Marshall Catch
Kalispell, Montana, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2011
This band has no press
Still working on that hot first release.

Marshall Catch was formed in Evergreen, Montana, in early 2010 by lead singer and frontman Luke Lautaret. His dichotomous role as both a Minister of Music at a local congregation, and an apparent heretic (at the same local congregation) came to a head and he was forced to give up that particular church in exchange for saner enterprises, which ironically included being in a rock band. The son of a pastor, and raised with a flair for smithing words and concepts into emotional and impactful narratives, Luke turned his newfound infamy in local religious circles as a chance to flip over a new leaf and pursue his lifelong dream of being a rock star; who was allowed to sing about being in love with someone who wasn't Jesus.
Initially comprised of Aaron Danreuther on guitars, George Kimerly IV on drums, and Aidan Foshay on Bass, Marshall Catch set the local scene on fire with a series of potent, high-energy live concerts that showcased the band's stage presence and knack for storytelling, stealing the focus even in a room full of people who were usually far too drunk to listen to a story that didn't end with the words "okay, I'll go home with you." Jared Denney, a multi-instrumentalist who saw the band and recognized the potential for good music, camaraderie, and good times, joined in the fall of 2010 on keyboards, ultimately replacing George on drums when the latter moved to Colorado in 2012. Matt Haun joined the band as the sound technician and backup bass player in early 2011, eventually rounding out the lineup in 2013 when original Marshall Catch Bassist Aidan Foshay accidentally made too many babies with his wife Angie, and was forced to choose a real job over one whose pay scale included free drink refills, floozies, and hotel rooms with yellow "Crime Scene" tape still on the mattresses.
The band released their first album "Ad Meliora" in early 2011, to widespread critical obscurity, since no self-respecting music critic would ever care about anything happening in Montana. The fans, however, clamored for the release, eventually purchasing over 2000 copies all over the Pacific Northwest. In 2012, the band released the Rob Stroup-Produced EP "Make Noise," which garnered the radio single "More Than Myself" gracing the ears of the listeners of FM Radio stations from Des Moines, Iowa to Eugene, Oregon. Both recordings have since sold out, and future pressings are on hold as the band focuses on their second full-length album, tentatively titled "Chasing Ghosts & Dreams."
Now in their fourth year on the road, Marshall Catch hits the stage with a powerful live show, melding the poignant songwriting of Cat Stevens with the guitar-driven sound of Collective Soul. Boasting harmonies that lend a nod to The Eagles and the feel-good bands of LA's Sunset Strip in the 1980's, the band has garnered widespread acclaim from audiences, radio stations, and critics alike. The iTunes downloads keep adding up, the music gets tighter, and the venues become more crowded with each passing season.
Band Members