailing from the swamplands of Southern Georgia, raised on a heady blend of rock-and-roll and blues and classic country, Beau + Luci mine their rich musical heritage to dream up an extraordinarily timeless sound. On their upcoming debut the duo join forces to infuse their earthy yet lushly textured folk-rock with naturally immaculate harmonies that never fail to captivate.
Along with drawing from real-life experience, Beau + Luci weave in elements of visionary storytelling throughout the EP. Inspired by a central character from Cornelia Funke's Inkheart trilogy-a fire-eater named Dustfinger-the intensely charged "Fire Dancer" explores what Luci refers to as "the idea of taking something that could be used for destruction and instead using it to give hope."
Produced by Dan Hannon (Manchester Orchestra, Aaron Shust), Beau + Luci's debut EP finds the duo collaborating with a host of esteemed musicians, including guitarist Scott Sharrard and keyboardist Peter Levin (both members of the Gregg Allman Band) as well as keyboardist Rami Jaffee (best known for his work with Foo Fighters and the Wallflowers). Throughout the EP, Beau + Luci show a sharp sense of songcraft honed through their near-lifelong studying of legends like Joni Mitchell and Johnny Cash. At the same time, the two channel pure passion into each track, instilling the EP with a powerful energy.
You can find Beau + Luci online via:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BEAUandLUCI
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BeauAndLuci
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/beauandluci/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/BeauAndLuci - Broadway World
Catch up with folk singer-songwriter sister duo Beau + Luci and listen to their cover of Emmylou Harris' "Deeper Well" off their forthcoming EP, Fire Dancer, to be released March 3rd.
What made you decide to start this band together?
Luci: We've grown up singing in church choirs so we were always involved in music and we just always had music in our house. My dad is a massive rock and roll fan, so he had albums and records and cassettes that we would listen to and we grew up on it. As we got older, it went from being just a hobby to something that we were extremely passionate about and that we felt was a true calling for us and, well, once you get that bug, you just can't shake it.
Do you remember the first song you wrote together that you were happy with?
Luci: I don't remember the first song we wrote together because there was definitely a lot of trial and error at the beginning.
Beau: I think "War" was the first one. That's not even on this project but as far as a song where I felt like we had finally started getting what we'd sound like, that was the first one that really excited us. We were like, "okay, this is what we've been trying to get to," and really opened the door for what this project actually is.
Which musicians have you been influenced by?
Luci: The Allman Brothers have always been a huge influence on us. They're my favorite band -
Beau: We were raised on The Allman Brothers.
Luci: Yeah, we absolutely love them. The Allman Brothers, Johnny Cash, Emmylou Harris. We have just a very eclectic background of music, as far as our taste goes. But The Allman Brothers have been a massive influence on us, probably one of the biggest.
Beau: Definitely. And then, obviously, Fleetwood Mac and, more recently, a band called First Aid Kit that we absolutely adore and they play a big part in the folk influence of our music.
Is there anything that you're hooked on now?
Beau: Kaleo actually, we've really gotten into them. Tedeschi Trucks, absolutely love them. Chris Stapleton's new album. Everything Jason Isbell has ever done, [laughs] pretty much.
Which words would you use to describe your sound?
Luci: We are an Americana band. We are heavily influenced by folk rock and blues.
Beau: And we get swampy soul a lot, too.
Could you tell us more about your cover of Emmylou Harris' "Deeper Well"?
Luci: The Wrecking Ball album is probably my favorite Emmylou Harris album; it was just such a break from her sound and it really opened a lot of doors - not only for her - but I think for Americana artists in general, because it wasn't the more traditional sound, it was more rock inspired and atmospheric. We were already listening to the album when we were actually working on writing and recording our EP's original music and then we got to "Deeper Well" and we were like, "why don't we do this one, too?". I mean, it's an amazing song.
Beau: It's beautiful, we love it.
Luci: And the story it tells in the lyrics and her performance of it... It's just one of those songs that catches you and really draws you in and wraps you up in it and we wanted to take it and do our own spin on it.
Is that style indicative of what we can expect to hear on your Fire Dancer EP?
Luci: I think it's definitely a look at what's coming. Since then, we have continued to grow and evolve and the sound has grown and evolved with us, but "Deeper Well" is definitely an excellent sneak preview of that. "Fire Dancer", that wasn't the first song we wrote in the studio with our producer Dan Hannon, but that was the song that was like, "oh my gosh, this is it. This is the sound, this is the story, this is the vibe".
Beau: It kind of became the sound that we ended up basing the whole EP around because it was the first thing that just absolutely blew our minds as far as setting the bar so high for this new stuff.
Luci: It was just one of those defining moments for us, as artists, and I don't even think that we had to consider for a moment which was going to be our lead single, because it was just such a definitive song and it's just our sound and everything that we've been looking for and the sound that we've been searching for since we started writing and singing. It was just an amazing experience and we're so excited about releasing it.
Is there a song that you're most excited to release from this new EP?
Beau: I almost can't even pick one, it's too hard [laughs]! There's so many of them and we're already so excited about them but so many people have not even heard them yet! It's so hard to pick. I'm just so excited about the entire EP that's coming out.
Luci: Definitely. And it's been really fun, we've been able to perform the songs before the EP is released so it's been really great to gauge the reaction of the crowd and see people get excited about the music; they've never heard it, but they're still excited about it. They're looking forward to the releases and so that just snowballs, it builds our own excitement, and we're just really, really looking forward to this release and being able to share our music
In one sentence, how would you sum up the Fire Dancer EP?
Luci: It was the most natural thing in the world for it to have played out the way it did and to have sounded the way that it did, but it also was the most unbelievable and incredible experience and project that I have worked on.
Beau: Yeah, I think Fire Dancer is just everything we've been working towards so far and were hoping for. It's absolutely, positively everything we hoped that it would be, and more.
What do you hope listeners are able to take away from your music?
Luci: For us, I know how I have been touched by other artists and listening to music that makes me feel like, "oh I'm not the only one that's going through this, I'm not the only one that has felt this way". And so I think, for us, our greatest hope is that somebody can hear this music that's genuinely from our hearts and souls - this is our passion and what we want to do, what we love to do - and I hope that they hear that and they can say, "I'm not alone in this," and that it can encourage and inspire and just make people happy.
Beau: We just always hope that it can touch people in a way that so many incredible artists have touched us and shaped who we are as people.
Luci: And that it also pays tribute to the artists that have inspired us in so many ways.
Beau: Right.
Is there anything you want to add?
Luci: "Fire Dancer" comes out January 27th and the EP releases March 3rd. - The Music Rag
The duo of Beau + Luci have been making quite an impression on the ears of music listeners the past few weeks, as they share their latest single, "Deeper Well." Inspired by the likes of classic songwriters such as Emmylou Harris, Beau + Luci recall artists such as Joni Mitchell and Johnny Cash but on their own terms. Throughout the track we hear the group infusing elements of rock and soul music, with a heavy dose of folk sensibility on the side. Taken from their upcoming EP Fire Dancer, which is out on March 3 of this year, the duo channel a very dark place of struggle and survival for the record. I personally cannot wait to hear what Beau + Luci have to offer on the EP as a whole, as "Deeper Well," was able to charm and attract my attention, without a second thought.
Fire Dancer is out March 3rd.
Fire Dancer is out March 3rd.
Listen to “Deeper Well” via Soundcloud:
Social Networks:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BeauAndLuci
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/beauandluci/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BEAUandLUCI
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/BeauAndLuci - EthnoCloud
Beau + Luci have recently shared their new single "Deeper Well," the first single from their upcoming EP, Fire Dancer, due out March 3, 201. A cover of the Emmylou Harris classic, the track tells the story of the struggling and striving human existence. Their vocals and instrumentation are reminiscent of artists like Johnny Cash and Joni Mitchell, which will draw in music lovers alike.
Listen to 'Deeper Well'
Beau says of the track: "We love Emmylou Harris and have always admired not only her music and voice, but also her as a lyricist. "Deeper Well is a beautifully written song about having had a glimpse of life that is completely different than what you've always known and then chasing that desire for something more."
Produced by Dan Hannon (Manchester Orchestra, Aaron Shust), Beau + Luci's debut EP finds the duo collaborating with a host of esteemed musicians, including guitarist Scott Sharrard and keyboardist Peter Levin (both members of the Gregg Allman Band) as well as keyboardist Rami Jaffee (best known for his work with Foo Fighters and the Wallflowers). Throughout the EP, Beau + Luci show a sharp sense of songcraft honed through their near-lifelong studying of legends like Joni Mitchell and Johnny Cash. At the same time, the two channel pure passion into each track, instilling the EP with a powerful energy.
https://twitter.com/BeauAndLuci - Broadway World
Folk duo and sisters Beau + Luci have been one of my favorite musical finds of 2016. The group, who recently released the infectious cover of “Deeper Well,” evoke strong emotion through instrumentation and vocals, which we hear blissfully throughout the track.
In 2017 we will see the duo release their new album Fire Dancer on March 3rd. Channeling influences such as Johnny Cash and Joni Mitchell, Beau +Luci prominently place themselves on the map for the New Year as artists to watch. With elements documented of struggling, striving and human existence, Beau + Luci get up close and personal on the upcoming release, which we are eagerly ready to dive into.
Check out “Deeper Well,” via Soundcloud:
https://soundcloud.com/beauandluci/deeper-well-2 - Modern Mystery
Hailing from the swamplands of Georgia, meet Beau + Luci. The eclectic Folk duo enchant with their new single, "Deeper Well," which has us closing out 2016 on a high note. Together the sisters create a heaven-sent release of stunning vocals and epic instrumentation that creates a smooth and soulful sound. Taken from their upcoming record, Fire Dancer which will see release in early March of 2017, "Deeper Well," is the perfect first glimpse into the group, who are quickly rising up in the music scene. Be sure to place Beau + Luci on the top of your 2017 musical obsessions...they're already on mine! - Kurrent Music
Sister duo Beau + Luci know how to haunt you. The 18 and 21-year-old (respectively) pair exemplify that effect in their new video for “Deeper Well.”
Filmed in Sky Valley, Ga. and Highlands, N.C., the clip perfectly captures an almost mystical feeling. Swooping shots of nature intersperse with the sisters while they sing the cautionary lyrics of the tune.
Originally written and recorded by Emmylou Harris, “Deeper Well” explores the darker corners of desire and addiction. It’s a tough subject for anybody, much less the young sisters. But the “old soul” vibes help the sisters deliver the song with deftness.
“The first time I heard ‘Deeper Well,’ the lyrics, combined with Emmylou Harris’s performance, took hold of me,” Luci says. “And it’s been one of my favorite songs ever since.”
Beau agrees. “[Harris] excels at portraying something even deeper than the words that she’s singing and making you really feel what it is she was feeling when she wrote the song,” Beau says.
Check out our exclusive premiere of the beautiful video below.
One thing that really helps make Beau + Luci’s version their own is the tempo. By introducing the chugging guitar line and picking up the speed a bit, the pair adds a whole new feeling to the song.
And of course, their spot-on harmonies that were solidified during their time together in a worship group don’t hurt either.
The sisters since teamed up with producer Dan Hannon, known for his work with alternative rockers Manchester Orchestra, among others. In their debut EP, Beau + Luci offer several other inspired covers of artists including One Direction and Arctic Monkeys. The eclectic collection holds together by their unique folk-rock style.
But they also give listeners their first taste of original music, including debut single “Fire Dancer,” which drops Friday, Jan. 27. The southern Georgia natives appear ready to burst onto the scene with their enticing mix of rock n’ roll, folk and country. - Wide Open Country
Still working on that hot first release.

Sister Sirens of Swamp Rock, BEAU + LUCI, national touring and recording artists based in Atlanta GA, enchant audiences with hypnotizing harmonies and bluesy melodies. Growing up in Waycross, Georgia, just a few miles from the Okefenokee Swamp, their music combines the mystery and folklore of “the land of the trembling earth” with their spellbinding brand of bluesy Americana rock. Heavily influenced by the legendary Allman Brothers, Fleetwood Mac, Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, and Emmylou Harris, their undeniable approach to storytelling is steeped in ageless spirituals, blues, and classic rock. These "flower children with rock'n'roll souls," have recorded in Atlanta GA, Nashville TN, and Hollywood CA, with a musical spirit that captivates hearts of all ages and walks of life.
- March 3, 2017 Released EP 'Fire Dancer' written with and produced by Dan Hannon (Manchester Orchestra, Aaron Shust), including musicians Scott Sharrard (Gregg Allman Band), Peter Levin (Gregg Allman Band and Blind Boys of Alabama), and Rami Jaffe (Foo Fighters).
- Writing collaborations with producers Dan Hannon and Skidd Mills, and singer-songwriters John Eddie (Kidd Rock, Sammy Hagar, Brantley Gilbert), Mike Gleason (Kansas), Jon Nicholson (Big & Rich, Muzik Mafia), Shannon Lawson (Big & Rich, Muzik Mafia), Billy Dawson, Jared Blake, and The Howling Tongues.
- Partnered with NASCAR XFINITY Team #51 driver Jeremy Clements Daytona 500 2015 Race Week.
- Notable Festivals and Venues: Southern Grown Festival at Sea Island Resort (Sea Island GA), Vidalia Onion Festival (Vidalia GA), Sky Dog 71 - Duane Allman Festival (Macon GA), Eddie’s Attic (Decatur GA), Vinyl-Center Stage-The Loft (Atlanta GA), Park Tavern Sunset Sessions (Atlanta GA), Smith's Olde Bar (Atlanta GA), The Foundry (Athens GA), Caledonia Lounge (Athens, GA), Nucci's Space (Athens GA), Macon Corner Concert Series (Macon GA), First Friday Concert Series (Thomasville GA), Frogtown Hollow (Columbus GA), SwampFest (Waycross GA), Rockin' the River Music Festival (Charleston WV), The Boulevard Tavern (Charleston WV), The Purple Fiddle (Thomas WV), The Grove (Fayetteville WV), The Evening Muse (Charlotte NC), ISIS Music Hall (Asheville NC), Freedom 4th of July Festival (Bryson City, NC), Lazy Hiker Brewery (Franklin NC), Stickyz (Little Rock AR), Hard Rock Café (Memphis TN), Urban Artifact (Cincinnati OH), Barleycorn (Wichita KS), and Aggie Theater (Fort Collins CO)
- Notable Artists Performed With: Blackberry Smoke, A Thousand Horses, Big & Rich, Muddy Magnolias, Drive By Truckers, The Howling Tongues, Kick the Robot, Leopold & His Fiction, Dead Horses, Viniloversus, The Tin Man, and Jared Blake,
Band Members