Denver, Colorado, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2010 | SELF
http://everydayinthemilehigh.wordpress.com/tag/eldren/ - Everyday In the Mile High
"Just when we thought that it was only their music that we were in love with, Eldren has one of the most intense live performing structures that I have ever seen" - IndieBitches
"The world of Eldren is a magical one of undiscovered dreams, undocumented desires, and mythical adventures that makes the oldest soul feel young again" - Colorado Music Buzz
Download! - Heyreverb
Eldren (self-titled first album) 2013
Second album coming summer 2014

Honing their craft in Denver, Colorado's burgeoning music community, and captivating audiences nationwide, Eldren are prepared to charge into your life and forge fire in your heart.
Eldren's self produced and self titled debut album instantly makes its vibrant mark on the 21st centur'ys drab musical landscape with a broad palette of sonic brushstrokes. The band's epic psych-pop songs infuse an impressive array of influences and dynamics, incorporating the quirky electro rock catchiness of MGMT, the frenetic balls-to-the-wall prog of The Mars Volta, and at times the reserved acoustic introspection of Sufjan Stevens and Elliott Smith. This depth of musicianship and composition translates into mind-blowing live shows and a rabidly devoted following. Their motto "we are Eldren and so are you," speaks to the band's ability to transcend genre and appeal to every demographic.
Look for Eldren's Sophomore Album Summer 2014, featuring their latest single We Just Want the World.
Band Members