The Daydream Chronicles
Buffalo, New York, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2012 | SELF
They may list their influences as Circa Survive, Underoath, The Goo Goo Dolls, Go Radio and The Dangerous Summer just to name a few, but Buffalo, New York-based alt/modern rock band The Daydream Chronicles, are unlike anything you’ve heard before. They formed from the remnants of two bands – The Mixtape and Letterset. The five-piece, featuring Josh Szary (vocals), Trevor Wirth (guitar), Justin Juzdowski (guitar), Ben Cansdale (bass) and Josiah LeRoy (drums), had all been playing shows together locally and interchanging members to play out of state shows when need be. The Daydream Chronicles as they are now came together about a year and half ago and it’s been a solid ride ever since.
The band members are all self-taught musicians, having been in bands prior to joining The Daydream Chronicles. Having known each other for many years they had an undeniable chemistry when they came together and decided to pursue their musical dreams as one. They have been lucky enough to share the stage with bands like The Dangerous Summer, Silverstein and Cute Is What We Aim For in recent months which has been nothing short of inspiring that has only fuelled them to continue on their own path.
It might be impossible to describe The Daydream Chronicles in one sentence, but when push comes to shove, Juzdowski puts it like this – “five guys out doing what they love and making a difference in peoples’ lives”. These five guys who play alt/modern rock got their name by breaking away from the norm and exploring their dreams and limits as musicians. The name itself though just presented itself one day with daydreams being no better story to really uncover who The Daydream Chronicles guys are as people and what their music inspires.
Their self-titled long player draws on past memories and best friends. It also explores, as Juzdowski says “letting go of people who aren’t good for you, finding love in the simple things, but most of all, hope”. Lead singer Szary touches on problems that we all face as human beings and The Daydream Chronicles as a whole further to that always like to send out a message of love and hope through their songs. Current track Patterns is testament to that. It is all about learning to live for yourself and letting go of toxic relationships. Everyone is faced with a moment in time when they realise that they can’t please everyone or you’ll get lost in the wake of the world. The track is moreover about not taking life for granted and putting your best foot forward.
The Daydream Chronicles have had the unbelievable luck to share the stage with some amazing aforementioned bands, but the most memorable of them all would have to be playing with The Dangerous Summer in their hometown of Buffalo. They are a huge source of inspiration for them and the chance to meet and hang out with them after the show is something completely unforgettable. Another memorable moment for The Daydream Chronicles also includes any chance they have to hang out with the guys from Throwbacks and The Call Out from New Jersey. They have certainly made some amazing friends on their musical journey thus far and they understandably wouldn’t trade that time for anything.
The Daydream Chronicles are looking at releasing another single shortly and hopefully shooting a music video for it too. Come April, they will be touring with their friends in Fiasco Jones for a bit with the rest of the year having no real set in stone plans. Chances are they will spend the rest of the year writing for their new album and possibly playing some smaller and weekend tours in between. - Australian Musician Network
The Daydream Chronicles have released their single “Patterns.” The single is available for purchase on Bandcamp, listen to the song below! - uMusicians
If you’re into alternative, punk rock, piercings and tattoos, the Waiting Room was the place to be last Friday.
Seven bands – Lancer, Figurehead, Lo & Behold, Venona, Daydream Chronicles, Throwbacks and Rescue Dawn – each played five songs. The venue had an underground garage band feel to it. The bass was so epic and so strong that it was making the drums on the floor below the stage and the tables rattle. And yes, there was moshing.
All of the bands were selling merchandise in the back of the venue. They were giving away T-shirts, CDs, cassette tapes, stickers, bracelets and key chains. One band was even offering free cupcakes.
Lancer had great guitar riffs, but its lyrics needed some work. The band was a little awkward on stage, but its heart was in the right place. Next up was Figurehead, which sounded a bit mainstream. The band’s bass guitarist wasn’t particularly good, but the T-shirts they were selling looked wicked. Lo & Behold had great lyrics and pitch. The lead singer had a lot of talent. The band sounded raw, honest, heartfelt and had very catchy beats. Venona had great fog effects and amazing guitar riffs and vocals. The band was original, naturally electric and seemingly effortless – definitely Warped Tour material. The Daydream Chronicles have an awesome lead singer with a clear, strong voice. The band had great guitar riffs and T-shirts with images of dream catchers on them. The band is definitely underrated and deserve more credit. The Throwbacks are decent, with a coffee-shop feel to the music, which is really mellow but enthusiastic at the same time.
And finally, there was Rescue Dawn. The band has synchronized choreography with the lead singer/guitarist and the other two guitarists jumping up and down with heads banging at various intervals. The band, with its fresh music, fantastic energy and strong fan base, was the highlight of the show. It uses lots of fog, strobe lights and other special effects.
The concert had a really great atmosphere with friendly people who made concertgoers feel at home and confident. These bands value individualism and originality.
It was totally worth losing my voice.
Catherine Keller is a senior at Lancaster High School. - The Buffalo News
The Daydream Chronicles Interview
Riff Reporter: Valentine Klipfel
1. Tell us more about The Daydream Chronicles. Who is in your band and how did you guys put this band together?
This band is comprised of Josh Szary (vocals), Ben Cansdale (Bass), Trevor Wirth and Justin Juzdowski (guitars) as well as Josiah Leroy, our newest member (drums). The four of us used to play together in a band called The Mixtape and Josiah was the drummer of a band we’ve known since the beginning called Letterset. After trying out various drummers our final choice was our long time friend Josiah. He was a perfect fit for the new direction our music was taking as The Daydream Chronicles.
2. What made you come up with the name The Daydream Chronicles?
After much discussion on the matter of a new name we finally settled on The Daydream Chronicles for a couple of reasons, most important being that daydreams happen to everyone on an everyday basis. A daydream chronicle, then, would be a whole story of daydreams put together. We are all storytellers in our own right, and we pride ourselves on being able to do so through our music. We ourselves are daydreamers, and we urge all of our fans to be daydreamers as well.
3. What or who influences the music that you write?
The music that we write reflects mainly our own experiences in our everyday lives. For instance, our song “These Are The Days” is actually about our vocalist Josh Szary’s transition from home to his new house in a completely different environment. Not all of our music, however, is meant to only reflect us. We tend to write about things that we’ve all been through in our lives and hopefully what our listeners have been through as well. It’s very important to us to be able to make a sincere, real connection with our fans. Without their support, we wouldn’t be able to play like we do in the first place.
4. How do you promote your band and shows?
We have many means of promoting our band as well as shows. Anything from flyers to any social networking site you can find. If you can name it, chances are we’re probably on it. You can find us online mainly on Twitter, Facebook, Soundcloud and Instagram but we’re not only limited to those sites. You can also catch us out roaming the streets of Buffalo and surrounding towns handing out flyers for shows and actually meeting the fans. We just love people.
5. Tell us more about your newest self titled album!
Our newest album is encompasses 8 songs that we had been working on over the past year or so, half written with each of our previous drummers (Jeremy Shields of My City, My Secret) and Ryan McCrossan. It was recorded at GCR Audio in Buffalo, NY. The studio is owned by Robbie Takac of The Goo Goo Dolls and our audio engineer was an awesome guy named Jay Zubricky. It was an incredible experience and we plan on going back to record our next album sometime in the not so distant future.
6. What are some of the ways The Daydream Chronicles likes to have fun?
We’re honestly all a bunch of goof balls at heart. We have tons of fun just playing our songs or messing around jamming. Outside of music is where the real fun starts though. We love to go swimming in Justin’s pool and play a funny little game where you’ve got to keep the volleyball in the air but every time you hit it you have to say a word. The goal is to make a sentence before the ball hit’s the water. We’ve literally done it for hours. We also like to go out for a few drinks, hang with friends, go to the park, things like that. We’re just a bunch of normal friendly guys who love to play music.
7. What is the best piece of advice someone has ever given you?
That’s a real thinker… I suppose the best piece of advice I’ve ever gotten is to always be yourself and always be honest. People appreciate and respect a real person more than a person who will just tell them what they want to hear.
8. Tell us one random fact about each member of the band!
Well, Josh loves motorcycles. Justin is big into soccer, Ben used to have a couple of chinchillas, and Trevor and Josiah are huge, huge Sabres fans.
9. What is the best gig you’ve ever played?
I’m sure if you asked all of the guys individually we’d all have different answers but I think one of the best gigs we’ve ever played was our most recent show with our good friends in Cute Is What We Aim For and some guys we all really look up to in The Dangerous Summer. It was the first show at Buffalo’s newest venue called The Waiting Room that’s sold out and the energy in the room that night was intense. It was great sharing the stage with bands that we all aspire to be one day.
10. What can we expect next from your band?
Well, without giving too much away, we can tell you that we’ll be shooting a music video in the near future as well as recording a couple of singles for you guys to listen - Riff Interviews
What is the name of your band? The Daydream Chronicles
What made you call the band "The Daydream Chronicles"? Our previous band was called The Mixtape. This time around we wanted something that stood out and was marketable.
How was the band formed? We've all been playing music together for a long time now. After a couple of jam sessions we decided that we had the potential to really make something of the project. It's been nothing but uphill from that point on.
Can you briefly introduce your band and who you are? The Daydream Chronicles is a rock/alternative outfit from Buffalo, NY. We're just a bunch of guys who love to play music and have been fortunate enough to extend our fan base all over the map. We're all about high energy performances as well as connecting with every fan that we can at a real, emotional level through our music.
Where are all bandmembers from? Who does what in the band? Our band is made up of Josh Szary (Vocals), Justin Juzdowski (Guitar), Ben Cansdale (Bass), Trevor Wirth (Guitar) and Josiah Leroy (Drums). All of the guys except for Josiah are from a small town called Lancaster just outside of Buffalo. Josiah is from a smaller town called Cheektowaga.
What was the ambitions of the band when you started? Our goal was very simple. We wanted to write a solid album to release. We accomplished this in 2012 and have been playing shows all over the East Coast. Our ambitions now have taken a broader view. Some of our goals include getting onto a national tour as well as getting our music to the ears of people who have connections to record labels.
Could you explain your music to someone that haven't heard you? Our music could be classified as rock/alternative but that's just too simple. Our songs are all big and epic with ambient, slow, fast, soft and heavy aspects to them. It's all inspirational, feel good music.
Where was your first gig? Our first gig was at a small local bar called The Forvm. We played with a couple of local acts as well as Sparks The Rescue and Kingsfoil. Kingsfoil features Frankie Muniz (Malcolm In The Middle, Stay Alive, Big Fat Liar) on drums.
Where was the latest gig? Our latest gig was at a large local venue called The Waiting Room right in the heart of the city. We played with Head North, Real Friends, Young Statues and Man Overboard (Rise Records).
Who writes your songs?/ who writes the music who writes lyrics? Our songs are written collectively by the band. Usually Justin or Trevor will lay down a pre-production demo and send it to the rest of the guys. From there, we start jamming on the song at practice and then when it's finally finished Josh writes lyrics. After we feel like we've got the song completely finished we take it to the studio.
Who has the best since of humor in the band? Honestly, we're all goofballs at heart. It'd be hard to choose just one of us.
What genre do you feel you are? Everything going on with TDC right now is definitely a good thing. We just got out of the studio and recorded a new single that we'll be releasing sometime before 2014 and plan on releasing a music video for it. You could best classify our genre as Ambient Rock
What are your songs about? Our style was chosen by the way we all jammed together. It combines the strengths of every single member and gives us a sound that is both catchy and unique in it's own right.
Do you write your own material or mainly covers? All of our music is original, though we will play a cover at a gig from time to time.
Have you made any albums?/If yes what are they? Currently we have one album out. It is a self titled album and it has 8 tracks on it. You can download it for free via BandCamp or Soundcloud. It is also available on Spotify, iTunes and Amazon.com just to name a few.
Do you have any clips on YouTube? Yes we do! If you search The Daydream Chronicles on YouTube a ton of live videos from past shows are the first things that pop uip.
How old are you? What got you started in music? All of our members are between 21 and 23 years old. Personally, I just picked up a guitar one day and started messing around until I learned something. All of us are self taught musicians. I believe this gives us an edge because we're playing our own style.
At what age did you start playing? I started playing guitar around 17 years old.
How old were you guys when you first stood on stage? The first time we stood on stage we were probably 15-17 years old.
What year was the band started? The Daydream Chronicles was formed in May 2012
How old were you the first time you saw a liveband play? My first concert was NSYNC and Britney Spears when I was 13 years old
How old were you at your first gig? Best/worst gig you've played? I was 17 when I played my first gig. The best we've ever played was our show with Cute Is What We Aim For and The Dangerous Summer at The Waiting Room a couple of months ago
What places will you be p - Robex Lundgren - Sweden
The Daydream Chronicles is a young five piece rock outfit from Buffalo, NY. We want to connect to as many people as possible through our music. Every person has a story, and we hope our music helps you write yours. Check out our newest self titled album, set for release on iTunes & Amazon on May 31st!
"We're a relatively young band, we've been together less than a year and so far we've played a couple shows for crowds of anywhere from 50-400 people. It's always a rush when you look into the crowd and see your fans singing along with you."
popVLTR: You've been making moves in Buffalo, how'd you get into music? TDC: We all started jamming together in high school. We started off as parts of multiple bands and eventually found each other and everything just kind of clicked. After that we wrote a bunch of songs and took them straight to the studio. Since then it's been smooth sailing for the most part.
popVLTR: Congrats on the upcoming album, who are some of your influences? TDC: Thanks! Our influences range from a ton of interests. Among our five members we listen to basically every genre in some capacity. Bands like The Dangerous Summer, The Goo Goo Dolls, Every Time I Die, Death Cab For Cutie, Modest Mouse, rap music, country, R&B, everything.
popVLTR: What are some of your proudest moments in music so far? TDC: We're a relatively young band, we've been together less than a year and so far we've played a couple shows for crowds of anywhere from 50-400 people. It's always a rush when you look into the crowd and see your fans singing along with you. We also just noticed that we're currently number 23 on the Purevolume Top 100 Unsigned Rock Chart. Aside from that, we played a show in New Jersey that kicked ass. We love playing out of state. AJ Perdomo of The Dangerous Summer who is a huge influence to us is actually featured on our new album on the song "On My Own".
popVLTR: What cool stuff is on the horizon for The Daydream Chronicles? TDC: First off, we just started streaming our Self Titled album in it's entirety on SoundCloud. Our album release show is Friday, May 31st at The Waiting Room in Buffalo, NY. After that, we're shooting a music video for our song "Transitions" with our good friend Dan Szpakowski and we're in the works of getting a tour booked with our good friends in The Call Out in August. Hopefully we'll be out on the road for a week or two with those guys. - PopVulture Entertainment
Buffalo, NY band The Daydream Chronicles is giving away their self-tiled album on SoundCloud. Hard rock with clean vocals, the production quality is excellent on this self-produced album. The songs make good use of harsh chords and melodic rhythm play. This album is going to be better than 90% of modern rock radio through the rest of the summer. The grinding rhythms will probably help save gas when playing it in the car. - Virt News
Hey there!
This week, we’re moving to Queen City, New York, to bring this amazing rock/alternative outfit, The Day Dream Chronicles!
They say that music is all about connecting to something greater than they are. Every word and every note should be done with purpose – that is how they approach every song they write.
The band has been playing for a while and four of the members did a previous project together, called THEMIXTAPE and they found similar success in that, touring with Sunday Night Scene (Hollywood Records) along the upper east coast when they were barely 18 years old.
They have released a new self titled album and are currently in the process of writing a new 5 song EP aiming to be released by the holidays later this year, and we included a set of their best tracks on The Social Radio!
If you want to know more about The Day Dream Chronicles, follow them on Twitter and Facebook!
If you want to be featured as our “Band of the Week”, submit your music here through the web form, on our brand-new bandpage connect integration or you can always send us an email to bands[at]thesocialradio.com! - The Social Radio
What is the name of your band?
The name of my band is The Daydream Chronicles.
How did you come up with that?
When you daydream, anything is possible. A chronicle is defined as “a factual written account of important or historical events in the order of their occurrence.” Therefore, a “Daydream Chronicle” is a story in order that anything can happen. We like to relate that to our style of music, anything is possible.
Where are you located?
We are located in Buffalo, New York. We were all born and raised here.
What genre would you consider yourself?
The best way to describe our genre is modern rock. We throw some softer and harder elements into our music.
Who are the members?
Trevor Wirth. I play guitar and sing occasionally.
Justin Juzdowski plays guitar.
Ben Cansdale plays Bass.
Josh Szary is our lead vocalist.
We are looking for a drummer currently.
What do you do in the band?
I play guitar and sing backup vocals. I am also in charge of the social media for the band.
How long have you been together?
The Daydream Chronicles has been around for almost a year now.
Did you do music before this?
We did play music together under another name. The name was not easily recognizable, so we decided to change it.
You guys just released a new album?
We just released our debut cd. It will be on iTunes and Google Play soon. Meanwhile, you can stream our cd at www.soundcloud.com/thedaydreamchronicles for free.
Who are your biggest musical influences?
Each member brings different influences to the table. If we all had to agree on a band that influenced us it would be The Dangerous Summer. We actually got AJ to sing on our cd.
Which famous musicians do you admire?
I personally admire the guys from Blink-182 (believe it or not).
What is your favorite song to play?
My favorite song to play is Where I Want To Be by The Dangerous Summer. My favorite song to play from The Daydream Chronicles is These Are The Days.
Out of all of your band’s songs, which is your favorite?
My favorite song as of now is Walkers. It shows how much our music has matured over the years.
What motivates you?
When I look out to a crowd of people at a show singing our lyrics back to us. You have no idea how many times that has given me goosebumps on stage. It’s the best feeling ever.
What 4 bands would you love to see tour together? (not including your band)
The Dangerous Summer, Life On Repeat, Mayday Parade, and Memphis May Fire. This list shows how diverse my musical tastes are.
One band, Past or present, who would you want to share the stage with?
The Dangerous Summer hands down. They have helped me through a rough time in my life. My dreams will be answered on June 20th when I will be able to play with them in Buffalo.
Who has put on the best show that you’ve seen?
Back in the day, we had a show with Forever The Sickest Kids. For a power pop band, they brought an amazing energy to the stage that has not yet been matched for me.
Is your family musical?
My mom and dad both play guitar. My Mom taught me some of the basics in the beginning. Sadly, my father was not around to teach me to play.
What kind of gear do you use?
I use a PRS Singlecut SE. I plan purchase a higher end model soon.
I also use a Gibson Les Paul Studio.
My rig is an Orange Rocker 30 head paired with an Orange 2x12 closed back cab.
I use Ernie Ball regular slinky (10) strings.
My pedalboard consists of 5 boss pedals and 1 Korg tuner.
What was the first tune that you remember "really" playing when you knew that you would be a musician?
Always by Blink-182. I picked up the guitar next to me and somehow my fingers were in the right place. I ended up playing the intro riff perfectly. That inspired me to play guitar.
Where is your favorite place to play in your hometown?
It used to be a venue called Club Infinity. The venue has sadly since been closed. There is a new venue in town called The Waiting Room that matches Club Infinity pretty well.
Any shows coming up?
We will be playing a show with Cute Is What We Aim for and The Dangerous Summer on 6/20 at The Waiting Room in Buffalo, NY.
Most memorable show?
My previous bands CD release back in 2010. We filled Club Infinity to its maximum limit. I met so many good people that night.
Breakdowns or Solos?
Breakdowns. Solos are awesome too though.
Where would you most like to play in your home town?
I am completely at ease playing at The Waiting Room. It is the cleanest venue I have ever played on the east coast.
Where would you most like to play anywhere?
My dream show would be at a venue or restaurant on the Las Vegas strip.
If music were an animal, what would it be?
It would be a Wolf. Our Self Titled album art sums up that question.
Would you ever cover Smash Mouth -All Star?
Maybe 5 years ago, but not today.
If you cou - Culture Clinic
It is May 2013 and you know what that means! It is time to announce which artist or band is taking home this month's featured 'Band of the Month' spot.
I am constantly getting tweeted, messaged, emailed, and so on, new music all the time. And, I am always watching Facebook, Twitter and Youtube to see which artists and bands are receiving all the buzz at any given moment.
So, as I was on Twitter a few weeks ago I saw various tweets here and there about a post rock band dwelling in Buffalo, New York. And, immediately after listening to one song, I knew exactly why fans were going nuts.
The Daydream Chronicles, who formed in mid 2012, consists of members Josh Szary (vocals), Justin Juzdowski (guitar), Trevor Wirth (guitar), Ben Cansdale (bass) and Ryan McCrossan (drums). And, this band may be fairly new still, but it is certain that they know how to write music. So, The Daydream Chronicles are this month's 'Band of the Month'.
To get you even more excited about this band, The Daydream Chronicles will be releasing their self-titled, debut, full length album on May 31st 2013. The album is set to be comprised of eight tracks and, if you know this band at all, you know just what it will sound like.
On top of the release of their album, the guys will be playing an album release show on May 31st 2013 at the venue the Waiting Room, located in Buffalo, New York. They will be hitting the stage with Rescue Dawn, Fictitious Ray, Shout It Out and The Call Out. As well, it was just announced that The Daydream Chronicles will be accompanying The Dangerous Summer and Cute Is What We Aim For, both very well known bands, on June 20th 2013 at the Waiting Room as well.
So, this band has definitely proven themselves over the last year. Their music is undoubtedly catchy and every song shows their great talent. It is certain this band is just in the beginning of their careers. And, I am excited for the official release of their album, The Daydream Chronicles, and what they have in store next.
As they say on their Facebook page, "We want to connect to as many people as possible through our music. Every person has a story and we hope our music helps you write yours."
If you are like me and just cannot wait for their official album to drop on May 31st 2013 then you are in luck. The band currently has a couple songs from their upcoming release posted on their PureVolume page, including a song featuring AJ from The Dangerous Summer, which can be heard here: - Basement Entertainment
Buffalo band, The Daydream Chronicles takes the stage at The Waiting Room to commemorate the release of their self-titled debut album, which was recorded at GCR Audio according to the band's website. The record release show will also feature spots by guest bands rescue Dawn, Fictitious Ray, Shout It Out, and The Call Out.
Tickets are available at the After Dark office at 630 Elmwood Ave. - Buffalo.com
The Daydream Chronicles upcoming self-titled release showcases the bands talents as an alternative rock outfit. Their self-titled release offers raucous rock anthems in a similar vein to various bands such as 30 Seconds To Mars or Funeral For A Friend. There’s some good ideas at work on the album, with the bands’ talents certainly being shown off in a good light. It seems all the elements for the making of a good strong rock record are present on ‘The Daydream Chronicles’, but it is marred by the sheer fact that it is a style that is simply overused and no longer interesting anymore.
‘The Daydream Chronicles’ feels like a good and well thought-out album. It’s fleshed out well, with instrumentals accompanying rather scratchy-shouting vocals, that simply makes up the style. Everything present on the album works fairly well, with there being very few weak parts. There’s a very aggressive feeling running through the whole album, giving it the character and flair that forms the main part of the appeal of the upcoming band. What is surprising to some extent, is how polished everything actually sounds. Everything seems to have been well thought-out, with the band not trying to cut any corners creatively. In fairness to them, they’ve produced an album that certainly sounds good, with nothing really dragging any of the elements down.
The main problem I have with The Daydream Chronicles is the simple fact that it is something we’ve all heard before. Whilst The Daydream Chronicles are certainly good at what they do, and have, in fairness to them, produced an album of good sounding material, it just seems like they’re dragged down by the fact that it is nothing new in the genre. Everything on the album has been done before to a certain extent, including the actual sound and tone of the vocals themselves. It’s a shame, as it means The Daydream Chronicles just get lost in the sea of similar sounding artists, and actually have nothing that really makes them stand out that much.
The Daydream Chronicles certainly have a lot of potential. They’ve managed to produce a record that does sound good, and will certainly garner them some fans and some well-needed attention. The main problem is that there’s just not a lot under the surface of angry sounding vocals and instrumentals. The Daydream Chronicles are let down by a lack of ingenuity, and a lack of desire to simply try something different. The real problem is that if The Daydream Chronicles simply dropped off the map, there’d actually be very few people who’d miss them, as there’s so much already out there that sounds so similar. Their debut album is certainly a good album though, it is just one that is clouded by a lack of originality.
Album Rating:
????? 3/5 - The CD Critic
The Daydream Chronicles - Patterns
Genre: Rock
Country: USA
Year: 2013
Release Date: Nov 27
Playtime: 00:03:23
The Daydream Chronicles - Self Titled Album
Genre: Rock
Country: USA
Year: 2013
Release Date: May 31
Playtime: 00:28:53
01. These Are The Days
02. On My Own (Feat. AJ of The Dangerous Summer)
03. The Author
04. Transitions
05. Fireworks
06. Pursuit of Perfect
07. Squirt Guns with Real Bullets
08. Walkers
"Theres a very aggressive feeling running through the whole album, giving it the character and flair that forms the main part of the appeal of the upcoming band. What is surprising to some extent, is how polished everything actually sounds. Everything seems to have been well thought-out, with the band not trying to cut any corners creatively. In fairness to them, theyve produced an album that certainly sounds good, with nothing really dragging any of the elements down."
-The CD Critic on May 17, 2013

The Daydream Chronicles is a rock band from Buffalo, NY. molding together aggressive post rock with purposeful, polished vocals, and collaborating elements of heavy rock and melodic alternative.
TDC's Background:
The Daydream Chronicles consists of five close friends from high school, all from music backgrounds and a long list of acts and experience. The group formed in late 2012, after the completion of a previous project (The Mixtape). The Mixtape released three EPs, and managed to be very successful in New York and New Jersey, as well as the surrounding tri-state area. Knowing however, that the name and the image needed refinement, the group decided to start fresh and use what they've learned in their first venture to start over. With a clean slate, The Daydream Chronicles were able to rebrand and resurface into the support and the heart of the Buffalo music scene. The original following and fan base for The Mixtape has remained very supportive, allowing their newest endeavor to hit the ground running.
With a full plate of ideas and desire, the group immediately went to work and released their debut Self-Titled album May 31st, 2013, having the pleasure of working with Jay Zubricky, sound engineer and producer at GCR Audio (Owned by Robby Takac of the Goo Goo Dolls). There, they spent months meticulously recording and creatively developing the album, collaborating with AJ Perdomo (The Dangerous Summer) who is featured on the track, "On My Own". The Daydream Chronicles finished the production and partnered with Paul Leavitt of Valencia Recording Studio in Baltimore Maryland, who finalized and mastered the release.
The group has also worked with Sunday Night Scene (Hollywood Records), which included a ten day east coast tour, experiencing the rules of the road and working with new venues, bands, promoters, and meeting new fans each and every day.
The band continues to support their album, as well as vigorously working on new music. Recently, they put out a brand new single, "At It Again", along with "Patterns (Revisited)", a special piano re-release of "Patterns" on Sunday May 18, 2014.
Please reach out to the band for any booking or press inquiries!