Electrostatic Rhythm Pigs
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2014 | SELF
Electrostatic Rhythm Pigs land showcase spot at 12th annual Millennium Music Conference.
Electrostatic Rhythm Pigs will be playing as part of a four band bill at Molly Branningan’s Irish Pub in Harrisburg, PA on Thursday, 2/14, at 11:30 P.M. as part of the 12th annual Millennium Music Conf. They will be joining around 300 acts in showcases throughout the city celebrating original music of all varieties. ERP has spent most of the last two years stockpiling song demos in the studio and will be showing the range of styles and influences they have at the show.
For more info on Electrostatic Rhythm Pigs visit us at our label, Velvet Wrinkle Wreckerds at their web site (www.velvetwrinklewreckerds.com) where you can listen to some tunes or reach us by email. You can also find ERP at myspace.com/electrostaticrhythmpigs.
For more info on MMC12 see below:
The 12th annual Millennium Music Conference and Showcase will be held February 14th – 17th, 2008 at the Radisson Penn Harris Hotel and Convention Center in Camp Hill, PA. MMC12 will feature four days of business keynotes, panels, clinics, workshops, mentoring & demo listening sessions and trade show.
The event celebrates new music with four nights of showcase performances by 300 original acts at 30 venues in and around Harrisburg, PA. Since 1997 the conference and showcase has become one of the premier music events on the East Coast.
For info or questions on the conference call 717-221-1124 or email info@musicconference.net. Their web site is: www.MMC12.com.
Molly Brannigan's Irish Pub
31 N. 2nd St.
Harrisburg, PA 17101
Thursday 2/14/2008
9:30pm The Illuminati awood@mollybrannigans.com
10:30pm Jason Liebman jason@jasonlmusic.com
11:30pm Electrostatic Rhythm Pigs churchhouse0@lycos.com
12:30am Phoenix Down phoenixdizzle@hotmail.com
Friday 2/15/2008
9:30pm Will Hanza willhanza@gmail.com
10:30pm Paper Airplane rhorns@marysvillejt.com
11:30pm Stealing Jane thejinxsaxplayer@hotmail.com
12:30am Spit Hot Fire spithotfire@spithotfire.com
Saturday 2/16/2008
9:30pm JINNRAIL jinnrail@gmail.com
10:30pm Juxtaposse mmartin@globalquestinc.com
11:30pm Three Legged Fox Josh@threeleggedfoxlive.com
12:30am The Juice troutman@temple.edu
Sunday 2/17/2008
9:00pm Sarah Fleck & the Palpitations thepalpitations@hotmail.com
10:00pm The Burning Dirty Band info@burningdirtyband.com
11:00pm Trust trust.theband@gmail.com
12:00am Underwhelmed unwhelmed@aol.com
- Local radio stations
Wildflower Show Review – ‘Beneath The Valley’ fanzine 2007
Opening the show at The Wildflower was Electrostatic Rhythm Pigs, a local band that’s starting to make some noise in the area. The stage sound was great: not painfully loud, but crisp with a lot of separation. This suits the band’s style, songs ranging from hypnotic trance to funky chop and straight-ahead pounders. For their set they blazed through mostly up-tempo songs, some faster and harder than the recorded versions.
ERP aren’t much for stage banter – songs often rolled from one directly in to the next, some tied together with some odd interludes. One thing the band does retain live are the precision rhythms and drop outs that highlight much of their music, even garage ready ‘cowpunk’ songs like the flailing ‘Countdown’; loose top ends tied to precise rhythms. Singer Erin Fowler carried the songs with power – no lip sync or canned backing tracks here. The one or two ‘covers’ they throw in, like The Gun Club’s ‘Ghost On The Highway’ blends in perfectly with the rest of the material. The band definitely appears to be having fun on stage, drawing out the songs and adding interesting changes here and there. The band has enough original material that I heard several new songs in the hour long set that they hadn’t played at previous shows. Let’s hope we see more of them in the future.
- 'Beneath The Valley' Fanzine
Electrostatic Rhythm Pigs 11:30 p.m., Molly Brannigans Irish Pub, Second and Walnut streets, Harrisburg. Information: 260-9242 or www.mollybrannigans.com.
So Electrostatic Rhythm Pigs clearly wins the prize for one of the most creatively named bands at MMC this year.
This girl-fronted indie rock trio is based in Allentown, and their tunes, while fairly straightforward, are super tight. Vocalist Erin Fowler has a Grace Slick vibe about her, and the melodic bass and guitar lines by D.W. Pickman and Bret Talbert's driving rhythms create a unique, mod-sounding stew of sound.
Recommended tunes: "Green Eyes" or "Big Sky."
- Pennlive.com
Garage rock duo Electrostatic Rhythm Pigs aim to revive their beloved genre with the release of their single, “Countdown,” which was featured on WiFi PR Group’s compilation, Indie Anthems Vol. 7.
Two decades later, garage rock is taking a stand once again. Taking cues from such luminaries as The Gun Club and The Bottle Rockets, garage rock duo Electrostatic Rhythm Pigs have crafted a familiar yet unique sound in their hometown of Allentown, Penn. It resembles both of their musical influences as well as The White Stripes and The Gun Club and adds a distinct flair of their own. This sound can be heard on both their debut EP, Celebrity Prostitution (2012), and their latest single, “Countdown,” which appeared on WiFi PR Group’s indie compilation mixtape, Indie Anthems Vol. 7.
Vocalist Erin Fowler and guitarist/bassist Don Melber both became involved with music at a young age. Erin’s grandfather sang while her grandmother played the organ, and she spent her childhood learning old classics and singing constantly, often with them. When she moved from East Texas to the East Coast, she experienced extreme culture shock and felt it important to keep in touch with some part of her past musically. Don began playing guitar at the age of 10, and from then on, the need to play music has been a driving force in his life.
During their 15-year collaboration, Electrostatic Rhythm Pigs released their debut album, Celebrity Prostitution, which first put them on the map both locally and nationally. They also founded ChurchHouse Productions, which has evolved from a small 8-track studio to a fully professional digital studio. With this effort, the duo are able to not only create and promote their own music, but they also push themselves to meet more musicians to bring onboard and continue having an effect on the local music scene.
With their music and other music-related endeavors, Electrostatic Rhythm Pigs aim to promote a more diversified local music scene in Allentown—particularly one that doesn’t primarily focus on blues or cover bands. Garage rock was an infallible force in the 90s and broke through the mold to introduce a new generation of rock music, and the duo intend to have the same impact in their own music community.
Electrostatic Rhythm Pigs most recently had their single “Countdown” featured on WiFi PR Group’s indie compilation mixtape, Indie Anthems Vol. 7. It’s a collection of international independent artists who WiFi PR wants to put on the radars of music lovers and industry tastemakers the world over. Released at Pitchfork Music Festival in July 2014 and again at Lollapalooza in August 2014, the 10-track digital mixtape was handed out on 3,500 download cards to festival attendees. WiFi PR has also made 1,500 more download copies available on the Indie Anthems Bandcamp page.
Electrostatic Rhythm Pigs’ debut EP, Celebrity Prostitution, is available in digital form on iTunes, Amazon and CD Baby, which also distributed the record to several online music outlets. Fans can also find physical copies of the EP on the band’s website, and the EP can be streamed on Spotify, Rhapsody and other music streaming outlets. Listen to the EP on YouTube and their cover of Joy Division’s “Isolation” on Vimeo. - Wifi Pr Group
Monday, 10 November 2014 13:05
"Garage rock duo Electrostatic Rhythm Pigs aim to revive their beloved genre with the release of their single, 'Countdown', which was featured on WiFi PR Group’s compilation, Indie Anthems Vol. 7."
"Two decades later, garage rock is taking a stand once again. Taking cues from such luminaries as The Gun Club and The Bottle Rockets, garage rock duo Electrostatic Rhythm Pigs have crafted a familiar yet unique sound in their hometown of Allentown, PA. It resembles both of their musical influences as well as The White Stripes and The Gun Club and adds a distinct flair of their own. This sound can be heard on both their debut EP, Celebrity Prostitution (2012), and their latest single, 'Countdown', which appeared on WiFi PR Group’s indie compilation mixtape, Indie Anthems Vol. 7."
"Vocalist Erin Fowler and guitarist/bassist Don Melber both became involved with music at a young age. Erin’s grandfather sang while her grandmother played the organ, and she spent her childhood learning old classics and singing constantly, often with them. When she moved from East Texas to the East Coast, she experienced extreme culture shock and felt it important to keep in touch with some part of her past musically. Don began playing guitar at the age of 10, and from then on, the need to play music has been a driving force in his life.
During their 15-year collaboration, Electrostatic Rhythm Pigs released their debut album, Celebrity Prostitution, which first put them on the map both locally and nationally. They also founded ChurchHouse Productions, which has evolved from a small 8-track studio to a fully professional digital studio. With this effort, the duo are able to not only create and promote their own music, but they also push themselves to meet more musicians to bring on-board and continue having an effect on the local music scene.
With their music and other music-related endeavors, Electrostatic Rhythm Pigs aim to promote a more diversified local music scene in Allentown—particularly one that doesn’t primarily focus on blues or cover bands. Garage rock was an infallible force in the 90s and broke through the mold to introduce a new generation of rock music, and the duo intend to have the same impact in their own music community.
"Electrostatic Rhythm Pigs most recently had their single 'Countdown' featured on WiFi PR Group’s indie compilation mixtape, Indie Anthems Vol. 7. It’s a collection of international independent artists who WiFi PR wants to put on the radars of music lovers and industry tastemakers the world over. Released at Pitchfork Music Festival in July 2014 and again at Lollapalooza in August 2014, the 10-track digital mixtape was handed out on 3,500 download cards to festival attendees. WiFi PR has also made 1,500 more download copies available on the Indie Anthems Bandcamp page."
"Electrostatic Rhythm Pigs’ debut EP, Celebrity Prostitution, is available in digital form on iTunes, Amazon and CD Baby, which also distributed the record to several online music outlets. Fans can also find physical copies of the EP on the band’s website, and the EP can be streamed on Spotify, Rhapsody and other music streaming outlets. Listen to the EP on YouTube and their cover of Joy Division’s 'Isolation' on Vimeo."
About Electrostatic Rhythm Pigs Music
Celebrity Prostitution EP (2012)
“Countdown” Compilation Single (2014) - Music Talkers
You can see our discography here: >>>ERP

ERP (Electrostatic Rhythm Pigs) was formed by east coast duo, Erin Fowler and Don Melber. Don had started doing recordings on an 8 track but needed a vocalist. After visiting a local music store, he found Erin through an ad with the store (before internet message boards - yeah we know - old school). Ripping her add out of the book, he called her and they started recording the second week of meeting at Don's home studio. "From there it just kept growing," says Melber. "I spent a lot of money and time getting us up to studio up to digital capability, Erin spent a lot of time developing our web presence and getting us on more into social media, and I decided to go ahead and develop an indie label, Velvet Wrinkle Wreckerds."
Erin had moved up from Texas to go to college and had been looking for something creative musically to invest in. Don had spent a lot of time playing in various bands in the Lehigh Valley and wanted to record, but wanted more control over the process and the sound. "I think we had originally wanted to do a live band, but quickly realized the time investment, the personalities, the feeling that unless we were constantly pulling gigs - no one seemed invested," says Fowler. "The only thing that remained consistent was me and Don doing music - whether it was collaborative, stuff that he [Don] had developed while in other projects, or stuff that I did - we just wanted to keep moving forward."
The duo recently released their 4 song EP Celebrity Prostitution and pulled in a great drummer to record. ERP is looking to release another 4-song compilation some time in 2016. In the mean time, they spend their time trying to meet and collaborate with musicians in their local area looking to break away from the typical musical venues. "I think we are really into trying new things. Most recently we have been really getting into Americana and shoe gaze."
Band Members