Broke City
Salt Lake City, Utah, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2003 | SELF
“With lyrics and a style that hits home to everyone, it seems so simple and yet so far away from what we hear everyday… and that’s exactly what we all need! (Broke City) is playing music for all the right reasons, from the deepest, darkest corners of their hearts.”
- Caz Bevans
- nowontour.com
“The album is great! … Hits baby! I tell ya dems is hits!”
-Corey O’Brien (X-96 KXRK DJ in Salt Lake City)
“Top 10 most requested song of the day on X-96 KXRK for 2 weeks in a row” (Save it for your Boyfriend)
-Sept. 2006
"I just wanted to thank you guys SOOOO much for playing Viva SLC on Saturday. You guys were AWESOME and, as always, such a pleasure to work with! From all of us here at The Blaze - THANK YOU!"
- BIG ROG (The Blaze, Salt Lake City)
"I got 23 calls tonight after I played it...I think you have a little sumpin' here."
- Portia Early (X-96 KXRK "Live and Local" DJ in Salt Lake City)
- Various Radio Stations
"(Joel) Pack has been in the process of penning new tunes for Broke City's 2006 major-label debut album, the recording of which is underway now; his passion for music is finally beginning to see fruition."
"Among the songs you may eventually hear on rock radio is the personal “Man of the Year”: “The crux of it is trying to always find that balance between living your dreams and the reality of the relationship.”
"(Brandon) Steineckert recorded (Broke City's) demo, and soon after, they were visited by A&R from Maverick Records. “We did a showcase down in L.A. a couple of months ago, and we performed our set for the reps, and then we were signed to the label the next day.” The whirlwind then intensified: (Broke City) went on tour with the Used and 30 Seconds to Mars over the summer."
"Capping off the summer, (Broke City) played X96’s annual Big Ass Show, where thousands of Utahns—including friends and family—finally got to see what the band is all about. Others, like X96 Live & Local DJ Portia Early, knew exactly what to expect: “Joel stole the stage, the sound was kicking, and the musicianship and energy was there. There’s something about Joel that magnetizes the audience.”
“For people who’ve never heard of you before [on tour], you really have to step it up,” Pack reflected on the Big Ass Show. “But coming back to Utah, it was nice to play and see some familiar faces in the crowd.”
Currently, Joel also does recordings for local bands in his own Aquarius Sound studios in Utah County (“I’ve always been a geek about recording, and I usually dig the producing and engineering process”), remaining grounded and cautiously optimistic about any kind of Rock Star Future.
“If this is as big as we get, that’s cool. I’ll still keep recording for other bands and doing my own thing.”
-Tom Martinez - Salt Lake City Weekly
Congratulations …
Oh, Sorry
Utah’s Broke City (MySpace.com/Broke) signed with Maverick Records in late 2005; singer Joel Pack & Co. began writing and recording what was to be their 2006 major-label debut. Months passed. Broke toured. Worked day jobs. Toured some more. Watched the release of their album be pushed back due to, among other things, Paris Hilton’s all-important debut. Then came the news: Maverick was being absorbed by distributor Warner Bros. Records, and all artists not named Madonna or Alanis were getting pink slips—among them, the still-unreleased (Broke City). The band became free agents and started shopping to other labels but, unfortunately, Warner Bros. still owns their album—which, judging by leaked tracks, is a killer. You’ll hear from (Broke City) as an indie; who needs the corporate Vision Thing? - Salt Lake City Weekly
April 30, 2009
SLC Band is Rich in Songs, an Interview with Robb, Drummer for Broke City
Broke City drummer Robb recently took time for a phone interview to discuss the band's Spring tour and its goal to release an exponential number of songs.
Broke City drummer Rob 's voice on the phone sounds as crisp as the Rocky Mountain air, his scenery as he and his band mate's drive back home.
Home is Salt Lake City to this alternative rock trio that sounds like Kean, but offers several more layers and more engaging lyrics.
"[Broke City] really started as Joel and I as an acoustic duo," Rob said. "Joel had this crazy, Frankenstein-like guitar and we just played local shows. He would sleep on my couch, it seemed fitting that we would use 'broke' in our name because of our situation. "
As Broke City embarks on its spring 2009 tour, visiting predominantly West Coast venues, engaging its audience and garnering new fans through an increase song output - an interesting take on a society newly embracing such sites as Twitter.
"We want to record new music on the road, and when we return and constantly provide new songs - not wait until a new record," he said. The goal is to release one new album every six months, all the while putting out new music from the road.
Broke City's debut effort "Love is Never Enough" in 2004, and have since generously produced worthy follow-ups including 2006's "The Answer." Released through Maverick Records, "The Answer", features 13-tracks of solid rock songs that move this band to a new level-one beyond contemporary Emo rock.
Song Writing
The band works as a team to create each song, but Joel is often the starting point.
"Most of the time the writing process is Joel at his computer," Rob said. "He'll send me a copy with a rough drum cut. We try to structure it down."
Melting the styles and influences of each band member is challenging, but the results speak loudly.
"We all have very diverse backgrounds," Rob said. "Brad's heavily influenced by Nine Inch Nails. Joel is really into the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I'm really into Howard Jones and Dave Matthews Band."
Robb said that the band's current writing is producing a different vibe.
"I like them all - lately we've been messing around with electronic type of stuff - lately that's been really fun. It's got a Queen-Jellyfish vibe to it," he said.
Musical Roots
Besides the influence of the Dave Matthews Band on Rob, his musical journey also stems from his older brother-also a drummer.
"His drum set was in my room," Rob laughs, adding that he grew up in Idaho, but moved to Salt Lake City nearly a decade ago. "I would love just watching him practice."
As he explored drum styles, Carter Beauford, of the Dave Matthews Band, became an increasingly strong presence in the budding artist's world.
"I watched every video and wanted to be able to sing drum lines like him," he said. "He was a huge influence on me.
"I don't even know what I would be doing if it weren't for music."
Broke City
Broke City has two main websites: www.brokecity.com and www.myspace.com/brokecity. To date, Broke City has released "Love is Never Enough" (2004), "This Could Be Your Life" (2005) and "The Answer" (2006). After Maverick Records closed, Broke City continues to push its artistic limits. In December 2008, Broke City was named Best Unsigned Band in the USA by The Global Battle of the Bands.
- pop-music.suite101.com
April 20, 2009
In an era when a wet-behind-the-ears garage band can plug some guitars into a laptop, edit the tracks and sell a polished song to a teenager living 2,000 miles away all in the same afternoon, one has to wonder where the major record label fits in the formula.
For bands like Broke City, it doesn't.
The Salt Lake City rockers, who are playing at Velour Live Music Gallery this weekend, tested the music biz waters with now-defunct Maverick Records three years ago, but were lured back to indie status by the freedom on which a capable modern artist can now afford to thrive.
"We feel fortunate that we were able to go through the major label experience," said Joel Pack, Broke City's 29-year-old frontman from Provo. "We saw all the different departments and got to see how the label works. We don't necessarily have the connections or the clout, but we saw the business model."
Pack created Broke City in 2003. After releasing a full-length album called "Love is Never Enough" in 2004 and an EP called "This Could Be Your Life" in 2005, the four-piece group signed with Maverick Records in 2006. With Maverick, Broke City recorded a second full-length album, "The Answer," but the label buckled weeks before its release. Ironically, the band ended up having to rent the rights to its own album to release it independently in 2007.
"It is scary knowing that anything can happen because we are in complete control, but it's also great knowing that we are in complete control," said Rob Moffitt, 30, the band's drummer.
Pack said running an independent band is essentially no different from any other small business. Band members created a limited liability company and hired someone to keep their books. Without a table full of suits telling them when and what to play, they flexed their creative say-so, including implementing shorter touring and recording cycles.
"When we got signed, all the work went into the one album," Pack said. "All of it spooled into the one album, and when people said, 'Hey, what's new with the band?' we had no new music. Now every time we come back to a venue, we have a new CD for them."
So far, they haven't missed the parent label. Broke City's evolving rock sound, which Pack compares to a modern mix of Queen, the Beatles and the Foo Fighters, is creating buzz all on its own.
The band was named "Best Unassigned Band in the USA" at the Global Battle of the Bands in London in December 2008. They've toured with the likes of My Chemical Romance, Deftones, The Used and Yellowcard, to name a few.
Broke City will be accompanied by Stay for the Summer and Angelfelt at Velour on Friday. For more information, visit www.brokecitymusic.com or www.myspace.com/brokecity.
If you go
Broke City
When: Friday, doors open at 8 p.m.
Where: Velour Live Music Gallery, 135 N. University Ave., Provo
Tickets: $7 advance tickets, $10 at the door
Info: www.velourlive.com, (801) 818-BAND
- Utah Daily Herald
XXQs: A lot of bands/artists out now are really trying to jump style trains. Our focus has always been on the songs.
April 28, 2009
While we here at PensEyeView.com love featuring the new, upcoming and young artists the world has to offer – it’s always a pleasure to have a chat with some of the more experienced acts out there that have witnessed the dreamlike heights of the music industry, as well as the bizarre lows that can come spiraling from it. Salt Lake City, Utah act, Broke City has seen and done a lot in their time, but the focus has always been the music. Regardless of where they’re touring, what label they’re on or when their next gig is, the focus is the song and the song alone.
Broke City history includes 2004’s “Love is Never Enough,” the 2005 EP “This Could Be Your Life” and the storied 2006 record, “The Answer.” That last collection, nearly erased after Warner Bros absorbed the band’s then-label Maverick Records, was no easy task for this persistent group, but today they have more than rebounded with three EP’s to be released as a trilogy: one album after another every six months. The songs are typical unmistakable Broke City, complete with “layered driving guitars, dynamic melodies and confessional lyrics.” Lead singer Joel Pack talks about the effort: “Rather than recording 25-30 songs, and only releasing the 12 that seem to work together the way most bands have done in the past, we can release more of our material while keeping things cohesive… It seems like a lot of bands/artists out now are really trying to jump style trains...whatever is hip and cool and flashy at the moment. Our focus has always been on the songs… We're as honest as we can be about who we are, and we like to think that it shines through the music and our songs.”
The band has been all over the states and Canada on tours like the Rockstar Taste of Chaos tour, as well as with bands such as 30 Seconds to Mars and The Used. If you’re on the west coast – you’re in luck. They’ll be touring as two of three EP’s drop before the end of the year. There’s a lot more to read below, so stop wasting time and get into the XXQ’s.
XXQs: Broke City
PensEyeView.com (PEV): Tell us how Broke City first came together. Was it an instant connection the first day you practiced together?
Joel: I used to play bass in a funk band with The Rob, and I stayed after practice one day to show him some songs I had written. I was so scared to show anyone, because when you first start singing, it's like hearing your voice back on the answering machine or something, but Rob has always been so receptive to my songwriting...even from the beginning. He's helped me find my voice and feel comfortable just singing like "me" without trying to sound like anyone else.
Brad: I came into the picture pretty soon after Joel and Rob started playing live. The band I was in at the time played countless shows with them so we became great friends over the years, and I finally got my shot to play with them about a year ago. It was pretty awesome for me since I've always thought Joel was a great singer, and one that was honest with himself that wrote very personal things - yet wasn't afraid to bare it all on stage night after night. I always had a deep respect for that. And Rob is pretty much Thor on drums and one of the most solid to boot, so playing with him has been a blast
Rob: For me it felt like i had been doing it for years when Joel and I started playing. It felt natural i guess is the best word to describe it. We weren’t trying to form a band. That is the funny part. we were friends playing great music. It’s been even more amazing since Brad has joined up. There are so many things happening with us right now and in the studio with all of us writing recording etc we just mesh extremely well together.
PEV: Hailing from Salt Lake City, Utah, what kind of music were the members of the band listening to growing up? Do all the members tend to like the same kind of music?
Joel: I've been a huge fan of The Cure since I was 5. I used to blast "Boys Don't Cry" on my 1st little tape deck so loud the speakers would distort. I'd get home from kindergarten and jump up and down on my bed and sing along at the top of my lungs. The next band I really got into was the Red Hot Chili Peppers back in '91. The bass intro from "Higher Ground" had me hooked! I think our influences are pretty diverse. I think I probably like more cheezy stuff than the other guys.
Brad: We've all have pretty sporadic influences, some similar, some not. I was raised on Rush and Peter Gabriel, and later developed love for Tool, Nine Inch Nails, Primus and many more, but I can still enjoy The Cure and The Stray Cats with the guys.
Rob: as for me I grew up hearing Howard Jones, Thompson twins, Depeche Mode, The Cure, and one of my faves the Stray Cats. I also rocked the La Bamba soundtrack (Richie Valens) while holding a tennis racquet as a guitar jumping on the trampoline, but I think all and all we have a deep respect for great music, even though some stuff isn’t our "cup of tea" music wise, we can all respect and hear what different artist do well.
PEV: What first drove you to focus on your genre of music?
Joel: We've always tried to put the song first, and whatever genre comes out of it is how it ends up. I don't think we've ever sat down and been like "Let's be a post-whatever modern-indie-rock band" or anything like that. Even when it was just me and The Rob, we'd play these acoustic shows. We'd rock all these harder songs on acoustic, and it made us pay close attention to things like dynamics and feel, not just cranking our amps to 11 and bashing our heads against the wall (although that's fun too!). I think playing acoustically has had a huge impact on the feel of our songs and style.
PEV: What was it like for the band when you were first breaking into the music business? Before you were getting press, and regular gigs?
Joel: We used to go downtown every night to all the clubs with stacks of demo CD's and a bio trying to get gigs. We seriously walked up and down the streets every night for 3 weeks straight and couldn't get a damn gig! I finally called an old boss of mine who had a late night local radio show and asked him if we could come on and play some tunes for him. There were other bands in the studio, as well as a local promoter, and we got
hooked up with 2 of our first gigs there that night! I think that made us realize early on that it's equally...if not more important to try to be at the right places at the right times as it is to pound the pavement! I'm still glad we had that experience though...feeling like door to door salesmen, or missionaries of music or something.
PEV: What can fans expect from a live Broke City show?
Brad: Hopefully a show that they can rock out to, feel, and leave filling musically and emotionally satisfied.
PEV: How have your shows evolved from when you first started out?
Brad: Adding band members always tend to have a 'layering' effect, meaning that the over all sound of the band gets bigger, fuller, and makes a bigger impact on the listener, both live in concert and on recordings. I would say that same effect as well time of perfecting and honing our craft has made us better musicians and better performers, which means better shows.
Rob: Also we all push ourselves so each show we try to do better and really play from our hearts. All in all that what it comes down to is playing with the same emotion we used when we wrote the song. So fans can feel what we were going through.
PEV: Getting to play with so many other bands, and seeing bands as your travel, is there an up and coming artist right now that you think we should all be looking out for?
Joel: Well, they've been around for quite a while, so it feels a little weird calling them "Up and Coming", but we toured Canada with the band Dredg. They were so amazing every night of the tour...it was just mind-blowing. They've stayed fairly underground for a long time, but I bet they'll blow up a bit here soon.
Brad: I'm truly blown away by Water & Bodies (formerly Kaddisfly). Incredible musicians, mind blowing music and the most humble gentlemen you'll ever meet.
PEV: Tell us, what can fans expect from your latest work of three brand new EP's which you will be releasing as a trilogy - one new album will be released every 6 months? That seems like a lot to take on, especially on the road?
Joel: Releasing music this way just seems to make more sense for us right now. I don't want to come out and say that we've got some kind of grand scheme for a 3-part rock opera or anything, but as we've been recording, some songs just seem to fit together more than others. Rather than recording 25-30 songs, and only releasing the 12 that seem to work together the way most bands have done in the past, we can release more of our material while keeping things cohesive. It doesn't make sense for us to take a lot of time off touring to record, and at the same time, it doesn't make sense for us to try to stay on the road constantly. This way, we can keep both on the road and in the studio for shorter amounts of time, and keep fans more in the loop of what's going on in our brains:)
PEV: How is this work different from other music out today?
Joel: It seems like a lot of bands/artists out now are really trying to jump style trains...whatever is hip and cool and flashy at the moment. Our focus has always been on the songs. People identify with the music we're making, not because we've got super cool haircuts and a hot key-tar player. We've never been about gimmicks or "pulling one over" on our fans. We're as honest as we can be about who we are, and we like to think that it shines through the music and our songs.
Brad: Totally agreed! I really think the industry as a whole has changed, and tons of musicians are trapped in a certain idea: the "I want to become famous and be a rock star and a have a Lamborghini limo with a hot tub in it!" idea. Its taking new ideas, directions and risks to become successful in music, since its no longer just "get the record deal". I would really like to think by doing things the way we are is putting us ahead of the curve and insuring that we might get to pay our bills doing what we love to do.
PEV: How is does this work differ from your previous releases such as your debut full-length album Love is Never Enough in 2004, your EP This Could Be Your Life in 2005 and another full-length album in 2006?
Joel: We recorded our first 2 releases all on our own. We had nothing to prove to anyone. It was just raw, and if I go back to listen to any of it, I can remember what it was like recording them. I was going through a divorce and sleeping on Rob's couch, and I'd wake up to a 5th of whiskey every morning around 11:00. I'd call Rob and convince him to ditch school and record. The days would just go on and on like that until we had a CD to sell. When we recorded "The Answer", we were signed with Maverick records. There was a budget, a producer, an engineer, label people popping in giving their 2 cents.
It was night and day from our first 2 efforts, and you can really hear the difference in the recordings. We learned to pay closer attention to what we were doing, and really take recording a bit more seriously. The recordings we're about to release are sonically a lot like "The Answer" (we've been working with the same mixing engineer, Allan Hessler), but we're not afraid to take risks. There's no label guy to appease...no politicks. Stylistically we're drawing from more classic influences like Queen, The Beach Boys and The Beatles.
PEV: When you sit down to write an album what kind of environment do you surround yourselves in?
Joel: The songs just sort of pop up when and where they decide to. It's really tough to try and control it. I can be sitting somewhere all cool and vibey, with lots of great guitars, and... nothing. On the other hand, I wrote our song "Call You Mine" in the front seat of our van while we were driving home from tour.
PEV: If it weren’t for music, what would each of you most likely be doing for career?
Joel: I always used to skip class to go to the home-ec room and use their sewing machines. I used to make my own clothes and stuff. I still sometimes make hoodies for people for birthday presents, so I assume if there was no such thing as music, I'd probably be trying to sell custom clothing.
Brad: I wouldn't have a career, I would be locked inside a rubber room. Music keeps me level headed and sane
Rob: I would probably be a computer nerd. It’s what I do currently so I guess I would study more up on it.
PEV: What’s one thing we’d be surprised to hear about the members of Broke City?
Joel: Although I'm not religious, I go to see a native American medicine man regularly for counseling. Brad and The Rob have seen him as well. It's been a privilege to learn about the ancient technology of spiritual healing.
Brad: I'm a huge gamer nerd, and have a Legend Of Zelda tattoo... seriously
Rob: I’m addicted to airplanes. Mainly WW2 planes. Every time on tour we pass a war museum I make everyone in the band go with me.
PEV: How have your friends and family reacted to all your success? What is it like to go home and play in front of your home town?
Joel: My mom and dad used to come watch me play my bass at coffee shops for a few people on weekends. They came to see us play at an outdoor radio festival where there were a ton of people. By the look on their faces I could tell they didn't quite know what to think, but when we started Playing and my mom could hear everyone singing along,
her face lit up! It was my dad's birthday, and I wished him happy birthday from stage, and he thought that was pretty cool:)
Brad: It’s funny because my parents had a love/hate relationship with my music when I was growing up. I started to devote myself to it entirely very young and I think it kind of scarred them, because musicians don't fit the whole "my son will be a lawyer/doctor/rocket scientist" profile and they ultimately just wanted me to succeed in life. So I got the vibe they wanted me to chill out on it, but now that I'm an adult they are 110% supportive of it, and they come to a fair amount of shows and are excited to do so.
Rob: at first only my brother in law and one brother really supported me. but everyone came around. The first show my mom and my brother (he was the one who taught me how to play drums) came to see us it was in front of a 1,000 people in our hometown. the show was amazing. so they are fans now. i think my mom is stoked to tell her friends about it.
PEV: If we were to walk into your practice studio right now, what’s one thing we’d most likely find?
Joel: About two dozen empty Dr Pepper cans...Rob has a serious problem!
Brad: Ha! It’s so true...
Rob: Aw come one guys... so I have a problem... at least I offer you all a Dr Pepper as well!
PEV: How is life on the road for you? Good parts? Bad parts?
Joel: I feel lucky to be in a band with guys who carry very little drama around with them. We get along with everyone else on the road for the most part, and we have a GREAT time together! I feel sorry for bands who can't stand to be around each other. I'm married, so it can get tough sometimes being away from my wife. We're still learning how to communicate better so that it doesn't feel like we're half a world away, even when we are. The only thing that REALLY sucks about the road for me is getting sick though. When you're sick, it's bad enough, but it's really tough to pull it together for an hour every night on the road when you feel like shit.
Brad: Really being on the road is a never-ending adventure, you really have no idea what life has on he menu for you day by day. That can be exciting and great, but it can get
taxing at the same time. And like Joel said, we're pretty fortunate we're pretty good friends, because some days can be absolute hell, and it would only be worse if we couldn't stand each other. Joel pretty much said it about loved ones as well, its hard being away from my fiancé and all my dear friends. You miss out on tons of things, and make people pretty mad when you can't be there for them, but underneath it all there's an understanding and respect that’s mutual for everyone.
Rob: I love the road. I get way stir crazy at home if it’s been awhile since we have driven in the van. It’s become home for me. I sleep better in the van then I do at home in my own bed… the bad parts are when I have to drive through the night to the next city to take the first shift. Then the next day I’m grumpy but give me a power nap and I’m good. ha! But the good times are seeing parts of the world i would have never probably gone in my entire life. And even better I get to do that with my best friends!
PEV: In your opinion, is there a certain city (US or International) that you find to be the best city for music?
Joel: There are some places (like Austin and Toronto) where it seems like there's just naturally a more artist-friendly vibe, but we've played shows in Idaho where some local kid will just blow us away! Really it's hard to say though. Playing shows in different cities is a lot different from living there where you can get a real feel for what's going on locally. There's some really cool stuff going on in Salt Lake right now, and I think people are starting to take notice.
PEV: As well, where’s one place you haven’t played, you would like to? Why?
Joel:JAPAN!!!!!! It looks like a dream land of fun and candy!!!
Brad: Amen to Japan... and Italy, and Spain. I think England really just lit a fire under our butts to get over to Europe again.
Rob: Japan for sure… but I don’t like sushi.
PEV: Tell us about the meaning behind the name Broke City.
Joel: When we started out, I felt like I had nothing. Before the band I had a wife and a house and a dog...not to mention a running car. All in the same week, my life turned into what seemed like a bad country song. I was in the middle of a divorce, I was losing my house, my dog freaking died, and my car bit the bullet as well. I started drinking a lot, and the band name just felt appropriate to how I felt.
PEV: So, what’s next for Broke City?
Joel: We've been through A LOT as a band, and we feel like we're in a position to take everything we've learned in the last few years and put it to some more good use! We've done the 100% DIY thing, and we've also had our deal with the devil (major label) and made it out alive. We've surrounded ourselves with good people who understand and believe in us. We're confident that this coming year will be our best, and busiest year ever. We'll be releasing 2 e.p.'s by the year's end, as well as tirelessly touring the west. We're excited about all the new people we'll meet, so tell your best friend about us and come introduce us at our next show!
- http://penseyeview.com/
April 8, 2009, 11:15 PM
Salt Lake City’s modern pop rock band Broke City from has announced their spring 2009 tour dates in fourteen cities throughout eight states. Self-described as truthful and unapologetic while still being gutsy and timeless, Broke City is a band that has seemingly gone to hell and back in a short period of time. Having experienced a major label whirlwind, the band has emerged on the other side stronger and more independent than ever.
The band is now ready to embark on their first major tour of 2009, saying “We are excited to get back on the road, see some old faces and see some new places while making new friends as well. Some of the cities we are going to we have played in before so we want to make sure our fans know we are coming back, and if you are a new fan, come out and say hello!”
Broke City released their debut full-length album “Love is Never Enough” in 2004, and released their EP “This Could Be Your Life” in 2005 which garnered major label attention. In 2006, the band signed to Maverick Records and recorded another full-length album, “The Answer.” In the summer of 2006, the label folded, leaving Broke City with an album to release independently, a tour van, and a story to tell about going from independent to a major label, and back to an independent band once again. Voted the “Best Unsigned Band in the USA” by The Global Battle of the Bands of London, England in December 2008, Broke City is ready to take the United States by storm.
Broke City has toured and played with artists such as: Thrice, Deftones, The Used, 30 Seconds To Mars, My Chemical Romance, Saosin, Killswitch Engage, Yellowcard, Hoobastank, Blue October, Plain White T’s, AFI, Flyleaf, Bullet For My Valentine, Head Automatica, Glassjaw, Silver Sun Pick Ups, Senses Fail, Atreyu, and many more. They have also played multiple cities across the United States from Los Angeles to New York City, and have also played in London, England and Toronto, Canada.
April 16 – Bunkhouse Saloon – Las Vegas, Nevada
April 17 – Velour – Provo, Utah
April 18 – Locus Live – Rexburg, Idaho
April 19 – Barrie’s – Pocatello, Idaho
April 20 – The Filling Station – Bozeman, Montana
April 21 – The Big Dipper – Spokane, Washington
April 25 – Manette Saloon – Bremerton, Washington
April 27 – The Ash Street Saloon – Portland, Oregon
April 30 – The Venue – Boise, Idaho
May 9 – Surf City Saloon – Huntington Beach, California
June 6 – Summerfest at The Amphitheatre – Cortez, Colorado
June 7 – Hensley’s Flying Elephant Pub – Carlsbad, California
June 12 – The Electric Theatre – St. George, Utah
June 13 – Kilby Court – Salt Lake City, Utah
For more information, visit Broke City’s MySpace page at www.myspace.com/brokecity.
- Altsounds
May 12, 2009
Over the last 5 years, we’ve been fortunate enough to see 3 different faces of the “business” side of music. In the beginning, we were doing EVERYTHING ourselves: recording all our own CDs, packaging them by hand, printing our own shirts, and paying out-of-pocket for gas money so we could play outside of our hometown of Salt Lake City.
After a couple years, we were able to get the attention of a major record label, signed with them, made a record and started touring. Oh what a different experience that was! We went from making every last move on our own, having a strong sense of ownership in our band, to feeling almost like every move was being made for us, and if we raised too many concerns, we were made to feel like we were being ungrateful. On the positive side, we were able to have a lot more experiences as a band and we learned a little about how a major label works, and get to know some of the faces and names behind the “big curtain”.
We realized that real people ran the label- many of whom were people just like our friends from home, with a similar set of talents and abilities! After the “big bad label” went under (as so many of them are doing), we went to work brainstorming and keeping our eyes open for friends and fans of the band… people who would take pride in doing some things for us that before would have been delegated to someone we didn’t know, who we had never met, and who had never heard our music before.
We realized that in our circle of friends and fans, we had an accountant, a booking agent, P.R. people, an online marketer, multiple live sound guys and studio engineers, and that within our band we have a web guy, a couple visual art directors, a tour manager, and that we could do an alright job coordinating all of this without hiring an outside manager!
We now live in a world where so many things that used to be exclusives, such as recording studios, pressing CDs, making t-shirts, producing a music video, are readily available and relatively easy to do. We don’t do everything ourselves, not even close, but it’s been really cool for us to work with our friends on things that we can feel good about having them do, and that they take pride in working on!
Broke City? May 2009
- Revolt Magazine
Love is Never Enough (2004)
This Could Be Your Life (2005)
The Answer (2007)
No Thanks For The Ride (2009)
Just For Kicks (2014)
Dimmer [single] (2016)
Zero [single] (2016)
Here's to the Years [single] (2019)

Broke City is a four-piece alternative rock band whose music creates a wall of sound by layering driving guitars, dynamic melodies, and confessional lyrics. Hailing from Salt Lake City, UT, Broke City has cultivated a rabid local following. Their intoxicating and gritty style on stage, coupled with the gutsy wail of lead singer Joel Pack, has landed them on tours throughout the United States and Canada with bands like 30 Seconds to Mars, Thrice, and The Used. Although their third album, The Answer, was almost silenced due to Warner Bros. absorption of Maverick Records, Broke City persevered, and released it independently to the praise of a following who related to the emotionally fueled record. Armed with both true life and industry experiences, the band adopted the “Earn it Yourself” values of bands like Thrice and Alkaline Trio.
After playing their "Farewell For Now" show back in 2010, they took a 4-year hiatus before playing a reunion show in 2014 in conjunction with the release of their "Manorlands Project" album, which was recorded entirely at a cabin in the dead of winter. In the years since, they've played handfuls of shows to a still-rabid local following in Salt Lake City, while still writing and releasing music along the way. Currently in the studio working on another album release, they're ready to bring some new music to fans old and new for the first time since 2016.
Broke City has Shared the Stage with…
• Silversun Pickups
• Plain White T's
• My Chemical Romance
• Head Automatica
• 30 Seconds to Mars
• Yellowcard
• Deftones
• Thrice
• Dredg
• Glassjaw
• Hoobastank
• Flyleaf
• Blue October
• Saosin
• The Used
• Blindside
• Hawthorne Heights
• Mae
Key Marketing
• 10,000 person captive audience with a focus on the college age market
• Promotion via Broke City’s proprietary website
• Strong social networking presence on Facebook, ReverbNation, and Facebook, among others
• Credible peer to peer endorsement through street team campaigns
• Extensive and consistent touring throughout the western United States
"(Broke City) made a record that is going to bring joy to A LOT of people! ... and fuck, it made my day! This could go large!!"
-Kevin Hershey (EMI Publishing)
"(Broke City) was excellent, maybe best of package. Look forward to working with them in as many markets as possible in the future!"
-Mark Lee (Promoter Dallas, TX - 30 Seconds to Mars Tour)
“Exactly what we all need!”
“Broke City gives music a long overdue shot of adrenaline that will keep your heart singing for days and your mind pleading ‘I want more’….”
-Racelden Media Group
“There’s something about Joel that magnetizes the audience.”
-Tom Martinez - Salt Lake City Weekly
“The album is great! Hits baby! ...dems is hits!”
-Corey O’Brien - Radio DJ at X96 KXRK