Homestead, Florida, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2014
Miami emcee Q-Fresh recently dropped his “Black Sheep” mixtape, giving us a glimpse into the 305 that isn’t all about parties and pop beats. The mixtape showcases Q’s feelings throughout his first years of high school, and ultimately his determination to be successful outside of school as a member of collective group 125th. It’s a unique project, and the name “Black Sheep” is definitely fitting. You can hear the hunger in his flow, and the determination in his voice. - ALLENHALAS
Youth. The gift, the curse. You gotta crawl before you walk, right? Well Q-Fresh decided from the get-go he was going to do his best to run, and if he stumbles, so be it. He walks on "FHSIM" (Fuck High School I Made It) which is basically him talking about his current and future greatness, despite him sounding sad if not distraught over the abstract production. The first thing I thought of when I heard it was Little Pain. The second track, "Louisiana Slang," is where he runs, sonically if not lyrically. A strong, steady delivery and a simple loop are always a winning combination, and this track warrants a listen, though it ends early and has a skit of sorts attached to it. From there, he stumbles on "INTLD" then catches his stride again on "G.I.L.E.S" before things fall apart on tracks such as "Gold Digger." On this track, he rhymes underwhelmingly over Big Pun's "I'm Not A Player" about a girl, deflating much of the confidence built in the previous highlights. What remains is potential, but by the time you reach the last track, "Da Suxxess," it's clear that though Q is talented, he needs to find his rhythm, pace, and stride if he ever is really going to make it. - Necci
125th or one25th is a rap collective that consists of six members that all currently reside in Florida. it was created
by the originator Ralph Fontae about two years ago and started with the first two members ccsanon and Q-fresh and soon came SANTAGX, CIVPLAYY and Chucks The Ruler
they're currently deciding on when to drop their first group project entitled "Calm Cool Collected" which will show case the group members talents not only individually but ,more importantly as a whole
the last projects to come from any member apart of the collective was "Black Sheep" by group member Q-fresh which was released approximately two months ago and did exceptionally well its first week released up till this day - Fakie
Still working on that hot first release.
Feeling a bit camera shy
One25th is a rap collective that consists of six members that all currently reside in Florida. It was created by originator Ralph Fontae about two years ago, and started with the first two members ccsanon, and Q-fresh. Then soon came SANTAGX, CIVPLAYY, and Chucks The Ruler. They're currently contemplating on when to release their first group project entitled "Calm Cool Collected". Which will show case the group members talents not only individually, but more importantly as a whole. The last projects to come from any member apart of the collective was "Black Sheep" by group member Q-fresh. Which was released approximately two months ago, and did exceptionally well its first week released up till this day.
Ralph Fontae
born Jan 23, 1996 and started rapping at the young age of 12 and he knew from then that making art was something he was meant to do all his lifehis ethnicity is Haitian Puerto Rican and he was born in New York where soon after he moved down to Miami fl.his main influences for his music are "Grunge music, Soul and R&B, painting, and Hip Hop"
Born, Dec 30, 1996, and started rapping at the age of 14 during his freshman year of high school. After writing his first ever verse over the A$ap Rocky instrumental "Big Spender". He knew that making music was the career path that he wanted to pursue. His racial identity is mixed, and he was born in Talulah, Louisiana, moving to Miami at the age of two. His main influences for his music are: "Outkast, 50 Cent, Early Lil Wayne, and Bill Withers"
SANTAGX / Santago
Born, Oct 20, 1996, and started rapping at the age of 16, during his sophomore year of high school. He realized that rapping was something he wanted to do, after being inspired by the members of the collective. His racial identity is "Afro-Cuban", his main influences for his music are: "Reggae Ton from Santiago, Don Omarr, Ceila Cruze and Mark Antonio"
Born Jan 13, 1996 and started rapping at the age of 14. He realized that rapping was something he wanted to do after his first performance in middle school. Looking back at his performance, he can honestly say "No one was into it, except the badest girl in the room and that's all that mattered". But later he realized he wanted to make everyone care about what he was saying. His ethnicity is Haitian Honduran, and his main influences for his music are: "Childish Gambino, Kanye West, Fashion, and Modern Art"
Born Feb 17, 1997 and started rapping at the age of 15. He realized that rapping was something he wanted to do in the 10th grade. His ethnicity is Haitian Jamaican. His main influences for his music are: "His life, and his mom".
Chucks The Ruler
Born May 16, 1996 and started rapping a year ago. He realized just like Santago, that he also wanted to rap in the One25th collective, after hearing his friends rap and becoming inspired. His race is African American, and his main influences for his music are: "Lil wayne, JT Money, Juvenile, and Outkast".
Band Members