Motel Ben
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada | Established. Jan 01, 2018 | SELF
'Birdsong Soars at Lula Lounge
'The Birdsong Foundation was started by a woman named Margaret Konopacki. ... she came up with a plan that can really benefit and inspire people struggling with mental illness...I will speak of the experience of the show she organized at Lula Lounge...Allan Kinney started the second half of the show playing a beautifully haunting piece of music called, "Little Boy".' - Joe Taylor, Blast Toronto, 18 December 2024 - Taken from >>> https://blasttoronto.com/birdsong-soars-at-lula-lounge/ - Blast Toronto
MAE MARTIN, a Canadian British actor, screenwriter and comedian now living in LA (Feel Good - Netflix), will host and will do a set of music followed by Birdsong original indie artists: ROBERT PRIEST, ALLAN KINNEY, ASHLEY BELL, DUSTIN HARDER, ROBIN BENEDICT, JORDAN GOW, D.M. LaFORTUNE, and JHMAL KING with the Birdsong Band directed by BRYANT DIDIER.
Much sought after soloist RUSSELL BRAUN, one of Canada’s Juno Award winners, a lyric baritone with his luminous voice, will sing a set with CAROLYN MAULE on piano.
This world premiere of Robert Priest's song “Simple Human Kindness” (co-writer Allan Booth) includes its video directed by PETER LYNCH.
From MAE MARTIN: “I am so excited to host, perform and be part of this charity’s fundraiser because...I believe that if there was less stigma in the world, one of my closest soul-mate friends musician David Martin would be on stage with me...always with a guitar strapped to his back, he was unique! ...Music helps me cope and creates the hope that together we can help to stop the stigma and discriminating against people who have mental illness."
Birdsong New Music Foundation was created in 2018, in memory of Mae’s friend musician David Martin, to produce indie music by people who struggle.
From ROBERT PRIEST: “I composed a song that was the perfect fit for this important charity which I am part of due to my health issues. Sometimes all you need to get through the day – is a little simple human kindness.”
From RUSSELL BRAUN: “This organization is so very timely and there are so many young and even established musicians struggling...here in Toronto as an educator and performer, I am very excited to lend my voice at this concert. Music can bring us together as a society so we can do better.” - Original text available at >>> https://temporarylodgingsc.wixsite.com/tlcunincorporated/post/the-simple-human-kindness-show-a-different-kind-of-benefit - Birdsong New Music Foundation c/o Temporary Lodgings Collective
"Headline Artist
"The Everything Bagel
"Door: 20h00 - $10 or pay what you can ... on est de retour encore et encore !
"#theeverythingbagel #motelrebs #newartpop #avantgardebar #uottawa #sandyhill #rideaustreet #bywardmarket #ottawacanada #thanksgivingcanada2024"
- Taken from >>> https://www.ottawagigs.ca/gig/the-everything-bagel-and-motel-ben-at-the-avant-garde-encore-et-encore-4-october-2024-2030 - Ottawagigs.ca
"The Eclipsing Celery Kaleidoscope at Art in Strathcona Park
"Event starts 10 AM - free - The Eclipsing Celery Kaleidoscope plays from 11:55 AM to 12:15 PM (event ends at 4 PM)" --- Taken from >>> https://allevents.in/ottawa/the-eclipsing-celery-kaleidoscope-at-art-in-strathcona-park/200026838563808 - Allevents.in
"YGK October’s Live Music
"YGK Live music listing for October. Some great acts this month Like Blue Rodeo, Surf Hat, Sean Mcann and the Beaches to round out the Month Of October. Check out this months Ontario Small Halls Festival with live performances all around the Kingston Area.
"Live Music will be updated through out the month and sent out every Thursday on social media. ...
"Oct 22nd Motel Ben and KaKaow @ the Mansion" - Taken from >>> https://www.ygkevents.com/event/ygk-octobers-live-music/ - YGK Kingston, Ontario Events
Queen's Homecoming party! Door: $10 - opens at 8 PM. doingok: 8:30 PM. KaKaow: 9:50 PM. Motel Ben: 11:10 PM...let's invest in our future! ;) - Taken from >>> https://allevents.in/kingston/la-homecoming-queensalways-comes-after-in-french/10000717011208827 - AllEvents
"Motel Ben is back to The Mansion, Kingston with Rooty Naky on Sunday 13 August 2023! KaKaow opens! 8:30 PM; $15 or pay what you can! - Visit Kingston
"Motel Ben is back to The Mansion, Kingston with Rooty Naky on Sunday 13 August 2023! KaKaow opens! 8:30 PM; $15 or pay what you can..irie!:)" - Taken from >>> https://allevents.in/kingston/the-hammer-strikes-again-in-kingston/10000622921694557 - Allevents.in
"Kinney's message to other songwriters thinking of applying for the foundation's grant: "I'd say: Do it!" he enthuses. "If you don't do it, you'll never know if the answer would have been yes! If you do it, it could make all the difference. Get your voice out there and heard." - Taken from >>> https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/birdsong-new-music-foundation/?mprompt=1 - CanadaHelps.org
'A new album with songs by Canadian musicians with mental health diagnoses was released Tuesday by charity Birdsong New Music Foundation. ...
'Keyboardist Allan Kinney, one of Birdsong’s songwriters, has had to overcome both clinical schizophrenia and the “innate discrimination of institutions and individuals who do not live with or understand mental health issues,” according to Birdsong.
' “If it were not for music, treatment and medication, I would not have persevered,” Kinney said. “Music is something I can’t do without.”
'The singers and songwriters on the album include Statia, Paakwasi, Earl Johnson, Dustin Harder (Prairie Soul), Ashley Bell, Thomas Messenger, Allan Kinney, Robin Benedict, Matthew Johnston, Jhmal King, Jordan Gow and David Martin.
'The album can be purchased online for $30. All proceeds from sales will be split between the artists, who own the copyright to their songs, and Birdsong New Music Foundation.' - Camilla Bains, 14 February 2023 - Available at >>> https://nowtoronto.com/culture/canadian-artists-with-mental-health-diagnoses-release-album/ - NOW Toronto
Motel Ben opens for The Everything Bagel at LIVE! on Elgin...leave your heart on LIVE! when you go home!! <3 --- Taken from >>> https://allevents.in/ottawa/get-heart-on-elgin/200023713798243 - AllEvents
"There is some overlap between the two bands’ recordings - both in repertoire and in personnel - and both bands were featured at the Ottawa fundraiser [for Birdsong Foundation]. As composer, keyboardist and singer, Allan Kinney is the anchor of both groups. ...
"The 1970s vibe permeates Allan’s recorded output, yet the music is not nostalgic. 'Not Here, Not Now' and 'Freedom of Association' are only two examples of Kinney songs whose dystopian visions reflect current anxieties. Allan’s talent as a humorist comes through on 'Designated Driver,' a hilarious polka that uses both piano and accordion to great effect. Tunes like this and 'Vlad "the Impaler" P.' - a homoerotic satire of Russia’s despised president - demonstrate Allan’s ability to obliterate the line between parody and serious social commentary." - Taken from >>> https://temporarylodgingsc.wixsite.com/tlcunincorporated/post/critical-review-of-songwriter-allan-kinney-s-repertoire-in-motel-ben-and-in-the-everything-bagel - Temporary Lodgings Collective
"Dom Polski - The Polish Combatants of Canada Hall in Ottawa, Ontario was the scene of BIRDSONG - The David Martin New Music Foundation's second artists' showcase on October 6. The sold out affair was designed to smash the social stigma surrounding musicians and others suffering with mental health issues, with music and mass inclusion as the weapons du jour. Audience and cast alike basked in the cascade of love and compassion that BIRDSONG has come to represent, and a moving, magical and magnificent evening out was had by all involved -- all the while helping to hasten the opening of doors for change and healing through compassion and song.
"Hosted by BIRDSONG founder/director Margaret Konopacki and Toronto actor and Nicolas Cage body double Marco Kyris, the evening clipped along under the guidance of Supervising Producer Bryant Didier, along with Associate Producer Allan Kinney and his bands Motel Ben and Everything Bagel providing the back-up on 15 original songs performed by five BIRDSONG artists, plus a song by BIRDSONG namesake David Martin-Konopacki, Pray For Your Peace, sung by Jordan Gow, leaving not a dry eye in the house." - Daryl Jung - taken from >>> https://birdsongnewmusicfoundation.ca/blogs/david-ramsden-saving-them-with-kindness/posts/7195559/birdsong-s-anti-stigma-show-a-smash-hit - Birdsong Dave Martin New Music Foundation
Motel Ben est un mélange éclectique et rêveur de mélodies soul et parfois mélancoliques, de blues, de poésie, de reggae, de rythmes funky et de nuances classiques. Motel Ben est un mélange d'artistes uniques et d'un art découplé des tendances musicales, qui saura assurément divertir une foule ! ---- Motel Ben is an eclectic, dreamy mix of soulful and at times melancholic melodies, blues, spoken word, reggae, funky beats and classic undertones. Motel Ben is a blend of unique artists and artistry uncoupled from musical trends, sure to entertain a crowd! - Taken from >>> https://temporarylodgingsc.wixsite.com/tlcunincorporated/post/motel-ben-eclectic-dreamy-artistry-uncoupled-from-musical-trends-en-francais---in-english - Tara Ryan, Ottawa, August 2022
Don't know when this turned up, but it's from footage taken in late 2021. We found it when we looked up "Spiritual Drink Machines" on the Internet. It's been posted publicly and is credited to the videographer at the end of the video footage, although the song was written by Allan Kinney in January 2009. - Allan Kinney, Motel Ben - Vimeo
"August 28, 8 pm
"The Mansion
"Check out Motel Ben at The Mansion and experience funky, shoe-gaze folk music from this unique Ottawa band. The Mansion has live music nearly every weekend in their upstairs “Living Room,” and on their patio many afternoons. Keep checking their event list on Facebook for updates on acts.
"Cost: $5" - Emily Coppella - Taken from >>> https://www.visitkingston.ca/live-music-in-kingston-this-summer/ - Visit Kingston
Gig II of Motel Ben's Southeast Ontario "Strike the Anvil" tour! Door: $5 - band starts at 8:30 PM...let's lift each other up out of the swamps of nothingness! #motelrebs #newartpop https://www.sonicbids.com/band/the-step-beyond-album/ https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_nXYJ6iPYAXtgx86RjpPK_ydtNtSqMaJ2I - Allevents.in
Gig I of Motel Ben's Southeast Ontario "Strike the Anvil" Tour - at the Loaf 'n' Ale, 25 Dundas Street East, Napanee 613-354-5247! Come by after a day in the fun and sun of Quinte! - Allevents.in
"Melissa McLeod, Tansy Etro-Beko, Kim Lovell, and the late JoAnn Brooks singing give us a folky, soulful vibe while Allan gives us more of a classic musical vibe, like Phantom of the Opera.
"Surfer vibes meets a modern indie band. Vocals like pomplamoose with haunting harmonies. Folky, storytelling, spoken word, stories about everyday life; the hustle and bustle of the city life, ragtime classic instruments - talk of money, buses and trains, losing one's mind in the city, relationships, spirituality, phantom of the opera vibes, Beethoven vibes - moonlight sonata.
"This is the kind of music that grows on you: the more you listen, the more you enjoy it." - Jessica and Joanne Martin, Arnprior, Ontario, Canada - Taken from >>> https://temporarylodgingsc.wixsite.com/tlcunincorporated/post/allan-kinney-s-music-the-everything-bagel---motel-ben
https://www.sonicbids.com/band/the-step-beyond-album/ - Jessica and Joanne Martin
"On est de RETOUR!!! Featuring Motel Ben; guest star Melissa McLeod. Door: Free - at Fernandino Hair and Nail Spa, Rideau Centre (Mackenzie King level). Get all dolled up for Hallowe'en night!!!" - Available at >>> https://allevents.in/mobile/amp-event.php?event_id=200021793753629 - Allevents.in
"Almost three years since beginning the process of asking Canadian applicants to apply for the BIRDSONG Fund, the newly registered national charity is pleased to announce a list of artists from across the country whose original songs are included on Birdsong’s first compilation album. Ten singer/ songwriters worked throughout the pandemic in music studios in three cities to finish the album titled: 'BIRDSONG - First Flight 101.'
"BIRDSONG composers/performers include Ashley Bell from Hagersville, ON; Anthony Jordon Gow from Kanata, ON; Prairie Soul (Dustin Harder) from Winnipeg, MB; Robin Benedict from Hamilton, ON; Paakwesi (PK) from Toronto, ON; Allan Kinney from Ottawa, ON; Matthew Johnston from Vernon Bridge, PEI; and Thomas Messenger from Fredericton, NB. Two songs written and performed previously by the Founder’s son, David Martin, are also featured on the album." - Taken from >> https://birdsongfoundation.com/blogs/news/birdsong-press-release?fbclid=IwAR325JApuWCwYotYJQ_POQLOfr2fLi6Gjy4Vjw4ujD97YxWoBPvs8bsylgI - Birdsong Foundation
Cyclical Argument - survenant en 2024
The Step Beyond - survenant en 2024

Last updated 19 December 2024 - Motel Ben, c'est la branche plutôt francophone du groupe Ben's Motel, récemment connu sous le nom The Everything Bagel. Avec le batteur Marc Mésile, Motel Ben était l'ensemble responsable en plus grande partie pour les enregistrements << stem >> des albums The Step Beyond, Cyclical Argument et Self See Us, tandis que la branche anglophone du groupe avec le batteriste Howie Inniss est en train de compléter l'album Bucolica qui va paraître en 2025. On a débuté avec succès devant un public au Mansion, Kingston le 28 août 2022 et on a joué au lancement très bien réussi et reçu de la compilation Birdsong Foundation à Dom Polski, Ottawa jeudi le 6 octobre 2022. À plusieurs reprises on a aussi joué dans le cadre de DeTOUR à Fernandino, centre Rideau, Ottawa, et en premier pour The Everything Bagel à LIVE! on Elgin jeudi le 9 février 2023. Après avoir joué en vedette avec Rooty Naky au Cardinal, Trenton vendredi le 11 août 2023, et au Mansion, Kingston dimanche le 13 août avec KaKaow en premier, on a justement joué une troisième fois au Mansion lors du spectacle La homecoming "Queen's" - dimanche le 22 octobre 2023 - KaKaow également en premier ! Prochainement vous pouvez vous attendre à ce que Motel Ben finisse divers vidéos et enregistrements sonores commençant en mai 2024. Vous nous avez vu peut-être à Art in Strathcona Park (Ottawa) en tant que << The Eclipsing Celery Kaleidoscope >> samedi le 10 août ! Écoutez l'enregistrement non-officiel de The Step Beyond disponible au Bandcamp ! On a joué dernierement au spectacle "THE SIMPLE HUMAN KINDNESS SHOW" de la Fondation Birdsong au Lula Lounge à Toronto dimanche le 15 décembre 2024 - Robert Priest en premier ! Paix et amour de Jah ! <3 <3 <3 :) :) :)
Band Members