Atlanta, GA | Established. Jan 01, 2013 | INDIE
Rooted in Atlanta, Georgia, the trio known as O.D.D. represents a growing trend of heavy metal purists relying on no frills talent as their greeting card for success. Formed in 2013, Harley David Smith (guitar, vocals), Gunny (bass, vocals), and The Muffer (drums, vocals), have developed a brand of hard rock music that serves as a delightful oasis for anyone who appreciates the genre’s history. Their new EP, The Disorder, proves to be a favorable testimony that solidifies O.D.D.’s raw genius.
Though influences from such legendary acts like Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, and others seem to echo in O.D.D.’s musical landscape, The Disorder EP is seasoned with an original dose of the band’s flavor. The project comes complete with four electrifying songs. The opening track Executive Order is filled with heavy guitar riffs and unique backing harmonies to put you on the edge of a studio recording session situated at the front seat of a live show.
Label Killer is another gem off this EP that really shows off the band’s enchanting vocals over heavy guitar riffs. The song features one of the intricately woven guitar riffs ever recorded. Its raw and melodic at the same time, a clever trademark of the O.D.D. sound. Loud Fighter, the most aggressive track on the EP, is full of revitalizing energy as understood by the heaviest of rockers. One of my favorite songs from The Disorder EP is The View. It’s a track where we really get to feel the fullness of the O.D.D.’s potential, a fabulous tune.
The Disorder by O.D.D. is an incredible venture that lives up to all the expectations one can imagine from a trio of musical veterans. The Disorder is not only a great EP, but one of the best tools that O.D.D. has at their disposal for turning their sound into a movement. - Warlock Asylum
Always risk involved with a statement like “influences like Kiss, Black Sabbath, Rush and Led Zeppelin are glaringly obvious…” To be fair to O.D.D., this insinuation refers to their debut self-titled EP…and we’re talking about the new record, The Disorder EP today…I’m just saying it’s one hell of a claim to come out comparing yourself to ALL of the biggest of the big; the list is short by about one Elvis, a Pink Floyd and a defined choice between The Beatles and/or Rolling Stones and I’d say they pretty much covered it.
Thankfully, that’s just something that caught my eye while scanning their social media…there’s not a band on that list of comparisons that would suit this new EP that O.D.D. has got…though I’ll be happy to offer some new ones that’ll give people a much better idea of what they’re in store for with this band. I have no doubt whatsoever that this sound is a TOUGH sell to the masses; but in saying that, I know I can’t be telling O.D.D. anything they wouldn’t already be aware of – they’ve got an extremely hybrid style that is no doubt similar to many bands they already love. While I’m not hearing that classic-influence that dominated their debut self-titled EP – perhaps what we’re hearing on The Disorder EP is a step closer to the modern that occurred throughout the decades to follow…think less Rush or Kiss and start thinking more along the lines of Faith No More (R.I.P. Chuck), King’s X, and Panic Channel. Every one of those bands would have experienced a similar struggle in staying true to themselves while taking critical beat-downs at every point along the way, all in effort to bring a new dimension to hard-rock/metal and give it some substance and depth…you know…that stuff you actually WANT to listen to.
But if you can’t hear all three of those comparisons I just made in the opening track “Executive Order” – then you’ve been asleep for some pivotal moments in music history. Faith No More ALWAYS struggled to convince the mainstream – you could actually make an argument that King’s X made it closer to it than they did…and as for Panic Channel, well, even with Dave Navarro, it barely got off the ground. We don’t all make music for the purpose of mainstream success of course…depends on what the goals are; but now think about those same projects and the dedicated fans they produced and maintained. It’s not even an argument – people do LOVE the sound of a band like O.D.D. – it just has a tougher road ahead than most to get it out there to the people as the combinations in their style borrow a piece from each decade from the 70’s forward, which can often result in a mixed experience for the average set of ears.
As this being said, all comparisons and influences aside…I really freakin’ liked this EP a LOT. For my ears personally, this kind of creativity in hard-rock/alt-metal is not at all tough to enjoy or get in the mood for – I love this kind of energy and ability to mix up a melting pot of rad sounds from music’s history. While I’ll still be the first to say they’ve got a tough road ahead of them to convince the masses – I also know firsthand that this kind of record and sound will really hold up strongly from year to year; essentially, I love what I’m hearing on The Disorder and I’m absolutely positive that short of a full lobotomy, I will more than likely still love this EP years and years from now as well. There are massive strengths here.
For instance – the way this record begins with “Executive Order” – if this doesn’t hook you in immediately then what the HELL are you after when you’re listening to rock-anything? The insanely rad pace and incredible tone they get instantly out of both the guitars and drums is as spot-on enticing as it gets and starts the EP on the firmest of ground. The vocals come out sounding as solid as you could ever hope for – compelling and strong on their own, perhaps even better with the surrounding harmonies. I can hear an argument for a bit more presence of the bass on “Executive Order” by comparison to the rest, but c’mon now…you gotta give a band the opportunity to play with their sound and explore its potential to give you something new track-to-track. Starting The Disorder EP like this gives O.D.D. the ability to expand even further as the set progresses and you’ll notice the punch of the low-end rise to meet the challenge on the tracks to follow. But I want it said, stated and KNOWN – “Executive Order” is one hell of a beginning to a record. When O.D.D. kicked-in to the chorus for the first time on their opening cut, it was like an immediate sigh of relief & comforting feeling that felt like everything is indeed going to work out for these guys on this EP. “Executive Order” is a brilliant start to The Disorder and a completely solid contender for a lead-single I’d imagine – it’s bold as it gets and bound to grab the attention of anyone within earshot through its versatile movements and gripping sound.
The closest they’ll drift towards the classics on this EP is in the second track, “Label Killer,” where you can probably pick out a few of those referenced influences like Sabbath and Zep a bit more. I wasn’t as stoked on this second cut as I was generally with the others – but I’d still argue that this is a pretty gnarly tune overall. My main beef with it would probably be that main guitar-line with the chops & squeals where we do feel that comfort and familiarity of what we’ve heard in the past of music’s history; but I also felt that on a structural-level, O.D.D. manages to pull the song forward into the future, maybe even before its time. We’re still waiting for the world to catch up to bands like Faith No More, King’s X and Panic Channel – so you can kind of see what I’m getting at here when I say it’s a tougher sell; those that ‘get it’ get it – those that don’t have much more difficulty accepting progressive ideas and complex structures like these. PLUS – I don’t want anyone to get me wrong here….those guitars might sound more ‘familiar’ yes – but the fact is that they’re also played with tremendous skill and that really DOES have an impact in pulling you in to listen to the way they grind through the EP’s second cut. You could also potentially argue that lead-singer HDS also brings “Label Killer” closer to a Sabbath sound/style through the approach to the vocals – but in doing so, you might have to acknowledge the damn-near Van Halen like chops, tones and crunchy chords of the guitar as well. It’s a meatier tune by the time it’s all said and done…it still has hooks, clever transitions in sound and enough force to capture the attention, but perhaps dives into slightly more niche territory, narrowing the audience a bit on “Label Killer.” I’m also a firm believer in the Nirvana-posed theory that no song should ever fade out…at least not when it comes to rock; but it’s subtle clues within the music, style and production like this that show the real roots of their influences truly do come from throughout many points in the timeline of history.
The Disorder continues with wild energy ripping through the opening of “Loud Fighter” like you’d hear in a cut from The Panic Channel…and over time, through the chorus, they punch those final lines of the vocals with harmonies like you find in King’s X tunes. O.D.D. has found a really insightful balance of power in these songs they write…while there might be comparisons to be cited in each song, they’re completely BRINGING it at every possible moment and real credit needs to be given to a band like this for putting out a record like The Disorder EP that doesn’t contain a single misstep or something that needs to be changed. I’d have to firmly believe that they’re making the music they really want to make here – and I think you can tell that by just how invested they clearly are in every part they play. They’ve got madly intense musicianship working in their favor, production is tight AF…you really can’t complain about much when it comes to the execution of this record, it all comes down to whether or not the material itself is the kind of sound you dig. The crossover appeal of a band like O.D.D. is massive – listen to the way they effortlessly blend sounds and styles on “Loud Fighter” for example; the way this song twists and turns through each part is audible perfection. Each part of “Loud Fighter” is played like it’s the main-hooks and chorus…as a result, every part of the song has something to offer the ears and a genuine chance of being the sound that brings you back to listen to O.D.D. over & over again. Dig the final switch and grind towards the end…I also stand by my previous comments on fading songs out.
The Muffer has been more than impressive on the drums from the first seconds of this EP and remains that way right to the end, thundering and storming through the final song, “The View.” Everything gets harder, more beastly and more aggressive as O.D.D. cranks up the intensity even higher at the EP’s end to establish that memorable impact and give us 5:45-worth of more reasons to repeat this experience. Gunny’s bass comes through solidly to add the depth into this last cut and sounds fantastic throughout the deep grooves in the song’s middle with the record’s best guitar-solos soaring over top. See what I’m saying? O.D.D. ‘gets it’ – not only do they own their sound/style here at the end with authority – but the way they never let up the focus on this final tune in this progressive set of songs shows they really knew how to lay out The Disorder in a way that’s sure to have you coming back to listen again. It’s a structurally sound EP from wall to wall…no mistakes, no missteps, no drops in the production or performance and the evolution of their set from song one to the end moves in a way that ensures we stick with it as listeners. I think “The View” is likely a little less accessible to the masses overall & probably appeals more to the alt-metal crowd – but I can certainly imagine a whole shitload of people getting into this crew for the sheer stunning level of execution and power they put into their material.
For the sheer fact that you truly CAN hear the influence of decades of rock & metal throughout this entire EP and four-song set – I have to believe that O.D.D. stands a fantastic chance of being able to BE that band that gets some additional ears on their side from the immaculate effort they’ve put in here. It’s a level of execution that truly warrants a listen, whether or not it’s your style/sound is almost beside the point here – if you’re one of those people out there that swears they’ll listen to the best in any genre no matter what it is…then it’s time for you to get onboard with O.D.D. and ride this crazy train. These guys are fantastic at what they do and audibly one of the most dedicated to their music & focused bands that I’ve heard this year – excellent job on this entire set, without question. - Sleeping Bag Studios
Can you guess what type of music O.D.D. plays from their album cover on The Disorder? Hip-hop you say. I’m sorry you’re wrong. Jazz? No, you couldn’t be more off base. Classical? Haha thats a good one. If you guessed hard rock that veers towards the aesthetics of the ’90s and late ’80s then you guessed correctly.
The rockers behind the band are HDS (vocals/guitar), Gunny (bass/vocals) and The Muffer (drums/vocals). With clear aliases established let’s get into the tunes. The band plays pretty straightforward hard rock that has been around for the last thirty years or so. Think Alice In Chains, Anthrax, and other like minded bands..
Having grown up in this era and being thoroughly invested in the grunge scene I was able to appreciate what the boys were bringing to the table. There is also no denying their music doesn't sound the least bit contemporary. They aren’t reinventing the wheel here and it felt like an homage to bands from a different era. But hell it’s almost 2018 and with every type of music imaginable available within a couple of clicks why not feed a popular niche that never completely went away.
There are four songs here all which are well written and well delivered. They kick things off with “Executive Order” which has an almost early NIN type of feel during the verse. The vocal harmonies with vibrato had me thinking hair metal. “Label Killer” is more just straight hard rock/grunge. Killer lead guitar here. “Loud Fighter” dips into somewhat classic ’80s metal while the closer “The View” is a fast paced adrenaline rush.
I’m willing to bet this EP is based upon the bands that O.D.D. grew up listening to as teenagers. The band wears their influences on their sleeves and it is easy to spot presuming I grew up in the same decade as they did.
The Disorder is an enjoyable listen for fans of this style. No more, no less. I’m sure by this point you know if this is your cup of tea or not. - Divide and Conquer
As the band’s name might suggest, O.D.D. is all about creating music that feels energetic, frantic and engaging, inspired by genres as diverse as classic heavy metal, punk, and hard rock.
The band’s recent studio fatigue is an EP titled “The Disorder”. The project features 4 original songs, which highlight the band’s approach to rock and roll and in-your-face attitude.
Opening number “Executive Order” kicks in with a monolithic drum pattern, followed by massive guitar walls and powerful riffs. The song makes me think of acts such as early Guns’N’Roses or Motley Crue, but with a harder edge.
The second song on the EP, “Label Killer”, is probably one of my favorite tracks on “The Disorder”, with its down-tuned guitar tones and heavy beats. The following track, “Loud Fighter”, also stands out, upping the tempo and the adrenaline.
Last, but certainly not least, the band closes the curtains with the excellent, “The View”, another hard-hitting number that truly sums up the band’s aesthetics and concept.
Ultimately, “The Disorder” stands out as a solid portrait of a band who truly understand what it takes to create uncompromising rock and roll songs! If you are a fan of bands such as Guns’N’Roses, Stone Temple Pilots, The Bronx or Motley Crue, you will not be disappointed. - The Bandcamp Diaries
Music evolves, that’s a common theme in most of my reviews if you have noticed by now. Sometimes it does for the good, sometimes for the worst. The key is to find the way to marry the old along with the new. They say you can’t reinvent the wheel, and even if you burn down the old wheel, it will remain a, well, wheel. The size or shape might be different, but it’s still the same. Fortunately we have stumbled upon some creative geniuses that have pulled out the trick and even fool us to believe otherwise.
The Disorder by Atlanta outfit O. D. D. is a nice throwback to the 90s when angsty sounds rocked the stations and TV in the way of Alice Chains and Anthrax. The album is filled with heavy riffs, breakdowns and powerhouse vocals – the perfect cocktail for disaster, in a good way. Second track “Label Killer” kicks off the album for me with all the aforementioned elements brough up to the table in an exciting way. Each song feels as a perfect soundtrack to popular videogames as Need For Speed or the WWE, so if any wrestler is ready, be sure to look out for this guy.
While the music is all great and I am sure many rock fans will enjoy the hell out of it, for me, the band has yet to find their own identity. Each song on this four tracks EP feels pretty much the same, and while consistency is good if its well made, on this record it got to a point it was a bit tiresome. The similarities to other established acts also bugged me a lot. For the better sake of music in general, I really want everything to be great and its beyond understable every band goes in a ripoff stage at some point before or after or finding their own unique voice.
Criteria - 70%Score 70%
In the end, The Disorder is a great album for those who are seeking to raise their fists up in the air and bang their head along the insane riffs and loud music overall; those seeking for something rather unique or classy, you may want to look other way. Overall, a good band with a great potential. - Vents Magazine
Trio acts in the terms of bands, keep popping up as of late. Another to the trio market making is one calling themselves O.D.D. with their follow-up to their self-titled EP, comes yet another EP titled "The Disorder". Taking with its release, are two tracks off the EP, that were made into singles/videos, which include such as "Executive Order", as well as "Loud Fighter". How these tracks play out, being released months apart from one another, are quite something.
The band actually received a bit of buzz with the release of their self-titled debut efforts, now that sometime has past for said release. An all new wave of music in this form can be seen and heard, which sounds more grounded, better suited, and more or less, hard rock meets heavy metal. The appeal and aspect that O.D.D. was aiming for in the first place.
Not saying that their debut EP did not consist of this momentum at hand, but more or less, the follow-up EP that is "The Disorder", captures a more expandable essence of the two genres they uphold dearly. As such, the two tracks already mentioned, are just what make this EP that more wholesome to the ears, eyes, and body if not soul as well. It is fueled infused energy with such angst, it brings the music to life, with its experimentation of melodies and harmonies pulsating outward.
In other words, the way the music works with the vocals is so well thought out, it makes the tracks in mention, that more driven and energized. The feeling of the instrumentals just gets you, keeping the instrumentals vivid and wild. The guitar riffs, blast beats of the drums, with captivating vocal chords, it brings it altogether. Making it become fierce yet loaded with lots and lots of energy.
Surely when listening to tracks alone, you get the idea of what to expect. "Label Killer", and "The View", the other tracks available off "The Disorder" EP release, are much more aggressive. They take what the singles had done, except over do it. Making it not bad per say, but more better than even good. They are that well thought out and well played. The intensity, fierceness, and aggression towards the vocals and instruments is just so fitting, it keeps your body in motion. Literally, bobbing your head to the beats, they are that gripping to the ears!
Nevertheless though, O.D.D.'s EP follow-up that is this release of "The Disorder", is downright, lots of fun, pure excitement, with so much more going for it, that it truly delivers. It by far, being an EP that stands above the previous release, by all means. The music is just that much more better suited for it, it shows a well rounded source material, that more or less, makes it all work so much better, and outward that it becomes intolerable.
If rock and metal is for you, then by all accounts the O.D.D. and their EP right here is indeed for you. Their likeness to other acts of the past, ranging from Kiss, Black Sabbath, and even Rush or Led Zeppelin as they have been taken influences from, is what you can hear upon their material, and this EP. It may be a bit more giving than those acts' work, but that's what makes O.D.D. more welcoming to the music scene as they are so fitting for it. - NataliezWorld
O.D.D. is a heavy, melodic, rock n' roll band based out of Atlanta Georgia. The band was formed in 2013, with members "Gunny" on bass and vocals, "The Muffer" on drums and vocals, and "HDS" on guitar, and vocals. Their music is heavily influenced by arena rockers like Black Sabbath, Kiss, Led Zeppelin, and Rush; featuring explosive drums, pounding bass, and melodic rock vocals over heavy guitar riffs. On the band's latest EP, "The Disorder" we are quickly thrown into the lion's den, and forced to fend for ourselves.
The first song on O.D.D.'s EP takes a shot at our current political climate in the US. Where everything you've ever known can be signed away with one "Executive Order". Rolling beats on the toms, powerful crashing symbols dynamically shape this song, with bass and electric guitar hanging tight and punchy, lead guitar breaking away into an intense solo. Lead vocals go back and forth between slightly distorted, and crystal clear with an epic harmony accompaniment.In a way signifying the good versus evil, or right versus wrong that our political landscape is facing today in the US. "You can try just don't disagree, if you do we will make you see, with a pen sign your rights away, executive order".
Next we are met with "Label Killer", starting off with dark, crispy distorted riffs on guitar, and ghostly pinch harmonics. Vocals soaring in, "Well you got this silly notion that you're always right, just like nothing, ever happened, try to come back, not this time" , describing a toxic relationship gone off the rails, and seeing people as they really are. The rhythm section is solid, the drums and bass in perfect synchronicity, allowing lead guitar to flourish between verses.
"Loud Fighter" is the third track on the EP, and on the more aggressive rock side, up tempo, channeling an inner fighter, learning to fight for what you want in life, and to fight loud. The chorus features melodic guitar lines complementing the vocals, driving the song home. "Sometimes you got to listen to these words, don't take for granted a lesson learned, well it's a tough road, tough road to follow, just one of life's pills you have to swallow".
Rounding out this spirited collection of songs, we have "The View". Drums and bass break off into a heavily syncopated beat reminiscent of a song off of Metallica's 'St.Anger' album, called "Frantic", building suspense and creating a driving force that is impossible to ignore. "Everyone can clearly see that your problems lie within, they're not just with me (not with me, not with me. Vocals are powerful and impressive, a combination of Ozzy Osbourne's tone and attitude, with the range of Alter Bridge's Myles Kennedy.
Overall this is a rock-solid release from O.D.D. that showcases their multi-faceted musicianship, vocal prowess, and songwriting abilities. They add a crisp modern edge to an otherwise classic rock n' roll sound. Make sure to check out O.D.D.'s EP "The Disorder", along with their official music video for "Executive Order" below: - The Spin Cycle
With the upcoming EP, O.D.D. offers their audience with four experimental heavy metal melodies in their own characteristic structured song and melodic vocals. The first song, ‘Executive Order,’ develops the ambiance of the album with its heavy guitar riffs by the brilliant Harley David Smith and vigorous drum section by The Muffer. With a dynamic instrumental backdrop, Smith efficiently pairs his enthusiastic vocal tone to create an engaging rhythmic harmony. As the song progresses, the bassist of the group, Gunny joins them with his skillful fingers strumming the guitar which en-kindles fire on the stage paving the way for the next set of songs. Amusing lyrics and Gunny’s expert pulsating bass replenishes the air while the second melody, ‘Label Killer,’ zooms in with more vigor and energy.
With the last two songs, ‘The Loud Fighter’ and ‘The View’, O.D.D. exhibits the undying power of the three exceptionally competent and skillful musicians which can compel its audience to leave their seats and groove with them. The vivacious instrumental arrangement and striking digital effects enhance the quality of performance quite a few high notch. Though a fusion genre, the songs enclosing the EP are powerful and very easily influence its audience with its effective and strong aura. The voice quality of the album is equally brilliant just like their earlier ones.
‘The Disorder,’ does hold the emblem of the credibility of the collective desire of the three musical artists, David, The Muffer and Gunny, who have proven their immense love, knowledge and dedication in the field of creative music. The high-intensity melodious tracks along with a rich and powerful instrumental arrangement are sure to pulse an adrenaline rush for many rock and heavy metal music followers. - Skope Magazine
I always maintain that one of the things that sets apart bands destined to remain a permanent fixture of their local gig circuit and those who get out there and get the breaks, ones that are easily marketed to an eager audience is often the look, the vibe, the credibility of the bands image. If you hit the stage looking like you have just come from your job at the local hardware store or have dressed comfortably for a summer barbecue, then who is going to take you seriously? Turn up looking like O.D.D and the battle is halfway won. These three rock stalwarts look like they did their bit in the rock and roll wars, were the first over the top of the trenches to repeal electronic dance music, made daring night time raids to thwart the plans of evil indie kids with their skinny jeans and their complicated hair and probably display the heads of boy band members proudly in their hallways.
For that, we salute you. And thankfully the music that they make lives up to just such an image. Rock’n’Roll in the true spirit of the name before the ridiculous onslaught of sub-divisions, generic preciousness and tribalism hit the genre. It is groovesome biker rock, blues turned loud and nasty, hard riffing to a muscular beat and a pounding bass line, rock music boiled down to its essence, gimmick free and with no added sugar. It is surly and antagonistic, sure of itself and in your face…isn’t that how rock music is meant to be? All four songs on this EP occupy similar sonic space – driven, angry, four to the floor head bangers – but that isn’t to say that they don’t all stand apart from each other, it is just that having found what it is they want to do, they have kept at it and been content with just doing it so much better than most of the other bands competing for the same audience.
Okay in the scheme of things it isn’t all that clever, I’m pretty sure that they never set out to split the musical atom or create the hard rock equivalent of a treatise from Descartes, but it is big, or as the aforementioned Frenchman might have put it “I rock therefore I am!” We might live in enlightened times but every now and again it is nice to be reminded that sometimes, sonically at least, size does matter. - Dancing About Architecture
From the EP The Disorder, Executive Order works as a heavy and gritty piece of hard rock that showcases proudly the creative direction and passion of O.D.D. The song has a lot going for it, the sound isn’t merely one thing or another – the structure of it allows for certain creative variations, and this makes it all the more interesting.
The introduction feels like you’re ascending in the lift towards the upper levels of action. The verses offer a rhythmic and snappy bit of story line, a vocal contained in a distant cave of effects, the instrumentation here has a light yet fairly distinct, hypnotic energy. Later on, the hook has weight and warmth, a clearer vocal, a clearer and perhaps softer melody – this whole section arrives as a resolving wall of memorable satisfaction. The further you get into it, the more these moments extend and evolve, leading eventually into a classic and compelling guitar solo, one that is given plenty of space by the surrounding performances and then is enhanced immensely by their return.
At various times during the track there are different hints of influence and inspiration, none of it lasts a very long time, and generally you’re inclined to accept and enjoy this as something refreshingly new. And of course, all of it ends with a trip back down to the lower floors where you can step out and return to the quiet of reality. The contrast here is what really helps the music hit hard. Fans of classic, authentic and creatively free rock music will likely be drawn in and captivated by O.D.D and everything they’re about. Definitely give the new EP a listen in full to get properly connected. - Stereo Stickman
O.D.D.’s “The Disorder EP” dives headfirst into a primordial energy with fantastic results. Deserving to be blasted as loud as possible, the songs have a physicality to them. The tribal-like rhythms work wonders in embodying a communal presence. Vocals swim above the din embodying the wild chaotic spirit imbued in every piece. Guitars riff and solo with abandon, delving into near chaos. Rhythms have a force of nature style to them, as they burst forth with intense energy. Lyrics have a poetry to them while they conjure up impressive, imaginative imagery with great gusto.
Grabbing the listener “Executive Order” barrels through starting things on a high note. By far the highlight of the collection the way the piece churns forth has a majesty to it, one that refuses to let up. Incredible drumming defines the passionate performance of “Label Killer” where guitars nearly dissolve into the abyss. Tempos burn with “Loud Fighter” as the track at times draws a wide degree of stylistic influences, ranging from hard rock to even little elements of shoegaze into the mix. Choosing a neat balance between bombast and beauty, the song evolves into an unruly beast towards its final stretch. Perfectly ending the collection “The View” chooses a ceremonial style while everything it brought to the breaking point. Heavy on a righteous fury nothing slows down as the piece burns through its duration.
“The Disorder EP” offers up a gorgeous tour-de-force, one that shows off the undeniable chops of O.D.D. - Beachsloth
These guys really show that they can create some raw, driving metal that still manages to bring some hooks to the table with this set. This leans toward the modern end of the spectrum, but it has enough nods to old school metal to keep it grounded. This thing is fierce and mean. They don't show a lot of versatility, but that's not really needed with just four songs. I'd be interested to see what they do with a longer set.
Track by Track Review
Executive Order
This stomper is very much a raw metal grind. It's a real scorcher. It's a great way to start this in style. The chorus is catchier and reminds me a bit of King's X. As you might guess with that title, this is political
Label Killer
As this powers in it feels even fiercer than the previous number was. While this is modern in terms of the raw, heavy nature, it reminds of a lot of NWOBHM in some ways. There are definitely comparisons to early Motley Crue in some ways, too. This is another powerhouse.
Loud Fighter
While this is no big change, it's a serious raw metal stomper. I love some of the guitar sections on this a lot. The whole piece really just drives with an aggression and power that's cool. Yet it has some hooks. That's a nice balancing act.
The View
The jam that opens this is the heaviest and meanest of the set. It drops from there to a riff that makes me think of early Black Sabbath a bit. Then it powers out to something much like early Metallica. When the vocals join it takes on more of a modern metal sound. They drive it with a fierce, driving intensity at times, though. This does earn a parental advisory. The jam section mid-track actually takes it toward a psychedelic garage band sound. The guitar solo that follows is so cool. This song really was the best choice to close things. It's arguably the strongest piece of the four. - Music Street Journal
O.D.D. at MadLife Stage & Studios in Woodstock, Georgia raised the energy level at MadLife for the night. To this hardcore hard rock fan and drummer, O.D.D. is a very welcomed experience. Atlanta Power Trio sums it up well…high energy, grass roots, no frills hard rock who’s power is rooted in everything that makes hard rock addictive. When I talked shop with the band they mentioned influences such as Kiss, Black Sabbath, Rush and Led Zeppelin which were loud and clear to me throughout their style… powerful grooves, tasty guitar and tight vocal melody. Within a set list of both high impact original tunes and a few select covers something else stood out to me as well as several audience members, the choice, arrangement and O.D.D. take on the medleys and segues of rock classics drawing the audience in even more.
The size of the stage and excellent lighting at MadLife Stage & Studios really fit the band. Technically O.D.D. delivered a tight intense set never stepping over each other and these guys have the entertaining down as well. The crowd mixed with friends, other local musicians, loyal fans and first timers were totally responsive and engaged… today with it being a challenge to have audiences put down their phones and pay attention it was a beautiful thing.
Interview with O.D.D.
Ken Reaves-Drums/Vocals
David Smith-Lead Guitar/Vocals
Michael Gunny- Bass/Vocals
Where did the name O.D.D. come from….meaning?
O.D.D. stands for Oppositional Defiant Disorder and it is an actual condition that people are diagnosed or labeled with. It was mentioned in a casual conversation and we all just kind of looked at each other like…hmmmmm….that’ll work!!! So from there O.D.D. the band was diagnosed!
How long have you guys been playing together?
We have been together as O.D.D. for about 3 years now. The 3 of us all share a long history in the Atlanta music scene dating back to the late 80’s where we all played in various bands. Ken on drums and Gunny on bass played in a band together for several years thru the early 90’s. We knew David from the various projects he was in but the 3 of us never played together back then. We all have long standing mutual respect for each other that predates O.D.D.
What’s the story of the art on Gunny’s bass?
The artist is a long time friend of Gunny’s named Billy Ratliff, AKA Billy Ratt. He is a local legend in his own right in more of an underground, punk rock, L5P way that Gunny has known since about 1995. One day Gunny had a whim to have him paint his bass, a 1979 Fender Precision Bass that had been stripped down to the bare wood for years. He turned it over to Billy and just said, “call me when you’re done”, having no idea what he would do, just trusting him to turn it into something special, which he achieved beyond expectation and belief!!
Original tunes vs Covers, what’s your preference?
Our preference is our original tunes of course because we believe we bring something different to what is currently happening, or not happening in the majority of rock and roll today. No tracks, no trickery, no fluff, just drums, guitar, bass, vocals and songs with a heavy groove, melody and an emphasis on vocals and vocal harmonies that are sung for real. Also lyrically the songs have something to say. David’s lyrics speak to very personal challenges and issues that we all face in life and have deeper meaning than just partying and chasing women. Now, we do enjoy our covers and like to put the O.D.D. spin on them by combining songs into medleys in unexpected ways and coming up with surprising ways to segue from one thing to another. Our medleys and segues are collaborative efforts that pretty much happen organically when we are jamming and then one thing leads to another and they take off from there.
What’s your favorite original tune?
“The View”, which is actually one of the oldest O.D.D. songs written by David before Ken and I were even in the band. It pretty much embodies everything we love about our style of original music. It has several peaks and valleys and it builds to an epic end that makes it a very emotional journey. It’s one of the most challenging songs to do live but also one of the most rewarding!
Is there a message you want out there?
We want people to feel energized and hopeful about confronting their personal challenges in life…to stay away from the “herd” mentality that gets shoved down everyone’s throat. Isn’t that what rock and roll is supposed to be about anyway? How do you want the crowd to feel when they leave? A slight ringing in the ears for starters!! We want people to feel like they went on a little voyage away from their daily problems and to walk away with the feeling that they just got their butt kicked by rock and roll in the most enjoyable way! We want the older folks in the crowd to walk away feeling like they did when they went to rock shows when they were teenagers and the younger folks to be like….”dang….those old dudes just kicked our ASS!!!” Ultimately, we want people to come away with the knowledge that Rock and Roll IS alive and well!!
Name an artist inspiration and album from each of you?
Ken – KISS KISS ALIVE I . Upon seeing and hearing that record, I was doomed!!
David – RUSH All the World’s a Stage. This record has been the foundation of everything musically for my entire life.
Gunny – IRON MAIDEN Killers. The opening bass riff to “Wrathchild” sparked me to start playing bass
How can folks find you?
website: oddtheband.com
FB: facebook.com/oddband
YouTube channel under construction currently Of course you can always friend David on FB and he’ll give you his phone number. You can just call him up anytime!! Upcoming Projects We are currently in the editing process for a single release and video for the original song “Executive Order” Also we are writing and recording new songs for a full length LP and always working on booking more and more shows. The next big show is with Atlanta legends Stuck Mojo on March 25 at a new venue in Canton Georgia called The Revival. - Libro Musica
” Atlanta trio score a hat-trick of heavy statements – high on rootsiness and low on fat.”
Rising to the surface of Georgia’s fertile scene, this band are finally throwing the experience of covering classics – running from jazz rock to metal to prog – into their originals compositions. Three of them make an EP now to present an aural onslaught with a difference, as there’s a nice nuancing to the riff of “In The Shadows” that gets fleshed out with a muscle once Harley David-Smith’s guitar is joined with Gunny’s bass and The Muffer’s drums.
The band propel bluesy urgency towards a vortex of a solo abyss, while the mammoth shape of “Fire Tongue” comes cut more roughly, its rumble underpinned with a three-voice harmony which doesn’t eat away at the piece’s aggressive desperation. Yet “You Got Nothin'” sags on a dynamic front to concentrate on a melody that still has way to go: not odd for a young ensemble who demonstrate all the makings of a monster combo. Full album should deliver on this promise. - DME
Your first impressions of bands (and people) are very important O.D.D. look like they just parked a bunch of Fat Boy Harley's out in the parking lot. They wear jeans, boots and T shirts look around so do we . They appear hardcore and badass and if that is the impression you get? Then we are on the same page because they deliver their rock in that way guaranteed to get the blood pumping tight, heavy and loud, hell they have more talent than a whole series of TV shows. They are not pasteurised, manufactured, milk fed, mommy's boys twisted into shape to please panels of ex-celebrities. What we have here is a group of musicians who breathe rock like normal people breathe air, they play for people who want songs that don't survive by repeating 'baby' twenty times in a row but have heart, meaning and above all a stomping rhythm.
We got to hear their new EP through some of the stages of mixing (why I love this job) you could have pretty much pressed it on the first mix with so little to do, credit is that they managed to add depth without losing the crisp fresh feel and what you have is a dammed impressive disc, one you really need to hear ideally through a massive set of speakers ...... but if you are using headphones
**Warning- turning your device to eleventy stoopid may damage your ears**
I had the opportunity to ask the band a few questions about their background and how they were getting on with the album, I reckon it is only a matter time before we see them on the big festival stages.
DW-- O.D.D. is pretty well known around Atlanta how long have you been performing together as band ?
ODD- We have been playing out live for about 2 years now. Initially just in the Atlanta area, but we are starting to branch out and get shows in other cities around the Southeast, which we are very excited about. Our lead vocalist / lead guitarist David “HDS” Smith started the project by recruiting Gunny on bass. We worked with a couple of drummers before finally drawing in Ken “The Muffer” Reaves, who moved to ATL from Birmingham after a few months of initial rehearsals.
DW -I've been following your work with interest seeing quite a few video clips, am I right thinking you are heavily into Led Zeppelin?
ODD- Absolutely! Led Zeppelin is a huge influence on just about everything we do. There isn’t much that can be said about Led Zeppelin that hasn’t already been established for decades! Other major influences for us as individuals and as a band are Rush, Kiss, Iron Maiden as well as bands like Kings X, Pantera and Anthrax.
DW- I did hear you were performing in a rock band competition I understand it went very well for you?
ODD- We sure did and it went very well on many levels. We ultimately did not “win” the competition but it was great to play at the historic Masquerade twice during the competition before it is no longer there. We advanced to the finals and got a lot of great crowd response and positive feedback from the event organizers. Besides our O.D.D. fans there, we definitely acquired a bunch of new ones.
DW.-Word has evidently been getting around with the bookings to open for Gilbey Clarke, Saving Abel and Skid Row how do you feel about the increased exposure ?
ODD -We couldn’t be happier about getting the opportunity to do opening sets for these high profile, national touring acts. Those are the exact kinds of shows we strive for and love the most and actively pursue more. They are great exposure and put us in front of the type of fans that we believe will really dig what we are doing.
DW- You have a pretty big repertoire of classic rock song covers to call on for your stage shows right from AC/DC to ZZ Top if you were limited to just a five song set who would you open and finish with?
ODD- That’s a tough question to answer. We’d probably start with Led Zeppelin, then onto Rush and finish the set with Frampton’s “Do You Feel Like We Do”. The talk box guitar solo at the end of “Do You Feel” is always an unexpected treat and the crowd loves it every time!
DW- Hearing the early mix of your new recording I'd say it went well definitely in the spirit of go heavy, go hard with some very Black Sabbath like depth particularly "In The Shadows" , how close are you to releasing it as a completed EP ?
ODD- You are spot on with your take on the EP. As far as that particular recording is concerned, no further releases are planned. We sell the EP at shows and have also distributed it to many internet radio stations around the US and abroad.
DW.-What are you recording plans after this EP, have you more material that you have performed and is getting a good audience response that you feel maybe the basis of a full album?
ODD- We are currently in the studio working on the full length album which will include, probably, re recorded versions of all 3 tunes on the EP. We also have several brand new songs that we haven’t even played out live yet and songs that have been a part of our live shows for some time will be on the album. We get really fantastic responses to our original songs everywhere we go and we want to capture that live energy on the album. All of the new material emphasizes heavy grooves and riffs characteristic of early Black Sabbath, yet staying true to the melodic vocal component of O.D.D. - Classic Rock Radio UK
Sixes Tavern Carterville,GA December 26, 2015
Story by Kiki Plesha
Photography by J.B. Bridges
Music by O.D.D. "You Got Nothing"
Indie Ion Magazine was in the house for a night of excellent music with the Atlanta-based rock band O.D.D.. Guitarist/Vocalist David Smith, Bassist/Vocalist Mike Gunny and Drummer/Vocalist Ken Reaves delivered the goods and hit the appreciative audience smack between the eyes with both flawless cover songs and dynamic original music that spotlighted ridiculously tight three part harmonies and stellar musicianship-bringing the crowd to their feet and leaving them begging for more - ION Indie Magazine
O.D.D. EP Debut 2015
O.D.D. EP The Disorder 2017

Born from the desire to make an indelible mark on the world of rock and metal, O.D.D. was formed in 2013. Their collective desire to write heavy groove oriented songs combined with a melodic vocal layer is one thing that sets this crew apart.
Based out of Atlanta, GA, O.D.D. is a no frills, in your face act providing an arena-like experience to audiences everywhere. Compared by music critics to Kings-X, vintage Metallica, and early Motley Crue, this band will have audiences out of their seats with fists in the air! No stranger to festival stages, O.D.D. is slated to perform at SXSW and Riverbend Festivals in 2018. National support shows include Skid Row, Saving Abel, LA Guns and John Corabi and Kings X.
Their debut EP "The Disorder" , released on Pavement Entertainment/Sony, is making an impact driven by a national press and radio campaign. They have also licensed their music to be used by The Discovery Network, MTV, and NASCAR for the shows “Shark Week,” “Velocity,” “TLC,” “Ridiculousness,” and “Nitro Circus.”
O.D.D. have carved a niche that lurks somewhere between hard rock and metal. Melodic vocals paired with heavy guitar riffs, pulsating bass and thunderous drums complete the experience referred to as a “Ride on a rocket propelled rollercoaster”. See what it’s all about for yourself!
Band Members