Houston, TX | Established. Jan 01, 1996 | SELF
Superna – The Ancient Future
Hands up if you’ve never heard of this band !!
As the station’s Prog DJ, I feel it is my responsibility to not only bring classic bands and music to my listeners ears, but also to hunt down and bring to your attention NEW bands, particularly ones you may never come across under normal circumstances.
With that in mind, I’d like to introduce you to Superna (pronounced “su-perna”). You can check them out on their website – www.supernarocks.com, but in the meantime, they hail from the US of A and have actually been around for about 20 years, but it’s only the past 5-6 years that they’ve made a decision to rock the shit out of the Prog World and make their presence known. Their latest album came out back in August and let me tell you now – this is one kick-ass collection of tunes !!
This is music with spirit, a true soul and a desire to reach the pure rock heart that is within us all. It touches the soul on so many levels and is quite difficult to clearly define due to the multiple levels it works on. Complex without being “widdly”, this band are reaching out to a Prog audience who are open minded enough to understand where the genre is going. C’mon guys, check out the dictionary definition of “Progressive” – I believe the concept of “forward thinking” comes into it somewhere, a willingness to push the boundaries and explore new ideas and concepts – On that basis, Superna deliver on many levels.
When I put this review together I deliberately avoided doing a “track-by-track” analysis, instead I wanted to concentrate on giving you, my humble listener, a broad view of the band and the music as a whole. If you decide to check out the website you will find a number of videos and links to tracks which will give you an idea of what you’re letting yourself in for if you go the whole hog and actually purchase the album – which I strongly suggest you do as soon as possible.
Standout tracks – there are many and I strongly suspect some will find favour with a certain listener. One track I strongly suggest you listen to is “Leavings” which incorporates so many guitar styles in its 4mins 57secs running time it will leave you reeling – kickass it most certainly DOES !!
These guys can turn their hand to a multiple range of musical styles, but one thing that definitely shines through is their passion, their desires, their drive – I would dearly love to see the band live as I suspect it would be an experience to relish !!
“The Ancient Future” – an album you should certainly consider adding to your collection, for its sheer audacity alone, memorable. - Midlands Metalheads Radio
Still working on that hot first release.
Feeling a bit camera shy
Currently at a loss for words...
Band Members