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Scrappy young hopefuls like Binx, who let us watch pop stardom develop in real time, are a step beyond competitive-television-show contestants, fuelling Jingle Ball dreams on junk budgets. The South African singer relied on crowdfunding from a small but growing fan base to self-release her single “Radiohead,” last November; in the video, the blond starlet bops in and out of cabs downtown, with a voice like Gaga’s. She’s partial to yellow-and-black clothes and arena choruses, but most fascinating are her bows to her homeland: on “African Heart,” she sings in Xhosa and Afrikaans, as well as in English. A small label showcase will place Binx in front of curious execs and fans alike this week. - The New Yorker
The pop singer-songwriter discusses the death of her father, potential label deals and her bold aesthetic.
Three months ago, Binx—who hails from a small town in South Africa—witnessed her world come crashing down. Her father and personal manager passed away, sending the pop singer into the eye of a storm. He was her biggest champion and inspired her to push the boundaries of not only her career but herself. Meanwhile, the newcomer is juggling major label meetings, potential deals and an exciting showcase (6 p.m. on Dec. 7 at Webster Hall's The Studio) in New York City. Life could not be more bittersweet for her than it is in this very moment. Her impressive debut project, The African Bee EP, features robust rock influence and flashy melodies harkening to the heydays of Cyndi Lauper, Michael Jackson and David Bowie. Her larger-than-life stage persona is drawn from several things, predominantly her rich cultural heritage and love of glitter. "Fashion is everything. Growing up, my mom and dad used to do melodramas. They were involved in these big theatrical plays and dress up like these crazy characters. My dad used to play Bowie and Rolling Stones in the house. Bowie is one of my biggest idols; my dad used to make me watch him being Ziggy Stardust. I used to think 'what is this character?' People loved it because they identified with it. That was such a cool idea. It made him so different. Who else compares to him?" she shares exclusively with Popdust over a recent cup of joe.
When she was only 10, her eyes grew even wider for the glamour of the stage. "I started modeling and really started getting into fashion. I started a band, too, and I knew I wanted to brand myself like The Rolling Stones. I decided to choose the bee as a symbol because it is my spirit animal. When I was 16, I thought, "I need to think of a way to differentiate myself when I finally get to America." I wanted to create my own alter-ego, which is the African Bee. Originally, it was just the bee outfit. When I got here, it became the African Bee because I wanted people to know where I was from. It has been evolving, and now, it is just a signature part of who I am."
In her daily life, she's "not always wearing the bee," but "it's a special part of the show. I'm very high-fashion, avant-garde and inspired by couture and runways," she says.
Working with Live Nation and BMG [Rights Management], Binx mounts the biggest showcase of her career in just a few weeks. "They have labels and managers who are interested in seeing the show. I'm really looking forward to it. Besides that, I've met with a couple majors. We're seeing what happens, though, with the big showcase. My mind is going wild with all the things I want to do, and I struggle to sleep at night. It is overwhelming, but it is also gives me a reason to get out of bed in the morning. I love it."
Binx discusses her hopes and dreams for the next year, what life was like in South Africa, and offers track-by-track commentary for her new EP. Dig into our exclusive Q&A below:
What was life like growing up in South Africa?
I can tell you it was vastly different than New York City, that's for sure. Growing up, I was in a very, very small town. There were no movie theatres; there were no shops. The only way we could entertain ourselves was if we had parties. My mom and dad would often throw a lot of parties, so we'd always have people come over. I was always outdoors, too. I grew up with my brother. I feel like my childhood was really pure and innocent. We weren't enveloped with technology. Here, you are more enclosed and inside with concrete.
When you tell people you are from South Africa, do they immediately assume things about you and the culture?
Americans, especially. [laughs] I get asked all the time, do we have lions running on the streets? And do we have mudhuts we live in? Every time I meet somebody who knows nothing about South Africa, they will look me up and down. All the bad politics can be misleading with how wonderful the country really is. We have a lot to offer, but we are still working our way up. I want to be a part of that movement.
In your song "African Heart," you incorporate the Xhosa language into the lyrics.
I really wanted to put a song on the EP like that so the world could know I'm South African. I'm very proud of where I'm from. I wanted to make sure to incorporate my languages and educate the world on my country. I sing in Xhosa, Afrikaans and English on that song. I also wanted it for myself, to not lose where I come from. I wrote the song, [and] as someone once told me when I was leaving the country, "don't ever lose your purity of heart in the big city." I've always been a small town girl but always wanted to live in New York. I was just meant to be here.
There is one lyric in that song which really stands out. It reads: "don't let the U.S. steal your star."
When people meet me, they tell me I have an energy about me. I'm generally very positive and happy and determined. My star is my spark. It's about not letting them steal your light. People forget that you have this passion, and when you are on your journey, all the rejection can easily pull you down.
What has it been like to bring these new songs to life onstage?
So different. Recording is so cool because you get to solidify everything that is in your mind. Then, when you perform, there's nothing like it and seeing people's faces as you sing the lyrics. Performing is, obviously my favorite. I love entertaining people. I could be onstage all day, everyday.
What is your favorite song to perform?
That is a tough question. I'd say my favorite to perform is "A Rock Boy." I get to always bring a male up onstage and sing to him. I get to interact with my band, too. It's a unified song. I do a big costume change in there, as well.
If a label deal doesn't work out, do you have an album ready to go? What's your next step?
Since my world was turned upside down two months ago, I feel like my perspective on life changed tremendously, which it only can when something like that happens to you. Normally, it was always label, label, label. That's just how my mind operated. I put that to rest and to the back of my mind. If it happens, it happens. If not, I'm just going to continue living and do things that make me happy. I realize how fragile life is. So, yes, I do have plans for next year. I'm not even concerned about labels right now. Yes, I'm hoping this showcase goes well and something comes of it. If it doesn't, it's not going to be the end of the world, because I have projects lined up for next year. I'm hoping to release an album at the beginning of next year. I would like to tour that album.
Additional Track-by-Track Commentary
"Radiohead": I wrote the song when I was 16. It was exactly the same song but I changed up the lyrics a bit. I wanted to name the song more personal. It's about me and my journey. It's all about how all my friends would be going after love, and I was going after a career. I am basically saying in the song, I won't [let] something else trigger my movement away from music. I had a nanny in South Africa who spoke Xhosa, and she used to tell me I was making too much noise all the time. "You're so noisey; you're like a radio." Also, the title was a great play on the band Radiohead. I grew up listening to them. This song was the very first song I recorded to introduce myself.
"Headlights": I co-wrote this song with Kinetics and a couple other writers. When I was meeting with them, I was meeting with Lava Republic, too, and they set me up with them. I was very excited. The song was a very interpretative song, so it was more about people could decide whether it was a lover or a goal. It was whatever you wanted to make of the song. Since my dad passed two months ago—he listened to the EP and it was his favorite song—I dedicate it to him. It's about keeping him in my headlights and keep focused and move on. He was my biggest fan. He managed me in South Africa.
"A Rock Boy": This is such a fun song. It's a euphemism. It's a song about a fantasy and what it would be like to be with a rockstar. Then, there's another part wondering what it would be like to have a threesome. There's also a reference of "boys in heels." Some people are so wrapped up and think it is wrong, and I wanted to put it into a song and let people know it's not wrong. It's just a sexy song. [The Darkness's] "I Believe in a Thing Called Love," with Justin Hawkins, actually inspired this song.
"Beautiful Minds": It's a new track. I wrote it last year. It's actually after "Reckless" [below], in terms of when I wrote it. I was in love with someone in South Africa for three years. He was my first love and long-distance boyfriend. We broke up, and I was so distraught from the end of it. I never, ever thought I would love again. I felt like I lost all hope. I was cheated on multiple times. It's awful. You never think it is going to happen to you. It shattered me. This song is about when you meet somebody and all your hope is restored in a split second. I had met somebody from Australia. He was a pilot. I felt like it was love at first sight. He felt the same. It didn't last long, but it didn't end. It was just a beautiful relationship.
"Reckless": It's about that first love and how when you know something is so wrong for you and so toxic. I knew what was going on and I kept taking him back. I was addicted to it. I could not stop no matter how many facts I knew or how many red flags I saw. It's about loving someone who is reckless with your feelings.
"African Heart": [previously discussed]
Listen to Binx's The African Bee EP below, via Spotify: - Popdust - Jason Scott
Mid-September, how did you get here already? This year has really been flying, but there are so many good shows that I am looking forward to this fall, it’s well worth it. Green Day at Starland Ballroom especially, that will be epic!
That being said, I also have been getting into some new music a lot as well. I received an email from a pop musician and model, BINX. She just released her first EP titled The African Bee on her late father’s birthday, which is a beautiful tribute. The EP was produced by Jack Hoffman, and her song “Radiohead” on this EP “was produced by B Slade.” I must say, this song had me hooked instantly, and I am sure it will have the same impact on you.
Want to know more about BINX? There is a lot to share. Some fun facts—she placed first in the RAD singer-songwriter competition in New York City in 2015, she’s had radio airplay in South Africa, she’s performed on the morning show Expresso, and so much more. These are just a few of her accolades mentioned here, as her résumé is pretty impressive to say the least!
First off, her voice is amazing. She is currently unsigned, but is having a major impact on a lot of people around the world, and I hope she continues to push forward. Her talent speaks for itself; I do not need to sit here and tell you how good she is, but I will anyway.
Now, if I had to compare her to someone, I really couldn’t, because you can tell by her video for “Radiohead” she has a unique style all her own. The video is amazing, and I absolutely love the concept. It’s fun, energetic, and makes me want to go to NYC in a costume, no questions asked.
Getting back on track, yes, there is a lot to fuss about with her style, and rightfully so. It just adds to her portfolio as an artist. Her tones somewhat remind me of Lady Gaga, in the best way possible, as her voice is just as powerful as it is soothing.
I really could see BINX being a top pop act in the years to come. Being original in this day and age of the music industry can be tough, but I feel as if she has it locked down. I think listeners are grasping this more readily nowadays, and you will see so on this new EP. I don’t want to spoil it for you, so take a listen for yourself. Let’s just say it’s very FREE, and the idea is to listen to it with an open mind, and interpret it on your own terms.
Still being new to her fan base, I familiarized myself with a few of her performances, and am completely impressed with her live show. If you want to learn more about BINX, catch her on the road, and get her new EP, check out her official website at binxofficial.com. I am very excited to get to know her better, as her pop style is right up my alley. I am excited to see what the future hold for her and her fans. Consider this article the start of a new relationship that isn’t ending anytime soon, trust me. Cheers to all of the success BINX can bring to this world! - The Aquarian - Maria Ciezak
Remember Binx? The last time we saw her, she’d released ‘Radiohead‘, but has since been a very busy bee. On top of performing at the US Open last year and playing numerous gigs at clubs and bars around NYC, she also recently played a release show for her first EP: The African Bee, which released on the 13th of September. It’s a fresh-sounding pop collection, and having been fortunate enough to see Binx perform live, it’s great to see her with an EP that really showcases who she is as an artist.
We managed to get hold of Binx in order to ask her a few questions about the making of The African Bee, as well as her journey through the world of music so far:
NewsCult: The last time we saw you, you only had one song studio produced. Now you have six! How does it feel to have released your first EP?
Binx: I’m over the moon! It’s a vastly different feeling having 6 songs out instead of just one. I like to think there’s something for everyone on this EP. I’m very proud of these songs and I love that I have finally been able to showcase what I can do and what my art consists of. “The African Bee” is an introduction to audiences about who Binx really is and what my story is.
NC: That’s great! How do you feel the US has changed your perception of music? Has it had an affect on your sound?
Bx: I think my perception of music is constantly evolving but it always remains true to who I am. New York specifically has evolved my music massively. It’s a colorful city, one I was born to live in one day. Because of the freedom and the diversity and the amount of incredible artists, I feel myself getting better each day and discovering more about myself I never knew existed!
NC: We love your track “African Heart”, as it’s always great to see an artist’s roots. What does the language in the chorus translate to?!
Bx: That song is very special to me, therefore it’s the closing track on the EP. English is my first language but I also speak Afrikaans and Xhosa and I feel very blessed to have grown up in South Africa and I want the world to know how incredible and diverse our country is and that pop music does exit there. The first line “Qhubekeka Igubu Africa” Means, “Keep your heart beating like a drum, Africa”. The second line “Ungaliqhawe ngexesha” Means, “You’ll be a hero in time”.
NC: Because this is your first EP, each and every song must mean something special to you. Could you give us a breakdown of the significance of each track?
Bx: I wrote ‘Radiohead’ when I was 16, it has many different meanings. My nanny in South Africa would call me an “unomathotholo” which means radio and I interpreted that as me having a ‘Radiohead’ an incessant want and need to sing and talk and tell stories through music, like a radio. It’s a song about embracing individuality and allowing creativity to take over!
‘Headlights’ is dedicated to my father who passed away a couple of weeks ago. It’s an interpretive song about keeping a goal, or something in your ‘headlights’ and not allowing rejection or failure to allow you to go off course. “Headlights” is a metaphor for my Dad. My biggest inspiration and the person who most believed in me.
‘A Rock Boy’ is about a fantasy about being with a rockstar and being obsessed with the idea of fame. It’s also about having a threesome with a rockstar and another girl. Rockstars like Mick Jagger, Justin Hawkins and Steven Tyler inspired me to write this song.
‘Beautiful Minds’ is about being positive and restoring your faith in love after a tremendous heartbreak.”You find home when puzzled hearts align,” it’s about two people who were once broken-hearted, become whole again when they find each other.
‘Reckless’ is about loving a man unconditionally even when you know you shouldn’t and he’s only capable of hurting you. In my case, my first love cheated on me consistently and I kept taking him back. He is reckless with your heart and love but not purposefully. You love perfectly, he loves recklessly.
‘African Heart’ is written about my African Roots and having the heart and determination of a lion and growing up in South Africa. It talks of critics not believing in me on my journey to the United States and remembering not to lose my pure heart or faith in New York. I grew up in Elliot speaking English and Xhosa and so singing the song in these two languages, is my tribute to my incredible childhood in Africa which made me the person I am today. And as I said previously, the introduction to my alter ego, The African Bee and to share with audiences that Pop musicians do exist in Africa!
NC: What made you finally decide to record these songs: why now?
Bx: I’ve been wanting to put out an album for as long as I can remember and many factors were keeping me from accomplishing this. A couple of months ago, I just decided to do it! My dad helped me with absolutely everything. The fonts, the songs, spellcheck and choosing the CD colors! It was the last project we did together so it will always be my favorite and most special project.
NC: We think it’s fantastic that as an artist you don a persona. Where did the bee originate from?
Bx: My dad taught me how to brand and market myself. And when I noticed the Rolling Stones had a tongue as their logo, I knew I wanted a logo of my own. So I chose the Bee, Because I was once stung three (which is my lucky number) times in one foot, and because it’s my spirit animal. They fly and communicate through dance. And then, inspired by David Bowie and his Ziggy Stardust alter ego, I sewed my first Bee outfit when I was 16 on New Years Eve because I knew when I moved to New York I’d have to differentiate myself from other artists. I know audiences identify better with characters and this would make me stand out for sure.
NC: As you’ve mentioned, your Dad is no longer with us and we’re so sorry to hear that. Have you dedicated this EP to him?
Bx: Yes this EP is all for him. As I mentioned earlier, he helped me with everything (we can go back to the part about picking songs and fonts etc) It’s a special way for my family and I to remember him since it was the last project we worked on together. I specifically released it on his 55th birthday which was the 13th of September and I will continue to keep him alive in my music and to channel his creativity and to continue making him as proud as he always was.
“To my Dad. I will keep you forever in my “Headlights.”
So, there’s more to this pop singer than just a bee costume. We’re certain that Binx is going to make waves on the pop scene, and we’re highly anticipating a full-length album when the time comes! Until then, you can wait until she announces her next show in NYC, which you can find on Binx’s website.
The African Bee can be found on Spotify and iTunes. - Matthew Tomlin
Clarendon old girl releases EP in New York
EAST London’s “African Bee” is creating a big buzz after the release of her first Extended Play (EP) album in New York last Tuesday.
The Clarendon old girl, Binx (Bianca Buys), 24, has combined bright outfits, catchy tunes and a theatrical stage presence to share her heart-felt songs with the world.
Following the success of her first single, La La Love, on South African radio stations, she moved to New York in 2012 to build her brand under the wing of a Sony Entertainment Music consultant.
After rubbing shoulders with top producers and spending her evenings performing at New York venues, she scored her first major gig – performing at the US Open and New York Marathon last year.
Inspired by the tongue logo of the Rolling Stones, Binx chose to dress as a bee to create a striking image of herself among the sea of wanna-be superstars in New York.
“There are so many artists in New York, you need to be able to separate yourself and offer something different. The bee is my spirit animal. I wanted to make an impact, because I am not just a musician, I’m an entertainer. I communicate through singing and dancing. When I put on the outfit, people sit up and listen,” Binx said.
Her EP titled The African Bee, which includes six catchy pop tunes, was released on her late father’s birthday and is dedicated to the man who inspired her to dream big.
“He was always the biggest supporter of my music and the proudest dad. He helped me get everything ready for the EP release and it makes it special to launch it on his birthday,” Binx said.
The EP includes songs about her journey to become a pop star, discovering love, toxic relation-ships and her African identity.
Moving to a new country, starting from scratch and investing money into her career has not been without its challenges.
“Not many people have the courage to chase their dreams for as long as I have,” Binx said.
“It’s great to return home to East London where old friends tell you they’re proud of you for moving away to a new world,” she said.
The final track on the album, African Heart, connects Binx to her roots as she sings in Afrikaans and isiXhosa.
“It’s about not losing your purity of heart, morals and focus in the big city. I reflect who I am and embrace my roots.”
To get a taste for her music, find her Radiohead music video on YouTube or listen to tracks from her new album on Wild Coast FM.
The African Bee can be purchased through iTunes and all other online music stores. Follow Binx on Facebook, Twitter/ Instagram @binxofficial and SoundCloud and view her website on www.binxofficial.com. - The Go! Newspaper - Sarah Kingon
Being mobbed for her photograph is the stuff of dreams for East London singer/songwriter Binx Buys, who performed at a precursor to the US Open at Flushing Meadows on Saturday.
Buys, 23, who prefers to be known by her stage name Binx, performed one of her own compositions called The Biggest Moment at the Arthur Ashe Kids Day, historically held on the Saturday before the US Open kicks off.
Binx, who matriculated from Clarendon High School for Girls in 2010, now lives in Manhattan where she is pursuing a career in music.
She was thrilled to audition for the event hosted by Radio Disney and has seen performances by the likes of Justin Bieber, Rihanna and Ariana Grande on their road to fame.
“My manager sent me a message with details to go audition for the US Open,” said Binx. “I was booked on the spot after they heard me sing.
“The atmosphere on Saturday was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. There were so many people of all ages and they were all energised and festive.
“The kids in particular were ecstatic,” said Binx, who started writing songs when she was seven.
“It was incredible to be in the presence of tennis superstars like Serena Williams, Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic.
“I even got to witness Serena Williams’ private dance-off for Teen Vogue. My choreographer was in charge of most of the dance routines.”
Once she had entertained the crowds with a song she described as “an upbeat, feel-good song about embracing life’s moments”, Binx got a taste of stardom when autograph hunters swarmed around her.
“When the famous tennis players started walking off the courts, people rushed towards them for autographs and at that same moment people were also rushing to me for autographs.”
Binx, who spent a couple of years au pairing in New York, has signed with an independent record label for her new music video and song called Radiohead, to be launched online later this month.
She is best known in South Africa for her single La La Love, which received airplay on local radio stations and for appearing at the South African Traditional Music Awards.
“My plans now are to release Radiohead on iTunes and to lock down a record deal. I will also be appearing at this year’s New York Fashion Week.” — barbarah@dispatch.co.za - Barbara Hollands - The Daily Dispatch
Still working on that hot first release.

Binx, also known by the title of her EP, "The African Bee," is an Avant-Garde Pop musician from South Africa who sings, plays guitar, piano and dances in her theatrical shows which includes on-stage costume changes.She performed at the Opening of the US Open (2015) and at the New York Marathon two years in a row. (2015 + 2016)
Her song, "Radiohead" off of her EP is currently number 1 on a South African Radio chart.Her EP was also featured in The New Yorker as well as for her Music Industry Showcase at The Studio, Webster Hall. The show was put on by Ron Delsener (Live Nation) and John Loeffler (BMG.)
She has also performed at The South African Traditional Music Awards and was featured on South Africa's biggest entertainment channel, V Entertainment.
"The African Bee" EP link:
Radiohead" Music Video:
EP Release Live Show:
Band Members