Saginaw, Michigan, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2006 | INDIE
Dear Theneverendingstage.com Please give a warm welcome to Pete Metropoulos One of the Greatest Guitarist
I've ever had the Pleasure of knowing or hearing! Theneverendingstage.com wanted to know more and we reached
out to Pete Metropoulous directly so his fans could learn a little more of what drives this Guitar Prodigy to the Next
level and beyond!
photo f8ac4ab5-00db-4746-a113-9a2888c95a3c_zps4165a585.jpg
1# T.N.E.S ( theneverendingstage.com ) Asks How did you get your start in this crazy thing called Music?
Pete Metropoulos: I was introduced to music at an early age and from then on my love for music just grew. I come
from a highly musically gifted family and even the ones who were not gifted in music in our family still had a deep love
for music, so there was always music being played. I was exposed to all types of music from classical, Greek music,
Polka, rock to pop or anything else on Vh1 and the radio. At 11yrs old when I got my first guitar, it was a Washburn
Telecaster copy the color was a brown sunburst and I still have the guitar to this day. Also I have a Fender Princeton
Chorus for an amp and no effects. My earliest influences where Alex Lifeson “Rush”, Brian May “Queen”, Yngwie
Malmsteen, Ritchie Blackmore “Deep Purple” and Iron Maiden just to name a few.
2# T.N.E.S - How long have you been playing and how did you get your signature sound? Did you lock yourself
in the basement or something like many of the greats did? How did you find your style is what I'm asking it's amazing.
Pete: - I have been playing for only 18 years. when I started to really take off with my playing after age 13, it was then
I started to discover that whatever guitar or amp I played threw I always had a distinct style; behind the way I played
a lick compared to my peers. My father Sam Metropolis (bass player for Rocktropolis) was a huge part in keeping me
actively playing at a young age. My life from 13 and everyday on was a day to make music or be with the greatest
musicians in our area. I had a tight group of friends that had a similar mind set one of which was my best friend growing
up. He was heavily influenced by Rock, Jazz and Blues. I really learned a lot from him as he helped opened a new door
that excelled my own playing. My chops I pay due to all the years of practice I would spend 8 hours easy a day when I
was a teenager and young adult writing, playing and improving with or without other musicians.
3# You've worked with some of the best can you talk a little about that. I mean most would be lucky enough to meet some
of the people you've recorded and worked with over the years.
Pete: - I am much honored to have the privileges I have had so far in my life. I owe a big thanks to my father for having
such a big part in jump starting my musical carrier. One of my most memorable moments was with John Macaluso
former drummer of “Yngwie Malmsteen”. He has always been a big inspiration of mine growing up and I had the
privilege of meeting him a few times before we actually met formally years later when I was an adult to play.
Another close friend of mine is Gabe Gonzalez “George Clinton- P-Funk ALL Stars” we always have a great time
together playing music or when we are just hanging out. David Asher “The Process” Has always been a tight friend
of mine growing up and he will appear on our upcoming album 3113. The list is pretty big of players I have played
and worked with, and there’s a lot more players I would love to work with. I will say it has been very special to have
the experience and friends I’ve made so far. I really am looking forward to what the future may bring for me.
4# Cityscape is something very special can you tell the listeners a little more about the song, it's meaning or inspiration.
BTW One my favorite instrumental songs ever love that song!
Pete: - This song was actually a collaboration piece.
The entire melody/lead guitar is played by me, the inspiration for this song came from feeling a sense of accomplishment.
It about that feeling you get when you have moved on to the next stage or something tragic happening that’s life changing.
#5 We are going to hope we have a chance to interview you more in the near future if your not touring or out on the road
but tell us about Pete Metropoulos. What would you like us to know!
Pete: - Well when not on the road or in the studio and I can take a break I really enjoy going to a lake for some quite
fishing. The more rural the better, I usually don’t listen to music or watch TV really I try to limit my communication with
the outside world as much as I can when I’m gone fishing.
I like feeling close to nature especially with the fishing experience. It was a childhood pastime passed on to me by my
grandfather Chester Pawlowski. He would take us out on his boat or to his favorite fishing spots and talk about all the
nature around us.
For me it was a - http://theneverendingstage.com/
Dear Theneverendingstage.com Please give a warm welcome to Pete Metropoulos One of the Greatest Guitarist
I've ever had the Pleasure of knowing or hearing! Theneverendingstage.com wanted to know more and we reached
out to Pete Metropoulous directly so his fans could learn a little more of what drives this Guitar Prodigy to the Next
level and beyond!
photo f8ac4ab5-00db-4746-a113-9a2888c95a3c_zps4165a585.jpg
1# T.N.E.S ( theneverendingstage.com ) Asks How did you get your start in this crazy thing called Music?
Pete Metropoulos: I was introduced to music at an early age and from then on my love for music just grew. I come
from a highly musically gifted family and even the ones who were not gifted in music in our family still had a deep love
for music, so there was always music being played. I was exposed to all types of music from classical, Greek music,
Polka, rock to pop or anything else on Vh1 and the radio. At 11yrs old when I got my first guitar, it was a Washburn
Telecaster copy the color was a brown sunburst and I still have the guitar to this day. Also I have a Fender Princeton
Chorus for an amp and no effects. My earliest influences where Alex Lifeson “Rush”, Brian May “Queen”, Yngwie
Malmsteen, Ritchie Blackmore “Deep Purple” and Iron Maiden just to name a few.
2# T.N.E.S - How long have you been playing and how did you get your signature sound? Did you lock yourself
in the basement or something like many of the greats did? How did you find your style is what I'm asking it's amazing.
Pete: - I have been playing for only 18 years. when I started to really take off with my playing after age 13, it was then
I started to discover that whatever guitar or amp I played threw I always had a distinct style; behind the way I played
a lick compared to my peers. My father Sam Metropolis (bass player for Rocktropolis) was a huge part in keeping me
actively playing at a young age. My life from 13 and everyday on was a day to make music or be with the greatest
musicians in our area. I had a tight group of friends that had a similar mind set one of which was my best friend growing
up. He was heavily influenced by Rock, Jazz and Blues. I really learned a lot from him as he helped opened a new door
that excelled my own playing. My chops I pay due to all the years of practice I would spend 8 hours easy a day when I
was a teenager and young adult writing, playing and improving with or without other musicians.
3# You've worked with some of the best can you talk a little about that. I mean most would be lucky enough to meet some
of the people you've recorded and worked with over the years.
Pete: - I am much honored to have the privileges I have had so far in my life. I owe a big thanks to my father for having
such a big part in jump starting my musical carrier. One of my most memorable moments was with John Macaluso
former drummer of “Yngwie Malmsteen”. He has always been a big inspiration of mine growing up and I had the
privilege of meeting him a few times before we actually met formally years later when I was an adult to play.
Another close friend of mine is Gabe Gonzalez “George Clinton- P-Funk ALL Stars” we always have a great time
together playing music or when we are just hanging out. David Asher “The Process” Has always been a tight friend
of mine growing up and he will appear on our upcoming album 3113. The list is pretty big of players I have played
and worked with, and there’s a lot more players I would love to work with. I will say it has been very special to have
the experience and friends I’ve made so far. I really am looking forward to what the future may bring for me.
4# Cityscape is something very special can you tell the listeners a little more about the song, it's meaning or inspiration.
BTW One my favorite instrumental songs ever love that song!
Pete: - This song was actually a collaboration piece.
The entire melody/lead guitar is played by me, the inspiration for this song came from feeling a sense of accomplishment.
It about that feeling you get when you have moved on to the next stage or something tragic happening that’s life changing.
#5 We are going to hope we have a chance to interview you more in the near future if your not touring or out on the road
but tell us about Pete Metropoulos. What would you like us to know!
Pete: - Well when not on the road or in the studio and I can take a break I really enjoy going to a lake for some quite
fishing. The more rural the better, I usually don’t listen to music or watch TV really I try to limit my communication with
the outside world as much as I can when I’m gone fishing.
I like feeling close to nature especially with the fishing experience. It was a childhood pastime passed on to me by my
grandfather Chester Pawlowski. He would take us out on his boat or to his favorite fishing spots and talk about all the
nature around us.
For me it was a - http://theneverendingstage.com/
The Inventive Musical Arsenal of ROCKTROPOLIS
From Issue 774 (Published August 08th, 2013)
Written By Robert E Martin
One of the more impressive musical groups populating the stages of clubs and venues throughout the Great Lakes Bay region is a collective of three musical architects known as ROCKTROPOLIS who manage to infuse the ears of their audience with an originality of sound built upon a foundation of advanced and accomplished musicianship that balances complex and dynamic rhythmic patterns with intricate song constructions into a wall of musical sound that is as equally melodic as it is epic.
Consisting of drummer & percussionist Marc Stemmler and the powerhouse team of Sam Metropoulos on keyboards & bass with his son Pete Metropoulos carving intricate sonic flourishes on the electric guitar, ROCKTROPOLIS is a breath of fresh air on the musical landscape, harboring an uncompromising and focused vision that is built upon a commitment to perform nothing but their own original music, entirely instrumental in nature, that harnesses order out of chaos.
Perhaps the most apt way to describe their style is Progressive Metal; yet embedded within the phrasing of their original compositions is a volcano of mixed influences that range from groups like Dream Theater, Rush, Yes, and Iron Maiden to Deep Purple and Yngwie Malsteen.
According to Marc, seeds for the group were first planted back in 2004, after his father passed away. “Sam and I played together in bands for years, only I had pretty much retired from the music scene,” he explains. “I was married with little kids and working three jobs and had grown tired of the cover scene, along with everything that comes with it. Basically, I sold all the equipment that I had; and then my Dad passed away in 2004 and Sam came to the funeral. We started talking about what we found exciting about music, and shortly after that I got divorced and the three of us started making music together in 2006. I had met Sam's son Pete when he was a little guy around 8-years old and couldn't believe how proficient and accomplished he had become on the guitar. So the three of us started building songs together and everything flowed from that point onward.”
The vision for the band was to build a group focused upon intricate musicianship showcasing all original material that would carry a substantial presence; and in the six years since their formation, dedication to that dream is beginning to pay off.
This year ROCKTROPOLIS was nominated in three different categories at the Detroit Music Awards, with Pete receiving nominations for Outstanding songwriter and instrumentalist; and the group receiving a nomination in the Rock category. The band is also represented by Howard Hertz and Joseph Bellanca who handle artists such as George Clinton, The Romantics, Eminem and Marilyn Manson. Additionally, the group is putting the finishing touches on their debut album, which is being produced with Chris Lewis at Fire Hyena Studios.
“When we first started playing music together, our pet peeve was that we did not want to perform any cover material,” stresses Sam. “The initial pieces we wrote might be considered as songs, but they are actually more along the lines of classical music, featuring one movement followed by another movement.”
Today the group has seventeen original compositions under their belt with even more in the works, making an effort to perform together regularly while putting the finishing touches on their debut CD release. “Our short-term goal is to get the new CD released,” explains Pete. “I just finished recording all my guitar parts and we are in the mixing and mastering phase of the recording process. The album should be ready for an end of summer or early fall release and will feature 8 songs, all instrumental.”
ROCKTROPOLIS developed their name through an equally intriguing collision of circumstance. “My name Pete in Greek translates into rock,” explains Metropoulos, “which is like the foundation. If you splice that onto part of my last name, it just seems to work. Actually, it was used as a nickname for me ever since I was 16 years old, so we decided to use it for the band.”
When asked about what they find most challenging as they move forward with their vision of breaking into new markets with their unique sound, Marc explains that because of the dynamics involved, the journey can get stressful. “There's a lot of integrity in our band and we've all been through a lot,” he notes. “For me the biggest challenge is working together with both father and son. In that sense, I'm like the mediator,” he laughs.
As for building their intricate and dynamic song constructions, the writing is a collective endeavor. “When we are all together jamming we might take 4 measures from one song that we are working on and mix it in with something from another song, so we weave them together,” explains Pete. “Each so - Robert E Martin
Rocktropolis (R) has received 3 Nominations in the 2013 DETROIT MUSIC AWARDS! Rock/Pop Outstanding instrumentalist- Pete Metropoulos (Guitar) Outstanding songwriter- Pete Metropoulos Metal/Hard Rock/Group- Rocktropolis - Real Detroit Weekly
Rocktropolis (R) has received 3 Nominations in the 2013 DETROIT MUSIC AWARDS! Rock/Pop Outstanding instrumentalist- Pete Metropoulos (Guitar) Outstanding songwriter- Pete Metropoulos Metal/Hard Rock/Group- Rocktropolis - Real Detroit Weekly
"22nd Detroit Music Awards April 19th 2013 Rocktropolis Outstanding Metal/Hard Rock Artist." - Darian Counts of Detroit Live Magazine
"22nd Detroit Music Awards April 19th 2013 Rocktropolis Outstanding Metal/Hard Rock Artist." - Darian Counts of Detroit Live Magazine
Detroit Live Magazine Presents Blow Up My Band! 03/01/2013 - Darian Counts of Detroit Live Magazine
Detroit Live Magazine Presents Blow Up My Band! 03/01/2013 - Darian Counts of Detroit Live Magazine
Detroit Live Magazine Presents Blow Up My Band! 04/01/2013 - Darian Counts of Detroit Live Magazine
Detroit Live Magazine Presents Blow Up My Band! 04/01/2013 - Darian Counts of Detroit Live Magazine
Outstanding instrumentalist- Pete Metropoulos (Guitar)
Outstanding songwriter- Pete Metropoulos
Metal/Hard Rock/Group- Rocktropolis - DETROIT MUSIC AWARDS
“Hi guys, I'm from the Together For Life: Leukemia and Lymphoma Society walking team and I just wanted to say THANK YOU again for doing our LLS Fundraiser last April. It was because of you that our team was in the TOP 3 for fundraising in the Downriver area!!! As of Oct. 21st, we raised $3,300.00 and $1,450.00 of that was from the Rockin' For A Cure Fundraiser you performed at. I'm looking forward to working with you again, I'm starting to look for a venue and will be setting a date for 2014!” - - Together For Life: Leukemia and Lymphoma Society walking team, Together For Life: Leukemia and Lymphoma Society walking team (Oct 22, 2013)
“ROCKTROPOLIS IN THE BAY AREA REVIEW AWARDS!!! ROCK: 1. Rock Keyboardist Sam Metropoulos "Rocktropolis" 2. Best Rock Video Pete Metropoulos "Rocktropolis" (Music Video: Pastime) 5. Rock Drummer Marc Stemmler "Rocktropolis" 6. Best Rock Songwriter Pete Metropoulos "Rocktropolis" 8. Rock Bassist Sam Metropoulos "Rocktropolis" 9. Rock Guitarist Pete Metropoulos "Rocktropolis" 10. Best Rock Band Rocktropolis Miscellaneous: 10. Best Concert/Album or Project Rocktropolis Live At Bay City Friendship Shell 2013 11. Best Band Website www.RocktropolisMusic.com 12. Best Solo Artist Pete Metropoulos "Rocktropolis" 16. Best Music Video Pete Metropoulos "Rocktropolis" (Music Video: Pastime) 17. Best Recording Studio Fire Hyena Recording Studio 18. Most Innovative Artist Pete Metropoulos "Rocktropolis" 20. Best Original Band Rocktropolis http://newreviewsite.com/awards.php” - - Robert Martin
“1/08/2014 Check out the latest article on Pete Metropoulos - Rocktropolis in Detroit Livemagazine!!!! P.G. 24 Detroit Live Magazine Jan. 2014 Get yours at www.detroitlivemagazine.com” - - Darian Counts, Detroit Livemagazine (Jan 08, 2014)
“2014 Nominees Metal/Hard Rock Artist/Group Rocktropolis” - - Kent Agee, Detroit Music Awards 2014 (Mar 10, 2014)
“Final Round for the 28th Review Music Awards! Rock Keyboardist Sam Metropoulos "Rocktropolis" Best Rock Video Pete Metropoulos "Rocktropolis" (Music Video: Pastime) Rock Drummer Marc Stemmler "Rocktropolis" Best Rock Songwriter Pete Metropoulos "Rocktropolis" Rock Bassist Sam Metropoulos "Rocktropolis" Rock Guitarist Pete Metropoulos "Rocktropolis" Best Rock Band Rocktropolis Best Concert/Album or Project Rocktropolis Live At Bay City Friendship Shell 2013 Best Band Website www.RocktropolisMusic.com Best Solo Artist Pete Metropoulos "Rocktropolis" Best Music Video Pete Metropoulos "Rocktropolis" (Music Video: Pastime) Best Recording Studio Fire Hyena Recording Studio Most Innovative Artist Pete Metropoulos "Rocktropolis" Best Original Band Rocktropolis http://newreviewsite.com/awards.php” - - Robert Martin, Review Music Awards (Mar 13, 2014)
“DETROIT MUSIC AWARD 2014 NOMINEES* Metal/Hard Rock Artist/Group Wilson Chrome Mollie Rocktropolis Dead in 5 Hell Rides North Circus Boy” - - DMA - DETROIT MUSIC AWARDS, DMA - DETROIT MUSIC AWARDS (Apr 01, 2014)
“Another next-generation band is the progressive instrumental rock band Rocktropolis, featuring Sam Metropoulos’ son Pete on guitar. “I saw them at a party for the Bay City fireworks last year and they were the first I booked for this,” Martin said. “They can be heavy but they’re not repetitive. It’s a sturdy band.”” - - Sue White, MLive (Apr 24, 2014)
“Sue White | For Mlive.com Father-and-son Sam and Pete Metropoulos bring progressive rock back to the forefront in the instrumental Metropolis, performing April 27, 2014, during the Review Music Awards at Lumber Baron’s Brewery in Bay City.” - “Sue White | For Mlive.com
“Here are the winners of the 2014 Review Music Awards "Rock Guitarist – Pete Metropoulos" BAY CITY, MI – Robert Martin sure knows how to throw a party. On Sunday, April 27, the Lumber Barons Brewery was the place you wanted to be, the entire night a celebration of the musicians who make the Great Lakes Bay Region great. It was the sort of night where Andy Reed jumped behind the trap set with Jeff Yantz and the Barnhands “and he doesn’t even play drums,” Yantz said. Greta Van Fleet’s Samuel Kiszka watched The ORGANization from the wings and seeing him, renown organist Dan Sliwinski headed over during the set to share a few laughs. “I feel like I should know these guys and I do now,” said Kiszka’s bandmate, Daniel Wagner. The room was quiet as Martin, publisher and editor of Review Magazine, remembered the many contributions the late Elwin “Al” Limberg and Jim Schmidtke made to the region’s music scene. And Limberg’s daughter Alyssa brought it home when s” - - Sue WHite, MLive (Apr 28, 2014)
Release March 2015 "Rocktropolis 3113"
Release April 19th "Rocktropolis 2013 Detroit Music Awards Limited Edition Disk"
Composition notes:
Stratosphere- This is the first song we wrote together. It set the standard, at that time, of the direction we wanted our music to go.
What Time Has Changed- This piece was created as a way to showcase that not only do we have the ability to write Metal/Progressive styles but, that we can also compose music of a lighter fare.
Order Out Of Chaos- Was penned with the intention of being vocal friendly with a hard driving Metal/Progressive edge.
Locked Door- The working title for this piece at inception was “Spacey” for we wanted to express something with a dreamy/spacey feel.
In This Life- Another vocal friendly tune with a slight lean toward pop-rock.
Epic Storm- They say “History repeats itself” yet, nothing in this composition does. We began with the idea of taking the listener on a sonic journey of an approaching storm, to its apex, then finally to its dissipation/resolution.
Beyond The Unknown- This track is another vocal friendly song while containing heavier grooves.
Special Thanks: Howard Hertz, Joe Bellanca, David Asher(The Process), Seth Payton, Chris Lewis(Firehyena Studio), Pete Mossner, Gabe Gonzalez, Tosha Owens, Marq Andrew Speck(Sweet Crystal), John Macaluso(Yngwie Malmsteen, Ark, V.O.X.), Darian Counts(Detroit Live Magazine), Parker and Yamaha guitars, Brawley Basses, Pearl Drums, Sabian Cymbals, Any and all bands we have performed with to this date and our families, friends and fans too numerous to individually name.
This Special, Very Limited 10 pressing Collector’s Edition D.M.A. Disk is a raw demo example capturing the ideas and essence of Rocktropolis. We are currently recording these and other compositions at Firehyena Studio with the first album release targeted for Summer 2013.
Through the grace of God, we have the honor of being nominated for 3 D.M.A.s in 2013. We deeply thank all who have participated in the voting process to elevate us this far. As we wish all nominees the greatest of luck in this year’s D.M.A. ceremony.

ROCKTROPOLIS is represented by Howard Hertz/Joseph Bellanca (Hertz Schram, p.c.) Mr. Hertz’s impressive roster includes George Clinton, Sippie Wallace, The Romantics, The Bass Brothers, Eminem, Marilyn Manson, Russell Simmons, O-Town, Pantera, Marcus Belgrave, The GO, Mike Posner, Elmore Leonard, Warner Tamerlane and Atlantic Records. Pete Metropoulos “Rocktropolis” was born July 15, 1984, In Bay City Mi. Pete Metropoulos “Rocktropolis” came from a family who shared a deep love for music and many of Pete Metropoulos “Rocktropolis” family members are highly gifted musicians. Pete Metropoulos “Rocktropolis” was introduced to music and musical instruments at a very early age. Pete Metropoulos “Rocktropolis” was exposed to many different styles of music ranging from Classical, Ethnic (traditional and contemporary Greek, Polish, Russian, Spanish), Pop, and of course, the many different types of Rock. Because of this exposure by people with intense love for music, Pete Metropoulos “Rocktropolis” love for music grew exponentially. When Pete Metropoulos “Rocktropolis” was 11 years old, his dad gifted Pete Metropoulos “Rocktropolis” with his first guitar. Pete Metropoulos “Rocktropolis” has been playing for about 18 years. Pete Metropoulos “Rocktropolis” started to really take off with his playing after age 13. Pete Metropoulos “Rocktropolis” life, from 13 years old and on, was everyday to make music or be with the greatest musicians in his area. Pete Metropoulos “Rocktropolis” father Sam Metropoulos (bass/keys for ROCKTROPOLIS), played a huge part in Pete Metropoulos “Rocktropolis” early years. Sam kept Pete Metropoulos “Rocktropolis” very busy playing and sharpening his skills on the fretboard. Pete Metropoulos “Rocktropolis” had a tight group of friends that had a similar mind set, one of which was his best friend growing up. He was heavily influenced by Rock, Jazz and Blues. Pete Metropoulos “Rocktropolis” really learned a lot from him as he helped open a new door which expanded Pete Metropoulos “Rocktropolis” ability. Pete Metropoulos “Rocktropolis” chops are due to all the years of practice. Pete Metropoulos “Rocktropolis” would easily spend 8 hours a day while I was a teenager and young adult writing, playing and improving with or without other musicians. Pete Metropoulos “Rocktropolis” owe a big thanks to his father Sam Metropoulos for having such a big part in jump starting his musical carrier. One of Pete Metropoulos “Rocktropolis” most memorable moments was with John Macaluso (former drummer for Yngwie Malmsteen). He has always been a big inspiration to Pete Metropoulos “Rocktropolis”. Another close friend of Pete Metropoulos “Rocktropolis” is Gabe Gonzalez (George Clinton P-Funk All Stars). David Asher (The Process) has always been a tight friend of Pete Metropoulos “Rocktropolis” growing up and he will guest appear on our upcoming ROCKTROPOLIS album 3113.The list of players Pete Metropoulos “Rocktropolis” has played with can never be too big. There's a lot more players Pete Metropoulos “Rocktropolis” would love to work with. Pete Metropoulos “Rocktropolis” said “it has been very special to have the experiences and friends I’ve made so far. I really am looking forward to what the future may bring for me.” In 2013 was Pete Metropoulos “Rocktropolis” first time for a nomination in the Detroit Music Awards. Pete Metropoulos “Rocktropolis” ended up with 3 nominations in all. It was very flattering to know that Pete Metropoulos “Rocktropolis” had that much support from such a strong music community. When Pete Metropoulos “Rocktropolis” was learning music Pete Metropoulos “Rocktropolis” never really learned how to play his favorite guitarist's style or favorite band's music. When Pete Metropoulos “Rocktropolis” knew enough to play, Pete Metropoulos “Rocktropolis” would let feelings take it away and start to hone feelings and techniques to create something magical. Music isn’t about being the best or being the greatest. It’s about being YOUR best, YOUR greatest, by being the best that YOU can be. No Competition...we all just do what we do said Pete Metropoulos “Rocktropolis”. Some of the gear Pete Metropoulos “Rocktropolis” use for live performances: Yamaha and Parker guitars, Engl 530 tube preamp, CryBaby DCR-2SR rack wah, Alesis Quadraverb Digital Effects Processor, BBE 482i Sonic Maximizer, Crate SPA-200 power amp, and Fender Stereo Ready 4X12 cabs.
Official website: www.RocktropolisMusic.com.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Rocktropolis