Fitchburg, Massachusetts, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2013
If you’ve been a longtime, or hell, even more recent, visitor of The Deadhouse, then you will be familiar with Damnation, whether it be from my Stereo Terror review of their first album After Midnight or the DeadTube feature of their video “Fighting For”. The trio consisting of guitarist/vocalist Isaac Aldrich, bassist Brad Touchette and drummer Benny Austin have made quite the splash in the horrorpunk scene over the past few years with After Midnight seeing success and the band also becoming the touring companions of Shadow Windhawk and serving as his backing band, The Morticians. And now, they are readying the release of their sophomore album, The Equinox. And not to reveal a spoiler too early in this review, but they certainly aren’t worrying about the sophomore slump, coming through the speakers with a confidence most bands can’t touch.
The group doesn’t waste any time getting things rolling with “Time Is Up” featuring what is sure to be a great live track that any audience can jump into the chorus along with the band. “Long For Days” settles back into more of the traditional Damnation sound that was established on After Midnight, less of a straight-away punk track, but still heavy and melodic. “Call Me Crazy” continues along the same vibe, showing the band have a firm grasp on what makes them special. Upon first listen, this was the track that immediately stood out to me, with fantastic lyrics. As was noted by the band in the previously mentioned DeadTube feature, the band worked to have a balance between the darker side of things with more hopeful and new reaches of both sound and lyrical content. “Sweet Design” is one of those songs that moves outside that older realm with an insanely melodic chorus.
The album continues along through “The Past” which, while a good song on its own, hits a little less than many of the other tracks on the album. Things pick right back up with “Stuck In A Web” and ventures back into darker territory for the wickedly good “N.O.D. (Nation Of The Damned).” This is followed by the album’s first single “Fighting For” which much like my personal favorite song on After Midnight, “All I Need Is Me”, has more of an inspirational approach to it. It is also far and away the lightest song on the album, so if you were fearful after hearing it that the band was mellowing out, you don’t have anything to worry about in that regard. “Devil Is In the Details” is a slower song with an almost chugging like riff that drives the song and builds to the chorus before starting all over again.
“Traces” slows things down further but speeds right the hell up about a minute and a half in transforming the song into one of the best songs of the band’s catalogue. With “The Embrace” we get the Damnation spin on the love ballad, or at least as close to it as we are likely to get, and it works damned well. “Toward The Darkness” is similar in vibe to “Fighting For” sonically but as its title suggests, it leans a little more into the darker side of things, while still retaining that hopeful feeling and message. “Head In The Clouds” is another fun banger of a track, and is sure to be a great live staple if the band are to add it to their live show. Arguably one of the catchiest tracks on the album, it’s one of the those tracks I implore you to check out if you aren’t fully sold on getting the album. The album comes to a close with “Worst On You” which features some of the best examples of the vocals on the album while featuring a message we all know too well, that being that karma will come for everyone regardless of us ‘not wishing the worst on you.’ A great closer that once again will leave listeners wanting more, this is another of those albums that is perfectly sequenced.
The Equinox is a wonderful follow-up to the band’s debut, and is sure to help make a dent in the scene for those who check it out. Damnation are so far one of those bands that have not let us down in any way, and The Equinox stands tall as one of the best records I’ve heard in 2019, regardless of genre.
The Equinox is set for release this Friday, April 12th, and you can give the band a Like on their Official Facebook page to stay up to date on all their new tour dates as well as news on the band!
Killer Track
“N.O.D. (Nation Of The Damned)” - The Deadhouse
Damnation have been making a name for themselves among the scene for a few years now, with their debut release After Midnight having been reviewed here upon its release back in 2017. Since that time the band have been working away and have even become the current members of Shadow Windhawk‘s touring band, The Morticians (as evidenced by his cameos in the video!). And now, in preparing for the forthcoming release of their new album, The Equinox, the band has released their first music video for the song, “Fighting For.”
Speaking with the band’s bassist Brad Touchette, he shared the following about the song and video.
Of all the songs we have written as a band dealing with any number of topics, it seemed only logical that this song needed to be our first official video. “Fighting For” is meant to be a rallying cry for all regardless of creed, opinion, or personal convictions. It is meant as an anthem to find common ground, friendship, and “family” through the spirit of creation. That being said, it seemed only right that the subject matter for the supporting video be an attempt to capture those very interactions. The relationships we are fortunate enough to share with all who have supported us thus far on our journey.
So without further ado, please check out the new video for “Fighting For” by Damnation below!
We were also able to get a few words about the upcoming album The Equinox from Brad below.
As far as “The Equinox” goes, our intent was to explore uncharted territory both sonically and thematically with this record. We have not lost touch with our core foundations as it pertains to aesthetics or stylistic tendencies, the album will have several tracks and moments that will still definitely resonate with listeners who have an affinity for all out punk rock songs or horror oriented themes, but while the record occupies a very shadowy place at some moments it also steps into realms that might be unexpected to some and hopefully intriguing to potential new listeners. That balance, the delicate dance between opposing forces gave rise to the albums title and the mission statement for this era of the band. - The Dead House
Damnation, a local punk rock band with a new album coming next month, was formed by chance, common interest and history. Brad Touchette (bass) tattooed Benny Austin (drums), and the two kicked around the idea of starting a band. This interested Benny’s friend of 15 years, Isaac Aldrich (guitar/lead vocals), and the trio started hanging out Monday nights and playing covers of old Misfits songs. It was then that the three came to the unanimous decision to write original songs.
“I can write a whole album right now,” Aldrich remembered saying. That was the summer of 2013. By March of 2014, Damnation found themselves playing their first live show at Ralph’s Diner in Worcester.
The band’s shared love of horror movies influences the music and the atmosphere of their shows. Horror images are projected behind the drums, in low, murky light, as the band plays.
“There’s something about the combination of the sound and imagery,” Touchette said.
“We like candelabras and pumpkins,” Austin said. “Halloween is our favorite.”
But the guys agree: They’re not a gore or a shock-rock band.
The release of their new album, After Midnight, marks a musical transition for the band, as they explore different avenues of punk rock instead of sticking with the same, heavy format.
“Being in the genre, people try to pigeonhole us, but we want to say to them it’s not just three chords and screaming,” Aldrich said.
“It’s eclectic,” Austin said.
“But it’s the same energy,” Touchette added.
Among some of the genres listed as influence for this new album are jazz, reggae, pop classic rock and new wave.
“There’s some country in there, too,” Aldrich said.
“We listen to everything, and that influences us,” said Austin. “I love pop. I listen to Lady Gaga as a warm up. I think she’s awesome. And I love the old stuff, like Max Roach and Louis Prima.”
“Miles Davis and Coltrane,” Aldrich added.
“At its core, it’s still punk,” Touchette said. And punk has a following. Damnation, as of 2017, has travelled to perform in every state in New England (except Vermont), New Jersey and chunks of the mid-Atlantic. The band, with the assistance of tour manager Harley Sutherland, will tour After Midnight beginning in November.
“We’re working on dates in Maine, New York, New Jersey, D.C., and Baltimore. We’re hoping to get a little further south into Virginia, too,” said Touchette. The tour will consist of weekenders in all the aforementioned states.
For starters, Damnation is throwing an album release party. After Midnight is being released on March 31, with a party at Koto in Salem.
“We’d love to be able to have more people come and see us. Let me just say that Damnation … we’re nice boys and you should come see us,” Austin said, with a wide smile behind his thick beard. The others, bearded themselves, laugh and agree.
Independent music is gaining more of a following, which is good news for bands like Damnation, which are working on applying a different spin to the music they know and love. Many small bands focus on covers and try to impersonate the bands they’re covering. Damnation does the opposite. They use those influences as inspiration to create unique, original work that pays homage to punk and all the other genres they love.
“It’s really about breaking conventions and stereotypes,” Touchette said. “People hear punk and horror, and it paints a picture in their minds. We want to build off that and open people up to something they didn’t think they’d like.” - The Pulse
Fitchburg punk rockers Damnation bring a wickedly old-school sense of chaos and discord to songs such as “Zombies,” “What is My Name” and “Serial Killer.” The songs are dark and aggressive, but the songs never lose their sense of fun. - Worcester Telegram and Gazette
2019 The Equinox (full length)
2017 After Midnight (full length)
2015 Original Sin (E.P.)
205 The Creature Triple Feature (E.P.)

Formed in the summer of 2013 MA based three piece Damnation combines melodic punk energy with outside of the box song structures, underlying macabre themes, and an affinity for dark romance.
At times fiercely aggressive, while at others brooding and hook laden, Damnation strives to deliver a sound that encompasses a broad understanding of contemporary rock music.
Band Members