Dead Beat Poetry
Dallas, TX | Established. Jan 01, 2008 | SELF
Tonight at Stubb’s is gonna be epic, y’all. With our second exclusive premiere this week leading up to the show something tells me we’re in for quite a treat. Dallas duo Dead Beat Poetry has slowly but surely made their long awaited jump to the Austin scene. Already possessing a fairly expansive catalogue, the band’s southern rock sound and duo status will draw the unavoidable blessing and curse of comparisons to part-time Austinites Black Pistol Fire or perhaps even a grittier The Black Keys, however its Dead Beat Poetry’s ability to blend subtle influences and goofy punk streak that allow them to stand on their own. From lovelorn tracks like “In My Veins”, that are so shamelessly and soothingly ’90s you’ll find yourself suddenly wearing your favorite pair of acid wash jeans, to wonderfully catchy entries such as “Broken Bottle Hangover” a song begging not only to be a hit but an everyday saying, Dead Beat Poetry maintains a cohesive showcase of talent with ever so slight experimentations of everything from New Orleans blues, California surf rock and even an occasional tease of country twang.
Seemingly never satisfied with their own songs, we’ve got the premier of “Life Sucks Then You Die” the first of a batch of new tracks that seek to subtlety flesh out their grungy sound. With a simple thumping guitar and steady driving percussion that disguise later flashes of showboating brilliance and one of the most dynamic drummers I’ve ever seen “Life Sucks Then You Die” is a fun and fuzzy track that’s only slightly less morbid that you’d expect and possesses wonderfully warped catchiness that’ll have you involuntarily foot tapping in no time. Make it out early Tuesday night to be sure and catch the track live! - OVRLD
This was a monumental night for me. Why? Well, it marked the 700th concert I’ve seen. Not too bad. How fitting, too, that it would just so happen to take place at my favorite venue: The Curtain Club.
As usual, the night consisted of four bands, a couple of whom I had seen many times before, while the others were either little known and even unknown to me.
I was unsure how this night was going to turn out when I first arrived, because I was practically the only non-band member there. Granted, it was only 8:40 or so; and the show started around 9:30, instead of nine, which was when I had assumed things would get underway.
The duo of Lulio Guevara and Brandon Keebler, better known as Dead Beat Poetry, was starting off the night. Their 38-minute set consisted of some new songs, as well as material from both their records, like the opener, “Redbone”. They traversed a myriad of styles, and that one was a little blues inspired rock. “This next song’s entitled Golf Clap.” Lulio informed the handful of people who were there. On the plus side, everyone did seem to be paying attention.
Their best moment of the night came with “La Revolucion”, which spanned nearly seven-minutes and featured a fiery guitar solo; while Brandon kept up a pulse-pounding pace on the drums. It embodied the rebel spirit, too, and the cry of “I got a taste for revolution!” on the chorus was catchy, while one of the lines from the verses, “I look out my window, I don’t like what I see.” seemed all too appropriate for the times we’re living end.
“Obnoxious” was another good song; and after it, Lulio showed off a different side of his voice as they did an intense number that found him screaming more than anything. It was good. He then mentioned this was Chad Lovell’s birthday, and pointed out the man who was busy working the sound for them. “He’s thirty today.” said Lulio, which led one of the bartenders to reply with, “That’s an ugly thirty.”
With that out of the way, they embarked on their final song, one that boasted a drum solo from Brandon, and Lulio stepped over to the stairwell on the side of the stage, allowing all attention to go to him. There was also a lengthy instrumental break they threw in; and Lulio rocked out another, albeit brief, solo at the end.
If I’m remembering right, I think I did see a part of a Dead Beat Poetry show a few years back. However, I think I was feeling tired that night and left shortly after they started.
They gave a solid performance this night. Every song has rock roots, though you got to see how deep Lulio’s well of inspiration is, because they all drew on a vast array of other genres and musicians. In that respect, it was even impressive.
You should check them out, and go see them if you get a chance. Keep an eye on their FACEBOOK for word on future shows; and you can find their music on BANDCAMP. - The Music Enthusiast
Sometimes I like to imagine myself free from the responsibilities and concerns that plague most American adults. Between the mortgage, student loans, credit card debt, where to fit in an appointment with the mrs for a decent handjob, children, sleep, all of these things are assholes in their own right. While it might seem cliche and a bit stereotypical, nothing represents freedom more in my eyes than a motherfucking motorcycle and an awesomely unkempt beard.
Dead Beat Poetry, all over their motherfucking self titled album, scream loud ass saddle bagged motorcycle and funky ass 'store a beer under my chin' beard. It's as free as mowing the lawn in only your jorts.
Thump thump th-thump thump bass lines under bar brawl drums, a guitar player with chops to fucking fucking kill for, and vocals that sound like a Jim Morrison that you'd rather buy a shot for versus wanting to punch in the fucking face for being so fucking annoying that Val Kilmer was a better him than him was a him. Yes, I just shit on Jim Morrison for acting more important than he actually was. Sure I loved the dude's voice and maybe a part of his persona, but come the Fuck on, if you consider the vocals alone, The Doors are unlistenable.
Dead Beat Poetry on the other hand, fucking hell yes.
DBP (because I make acronyms out of everything and everyone) has the roadside biker bar thing going hard, but the instrumentation and lyrical intelligence, paired with a dash of bilingualism and just a hint of sass, makes Dead Beat Poetry's self titled album a perfect excuse to drink while sweating. I gave it two complete spins while washing my cars this past weekend and while I don't (and won't) own a motorcycle, I vicariously lived through a pair of neighbors as they loudly exited my hood on the rockets in their respective crotch.
Tits. Leather clad tits. - SYFFAL
I saw Dead Beat Poetry last weekend at Rubber Gloves in Denton and I was very impressed with their gritty take on rock, funk, and blues. With schedules too busy to permit any real band practice, this group performs like a band that has been practicing for years. Each member knew exactly where to sit in the sonic landscape that makes up Dead Beat Poetry. Lulio Guevara, the lead singer and guitar player for the band, was hot all night. He dug out bluesy lick after bluesy lick with his American Fender like there wasn’t any tomorrow. Their last song was a drinking man’s pleasure when the bass player injected melodic lines from Jimi Hendrix’s Third Stone From The Sun into their extended jam that closed out the night. Their fill in drummer was also kicking up the tempos and shaking things up during the whole set. It’s hard to find a local band these days that have real authenticity to blues and rock and but with a sound that’s all their own. I can’t wait to see them again when they perform next week at The Cavern in Dallas alongside The Red 100s and Tweed EQ. - RocknRollBlues.com
Dead Beat Poetry took the stage first. Lead singer/guitarist Lulio Guevara clutched a fresh can of Shiner Bock, man I love those new Shiner cans, anyways, he set it down, introduced the band, and jumped right into some explosive experimental ‘blues and roll.’ By the end of their first song, the can of Shiner had been knocked over, a victim of energetic improvisation.
I do not throw around the term improvisation lightly. Before the show I had learned that the drummer was a last second sit-in, having never rehearsed with them before. This reality made their set a true test for Dead Beat Poetry to live up to their reputation as one of the scene’s best improv bands. Blue, whose name was emblazoned across his kick drum, did more than “fill in,” he seemed like he had been playing for years with Lulio and bass player Emsy Robinson, the trio tore through their set effortlessly.
Their fourth song was a favorite of mine, a song called Revolution. It was as if I was at the Whisky A Go Go circa 1966 listening to The Doors. Lulio’s vocals mirrored Morrison’s signature style as he sang, “I got a taste for revolution.” The line repeated until it became a scream much like many of The Doors’ songs where the musical build up led Morrison deeper and deeper into lyrical frenzy. Lulio’s insane guitar solo on this track reminded me of Tom Morello, it just didn’t seem like a guitar could make that kind of sound.
A couple songs later they got into another track I had recognized from their website, a song called Broken Bottle Hangover. “I haven’t been home in a week, I laid in bed but I didn’t sleep,” sang Lulio. The lyrics stuck in my head all night.
They closed the night with San Francisco, they have a great live recording of this track featured on their website. The bass solo in this song was ridiculously good; Emsy bent his thick bass strings as if they were dainty guitar strings. “I left my mind in San Francisco” Lulio lamented as the song sped up almost to the point where the band could not possibly play their instruments any faster. The crescendo eventually broke down into a solid slower finish that closed out their performance.
Their set certainly reminded one of the beat poets from the mid to late 50’s who congregated in San Francisco; it was heart-felt, uninhibited, and most importantly, it was rebellious by nature. Beat poets Ginsberg and Kerouac would have been proud Friday night, for Dead Beat Poetry successfully pushed the boundaries of conformity at every transition, living up to their namesake. - MyDallasMusic
Dallas's own DeadBeatPoetry gives it to you raw! We are fortunate to have been privied to hear their sound at the Deep Ellum Arts Festival 2009... This trio has got the rock goods and they GIVE IT TO YOU! - The KNON Rock Show
"The music they've set out to create is music that gets back to the roots of the hard rock era from the 70s to 80s, music about rebellion and partying hard. This is music that leaves the smell of motor oil in its wake, whether from hot rods or Harley's, your choice. It's all about having a good time!"
- Tawny Khat, Phoenix, AZ
"It's a privilege to be around for the genesis of something with such formidable power and potential--like watching the launch of some powerful rocket ... exploding from the stage. I believe I've witnessed the start of something big--larger than the sum of its individual parts. I highly recommend seeing "DeadBeatPoetry" any chance you get..."
- Paladin, 93.3 FM The Bone, Dallas, TX
2015 - Bathroom Graffiti Music
2014- Teen Wolf (EP)
2014 - Mutt Katt
2011 - Dead Beat Poetry (EP)

Dead Beat Poetry is the musical result of a journey taken inside cheap motels, alleys, and underpasses. Singing songs about nothing to lose, they shed light on beauty that can only exist in dark places, and can only be seen when you're an outsider. Following the tradition of artists such as John Lee Hooker, Jim Morrison, and Iggy Pop, Dead Beat Poetry pull their musical language from blues roots, and build on them with sounds of varied genres, creating their own unique vocabulary. Lulio Guevara's raw guitar playing and expressive vocals, blended with Brandon Keebler's aggressive drumming and use of the Moog keyboard, give Dead Beat Poetry a sound all their own.
Band Members