The Poynt
Borough of Queens, NY | Established. Jan 01, 2015 | SELF
The Poynt’s brand new EP kicks off with ‘This Dying World’, an easy number with a cool riff and an interesting summery vibe. In contrast ‘Not Quite Jesus’ shows their grunge influences with its heavy riff and reverb atmospheric instrumental, very reminiscent of Nirvana, the instrumental does however over power the lacklustre lyrics. ‘Open Your Mouth’ is a better track with much catchier verses with a potent instrumental, the quick sharp lyrics create a snappy enjoyable number.
The guitar skills continue on ‘Back Home’ with a gloomy bass line and dragging vocals, the intro reminds me a lot of Superheaven, and there’s added aggression on the background vocals which is needed as the track is pretty monotonous. ‘Disguise Disfraz’ is a much more upbeat number with a higher vocal key and an appealing riff, the chorus is full of American soul rock, overall it’s a much more sophisticated solid number. The penultimate track ‘Lift Shadows’ continues the experimental theme with a disjointed riff and echoed vocals, however it’s one of the weakest tracks on the EP. The EP closes with ‘En Somme N’ia Ah’ which is beautifully produced with its hollow riff and industrial bass line.
The band do a great job at times on the EP combining the calm vocal style with enigmatic instrumental, there’s plenty to leave you intrigued after listening to it. There are areas which could be more polished but as a first major release, The Poynt should be pleased with what they’ve produced. - Stencil Mag
New York City's The Poynt arrive five years after their inception with their debut album and it's fifteen tracks of high quality rock 'n' roll, American style.
I don't think it would be an insult to namecheck bands such as Daughtry, Nickelback and Shinedown when appraising The Poynt. The slick style is one that shifts units with ease and throughout this album you get the impression that it wouldn't take much for any of these tracks to become big hits; from the building, haunting stomp of 'Fading Away' through to the high speed guitar chugging of 'Nothing Between The Lines' and on to the soft rock quality of 'Different Guy'.
The album follows the rise and fall of a fictitious A list celebrity - or American Royalty as such - and is interspersed with fake radio and TV broadcasts showing such moments and it's all done with such professionalism that it's hard not to think of The Poynt as a lot larger band than they actually are. The vocals are impressive and with the band being more than a match for the strong voice of Eduardo Alarcon they become quite a match paired up with the storytelling of the character of Maria Narboni - a story that has been played out in real life by countless 'celebrities' - yet it's one that will continue to sell papers and magazine inches for years to come such is the never ending interest in the rich and famous.
It's not the happiest album in the world as she spirals out of control towards the inevitable and the songs reflect this fact but if you don't need music to be uplifting and joyous then The Poynt may have achieved something of a great collection of hard rocking tunes to fill your head with. There's no duff tracks on this album (which isn't easy) and it's one that should sell with comparative ease Stateside such is their love for this kind of band, but good is good no matter what country you reside in so check this album out.
It makes a change that a concept album doesn't involve dragons, spaceships and the demise of the world so give them the time of day and hit the link below. - Uber Rock
Alpha Queue EP (2017)
1. This Dying World
2. Not Quite Jesus
3. Open Your Mouth
4. Back Home
5. Disguise, Disfraz
6. Lift Shadows
7. En Somme N'ia Ah
This is American Royalty (2015)
1. The Interruption
2. Curtain Call
3. Fading Away
4. Trapped
5. Nothin' Between the Lines
6. Different Guy
7. Welcome the Sun
8. Fate
9. Why Do You
10. To Stay Alive
11. Goodbye
12. One More Day
13. Mourning News
14. What I've Always Known
15. This is American Royalty

Hailing from Queens, NY, the formation of The Poynt began in the 90's when a young Eduardo began playing guitar at the age of 11, and started to "demo" guitar ideas on an old karaoke machine.
"I remember listening to my favorite bands and wanting to replicate their guitar sounds. An old friend had this karaoke machine with two cassette tape decks and I figured out a way to record multiple guitar and vocal ideas simply by recording and swapping the tapes from deck to deck. Looking back, I really discovered the basics of recording audio," says Eduardo.
After numerous stints in local bands throughout the 90's and early 00's, Eduardo made a phone call in August 2009 to an old friend and bandmate Richie Beretta. Beretta, an up and coming producer at that time, had just opened up a music studio and was thrilled to work with a new artist. The only issue was that Eduardo only had ideas and no band to bring them to life!
Throughout the course of 2010-2012, Eduardo found members from his hometown area and together they formed The Poynt. With each members' unique, diverse musical backgrounds, ranging from the classical music masters to the rock music masters, The Poynt set out to create something organic and pure, reminiscent of a time when music defined a moment in time...a generation.
After extensive writing and recording sessions, The Poynt released their debut album This is American Royalty, or TIAR, in January 2015. Each track throughout TIAR captures the essence of what The Poynt set out to create: genuine and memorable music.
In 2017, The Poynt will release their sophomore album in a double EP format, with the first installment entitled Alpha Queue, released on March 31, and Alpha Queue II, slated for fourth-quarter 2017.
Band Members