Puyallup, Washington, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2010 | INDIE
With a new submission our eighth premiere is a the band is called Clear the Chaos. The song is called Escape by Clear the Chaos. This is Loud and Local. - KISW 99.9 FM
One of the questions I ask people from any walk of life is their definition of success. For many musicians, the answer is to be famous and go on tour. I appreciate the honesty of such from younger bands, because that’s what a rock star life seems to be. In the case of Clear the Chaos, still teens but uber talented, the answer surprised me. Until I read their bios I didn’t know the depth of these guys. Having seen them for the first time at Louie G’s in Fife last month for a cd release show, I was highly impressed with their stage presence and musical confidence. They told me after the show they’ve been particularly focused on those two facets of entertaining.
I didn’t pay that much attention to the music, per se, while at their show, because, dude, it is unlikely anyone Louie books sucks. I was more interested in the how the crowd reacts, who rushes the stage, who knows the words, etc. The music, in some respects, can be secondary to the performance when loyal fans are in attendance. That is JUST my opinion. I’ve said many times I am not a show reviewer in the classic sense. I just like to tell the story how I see it.
For one youngster sitting in the back, 6-year-old Sophia, the show was exciting. She sat on a stool next to her auntie singing and clapping along. I have no idea if she knew the words or what they meant, but she was having fun.
So I did have a short chat with the guys after their show. For them, “Success” is in the people liking their music and coming out to hear it. They just want happiness and contentedness. Yes. That is what they said. Very mature perspective. The songs, mostly written by Dalton Rouse and Adam Masucci are also mature. And complex. The ballet between lyrics and music is profound. For the purposes of marketing, a band needs to say who they sound like although for an Alternative/Progressive band, Clear the Chaos is beyond any single definition and the confessed influences are nuanced.
What is their dream venue? Well, Louie G’s Dreamfest was a big deal and they loved that gig. But the dream venue is not a place for them, it’s about people. If the people come and are happy, then the venue is great, they say. Their resume is impressive but their friendship is more so. They genuinely like each other and are good friends.
I am always curious about formal training and these guys have so much musical experience, collectively they play more instruments than a full on marching band. They are also still in school. Kirk Fitzroy is the only one out of high school and is attending college. Two are in Running Start, going to college while in high school. They live in close proximity to each other, which is a luxury older members of other bands will attest. Being able to practice twice a week on top of the fact they’ve been mostly playing together since they entered teendom, makes them tight.
Braden Merden is the youngest member, a 10th grader and gifted drummer. He plays in his church worship band, as do Dalton and Kirk. Collin, the keyboard player exited the band after the cd release show in March. He said he’s interested in classical music and wanted to pursue other types of music.
I didn’t ask about the band’s name but when I was chatting with them, chaos was not a word that describes anything about them. They were some of the most professional, grateful, accommodating band members I’ve met. No drama. Lots of friends and family support, no diva attitudes in the bunch.
This is a band to keep in mind when looking to see a live show. No, their music isn’t for everyone, but their message is meant for everyone. They want fans to feel “like their feelings count,” they said. They want people to know they are not alone in how they feel and a person won’t feel the same way forever. So they want you to know that whatever is happening in your life is just a natural progression and it is a common bond that people experience the same things.
From Just Cuz, a cover band a few years ago, into a full-fledged act that holds its own against any other act in the business, Clear The Chaos is now four young men with a long successful road ahead. As they grow, I expect to see their music to take a few turns musically. With the jazz and classical influences, along with the worship band inspirations, there’s no doubt they will create something new and even more interesting for their next turn in the studio. In the meantime, Brothers and Sisters is on sale now. You can also follow them on Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube.
Eclectic Approach and Amadon also played the same night. They are on my radar for a future column, so until then, here are some links to their stuff. Highly entertaining, talented and worthy of your attention. - Seattle Wave Radio
“This song would be so awesome on guitar hero or rock band! Fast tempo kept my interest and once the vocals started I was totally impressed. I like the combo of the voices on the track, they go really well together. Made me really want to jam out.” - Reverbnation
Since 2010, Louie G's Pizza in Fife has served as an incubator and proving ground for local rock talent. And, this weekend, owner Louie Galarza will put on his second annual Dreamfest to showcase promising, young bands that have cut their teeth at his club, along with a few familiar fixtures of South Sound rock.
Based on last year's attendance, a crowd of 800 to 1,000 is expected to turn out Saturday and Sunday to check out headliners Windowpane and Randy Hansen, along with a supporting cast that includes the Fame Riot, Riot in Rhythm, Amadon, Nolan Garrett and C-Leb & the Kettle Black, among nearly two dozen buzz-worthy acts.
"I got the best bands that I knew of, the bands that come in here and that actually do their work and put on a great show," said Galarza.
"If you've ever seen my place, it's set up for these kids to get better, get productive and get to work," he said. Dreamfest is "a big production. We let them see what a real production is like. They get lanyards. Everything is completely by the book. It's like playing a big arena show."
Teenage rockers Jason Kertson and the Immortals have been honing their chops at Louie's since they played their first show there two years ago. The band's namesake said he's especially stoked to get onstage Saturday.
"Louie's is kind of the only place in Washington of its kind," said singer-guitarist Jason Kertson, 16.
"I think it's mostly because Louie is such a caring guy," he said. "He actually cares about the people, helps the bands out and gives them advice. Pretty much anyone who wants to develop a fan base or just play a few shows can go to Louie G's and request a spot on a bill."
Among the more established acts playing this weekend is Tacoma's Ben Union, a band that will be playing its last show in Washington for the year.
Ben Union plays all over the Northwest, and band leader Ben Mira (a.k.a. Ben Union) ranks Louie's near the top of the venues his band headlines.
"I have nothing but good things to say about Louie," Mira said. "The stage is probably one of the biggest and best we've played as far as production goes. (Louie is) very generous. I think that he fills a hole in the Tacoma scene, the South Sound, as far as how he treats bands. But he makes the bands bring it, too. Because there's not a lot of foot traffic in Fife, you have to work hard (to promote.) But the reward is a lot better."
A portion of Dreamfest proceeds benefit Everett's Burned Children Recovery Foundation, a group that provides support for children that have been severely injured in fires. "They're trying to buy a chunk of land up in Bellingham to have a camp, so we're trying to raise money for them," Galarza said.
Music will start at 11 a.m. both days, and the event is open to all ages. Tickets are $20 per day with two-day VIP packages available for $50 to $60, all of which can be purchased online at www.brownpapertickets.com.
Sept. 21 lineup: Windowpane (headliner), Riot in Rhythm, Mechanism, Amadon (new CD release), Witchburn, The Fame Riot, Ben Union, The Fail Safe Project, Jason Kertson and The Immortals, Atomic Ballroom, Mom's Rocket, Insuburban Avenue, Clear the Chaos.
Sept. 22 lineup: Randy Hansen (headliner), Nolan Garrett, Sweet Kiss Momma, C-Leb & the Kettle Black, The Approach, Lady Justice, Tahoma Souls Alive, Suspicious By Nature, The Mural Project, Fistful of Dollars. - Fife Free Press
On September 21st & 22nd KISW 99.9 Loud & Local / Louie G's Pizza / Pyramid Stage & Lighting / Jazzbones presents Dreamfest 2013! The Local Music Event of the Year hosted by Louie G's in Fife, WA. Dreamfest is not only showcasing many of the Northwests best local bands on their huge arena-like outdoor stage from Pyramid Stage & Lighting, but are also raising money and awareness for the Burned Children Recovery Foundation in an effort to support the over 280,000 children burned annually in the United States. Donations help Phoenix House, Camp Phoenix, counseling and many other support services for not only the children but their families as well. www.burnedchildrenrecovery.org
Dreamfest 2013 will be an all-ages, all-day into the night, two-day rock music festival featuring many prominent bands from Washington State. Louie G's famous pulled pork, burgers, hot dogs and incredible pizza will be orderable onsite and when you're done eating or throughout the day remember to get yourself a cup of chilled "Iron" Mike chocolate pudding at Louie G's for only $1. All proceeds go to the The Burned Children Recovery Foundation! You know I love my puddin' so you should too! ;) Raffles, prizes, t-shirts and other prizes will be given away! See Louie talk about Dreamfest 2013 live on King-5 TV September 9th at 11am on New Day Northwest! Check out all the killer bands (many about to break out of our local scene and heard on KISW's Loud & Local with Jolene) and links below. Buy your tickets now to Dreamfest online at Brown Paper Tickets: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/440890
Day 1 (9/21/13):
Windowpane (Headliner): https://www.facebook.com/windowpanemusic
Riot in Rhythm: https://www.facebook.com/riotinrhythm
Mechanism: https://www.facebook.com/mechanism206
Amadon (CD Release): https://www.facebook.com/AMADONsmusic
Witchburn: https://www.facebook.com/pages/WITCHBURN/66143879637
The Fame Riot: https://www.facebook.com/TheFameRiot
Ben Union: https://www.facebook.com/benunion
The Fail Safe Project: https://www.facebook.com/thefailsafeproject
Jason Kertson and The Immortals: https://www.facebook.com/JasonKertson
The Crying Spell: https://www.facebook.com/thecryingspell
Mom's Rocket: https://www.facebook.com/momsrocket
Insuburban Avenue: https://www.facebook.com/InsuburbanAvenue
Clear the Chaos: https://www.facebook.com/ClearTheChaos - KISW 99.9 FM
Greetings again my friends and music lovers. I have two very exciting bands to share with you today. Last night I took myself to Louie G’s Pizza in Fife, Washington and had a blast. First of all, if you haven’t experienced a show at Louie G’s, you might want to put it on the to-do list. A very family-friendly and relaxed environment, delicious smelling pizza (I regrettably did not have a slice), and a great stage with excellent lighting for the bands to perform upon. What more could you ask for, really? As Louie G says, “Welcome to my Dreamfest and you’re all in it.”
Prior to Louie G’s, I saw Eclectic Approach at the Play It Forward 4 music benefit concert back in February, where they instantly captured my attention with their catchy, upbeat, dance party tunes. So I was more than happy to be reunited with them again. The name of the band is a very direct description of the type of music this group delivers. Upon first glance, with two guitarists, a bassist, drummer, and lead vocalist, one might assume they are rocker guys. Which, these guys rock really hard, I promise, but their music is much more… well, eclectic than any one genre.
Vocalist Jowed says that as a young child, he was influenced by a variety of hip hop music, which is apparent during the verses in songs like All That It’s Missing (Mind Control), and my personal favorite, Midnight, which can be found on their latest EP- Break The Floor. However, the hip hop style verses from Jowed are cleverly juxtaposed in with ridiculously groovy bass lines, rocking guitars, and poppy melodies catchier than the cold you got last week*.
*Based on a true story, I’m recovering from a sinus infection.
I wasn’t lying when I said that Midnight is a personal favorite of mine. I’ve been playing it like a top 20 hit lately, and highly encourage you to check it out and tell me you didn’t tap your foot or bob your head (I do both!).
It is apparent that the boys of Eclectic Approach are very comfortable and happy to be on a stage sharing their music and grooves with their audience. In fact, they even improvised a song about a member of the audience after selecting one to tell them her name. “Natashia”was the name of the next song they performed, making that particular audience member’s night one to especially never forget.
Be on the lookout for upcoming shows that include Eclectic Approach, because I’m telling you, you won’t be disappointed!
The next band that took the stage was Clear the Chaos. Before their set began, I had the privilege of meeting and chatting with one of the mothers of the band. Formed in 2010, this younger band from Puyallup, WA was initially named “Just Cuz” and performed rock covers at parties, venues, and open-mic nights. After two years of exploring who they were as a group, these boys reinvented their image and changed their name- Clear the Chaos- and now perform all original songs with influences from alternative rock and even the classics.
Another fun fact about the night was that it was the release party for the band’s newest full-length album- Brothers and Sisters. Feel free to check out the album and the rest of the website (even upcoming shows!!) so you too can experience this band’s lively energy, and also appreciate the mature passion behind the lyrics.
As always, it’s a pleasure to share with you some great music and expose you to some of the amazing artists of the Pacific Northwest. For more updates on music and entertainment, follow me on Twitter and let’s get chatting! @StunnahSabrina - Seattle Wave Radio-Posted on March 24, 2014 // FROM THE BLOG, Reviews, Shows
Clear the Chaos, a band based in Puyallup, has won the Meeker Days Battle of the Bands. Each of the five members of the band attends Governor John R. Rogers High School in Puyallup, and the band has been together since October 2010. They range from 16-18 years old. Despite lead singer Dalton Rouse’s guitar strap coming undone in the last song, Clear the Chaos engaged the audience and moved to the music. Visit their website here.
As reward for winning, CTC will receive a free banner, is guaranteed to open next year’s Battle, and will join this year’s Live It Out Loud eight-week summer music program, sponsored by Ted Brown Music Company.
CTC was one of four bands selected to play in the final round. First runner-up was Oaklawn, second was Fistful of Dollars, and third was Fall Days. Each band has a public Facebook page. - The Puyallup Patch-posted by Brita Moore , June 24, 2013 at 09:49 PM
Art On The Ave 2012 (Photo: Clear the Chaos)
This year's Art on the Ave provided a perfect mix of music and art and weather that neither rained or baked the asphalt. There were young bands and old bands, face painting and ice cream, beer gardens and wine tastings as well as henna and all things WTF at Poison Apple's booth. And of course, there was the Sonics Guy waving his flag and flashing is colors. - Weekly Volcano
“Three years ago, these young men wanted to play Louie G’s. At that time they were called Just Cuz and played cover music. I suggested to them to write original music and a name change they are now Clear The Chaos... and rock all original music. One of the hardest working young bands I’ve seen and heard in awhile. The music they write is nothing more than brilliant thunderous rhythm ...ripping guitars...and lyrics with a story Hollywood would enjoy. They make me proud.” Louie Galarza, Founder/CEO Mental Itch Music Group.
It was no surprise to fans when Clear the Chaos won the 2013 Meeker Days Battle of the Bands with an amazing performance that included a cymbal stand crashing to the stage and a broken guitar strap during the final number. Having spent the last year shredding Pacific Northwest venues with their unique fusion of intricate melodies and crunching rhythm, nothing phases this powerhouse band. Formed in 2010 as the rock cover band “Just Cuz”, the teenagers learned the business of music the hard way, playing parties, all age venues, open-mic nights, and even busking. Confident in their abilities they emerged, renamed and reinvented in 2012, dropping cover songs in favor of an all-original set list.
Now free to follow their passion wherever it leads, CTC has found its natural groove, integrating powerful alternative rock themes and classical roots to create the distinctive sound that snared them an invitation, from Louie Galarza to open the 2013 DreamFest Music Festival at Louie G’s in Fife. With their debut album, Brothers & Sisters, which dropped on March 22, 2014 at a release show for more than 450 rocking fans, CTC is ready to take their show to the next level. The band members all agree that recording the album was a great experience, but playing live will always be their focus. “The energy that flows between the crowd and the band during a live show is incredible. It fulfills us and encourages us to give even more in return.” “We’ve done the work, now it’s time to go out and get our swagger on,” says the bands drummer Braden Merod. “We poured ourselves fully into recording the album and now look forward to getting all the “feels” like when we play live!” With an invitation to play the 2014 Seattle Hempfest for the first time this year, the band is well on their way to doing just that and so much more.
Clear the Chaos is:
•Dalton Rouse-Lead Vocals/Guitar
•Adam Masucci-Guitar/Vocals
•Kirk Fitzroy-Bass/Vocals
•Braden Merod-Drums
You can learn more about Clear the Chaos at these sites:
•http://www.Twitter.com/CLEARTHECHAOS - Mental Itch Music Group
Just Cuz by Just Cuz 2010
Spark by Just Cuz 2012
Brothers & Sisters 2014

Formed in 2010, the teenagers learned the business of music the hard way, playing parties, all age venues, open-mic nights, and even busking. Confident in their abilities they emerged reinvented in 2012, dropping cover songs in favor of an all original set list. Now free to follow their passion wherever it leads, CTC has found its natural groove, integrating powerful alternative rock themes and classical roots to create the distinctive sound that snared them an invitation to open the 2013 annual Dreamfest Music Festival.
When the band talks about musical influences they cite Coheed and Cambria, Rush, and Foo Fighters as major influences. No less important to them are the classical composers and jazz performers both Dalton Rouse and Adam Masucci study. Dalton says, "Theres something unique about every different musical form. We like to experiment with different ideas and see how they affect our songs." We start with the music, then try to connect the emotions it evokes to lyrics. Both feel that music is the best way they can reach people. "Music is the theme of many different art forms", says Adam, "Its the tool we use to communicate, like an artist uses paint. Making the connection with our fans on a personal level is what inspires us."
Their debut album, Brothers & Sisters dropped on March 22. The band members all agree that recording the album was a great experience, but playing live will always be their focus. "The energy that flows between the crowd and the band during a live show is incredible. It fulfills us and encourages us to give even more in return."
Matt Kees, Music Producer at Smithbuilt Studios in Fredrickson, Washington talks about recording with the band in
glowing terms. "Clear the Chaos are a talented group of guys... way beyond their years. Their songwriting skills and their musicianship chops are quite impressive."
Polly Osborn, DJ PO Honey/PO Honey Promotions, echoes those sentiments. "Clear the Chaos is a young dynamic band with a unique sound that stands out with catchy guitar riffs and honest heartfelt lyrics. Although these talented musicians are very young, the maturity and professionalism of both their recorded and live performances is surprising and refreshing. With strong management behind them and continued upbeat attitudes and hard work, I see much more in the future for Clear the Chaos! Cheers and ROCK ON!"
"We do this because making people happy makes us happy. Thats the way the Universe works; you send your effort, passion, and love out unconditionally, and eventually it comes back to you tenfold. We see every show as an opportunity to give everything we have in order to pull new people into our circle and connect them to us, to the music and to each other. Thats what its all about."
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Louie Gs, Fife
Studio Seven, Seattle
Jazzbones, Tacoma
The Swiss, Tacoma
El Corazon, Seattle
88 Keys, Seattle
Cafe Racer, Seattle
The Charleston, Bremerton
Medis Pizzeria, Tacoma
The Live Room, Sumner
Harborview Hospital
The Puyallup Eagles
Mazatlan Cantina, Puyallup
The Harmon Brewery, Tacoma
The Y Bar, Spanaway
NW Vintage Wine Bar, Puyallup
Anthem Coffee/Ale/Wine, Puyallup & Tacoma
Puyallup Parks & Recreation-The Attic
Sparks Firehouse Deli, Puyallup
Forza Coffee & Wine Bar, Gig Harbor
Dreamfest, Fife
Seattle Music Awards
Seattle Hempfest
Bite of Seattle
Taste of Tacoma
Auburn Days, Auburn
Art on the Ave, Tacoma
Meeker Days B.O.T.B. 2011 & 2013 winners
Meeker Days, Puyallup
Puyallup Fair Fall & Spring
Puyallup Farmers Market
Puyallup Relay for Life
Matt Kees, Smithbuilt Studios
Red Door Presents
Puget Sound Music For Youth
Puyallup Main Street Association
Puyallup Parks & Recreation
KISW 99.9 FM Presents
Relay for Life
Courage Classic Bike Race
Toys for Tots
Camp Restore, New Orleans
Our Savior Lutheran Church
The Burned Children Recovery Foundation Camp Phoenix
Band Members