Terrestrial Animal
Wilmington, North Carolina, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2018 | SELF
Based out of North Carolina, Terrestrial Animal released their latest track "Laniakea" today! The band defines themselves as "post-rock with a focus on ambient soundscapes" and "Laniakea" is an excellent example of this idea. The song comes in at a whopping 15 minutes of experimental, atmospheric, instrumental melodies. The track has thumping bass, reverbed instrumentals, sliding guitar riffs, gentle drumming, and ambient synths to add to the atmosphere. Influenced by bands such as Pink Floyd, Gojira, and Deftones, Terrestrial Animal has a highly experimental and unique sound.
Distant synths and drawn-out fuzzy instrumentals give a distinct space-like sound that seems to be a theme throughout the song, with the name of the track being based on the supercluster that our galaxy is located in. As the listener delves deeper into the song, the energy picks up with instrumentals getting more dynamic and drums increasing in intensity and volume. Fans of experimental, progressive, and instrumental rock/metal will really enjoy "Laniakea"! You can check out Terrestrial Animals' latest song now! - The Metalverse
Terrestrial Animal
Amorphous Sum
self-released; 2019
3.6 out of 5
By Matt Jensen
Ryan Kennedy (guitar), Jason Ward (guitars), Sid Neel (bass) and AJ Moore (drums) are Terrestrial Animal. The band from Wilmington, North Carolina recently released Amorphous Sum.
The band plays post-rock that has been around for more than the last twenty years. You can hear shades of bands like Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Explosions in the Sky and more. That being said they can sound like a more straightforward alternative band minus the vocals. The songs are a little longer than a standard pop song but relatively short for post-rock standards in some ways.
The band gets going with “U2 Incident” and it is a slow burn. Post-rock is usually not in a rush to get anywhere and that applies on this song as well. There is some contemplative ambience created by guitars and around the three-minute mark the band finds a groove. It’s bright and avoids dark textures.
They hit upon a very popular post-rock vibe that Mogwai made popular on “Gravity.” This song is darker and strives for epic heights. That ’90s vibe I was referring to earlier makes itself known on “Below Dark Water.” There are points where the distorted power chords sound closer to Nirvana. The band goes into more classic post-rock formula on “Horizon Atlas” but again there is an alternative flavor to the song.
They get closer to psych-rock on “Cellar Door” and at moments sound similar to Comets on Fire. The band sufficiently rocks on “Methuselah Syndrome” while the closer “Permutation City” is the longest and perhaps the highlight on the album.
The band is talented and has done their homework but I rarely felt like I was getting a sound that defined the band. It felt broad. On that note the album was cohesive, The songs did seamlessly flow into each and their technical talent is indisputable.
When I was in high school in the ’90s I started to get in the bands that have defined the genre. The genre felt fairly stuck but bands like Do Make Say Think exceptional release Stubborn Persistent Illusions and a few other albums started to tinker more with the sound. I like this band but I would just like to hear some more experimentation here and there. The ’90s alternative vibe was cool but one of two more unexpected moves could really define the band.
I think the band has talent as well as potential. I hope to hear studio quality songs at some point because the songs seem to deserve that. This is a very good start and I hope to hear more soon. - Pitch Perfect
North Carolina band, Terrestrial Animal released their latest single, "Doctrine of Anatman" on June 23rd. The instrumental band taking influence from bands like Tool and Pink Floyd has an overall ambient and full atmosphere. The 6-minute track starts with a guitar with a phaser effect that sets the mood for the song. Terrestrial Animal does an excellent job of layering ambient noise and distant effects with prominent instrumental melodies.
"Doctrine of Anatman" is a well-constructed track that fans of instrumental and progressive rock/metal are certain to enjoy. Repeating melodies make up for the lack of vocals and work together to create a full sound brimming with energy. Growling synth/bass tones are the backbone of the song and give the other instruments space to shine. Terrestrial Animal's music has a psychedelic style that mixes influences from modern rock and metal and progressive music into their own distinct sound. You can stream the band's latest single "Doctrine of Anatman" now! - The Metalverse
Terrestrial Animal
self-released; 2023
4.0 out of 5
By Dino DiMuro
Terrestrial Animal is an ambient rock jam band from Wilmington, North Carolina, that has just released a new one-track album titled Laniakea. Shortly after the band’s 2019 debut album Amorphous Sum was reviewed on the Pitch Perfect website, the Covid lockdown hit. The band lost a guitar player but added keyboards when the smoke cleared, and the current lineup is Jason Ward (guitar), Sid Neel (bass) Tiff Ellis (keyboards) and AJ Moore (drums).
The “Laniakea” track was built from a very old bassline by Sid Neel that had been kicking around even before the band’s debut album. Recently the band started playing around with this bass pattern, then hit Record and captured the track we have here. The band describes it as “sounding like an ambient stoner rock jam, something reminiscent of floating through space and being pulled into a black hole. It reminds us of the sounds of bands such as Isis, Sunn O))), Red Sparrows and Mogwai.”
Recording took place in the band’s practice space, using their homemade studio. The released track was built from two takes that were then mixed and mastered using Studio One 5 by bassist Sid Neel. Of course reviewing a jam performance is tricky because they just tend to flow where the spirit leads them, but I’ll do my best!
The track opens with an ominous, otherworldly low-end rumble. It’s a cool sound and I admit I can’t figure out how they did it, though it’s probably a combination of low guitar rumbling, speed manipulation and something from the keyboard. At any rate it’s just an intro to the track, which does indeed start with a simple two-note bass riff. Keys and guitar soon join in. The pace is slow and steady and the guys take their time working around the main theme without overthinking it. The keyboards sound like an Egyptian instrument from outer space, especially when Ellis starts slurring the notes. Ward’s guitar is set to a repeating echo pattern which adds to the dream effect. If you were looking to compare, the vibe here is similar to the expansive jam section of “Riders On The Storm” by the Doors. As the guys get more fired up, the sound gets spacier and feels more like early Pink Floyd. The first section ends with what sounds like radio distortion and morse code alerts, with some very cool final drum beats.
Section Two starts almost 3/4 into the track. Again the guys create a little experimental intro to get us into the jam, featuring ghostly swoops, backward sounds and a charming girl’s voice calling from murk: “Come back alive!” Part Two is performed at a much heavier level, with everyone playing at 11 right from the top. If you enjoy zoning out to walls of fuzz with an overlay of otherworldly keyboard sounds, this would be your jam! The ending happens organically without breaking the mood.
For a “jam tape” this was surprisingly good and engaging. It doesn’t require your full attention to enjoy but will fully engage you with headphones in a dark room. Loved it! - Pitch Perfect
Instrumental powerhouse from North Carolina, Terrestrial Animal, released their 2nd album, "Constant State Of Decay" today (August 25th)! The album's intro track, "Duhkha" is an ambient introduction to the album with a distant heartbeat, chanting, and dreamy keyboard tones. Seamlessly, the first track "Law Of Impermanence" begins with ethereal instrumentation and guitar and bass with heavy delay and reverb effects adding depth to the overall sound. The first track is a lovely groove that is filled with melody and an atmospheric, gentle vibe. In a nearly 9-minute sonic journey, "Law Of Impermanence" builds in energy, adding dynamic electric guitar and more aggressive bending synths. In a sound that seems like a mix of spacey instrumental music, lofi, and psychedelic rock, Terrestrial Animal really displays their distinct sound with a powerful 1st song.
"Revivification" is track number 3 and comes in just over 9 minutes. Starting with chanting and the tolling of a bell, Terrestrial Animal shows off a spiritual yet slightly ominous sound. The band draws influences from bands such as Deftones, Pink Floyd, and even Gojira. In a mix of modern metal, stoner rock, and technical instrumental music, Terrestrial Animal brings a refined sound with "Revivification" that truly makes the listener feel as if they are drifting through space.
"Path Of Equanimity" acts as an interlude and leads perfectly into the album's 5th track, "Atman Within Us". With pitch-shifting synths, funky bass, and melodic guitar riffs, Terrestrial Animal starts off with an immediately catchy sound. "Atman Within Us" takes the listener on a musical journey through excellent grooves and a building atmosphere that becomes progressively more immersive as minutes pass. The song throws in a shredding guitar solo that eventually leads into a gentler portion of the track that eventually fades out.
Track 6, "Gateway Terra" clocks in at 12 minutes, beginning with distant singing that leads into airy keys, distorted guitar tones, and the band's signature bass-heavy tone. Maintaining a steady jam, Terrestrial Animal sticks to the mood set earlier in the song before bursting into a faster and more energetic tempo with upbeat instrumentals. A guitar solo layers itself over the fast pace, with wah pedals creating unique and enjoyable effects.
Next up, "Doctrine of Anatman" takes the place of the 7th track. The 6-minute song has an explosive energy about it, with strong synth tones and bright guitar chords supplying a harmonic atmosphere for Terrestrial Animals sound to thrive in. Fans of instrumental and progressive genres will love the technical and complex instrumentation that the band implements into their music. As "Doctrine of Anatman" nears its end, it gradually slows and fades into the next piece of the album.
"Samsara" is track 8 and starts with a choir and a distorted industrial sound that swiftly shifts into bass, a building drum beat, and ascending choir singing. In a dynamic transition, massive guitar chords brimming with energy join alongside the choir, creating a symphonic amalgamation of sound. The 10-minute track does a great job of using long build-ups to increase the listener's anticipation for when all the elements of the band kick in to form a full sound. These elements are taken away and reintroduced as the song goes on, making the impact of the instruments kicking in much more climactic. Heavy guitar chugging and distorted tones reminiscent of classic metal are introduced to the song and add a fresh sound to the song.
Track 9, "Sukha" is an outra track with gentle singing and strings that creates a well-crafted mood to close out the album. The minimal sound acts as a calm and gradual exit to the album and closes it out perfectly.
"Constant State Of Decay" is an album that any fan of instrumental, psychedelic, and stoner music will enjoy! You can stream the full album now! - The Metalverse
LPs - Amorphous Sum - Constant State of Decay •••••••••• Singles - Laniakea (Serenity Drifting Remix) - Echoes Of The Eternal Self - Saṃsāra (Symphonic Odyssey Remix) - Saṃsāra (Infinite Spiral Remix) - Ātman Within Us (Transcendental Bliss Remix) - Saṃsāra (Everlasting Decay Hardstyle Remix) - Doctrine of Anātman - Revivification •••••••••• Demos - The Waltz of Mephistopheles - Gateway Terra - A Constant State of Decay - Laniakea •••••••••• Live - Port City Blitz V

Terrestrial Animal hails from Wilmington, NC, and is a noteworthy instrumental post-rock ensemble. Their distinctive sound is rooted in the prominent basslines, accompanied by the interplay of distorted ambient guitars and haunting keyboards. The result is a captivating, almost hypnotic auditory experience that can easily transport listeners into a surreal realm. •••••••••• This group is undeniably intriguing, both in name and their ability to generate a wall of electronic sound that feels like a glimpse into the future or perhaps the nascent stages of artificial intelligence. Their unique sonic mood sets them apart as true architects of sound. •••••••••• Terrestrial Animal's musical style can be described as psychedelic, drawing inspiration from a blend of modern rock, metal, and progressive elements. Influences from bands like Pink Floyd, Gojira, Mogwai, and The Deftones can be discerned in their highly experimental and original compositions. •••••••••• What sets Terrestrial Animal apart is their skillful layering of ambient noise and distant effects, seamlessly interwoven with prominent instrumental melodies. If you find solace in immersing yourself in walls of fuzz accompanied by ethereal keyboard sounds, their music is a perfect fit for your musical journey. •••••••••• Jason | guitar •• Sid | Bass •• Tiff | Keys •• AJ | Drums
Band Members