Wil Deynes
Leander, Texas, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2010 | SELF
Show Review Missouri S&T - The Missouri Miner
Wil Deynes Wins best solo artist at MynetworkTv. Songs from his debut album Stay will air on national television on their shows Desire and Fashion House. - MynetworkTv.com
Wil new Single Say Goodbye will be track of the day at garageband.com Friday 7/20/07
Say Goodbye is Wil's first single off his new full length album, scheduled to be released this fall. - garageband.com
Wil Deynes is going to be featured in Septembers issue of Blender magazine in an advert for Rhoto V Eye drops.
It is going to be a 1/3 page add and it will be promoting his entry for the co-sponsored battle of the bands contest by Blender and Rhoto V.
So Go out and Vote! - Blender Magazine
MAXIM Online featured Wil Deynes track “Tired” as accompaniment to the Alana de la Garza photo shoot video. Since the video was put online, it has recieved over 30,000 hits a week - Maximonline
Wil Deynes' song Super Wonderful, nominated college song of the year.
-justplainfolks - justplainfolks.com
Songs from Wil Deynes debut EP, titled <b>Stay</b>, has been played over 1 Million times on myspace.com - myspace.com
My song Super Wonderful was just featured on NPR'S Open Mic - NPR Radio
Wil Deynes' song Super Wonderful win the Channel prize in pop for March. - ourstage.com
Sometimes I get lazy and just feel like sharing inbox music with quotes from other publicists.
"Songs with a pop sensibility that appeal to all ages. This timeless sound is gaining Wil a steady following on the east coast."
Other times the music is good enough that I not only want to share, but I want to give my own tidbit of input. So read on for my take on Wil Deynes.
You know how sometimes people sound familiar, while also sound original and fresh? I'd say Wil Deynes is like that. Put Ben Folds, Dashboard Confessionals and Keane in a blender, hit the switch and the sound you hear will be Deynes.
On the indie scene this might be considered a beer coaster, too poppy, too mainstream. I wish the indie yuppies (myself only sometimes included) weren't so bent on following the silly mind set that if it sounds like something potentially top 40 then it's a waste. I've got news for you...even indie artists would like some billboard air play. - http://www.scrink.com/blog/music/2007/09/wil-deynes.html
How does the cliche go, you catch more fish with honey?
No, that's not right, fish don't eat honey... I think it's flies. Whatever, you get the point... Did I listen to this guy's music because he was kissing my butt? I'm wondering that. But I don't think so... There were two elements that captured me. The lack of desperation and his point about having already had some success. Not knowing the cat's name, I figured maybe he was a behind the scenes songwriter, looking to get famous as a player under his own name... Whatever, I fired up his MySpace page.
And was stunned. From the very first instant, I knew this guy was not a wannabe, he had TALENT!
He had a good voice, the changes immediately enraptured me, I was drawn in. This is hit music. At least ten or twenty years ago. Today?
I kept listening. The subsequent tracks weren't quite as good. But, the second time through, I liked the other tracks more than "Super Wonderful".
Don't e-mail me and tell me you're a punk fan, or a metalhead. I'm just telling you if you want mainstream success, you've got to sound like this guy, be talented like this guy, Wil Deynes.
He's still too talented for me to fully believe he's completely unsigned. God, it's so easy to lie online, to appear indie.
Or maybe the bio is true, that he's a Mac tech by day. Maybe that's how he made a recording so good. That he's giving away for free on his site: http://www.wildeynes.com/wildeynes.com/Music.html, you can download it as MP3 or m4a, your choice. And I think you should. Because this guy has got something.
His Website has not been updated enough recently, check the blog, the last post was July 30, 2007. But there's a plethora of action on his MySpace page, he's got 16 posts from fans already today, Saturday. Are the play counts accurate? Has "Super Wonderful" really been played 375,000 times? Who knows? Quite possibly, because it's good.
I mean if John Mayer can make it, so can this guy.
Or maybe the powers-that-be can't handle a guy who looks like this, who doesn't have matinee, suburban good looks.
Point is, if despite his NPR break THIS guy can't break through, if he's not a household word, what are YOUR chances.
But it doesn't matter that he's not a household word to his fans. They own him now.
This guy is doing it right. Unless I've been snookered here. Which could be the case. But that doesn't change the fact that this guy is GOOD! - Bob Lefsetz
The First Noel - Single

My name is WIl Deynes and I work full time as a Mac Tech for a printing company in New York. Music is something I struggle to do at all costs when I am not working my day job.
I started playing bass guitar when I was 13. A friend showed me a video of Cliff Burton playing "For Whom The Bell Tolls, I was blown away, that moment, all I wanted to do was play like that. It just so happened that my birthday was coming up, I asked for a bass guitar, got one became a huge metal head.
After playing 8 hours a day for 6 months, I joined my first band. Don't remember the name, don't think we actually had one. Our biggest accomplishment was learning "Enter Sandman" off the video (when MTV played videos), before the record came out. We played it at our 1st and last show. The guitar player Chris, was super lazy, he played the whole set sitting down. It pissed the rest of us off, we kicked him out, then never really found a replacement.
I went through a period where I was so obsessed with playing bass, that I stopped going to school, snuck upstairs after my mom went to work and played all day. We lived on top of a print shop, the owner would hear me playing all day long, but never ratted me out.
When I was 16 my mom brought a house in Jersey. As soon as I could I started playing with anyone who would jam with me. There was literally nothing else to do. I ended up joining my first serious band called the Jimmy Vincent Invasion. Nothing really notable except that I hated the music, but stayed with them because they had "Major Connections" boy, was that a waste of time. I later played for "The Spinning Jennys". They were established and had a single out. I was stoked to be in a band that actually had something real going on. We played a few shows, then it all kinda just fizzled when an A&R guy didn't like our new material. I still miss that band…..
After that, I gave up on the band thing and on music all together. I Finished school, got a job and was miserable….lol
Then one day, driving home I popped in Sting's "Fields of Gold" CD, in that moment, it hit me. I wanted to be a songwriter. I wanted to write my own songs, it wasn't until I met my wife, that I would actually take those melodies in my head and record them. With her encouragement, I finished my first song "Stay". I posted it on MySpace, and was amazed by the response. It got 12,000 plays in 3 months. Who would have thought.
That's when I decided to continue writing, soon after I released my first EP "Stay" btw, it was recorded in my good friend/producer, Earn Phillips' hallway. It was one of the most humbling/exciting experiences of my life. I learned how much I did not know about music. Recording is completely different from playing live. It was was exciting to share something i created with others, and actually get feedback.
1.5 million myspace plays later (still growing), I am now working on a new record. I hope to have it out buy the end of 2010 beginning of 2011.
It's not easy being indie ;)
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