New Orleans, Louisiana, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2012 | SELF
Sometimes I want to walk around the backyard barefoot, shorts on, my linen shirt unbuttoned to mid-chest, with a smoke dangling from my lips and a cold one in my hand while hitting Wiffle balls for the dogs to chase. On these days my 5 o’clock shadow is probably the sexiest and most dangerous thing to ever happen on my quiet suburban block, just ask my nosey shut in of a neighbor, I caught you looking Ms. Wilkins, drink it the Fuck up you cat loving minx.
During these occasional lapses in judgment and hygiene there is a buzz that builds up in my head, usually low and soothing at the start and eventually turning into a full riot of energy, madness, spins, fainting, and sex; followed by shame, my dogs looking at me cross and needing to purchase new cushions for the lawn furniture.
Since I have become a dad I can no longer be the blight to good taste that I once was, but thankfully there are bands like New Orleans lofi surf rock giants Yelephants and their epically tasty EP Tart.
When this fucker landed in my inbox I thought to myself “who the Fuck are these assholes with their frat boy haircuts and Hawaiian shirts?” I figured them for goofy shitheads who like to take advantage of passed out college chicks while pretending that they were really into progressive politics. After listening to Tart I realize now that my judgyness has led me astray once more. Not only are these fucking dick-breathed assholes delightful, they make me feel that freedom that comes with spiraling out of control.
Semi-edgy, semi-dancy, and semi-heartfelt, filled with a buzzy speed that makes me want to park my car on sidewalk, throw the keys to a drifter type and tell him to keep it running while I pop in the market and grab a 30 pack of Stroh’s and some veggie franks for grilling.
Every time I throw on Tart am transported to the tail end of the best party I have ever been too, sure people are crying and there is a hint of violence in the air, but isn’t that how it always is right before it turns great? - Shut Your Fucking Face and Listen
Sometimes I want to walk around the backyard barefoot, shorts on, my linen shirt unbuttoned to mid-chest, with a smoke dangling from my lips and a cold one in my hand while hitting Wiffle balls for the dogs to chase. On these days my 5 o’clock shadow is probably the sexiest and most dangerous thing to ever happen on my quiet suburban block, just ask my nosey shut in of a neighbor, I caught you looking Ms. Wilkins, drink it the Fuck up you cat loving minx.
During these occasional lapses in judgment and hygiene there is a buzz that builds up in my head, usually low and soothing at the start and eventually turning into a full riot of energy, madness, spins, fainting, and sex; followed by shame, my dogs looking at me cross and needing to purchase new cushions for the lawn furniture.
Since I have become a dad I can no longer be the blight to good taste that I once was, but thankfully there are bands like New Orleans lofi surf rock giants Yelephants and their epically tasty EP Tart.
When this fucker landed in my inbox I thought to myself “who the Fuck are these assholes with their frat boy haircuts and Hawaiian shirts?” I figured them for goofy shitheads who like to take advantage of passed out college chicks while pretending that they were really into progressive politics. After listening to Tart I realize now that my judgyness has led me astray once more. Not only are these fucking dick-breathed assholes delightful, they make me feel that freedom that comes with spiraling out of control.
Semi-edgy, semi-dancy, and semi-heartfelt, filled with a buzzy speed that makes me want to park my car on sidewalk, throw the keys to a drifter type and tell him to keep it running while I pop in the market and grab a 30 pack of Stroh’s and some veggie franks for grilling.
Every time I throw on Tart am transported to the tail end of the best party I have ever been too, sure people are crying and there is a hint of violence in the air, but isn’t that how it always is right before it turns great? - Shut Your Fucking Face and Listen
Following a free download single earlier this year, New Orleans band Yelephants have now put out their debut EP, 'Tart', also as a free download (well, name-your-price, and to be honest you probably wouldn't mind paying for their shambolic form of garage-rock). The quartet state that they haven't been together for that long but have already played a good few shows, and judging by the DIY enthusiasm that's thrown into these five songs you could probably bet that watching them would be a heck of a lot of fun. Even on record they sounds as though they're about to unravel in front of you, but that's all part of the charm.
They have good songs too, and the lack of studio sheen only serves to add an endearing quality to the EP. Take 'Jason'; a song with muffled guitar and bass that's just about glued together by a beat and has a good dose of melody from the vocals. It sounds a bit like The Strokes after they've been on a three day bender. 'Girls' has a classic punk riff and the vocals sound like Marc Bolan singing under a duvet; it's really quite good. They drop in what we assume to be a tribute to Burt Reynolds in the aptly-titled 'Burt Reynolds' but the vocals are indecipherable, so we're guessing really. Despite this it's another great track with a nice melody, as is the surfy 'Balloons', and once again any clarity is joyfully brushed aside in favour of making a superb racket instead. There is a slight break in style for final track 'HBMFS' but all in all 'Tart' is a triumph of tunes and passion over polish and professionalism. - The Sound of Confusion
Following a free download single earlier this year, New Orleans band Yelephants have now put out their debut EP, 'Tart', also as a free download (well, name-your-price, and to be honest you probably wouldn't mind paying for their shambolic form of garage-rock). The quartet state that they haven't been together for that long but have already played a good few shows, and judging by the DIY enthusiasm that's thrown into these five songs you could probably bet that watching them would be a heck of a lot of fun. Even on record they sounds as though they're about to unravel in front of you, but that's all part of the charm.
They have good songs too, and the lack of studio sheen only serves to add an endearing quality to the EP. Take 'Jason'; a song with muffled guitar and bass that's just about glued together by a beat and has a good dose of melody from the vocals. It sounds a bit like The Strokes after they've been on a three day bender. 'Girls' has a classic punk riff and the vocals sound like Marc Bolan singing under a duvet; it's really quite good. They drop in what we assume to be a tribute to Burt Reynolds in the aptly-titled 'Burt Reynolds' but the vocals are indecipherable, so we're guessing really. Despite this it's another great track with a nice melody, as is the surfy 'Balloons', and once again any clarity is joyfully brushed aside in favour of making a superb racket instead. There is a slight break in style for final track 'HBMFS' but all in all 'Tart' is a triumph of tunes and passion over polish and professionalism. - The Sound of Confusion
Yelephants – “Five Tulips” {Indie/Garage Rock} + Free downloads
We wouldn’t be true-blue Empire Records nerds without giving a shout-out to a band with a wicked name, but luckily our love for this group goes well beyond the “Yelephant.” (Their album is called You Look Divorced. That is all.) They’re based out of New Orleans, and you can download their new album in its entirety for free over at their Bandcamp page. - Rex Manning Day
Tart (EP)
Kermit the Hermit (Single)

Garage Rock
Band Members