Signs Of Iris
Greenville, South Carolina, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2011
"powerful, electro, and driving" - Mandy McAslan SceneSC.com - Mandy McAslan
“one of the Upstate's most popular indie rock bands.” - Dan Armonaitis Spartanburg Herald Journal - Dan Armonaitis
"With tight, driving dance beats, thick guitar licks, hyperactive synths and Cassie Posey’s dark & commanding vocals, Signs of Iris is a toughened-up, young Paramore with an uncompromising Death From Above 1979-esque spine." - Anna Chandler Hissinglawns.com - Anna Chandler
"There is raw power and emotion there that just cannot be contained, nor should it." - Victor Alfieri Wordkrapht.com - Victor Alfieri
“jagged synths fire off serrated, chilly melody lines alongside overdriven guitars, propulsive drums and passionate vocals; In short, Signs Of Iris rocks, whatever you want to call the genre they pull from.” - Vincent Harris Greenville Journal - Vincent Harris - Greenville Journal
*Cyclops (2013)
*Here's to Nueve (2011)

Signs Of Iris was formed in 2009 by Cassie Posey (vocals/synth), Jared Burger (drums) and Johny Puleo (guitar). in the beginning Posey started off on on 2nd guitar and eventually transitioned to synths/piano as she self-taught herself. The trio went through several bass players before adding permanent bassist James Litzie. Tired of seeing the group struggle over who would handle the 4-string duties, long-time fan James Litzie bought a bass specifically to join the group and has been with them ever since. The band has toured regionally and nationally since solidifying their lineup, self-released two albums and will be attending this years SXSW festival in Austin, TX.
Here's To Nueve - 2012
Cyclops -2013
“jagged synths fire off serrated, chilly melody lines alongside overdriven guitars, propulsive drums and passionate vocals; In short, Signs Of Iris rocks, whatever you want to call the genre they pull from.” - Vincent Harris Greenville Journal
"There is raw power and emotion there that just cannot be contained, nor should it." - Victor Alfieri Wordkrapht.com
"a tear jerking live show full of emotion, head severing lyrics, and truly inspirational playing, I am in love with this band from the island of misfit toys. If you haven't checked them out yet, do yourself a favor, get this cd." - Tim JeffPilsner BeAtlanta.com
"With tight, driving dance beats, thick guitar licks, hyperactive synths and Cassie Posey’s dark & commanding vocals, Signs of Iris is a toughened-up, young Paramore with an uncompromising Death From Above 1979-esque spine." - Anna Chandler Hissinglawns.com
“one of the Upstate's most popular indie rock bands.” - Dan Armonaitis Spartanburg Herald Journal
"powerful, electro, and driving" - Mandy McAslan SceneSC.com
Band Members