Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2011 | INDIE
Nowadays, the current thought is that social media is the must-have instrument of choice for "getting the word out". It replaces the persistent sore of marketing, is cheaper, and also works as the play-field leveller between the Rolling Stones' and the Jonathon Coultons of the world. But as the wall betwixt artist and fan falls (even if just virtually), the "rock star mystique" is in danger of being shorn away - familiarity breeds contempt, goes the old saw.
Maybe this is a good thing, maybe not - Someone should ask Kiss. As for us, we'll just take a look at local boys Texas Microphone Massacre:
All we got on these guys is initials - That's V on the right, T on the left, and G in the middle there. We'll hypothesize that V = Chris Veden, T = Heath Tull, and G = Gilbert Sanchez, but there's no conclusive proof either way: TMM stays mysterious, even in private emails. We do know that V does the vocals, T the programming, and G does duty on strings, then gets behind the drumkit at their live performances. We also know they're card-carrying members of the Austin Electronic Music Grid, which adds credulity, but probably not enough to eliminate our doubts - The moniker and the masks draw an obvious association with another Texas Massacre.
Not pictured, but credited (by full name no less) is Tim Gerron: Tim handles production (both studio and live), songwriting, and carries the title "Consiglieri". We think that's a useful guy to have around, your own consiglieri; but that also carries a certain connotation, and we'll leave it to the reader to draw their own conclusions.
Though the cool music vid for "Last December" (embedded below) does offer a few provocative clues as to their identity, diving into their bio we find this intriguing comment:
An ever-evolving music experiment now in its 3rd incarnation, Texas Microphone Massacre is the brainchild of Chris Veden and Heath Tull. In the summer of 2010, the group added accomplished stringed instrumentalist Gilbert Sanchez to the fold and began production on its newest album, Fantasy Rolodex, with respected producers/engineers Mark Dufour and Tim Gerron.
Yep, that's the same Mark Dufour who's worked with Ghostland Observatory. Allegedly TMM has been making and playing music, in some guise or another, over 10+ years; in genres as divergent as hip hop, southern rock, and metal; and in venues from as far north as Chicago to as far south as our own 6th Street. (The scuttlebutt is they're revamping their live act yet again, to matchstep with the new CD they're currently recording.)
With names and faces concealed (along with any damning history that accompanies), we're forced to draw clues from the music. Turns out that's an inconclusive source, for the masked trio cooks a mean pot of some very nicely produced musical stew; tossing in everything from 60's era Turtles' classics to more modern spoken word pieces; and all of it simmers with an understated confidence - the kind that only comes with maturity.
Their latest release, "Fantasy Rolodex", bubbles nicely with bits of hip hop, electro-sonic pop, screechy synths, and guitars; all slathered with V's unique, near-psychosis vocals.
At the time of this writing, the LP's a freebie, so you should chase it down and snatch it up with the conviction of an pickax-wielding psychopath. (It ain't hard, the link to a ZIP file is right there on TMM's website.)
First - You notice the "big", well-produced sound of these numbers? That's the tell-tale mark of post-production geniuses Dufour and Gerron. But welcome to the 2010s - TMM reports that these were recorded on a used Dell Optiplex they found on Craigslist. The specs on that box are horrific (1 gig of RAM?), but 200 bucks later and they have the centerpiece for their studio.
Secondly - You notice the modern voicing on these tracks? Notice the fatter-sounding bass, the electro drums, and supporting synths (sawtoothed, boxy, and outright trip-hoppish), all blended into a well-laid production.
Lastly - You notice the vocal stylings of V on these tracks? Especially mark the contemporary insinuations he was able to inject, breathing new relevance into these now 40+ year old lyrics; marking him as a master with that microphone.
Compositionally, the rest of the tracks on Fantasy Rolodex fit into this (admittedly loose) mold: Pop-structured ABA numbers, built on varied synths, hip-trippy drumkits, G's electric guitars, and plump bass lines; all supporting V's dominating vocals.
And we'll call that TMM's sonic makeup - Cool, genre-bastardizing compositions, highlighted by front-man V's vox. Familiar enough to get your attention, quirky enough to keep it, powerful enough to be memorable, and hook-laden enough to bring you back for more.
Typically at this point we embed a CD's worth of content and call it a day. Instead, we'll recommend a precision strike to TMM's home base for that download, and leave you with the spot-on, excellent music vid for "Last December", produced by the crack team at Strike Anywhere Productions:
Find out more about Texas Microphone Massacre on Facebook, SoundCloud, Twitter, and Home Base. - Texas Microphone Massacre
Album Title:
Not Like You
Serial Killin Records
Reviewed by:
SickTanicK & Razakel are Team Death, proudly presenting their first full length album in three years - "Not Like You". A new redefined sound from the undergrounds most controversial couple.
Sick and Raz are like an 80's horror flick, you either love them or you hate them. But one thing is for sure, whatever opinion you have of them, you just can't help but talk about them. And this time, it's their turn to talk. Their time to express their madness in which they live on a daily basis. And they are holding nothing back. This is fight music. Their lyrics are filled with Aggression, Hatred, and of course.. pure Blasphemy.
The haters will not be forgiven, as explained in the track titled “Aint Jesus”, and they will come at you much deadlier than Eric and Dylan “Playing Columbine”. One of my favorite tracks is “Put it down”, a track that sounds completely different from your normal Team Death. You can’t help but move.. Just Mooove!!!! And that’s not the only track that differs from the norm, they added some Techstep remixes for you to lose your damn mind over with Ritual Rape and Femicide.
I won’t do a track by track review for this, because it would be me repeating myself over and over of how great each track really is. So let me put it down like this. The production is amazing as ever with elements of Horrorcore, Dubstep, Techstep, Industrial, Electronic and Metal. The Lyrics make you want to fight shit and are delivered effortless from 2 amazing artists. Devastating raps from both, and the glorify sound of Razakel singing leaves you breathless. 16 tracks that keep it strictly for the wicked from beginning to end.. I highly recommend this to the masses and by that, I definitely don’t mean church.
Check out the official Sampler and Get it now from the links below!
For the first time in seven years, The Southern Devil Stitch Mouth has returned with his brand new LP Role Model, featuring 14 brand new exclusive tracks from Serial Killin Records’, King Pervert and certified crazy fuck Stitch Mouth. Don’t waste your time with bullshit haunted house sound effect CDs this Halloween, create a truly wicked atmosphere by bumping the always sinister sounds of one of the most talented rappers in the horrorcore industry.
Role Model wastes no time in setting the appropriate mood with an epic intro that creates a gritty and haunting auditory experience that can only be described disturbing and paranormal. Leading into the LP’s title track featuring horrorcore legend Mars, creating one hell of a wicked collaboration that is sure to become an instant genre favorite, delivering a clear message to all the parents out there that become terrified when their little angels discover the world of horrorcore. The next track “Drunk Perv” has one of my favorite beats on the album, I’m a sucker for horrorcore beats spliced with some southern style twang, I’m guessing a product of being born and raised in middle of no where Kentucky. There are many artists out there that have tried to blend the backwoods country lifestyle with horrorcore imagery, but none have perfected it to the same degree as Stitch Mouth.
Role Model is a perfect example of what sets Serial Killin Records, apart from other horrorcore labels. Stitch Mouth and every other artist on the label are fearless when it comes to speaking their minds and are willing to talk about the darkest, grimiest aspects of reality instead of pretending we live in a world filled with happy endings laced with rainbows and puppy dogs. A label does not gain the level of infamy that Serial Killin Records has over the years without housing a camp of artists that are truly talented with a sound and voice with the potential of reaching mass amounts of ears. Five minutes into Role Model, and you will understand why the number of SKR Loyals continues to rapidly gain numbers.
On top of the appearance from Mars, Role Model also features contributions from horrorcore artists 2 Sins, Majik Duce, Loco of 33rd Degree, and SGF. After blasting this album for the last week, I’d have to say my personal favorite track from the LP has to be “Girls Gone Wicked” it has sick lyrics and also perfectly describes my type blood splattered, psychotic, sporting a band t-shirt and some ripped jeans down for a night of limitless debauchery.
Overall, I thought Role Model lives up to its name and proves once and for all, why Stitch Mouth is one of the most respected artists in the industry, dropping album after album of pure wicked shit. - The Liberal Dead
Translation : Also, KGP is in a very good relationship with the biggest underground horrorcore label, called Serial Killin' Records (SKR). It was founded in 2005 and we could say it's the most influential label in the genre today. The head of the SKR is SickTanick (Tha Soulless), who is also the main produer, he makes most of the beats for his labelmates. He became one of the biggest name in the wicked shit, thanks to his special religion-related, blashphemical, occult and brutal lyrics and unique rapping style. You can found the biggest names collaborating on his records, and also SickTanick can be found on numerous well-known acts' albums. All of these rose him as one of the huge names in the underground horrorcore genre, with many fans and followers. To 2010, he released 5 solo records and 2 another ones with his labelmate Razakel in the group called Team Death. Razakel, the "Queen of the Wicked Shit" is the only female member of SKR, and even one of the very few female horrorcore artists. She has released 4 solo records so far and she also has many followers, even a lot of female ones. In my humble opinion she counts the most talented and authentic female horrorcore act, plus she has a very good singing skill too. Another rapper called Stitch Mouth belongs to the label, who had a pretty good repute before SKR even existed, and to this day he has more than a dozen LP's and EP's, many collabs and he is also a part of the group Red Dawn with KGP. More people belong to SKR are Komatose, member of the legendary group Kryptik, plus Bloodshot, Two Clipz, Con-Crete and Razor Ruckus participate in Serial Killin' Records being the biggest label in the underground horrorcore for more than 5 years. SKR does its annual music festival called "Strictly For The Wicked" where the top of the genre performs, including member of the SKR of course. […] - Blazin Hip Hip Magazine (Hungarian)
Translation : Also, KGP is in a very good relationship with the biggest underground horrorcore label, called Serial Killin' Records (SKR). It was founded in 2005 and we could say it's the most influential label in the genre today. The head of the SKR is SickTanick (Tha Soulless), who is also the main produer, he makes most of the beats for his labelmates. He became one of the biggest name in the wicked shit, thanks to his special religion-related, blashphemical, occult and brutal lyrics and unique rapping style. You can found the biggest names collaborating on his records, and also SickTanick can be found on numerous well-known acts' albums. All of these rose him as one of the huge names in the underground horrorcore genre, with many fans and followers. To 2010, he released 5 solo records and 2 another ones with his labelmate Razakel in the group called Team Death. Razakel, the "Queen of the Wicked Shit" is the only female member of SKR, and even one of the very few female horrorcore artists. She has released 4 solo records so far and she also has many followers, even a lot of female ones. In my humble opinion she counts the most talented and authentic female horrorcore act, plus she has a very good singing skill too. Another rapper called Stitch Mouth belongs to the label, who had a pretty good repute before SKR even existed, and to this day he has more than a dozen LP's and EP's, many collabs and he is also a part of the group Red Dawn with KGP. More people belong to SKR are Komatose, member of the legendary group Kryptik, plus Bloodshot, Two Clipz, Con-Crete and Razor Ruckus participate in Serial Killin' Records being the biggest label in the underground horrorcore for more than 5 years. SKR does its annual music festival called "Strictly For The Wicked" where the top of the genre performs, including member of the SKR of course. […] - Blazin Hip Hip Magazine (Hungarian)
Please Go To Review URL For Full Quality Direct PDF. - Maxim Magazine
In the early era of Horrorcore music there were very few female artists and most of them failed to get the equal respect they deserved when it came to their male counter parts. In 2006 this would all change with Razakel, the sickest female lyricist in the industry today, who would give birth to a new era of Horrorcore giving up and coming female MCs a strong and talented female artist to respect in a industry dominated by males.
In this special Women In Horror Month edition of Strange Transmissions we are going to take a look at the Queen of the wicked shit herself SKR’s very own Razakel.
My first exposure to Razakel was in 2007 with her album entitled “Murder Potion”, instantly I was hooked I remember the line “Listen up ya’ll I got a little story to tell, Straight out from the pierced lips of Razakel”, being stuck in my head for days after hearing the track for the first time. At this point of my Horrorcore lifespan I was growing bored of the typical Psychopathic brand horrorcore that had quickly become a new underground fad of sorts, and was more into the deep underground where the music was still dark, brutal, and made no apologies. At this point I was already a fan of Sicktanick’s and SKR would quickly become my label of choice for Horrorcore after being blown away time and time again by their various artists. But when all was said and done, Razakel held the number one spot on my personal favorite horrorcore artists list.
In 2008, Razakel would return with her next album entitled “Madness & Despair” with such tracks as ” The Wicked Bxtch Is Back”, “Mane Sans Delire”, and one of my all time favorites “Isolated Feelings” it was clear that Razakel was here to stay and remain the Queen of the wicked shit for ages to come.
In 2009 Razakel and fellow female horrorcore MCs Smallz One, Lyssa Cer, and Ruby (18) would release an album entitled “The Bxtch Chronicles” a 14 track all female fronted horror classic. Tracks include “Wicked Bitches Represent”, “Dead Girlz” and “Lethal Ladies” no longer was this industry a boys only club, as the number of highly talented female MCs had been growing rapidly.
2009 would also bring her next solo album entitled “Femicide” one of the sickest horrorcore records to ever be released 25 tracks of pure wicked shit from the still reigning supreme Queen of horrorcore. My favorite tracks on this record would have to be “Watch Out”, “Black Bags & Heart Shaped Stickers” and “Pieces”. With each album her lyrics only continued to get stronger and more personal, when you listen to the words of Razakel its clear that she’s in this industry for the love of it and not to get paid a true artist and master of her craft.
It’s only fitting that her music be featured during Women in Horror Month, as the innovator of female fronted Horrorcore. If you are not familiar with her music or Serial Killin Records be sure to visit their official page - The Liberal Dead
In the early era of Horrorcore music there were very few female artists and most of them failed to get the equal respect they deserved when it came to their male counter parts. In 2006 this would all change with Razakel, the sickest female lyricist in the industry today, who would give birth to a new era of Horrorcore giving up and coming female MCs a strong and talented female artist to respect in a industry dominated by males.
In this special Women In Horror Month edition of Strange Transmissions we are going to take a look at the Queen of the wicked shit herself SKR’s very own Razakel.
My first exposure to Razakel was in 2007 with her album entitled “Murder Potion”, instantly I was hooked I remember the line “Listen up ya’ll I got a little story to tell, Straight out from the pierced lips of Razakel”, being stuck in my head for days after hearing the track for the first time. At this point of my Horrorcore lifespan I was growing bored of the typical Psychopathic brand horrorcore that had quickly become a new underground fad of sorts, and was more into the deep underground where the music was still dark, brutal, and made no apologies. At this point I was already a fan of Sicktanick’s and SKR would quickly become my label of choice for Horrorcore after being blown away time and time again by their various artists. But when all was said and done, Razakel held the number one spot on my personal favorite horrorcore artists list.
In 2008, Razakel would return with her next album entitled “Madness & Despair” with such tracks as ” The Wicked Bxtch Is Back”, “Mane Sans Delire”, and one of my all time favorites “Isolated Feelings” it was clear that Razakel was here to stay and remain the Queen of the wicked shit for ages to come.
In 2009 Razakel and fellow female horrorcore MCs Smallz One, Lyssa Cer, and Ruby (18) would release an album entitled “The Bxtch Chronicles” a 14 track all female fronted horror classic. Tracks include “Wicked Bitches Represent”, “Dead Girlz” and “Lethal Ladies” no longer was this industry a boys only club, as the number of highly talented female MCs had been growing rapidly.
2009 would also bring her next solo album entitled “Femicide” one of the sickest horrorcore records to ever be released 25 tracks of pure wicked shit from the still reigning supreme Queen of horrorcore. My favorite tracks on this record would have to be “Watch Out”, “Black Bags & Heart Shaped Stickers” and “Pieces”. With each album her lyrics only continued to get stronger and more personal, when you listen to the words of Razakel its clear that she’s in this industry for the love of it and not to get paid a true artist and master of her craft.
It’s only fitting that her music be featured during Women in Horror Month, as the innovator of female fronted Horrorcore. If you are not familiar with her music or Serial Killin Records be sure to visit their official page - The Liberal Dead
I have been a huge fan of horrorcore hip-hop since my Jr high years, my first exposure to the genre being Esham and Brotha Lynch Hung instantly I found myself hooked as a hardcore horror junkie and avid music fan the genre called my name. Fast forward to 2005 when my ears first heard the dark and twisted hymns of Sicktanick Tha Souless with his album “Premonitions” a very important in my horrorcore journey. In 2007 SKR became my label of choice with the release of both Sicktanick’s “Chapter 1: Doctrines of the Damned” and Razakel’s “Murder Potion” and I would become forever a follower of anything I came across with the SKR tag slapped across it.
It’s only fitting that the first album to be reviewed for “Strange Transmissions” be the 2010 release “Chapter 2: In Nomine SickTanicK” one of the sickest horrorcore records I’ve had the pleasure of listening to in sometime. The lyrics are exactly what you expect when you picked up a SickTanicK record, anti religious fueled rhymes with twists of the occult for good measure no hidden messages here just pure wicked shit. My personal favorite track on the album has to be “Eyes Wide Shut” with lines like
“This is the work of an occultist mastermind beyond the devil I come with esoteric signs while all the rest they remain so blind because their eyes are wide shut” and “this is my hymn to the Mossberg twelve gauge shotgun they call me sick cause lyrically I’m Ebola a real occultist all the rest are just toy soldiers I was the first to do this shit and now I feel like a father with a bunch of bastard kids I’m not talkin bout the wicked shit but if I was id give props to Esham Smith” the track instantly earned its spot on my daily rotation of music.
“Also included on “Chapter 2: In Nomine SickTanicK” are two spoken word tracks that I really dug and hope that SickTanicK decides to do more tracks like those on upcoming releases. Another one of my favorite tracks is “Portrait of the Devil” the lines “my body is the canvas your brush it is the weapon you paint me hell bound while you paint yourself in heaven I am the veil that is lifter from the Ignorant I give knowledge I teach disciples discipline you preach intolerance and bigotry through the subconscious and your political religious system” really blew me away and are further examples of the strong lyrical content in this SKR release. Toss in some of the sickest beats the industry has to offer and you get a horrorcore masterpiece wrapped up in a perfect blood soaked package.
Overall this album is a solid addition to SickTanicK’s already strong discography and proof that the wicked will never die, if you are not familiar with SickTanicK or Serial Killin Records I highly advise you visit the Official SKR website and be sure to pick up a copy of “Chapter 2: In Nomine SickTanicK’ while you are there and be prepared to be musically skull fucked repeatedly. - The Liberal Dead
Merry Christmas!
Certain that, like us, you're deeply engrained in the bacchanalian traditions of the Christmas holidays, we thought it high time for a little juxtaposition, hence, Texas Microphone Massacre. Though nothing quite says "Merry Christmas!" like a trio of masked, psychopathic-looking individuals with the word "Massacre" floating around in there, the music these guys generate is nothing short of mind-blowingly great, if in an occasionally-morbid way. That, and their first release, "Fantasy Rolodex", composed and performed under the watchful eyes of Grammy-award-winning producer Tim Gerron, is still a freebie. Get it yonder ways. - The Deli
Still working on that hot first release.

Licensing Companies / Agents Please Note : Instrumental & Clean versions of all tracks on this EPK Are fully available!
SKR Facts :
SKR Record sales have produced thousands of record sales internationally and continues to grow every day. We do this on our own, without any major distribution channels assistance.
SKR Has toured nationally multiple times.
SKR Artists have Performed live on gigs featuring national & internationally recognized Headliner Acts.
SKR Artists Have Been Featured In The Following Publications & blogs :
Maxim Magazine, Fangoria Magazine, Horrorhound Magazine, Blazin Hip Hop (Hungarian Publication), The Washington Post, The Albuquerque Tribune, Culture Asylum Magazine, B-Z Online, The Deli Magazine, The Austin Post + Many More.
SKR's YouTube has over One Million legitimate views to date
SKR's Stitch Mouth has a track entitled "Imma ***k you up" that was licensed for a major movie release entitled "Behaving Badly" featuring Selena Gomez, Mary Louise Parker & More
SKR's Razakel & SickTanicK were featured on the TV Show "Web Of Lies" by Investigation Discovery.
SKR's Texas Microphone Massacre has a Grammy nominee in it's ranks a Grammy nominated producer who's credits include : Frank Sinatra, Ice Cube, Pantera, Tool, Bjork, Body Count, Tupac Shakur and other very notable artists and groups
SKR Artists continue to be top sellers and most popular sellers on CDBABY.COM
Social Media :
YouTube : http://www.youtube.com/sicktanick
Official Website : www.theskrstore.com
Twitter : www.twitter.com/skrwillrise666
SKR Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/SerialKillinRecords
Band Members