New Orleans, Louisiana, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2012 | SELF
In terms of actual performance, both of these concepts certainly also seemed to be the case with electro-clash outfit Sexparty, who apparently has a bigger following in Boston than in their New Orleans stomping grounds. White Boy rap in the vein of Grand Buffet crossed with a degenerate version of Justin Bieber (who ironically performed at SXSW this year during a surprise show), Sexparty is a 3-piece that performs with GirlTalk tracks and a physical demeanor that looks like it was crafted during hard time in a Marlin Gusman jail cell. The irony of being white boy rappers in the “Biebs” vein is not lost on the band themselves, whose Internet-era nickname (#FFFFFF) is an HTML source code for “Super White.” Along with a “hype girl” by the name of Good Time Sam, the duo kicked off the festivities in Austin and kept the audience moving throughout their set. - Where Y'at
[please follow link - multimedia interview] - GoInvade
We always love discovering unusual musical artists out there, so were really excited to come across this duo Sexparty who are as weird and wonderful as it gets. Check out what vocalist and producer #FFFFFF had to say about their music and watch their video below! Checkout their EP #GAG- we dig it.
How would you describe your music?
[Laughs] I wouldn’t ever describe my music, I would play it! The world today is so interconnectedly wired that it is possible to play your recordings from virtually anywhere, virtually. However, if this were just a semantic exercise, I would describe us using our mission statement: “rapping about fucking. Every aspiring corporate juggernaut needs a mission statement; that’s why we paid a consulting firm to think of one for us.
Why the name Sexparty?
Once we had decided on our mission statement, the name just sort of fell in our laps. We never really put much thought into the name, to be honest. Because we want people to like us for who we are.
We recently featured Boyfriend, how did you come to work with her?
We met on a singles cruise! Just kidding. I haven’t actually met Boyfriend. We do all of our collaborations by email. Google Docs. The sexual energy of her and me and TunaFist in a room just wouldn’t be OSHA compliant.
In all seriousness, we do try to tone it down in the studio when clients are in session. For us, the business of being sexy is work. I guess you could describe us as sex workers, in that way. So we are professionals. If you’re making cotton candy and your hair keeps getting caught in the mixer, you put on a hairnet. Similarly, if you’re running a production studio and your client is distracted by your sexiness, then they have to wear the hood.
What gave you the inspiration for the video style?
Although our lives are a waking fantasy, our videos are filmed entirely within the realm of the possible. That is to say, the videos look like what we can afford to do. We pay our PAs in Evan Williams singles and dually-wrapped Biscoff cookies that we smuggle off of airplanes.
What do you loves best about New Orleans?
I can tell that you have done your research on us, because that’s where we are from!
New Orleans is a magical place, a place full of history and legend, of unbridled joy and deep sadness, of deep empathy and impossible cruelty, a place that overflows with humanity but reminds us brutally and at random but somehow also regular intervals that it is wild at heart. One day I’m sitting in a 9th ward backyard with a dear friend, the next day I’m second-lining in the Treme, and the day after that I’m second-lining from the Treme to the 9th ward with my dear friend, only to spend the next day enjoying the peace and quiet of a 9th ward second line in the Treme. How can I possibly choose? But if I had to name one thing that I love best, it would be wrought-iron balconies.
What’s been a highlight?
All of the sex.
What’s coming up next?
What’s coming up next is that our #GAG EP is out right now, and interested parties can purchase it at all major internet things that do that sort of thing. After that is a good month of listening to #GAG. If you’re just discovering Sexparty, maybe browsing around our back catalog at sexpartymusic.com. Maybe making a list and writing down what you like about each song and revising that list until it’s perfect.
While our fans are doing that, we’ll be working on our first full-length release, COCAINE AND MURDER. It will be a Frank Lucas-type saga. I will vanquish my enemies and shed tears as friends perish in the crossfire of the wars of my ambition. There is literally no ground that I will leave unscorched by my narcissism. - Galore Magazine
#GAG EP (2014)
#SEXUAL EP (2014)
SAFE WORDS V.2 EP (2013)

Subversive, sexual and silly, Sexparty is a punkrap duo from New Orleans. Since Mardi Gras of 2012, these two have stayed true to their mission statement of "rapping about f***ing." Their funky, synth-driven beats have fueled five EPs and a handful of controversial music videos. Having shared the stage with the hip-hop spectrum (Pharcyde, Dead Prez, Slick Rick, Big Freedia, Katey Red, Sissy Nobby, Young Fathers, and the Coup, to name a few), these typically shirtless dudes have brought their sexual satire to stages across the US from San Francisco to NYC.
Indeed DJ Tuna Fist & #FFFFFF (pronounced "Superwhite") put the Sex and Party in "Sexparty" (they once got naked for Adrian Grenier...). With a grunt and a wink, they're thrusting their way to a city near you, gearing up for a full length LP for Spring of 2015.
Band Members