Fugue State Ravens
Boise, Idaho, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2021 | INDIE
"Acoustic punk sung from the heart, Fugue State Ravens hail from Boise. It’s all very folk country punk, full of twang and pared-down percussion (sticks?) with fast-paced, melodic guitar. I honestly don’t know of any comparisons because I’m not familiar with folk country punk. What I can say is it’s very accessible (good/bad?), like your folks would be okay with these tunes… and my folks are in their seventies...." –Camylle (Simpul) - Razorcake
I wasn't around Boise (because I wasn't yet alive) in the '80s and '90s when Crazy Horse was THE city's punk rock destination. But, boy, have I heard some stories. Part of me wishes the iconic venue never closed so that the younger and older generations could still reminisce and compare stories over the years.
Locals Chris Raney and Jeremy Ford have their own fond memories at Crazy Horse — in fact, the duo played there together as teenagers in the '90s in their punk band called Angered Youth. While Crazy Horse is now long gone, having officially shut down in 2014, Raney and Ford still have each other and an enduring love for punk rock.
A few years ago, "after a decade of misadventures in North Carolina and L.A.," Raney and Ford both found themselves back in Boise so they reunited to form Fugue State Ravens, a punk acoustic duo with Raney on guitar, Ford on percussion and both contributing vocals.
Fugue State Ravens released its first demo in 2021, and on Dec. 1 the duo is releasing a self-titled 7-inch record, produced and distributed by Simpul Records, a locally-based record label.
The newest release is short, at only three songs, but it gave me a feeling of nostalgia for a time I couldn't place — perhaps for the old Crazy Horse days.
The first song, "Dracula in Daylight," is a personal favorite for me, especially on vinyl. I've never considered myself to be a music snob but this song feels made for vinyl. That bit of static just really adds to the "garage band" feel of the song. And not only do the lyrics intrigue, but they're incredibly catchy, so listen at your own risk — the "howlin' at the moo - oon" line has played in my head nonstop since I first heard it.
The record's last song, "Billy C," does something I always really love in music — it tells a (somewhat) chronological story. When it comes to song writing, Raney said he oftentimes writes the music and lyrics "solo in the kitchen" before creating a demo to send to Ford. And that makes sense because "Billy C" doesn't feel like there were multiple voices involved in its creation; it's a story that's clearly coming from a single person. Which I love.
"(Ford) has a pretty intense work schedule … so when he gets the time he'll focus on and work out the percussion pieces," Raney said. "We usually feature fuller percussion on our recordings because (Ford) is an amazing player and he really brings the songs to life with his work. In the studio he builds all these subtle layers of really cool percussion to drive the songs along."
The "full percussion" from Ford absolutely comes through in each of their newest songs, all of which have a strong, identifiable rhythm. None of them are "sit still" kind of songs; each one makes me want to at least tap my foot along.
When they were putting together the record, the pair ultimately ended up with an extra song that wouldn't fit on the upcoming record. "Firefly" was released as a single on Sept. 22 and is a great sneak peek of what's to come on their Dec. 1 release. You can download the song for free now on bandcamp.com.
Fugue State Raven's self-titled 7-inch record will be available for purchase locally on Dec. 1 for $10 at the Record Exchange, Modern Sounds Vinyl and Music, and the Music Art Rock Consortium. The record is printed on a vibrant pink and black splatter wax which, I would argue, is worth $10 just to use as decor — so to also include three great punk songs is a steal. Digital copies will also available wherever you stream your music or at simpulrecords.com. - Boise Weekly
Boise, ID- December 1st, 2023, The Fugue State Ravens’ (@fuguestateravens) release a self-titled 7” vinyl on Simpul Records (@simpulrecords) featuring seasoned Boise punks, Chris Raney (guitar, vocals) and Jeremy Ford (percussion, vocals). This three-track album will surprise its listeners with its highs yet a has few moments that might give off a ‘warped tour dad energy,’ which is I find typical of many punk acoustic albums. I prefer side A, “Dracula in Daylight,” but throughout the album, what stands out is the punchy nature of the tracks, the production quality for an acoustic act, and the eye-catching, pink-tinged packaging. Admittedly, there is that warped-tour-dad-vibe in parts which lowers this album on my rock star scale, but the duo manages to offset that with plucky, charming, and snotty lyrics that inject a folk punk energy, which sets it apart from their 2021 demo. One applauds the growth and the artistic risk-taking showcased in this release, striking a well-balanced mix by incorporating acoustic elements while staying true to their punk roots. The clean production adds a layer of appeal that may reach wider audiences that typically do not follow these genres. Despite my preference for full bands, feedback, and wailing effect pedals, the album impresses with its rich lyricism, narrative depth, and character— qualities that lean towards more folk punk sensibilities. I can see fans of early Felice Brothers, or AJJ digging this duo. Vocally, Raney and Ford maintain a raw punk and street energy, creating a dynamic easy to envision in a live setting. I can imagine this duo around the campfire, or busking along gutters, and still could easily imagine these tracks played with full, electric backing. Even with the clean production quality and creative liberties taken in the studio, the gritty heart of this album still shines, making it a charming addition to any eclectic vinyl collection. Check out Fugue State Ravens here.
-Ali O’Malley - B-Side Magazine
FUGUE STATE RAVENS: Self-titled: 7”
Jan 24, 2024
This Boise duo plays hooky, anthemic acoustic punk. It’s catchy as hell while retaining a raw edge, one that I kept getting up to flip over and start again because of their obvious chemistry and lyrical wit. Totally dug this one. –Michael T. Fournier (Simpul, simpulrecords.com) - Razorcake
Fugue State Ravens - 2021 Demo - Simpul Records
Fugue State Ravens - Firefly (single) - 2023 Simpul Records
Fugue State Ravens - S/T 7" 2023 Simpul Records

Fugue State Ravens are Jeremy Ford and Chris Raney, two lifelong friends who grew up playing punk rock at the original Crazy Horse in Boise, Id. After a decade of misadventures in North Carolina and LA respectively they found themselves back in Boise with stories to tell and music to make. Fugue State Ravens is their interpretation of everything DIY punk is - heartfelt, passionate, energetic and honest; roots music for the rootless, signaling across the void to the weary and worn.
Band Members