Shyland Flowers
Greenville, South Carolina, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2015 | SELF
It’s hard to stand out in such a saturated area of music, but Shyland Flowers and D Shock manage to shine above the rest with Monsters And Airwaves. This upbeat Hip-Hop track takes you on a journey, with each vocalist bringing a different style without straying too much from the vibe of the beat. - DLNW
Born in Washington D.C but Raised in Greenville, South Carolina it did not take very long for recording artist Shyland Flowers to find his calling in life. Shyland tells the based on a true story journey to the top in the new EP, entitled, ‘Shyology’.Starting out as the neighborhood battle MC and slowing working into one of his city’s most revered wordsmiths. Shyland is best known for his impressive storytelling abilities because there is always a bigger picture within a bigger picture when it comes to a Shyland project. He’s honed his style to be completely his own, but it is easy when listening to rattle off a list of the many greats you can hear as his top-notch influences such As Jay-Z, Nas, Outkast, Bone Thugs N Harmony, Kanye West, And many more of the greats.
Setting up to his April album release, listen to the 6-track teaser below, courtesy of Spotify. - The Knockturnal
Born in Washington D.C but Raised in Greenville, South Carolina it did not take very long for recording artist Shyland Flowers to find his calling in life. Shyland tells the based on a true story journey to the top in the new EP, entitled, ‘Shyology’.
Starting out as the neighborhood battle MC and slowing working into one of his city’s most revered wordsmiths. Shyland is best known for his impressive storytelling abilities because there is always a bigger picture within a bigger picture when it comes to a Shyland project. He’s honed his style to be completely his own, but it is easy when listening to rattle off a list of the many greats you can hear as his top-notch influences such As Jay-Z, Nas, Outkast, Bone Thugs N Harmony, Kanye West, And many more of the greats.
Setting up to his April album release, listen to the 6-track teaser below, courtesy of Spotify - Tune Collective
Discuss your personality.
Passionate, friendly, perfectionist, chill but insane.
Brief us about you as a musician.
I would say that I am thought-provoking, witty, and complex. Sometimes you shouldn’t take my lyrics at face value; often there is a hidden meaning behind them. Each word is chosen for a specific reason to invoke a certain emotion.
Go into details on what have changed in your life for choosing music as a career.
I was inspired by Kid Cudi and Wale to tell my story in hopes that other people could relate to my pain and accomplishments.
Tell us the benefits and drawbacks of choosing music as a career.
The benefits are that I can get away with saying things that an average person could not say. The drawback would be people expect certain things from you, so it is not about you anymore. Also, unfamiliar energy is negative.
Tell us how you will manage fame as an established artist.
I would manage it very poorly at first. I am not used to the attention that famous people get. As time goes on I would learn to manage my new status.
Elaborate on the storyline of this song.
It is about being stuck in mental traffic. It was based off a day from my tenth-grade year where I got into a fight with my mom about being a rapper. It is about breaking barriers and succeeding in your own lane and not having anybody to hold you back.
Tell us means of connecting you and purchasing your music online.
I am everywhere under the handle @ShylandFlowers
Let us know the greatest moment of your music career.
The greatest moment in my music career is when my longtime friend called “monumental” on a song that we released.
Tell us the highest amount of money you have ever received from your music career and how it happened.
The highest so far has been for $500 from a girl in high school that I wrote a song for….. She never used it.
Discuss your experience pertaining live performances, gigs, shows and tours.
My experience doing shows have been very good, I am a very “interesting” performer. I am not very loud and abrasive like most rap artists. My performances are normally intimate and low-key, I tend to make eye contact with people and move slowly while I am on stage.
Tell us how you relate to your fans.
I make very personal music that most people can relate to because they are based off real issues that people deal with.
Tell us what you will like to change if you have the chance to turn back the hands of time.
A lot of things honestly. If I had to choose one I would have started rapping earlier and I would have taken school more serious.
Tell us the most important people that have boosted your music career and how you met them.
I am going to name four:
Rekadon- He taught me sonically how to make a record. I met him through a mutual friend through Facebook.
Kelvin- He pushes me to step up my lyrics and help me perfect my style. I met him in college.
Keiz- He is very abrasive and because of that he has helped me become more efficient and encourages me to make better decisions. We met through a mutual friend named Yeshua.
D-Shock- He boosts my creativity by making me think outside the box. We met in high school and later through an after-school program.
Brief us on what you have in mind before considering music as a career.
I was going to be a teacher.
Discuss your good and bad experience in life.
My good experience is when I am recognized for making good music; it is a very fulfilling feeling and not being recognized would be the bad.
Name the artists that have influenced the world.
Morrissey, Yeezus, Hov, The Beatles.
Tell us about your moment of rejections as a musician and how you are able to cope and move on.
I was once associated with a group and they told me I wasn’t a good artist and some other really bad things. I was able to move on by not feeding into the negative energy and becoming more serious about my craft.
Tell us the most negative comment you have ever received about your music.
I was told that I was uninspiring.
Tell us how to become a famous artist.
I would say patience.
Tell us how you plan to make an impact on the society.
I plan on spreading a positive message; I plan on giving back to the community and focusing on the youth.
Elaborate on the recording process of this song.
I got the idea for the song and wrote it. Then I took it to Kelvin house and he enjoyed the beat. I rap my verses to him and he told me that it was the one. At the time it didn’t have the bridge. I got back home a couple of days later and he plays the bridge and later that day he sent me the full song. I was in awe of how it turned out. - BroadTubeMusic
South Carolina-based newcomer Shyland Flowers, ended off 2017 with the release of his 6-track Shyology EP. Today talented southern rapper shares audio for his latest single “IOU,” featuring Houston duo Carpoolparty. Stream Shyland Flowers latest release below and be sure to stream his new EP Shyology below. - Elite Muzik

Where is Shy?”… “Where he always is, in his Dojo (his studio)” or “What’s Shy been up to?”… ”Same old thing, creating Wrestlemania-type epic releases” or “You know, building Rome…at a steady, consistent pace with a grin that never leaves his face.” Said by the man himself, “You aren’t doing it right if you aren’t mixing in the 11th hour.” Born in Washington D.C but Raised in Greenville, South Carolina it did not take very long for him to find his calling in life. Starting out as the neighborhood battle MC and slowing working into one of his city’s most revered wordsmiths. Shyland is best known for his impressive storytelling abilities because there is always a bigger picture within a bigger picture when it comes to a Shyland project. Our sly, friendly, and sarcastic hero becomes a beast on the mic and stage, with his powerful voice and sincerity in his intention. When he’s not creating, he is listening to classical inspirations and searching for new ones. He’s honed his style to be completely his own, but it is easy when listening to rattle off a list of the many greats you can hear as his top-notch influences Such As Jay-Z, Nas, Outkast, Bone Thugs N Harmony, Kanye West, And many more of the greats. After releasing his debut project in 2015 entitled “Sertoma” our hero took off some time to perfect and expand his sound. Currently he is working on an upcoming project titled “Shoeless” which is to be released in the fall of 2017
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