Zach Longoria Project
Louisville, Kentucky, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2013 | SELF
When Prince passed away – an event in music that seems to have occurred mere moments ago – it felt as though something had been irrevocably lost. Whom some referred to both affectionately and reverently as The Purple One was an unequivocal and indelible force in music history. Not only was his musicianship unparalleled, but his patent refusal to adhere to gender norms – both in attire and vocal affectation – was unprecedented. Frankly, nothing like Prince had happened in music before, but it is comforting to know that his influence lives on, notably in local R&B band The Zach Longoria Project, or ZLP.
“There were so many names,” says Longoria, lead singer and songwriter for the band, with chagrin. “It was just the one that stuck. I’m sure people think I’m really conceited, but it’s not like that.” I press him by making a joke regarding Fleetwood Mac’s storied troubles that lead to the creation of their celebrated “Rumours” album. “No, nothing like that!” laughs Longoria.
It’s difficult to describe how exactly, but looking at Longoria, it’s easy to arrive at the conclusion that he’s not only a singer but the frontman for a band. There’s an aura of coolness about him, but he also maintains an approachable demeanor, both essential qualities for serving as the face of a massive band. He also has that rare quality to his speaking voice that indicates that it has some mileage of passionate singing on it or maybe a cigarette or two. Probably both.
“I went to South Oldham, which has great music and band programs,” offers Longoria. “At the time, I was really into Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson and Prince.”
It is easy to hear these early influences in the band’s music now, especially since Longoria is ZLP’s primary songwriter. “When I first started, I went the folksy singer-songwriter route,” says Longoria, claiming that his music was akin more to that of John Mayer than anything else. Longoria continued down this path, using the opportunity to hone his skills in singing, songwriting and overall musicianship, even going so far as to win some songwriting competitions.
“The band sort of came together on its own,” explains Longoria. “It all came together, and we already had some original music. Everyone expected me to keep doing this singer-songwriter thing, so I decided to do the complete opposite.”
Longoria delivered on that promise in spades. ZLP is huge. It consists of Longoria on lead vocals, Gina C as lead and backup vocals, Paul Pickard on bass, Josh Anna on drums, Luis De Leon on percussion (bongos, timbales, etc.), Chris Grzech on keys, Aaron Cummins on lead guitar and Rick Benedetto, Thomaz Souza and Joseph Hannah on horns. Together, the band has played several notable functions including Attorney General Andy Beshear’s victory party, Actors Theatre’s Anniversary Gala and several events for Mayor Fischer.
ZLP will celebrate the release of their new album, “Up, Up and Away,” with an album release party on June 4 at 8 p.m. at Headliners. They describe themselves as “Kentucky Fried Soul,” and as I was given an advance copy of their album to listen to, I can say with an educated opinion that I agree with that assessment.
Their sound is reminiscent of Longoria’s early idols as well as indicative of more recent indie rock offerings such as My Morning Jacket. There’s a little bit of everything in this soup, but surprisingly, there is no compromise in quality. Standout songs include the title track “Up, Up and Away,” an anthem whose themes really show off Longoria’s writing chops. Next is “Heaven,” a composition that not only illustrates the ability and emotion behind his voice but also the incredible skill in the rest of the band. “That’s the song I’m most eager for people to hear at the release party,” attests Longoria.
Many artists argue over what an album is. Some say that it should be unified by theme or concept. Others’ aspirations are less lofty, merely wishing to create a collection of songs. “I wanted to make some songs to show where we are now, at the moment. No theme or pretense,” says Longoria. Give ZLP a chance, and you will be treated to some thoughtful music that pays homage to Prince and other greats. You’ll also hear some sounds that can only be described as distinct ZLP. A big album such as this one is usually an indicator for better things to come, and I have no trouble believing that sooner rather than later, ZLP’s career will be taken “Up, Up and Away.” VT - Voice Tribune
This Saturday, June 4, Zach Longoria Project releases its second album, “Up Up & Away” with a release show at Headliners. You can find their 2014 EP here.
The 9-piece group, which formed in 2013 mixes jazz and old-school R&B to create what they’ve coined “Kentucky Fried Soul.” Upbeat bass lines, saxophone, bright trumpet solos and the complimentary vocals of Zach Longoria and Gina C make for a dynamic album with tracks that explore a wide range of sounds and genres.
The title track, “Up Up & Away” begins in dulcet tones, moving into an electric finish. From there, the album is an exploration, dipping into a little disco in “Dance Til’ You Die” and offering upbeat love songs like “With You” and “Shelter.”
The album ends with a big, brassy finish with “Your Love Keeps Lifting Me (Higher and Higher),” an impassioned testament to love and devotion.
You can preorder "Up Up & Away" here, or pick up a copy at the album release show this weekend. - Louisville.com
It’s Friday night in downtown Canton and Buzzbin Art & Music Shop is being filled with the sounds of the Zach Longoria Project.
The R&B sextet from Louisville who calls their mix of soul and old-school, R&B-infused pop “Kentucky Fried Soul” are crowded on the small stage and playing groovy original tunes along with some Southern soul classics.
The crowd watching the band in the seated area facing the stage is sparse but quietly grooving.
Buzzbin has nearly all of the familiar markings of an aspiring “favorite dirty rock club.” A slightly uneven floor has several layers of thick industrial paint covering god-knows-what underneath; much of the wall space is decorated with either random old album covers (Sesame Street. Volume 2!) or show posters. There is also a plethora of old band stickers, which include some recognizable names among the many bands that produced more merch than actual music, along with copies of the venue’s flagship publication, Buzzbin Magazine.
A variety of mismatched chairs sit near a variety of small mismatched tables and a couple of booths, plus there’s a “Toy Chest” in the back of the room that’s full of cheap stuffed and possibly toxic animals and other crap. Part of the wall separating the performance space from the bar space has an old-school pinup style cutout on it and another part is made of corrugated metal paneling. Near the front door, an old ’70s style magazine rack sits empty, adding atmosphere and nostalgia for us older folks.
In short, for anyone who (mis)spent part of their youth going to see bands that changed your life in dirty rock clubs, Buzzbin Art & Music Shop has a nice, homey feel. As pleasantly semi-grungy and familiar as Buzzbin’s atmosphere is, the space is mercifully missing some dirty rock club elements.
The men’s room has neither a trough nor the piquant nose-hair singeing and taste-bud violating stench of urine that truly solidifies the “dirty” in most dirty rock clubs. The aforementioned floor is also missing the perpetual stickiness and faint whiff of filthy, days-old mop water mixed with spilled and/or vomited beer and liquor.
Oh, the rock ’n’ roll memories, but again, I’m OK not taking those particular dirty aspects home with me and chances are most people won’t miss them either.
Buzzbin books plenty of local bands, but it also maintains a steady stream and solid variety of touring bands and the website regularly offers helpful “for fans of” hints for curious live music lovers.
The Zach Longoria Project has some non-standard rock club instrumentation, including a saxophonist and a dedicated percussionist, but the sound of the room is steady and clear, allowing the smartly suited Longoria and his co-vocalist Gina C’s harmonies to blend nicely.
Over at the well-lit bar other folks relax with one of the healthy variety of standard and craft beers at pleasant prices available in the cooler, with a few more on tap.
One feature that separates Buzzbin from some its live music hosting brethren is the retro arcade next door to the club. Fans of classic pinball machines will likely soil themselves with flipper-flapping, plunger-pulling, bonus-bell ringing joy as they play pop culture-branded pinball machines, including The Sopranos, Tales From The Crypt, Rocky & Bullwinkle, as well as music-themed machines such as Elvis, Metallica and of course the requisite KISS machine.
Buddies Korey Cleaver, of Massillon, and Perry Haboney, of Jackson Township, were unwinding with the help of the South Park pinball machine. The friends like to drop by the arcade and blow off steam and spend some quarters and enjoy the unadorned retro feel of the arcade, which has machines lining the wall and quite a large (on this night) closed bar in the back of the room.
“They could use a few more machines that aren’t necessarily pinball, but otherwise it’s pretty sweet,” Cleaver said.
Pinball definitely rules the room, but there was also an unfortunately non-functioning Stargate game in the room and Buzzbin’s in-house Game Gawd (a title I just invented) has acquired a custom made “multicade” machine (that’s a machine that can play several different games) that will include the classic and still beloved Mrs. Pacman and perhaps a few other classics … cough! Galaga! … ahem! Joust!
Oh, please, excuse me, I must have had a Frogger in my throat.
Anyway, if the pre-fab, corporate-rock, faux gothic decor (and elevated drink and food prices) of the “House of Blues: (insert your city here)” is your baseline for a pleasant live music venue/rock club experience, then perhaps you won’t take the chance of soiling your Jimmy Choo croc-skin sneakers on the floor of Buzzbin Art & Music Shop. But for folks who like a little bit of, but not too much grit, grime and personality in their rock clubs along with good beer and an arcade next door, Buzzbin is a cool, friendly place to see a show, drink a few and maybe flip Kiss silver balls.
Malcolm X Abram can be reached at mabram@thebeaconjournal.com or 330-996-3758. Follow him on Twitter @malcolmabramABJ. - Akron Beacon Journal
itunes pic
Ladies and Gentleman, A true Double Nickel! This episode is about shitty beards, and killing queers! No really, we talk about the sensationalized story of shit beards and the fucking atrocity that is the new shooting game where you kill "Faggots" and Transgenders. Of course it must be A heathen Atheist or Satanist that made such a hateful game? Why no, it's some Conservative Christian nut job, who just happens to be a fucking homophobic asshole! Anyway, in segment 2 we talk to the lead singer of the Zach Longoria Project, Mr. Zach Longoria himself. Acacia decides, because there's 11 members in his band, to give him a little word association concerning all 11 members. Tune in and find out what Zach really thinks of Gina, Paul and of course RICK!!! All that and so much more on this week's Monday episode 55 of theDAMNcast! - PodOmatic- the DAMNcast podcast
When we went to Cincinnati for the Bunbury Music Festival, we we had the privilege of interviewing up-and-coming musicians. While most of the acts playing at Bunbury were alternative rock, the Zach Longoria Project added some much needed soul music to the festival. The band, based out of Louisville, spent the weekend enjoying the Bunbury Music Festival.
The Zach Longoria Project or ZLP is just that, a huge project. The large band is made up of Zach Longoria, Gina C, Dane Rodriguez, Paul Pickard, Luis De Leon, Josh Anna, Chris Grzech, Aaron Cummins, Joseph Hanna, and Rick Benedetto. Getting into The Bunbury Music Festival wasn’t easy with traffic and long lines. So it took a lot of planning and communicating to finally catch up with Zach and Gina from the Zach Longoria Project. - Music Brackets
Each year at the Bunbury Music Festival, bands of different tastes, sounds, and locations hit the stage at Sawyer Point and Yeatman's Cove. This year, an 11-member band from Louisville, Kentucky, and the Zach Longoria Project brought forth an old school R&B sound that never would have been expected from them.
With touches of jazz and some old school smooth sounds thrown in, the R&B tunes of the Zach Longoria Project brought forth a new feeling to the fans at Bunbury.
The band was brought together by 11 music lovers who are even more in love with creating it. They've only been together for two years, but dropped their self-titled album in 2014, and fans got to hear a number of hits from it on Saturday. - AXS.com
Performance at Mayor Fischer's Listening room in Louisville, KY on July 2nd, 2015. -
"They are very energetic," said Soundtrakno, describing Zach Langoria Project. "They will make you get up and dance whether you want to or not." - Louisville.com
Zach Longoria is a soul singer from Nelson County, Kentucky. Often times people like Zach get thrown into a very broad singer-songwriter category which can just as easily put JJ Grey right next to Jack Johnson. The two couldn’t be further apart and the same goes for Zach. His style is his own with a talent reminiscent of many previous great soul singers. Rather than make comparisons to individual artists, I would encourage you to watch the video.
One of the misconceptions in marketing is the concept of a brand name. “If only I can get my name out to the masses, I will be successful.” Allow me to ask (and answer) a very honest question… When have you gone to a concert because the band had a cool name? (unless you are being facetious, never) When have you ever purchased music without ever hearing the band or artist in question?
This is faith and proof interlinked. Do not tell me how great you are, show me! In the case of Zach, we can talk about music all day but until you have attended a show (or seen this video) you will not have an effective understanding of his style. This show was filmed at The New Vintage (Facebook) at a Halloween party. We took a simple approach with a two camera setup and a matrix sound tap which ended up being very effective. - Hatfield Media
The huge band is looking forward to releasing a brand new CD with the help of loyal fans. - Wave3 news
Zach Longoria is making a name for himself by creating some of the most endearing blue-eyed soul around. He blends that sound with a tinge of alt-country and rock, for something a little fresh, especially in terms of the city. And he hustles hard at what he has to do, which comes across not only in his music, but in any conversation you find yourself fortunate enough to have with him. You can listen to a few tracks from his latest, Up Up Away, below, and check him out this Sunday with Alanna Royale and Devon Gilfillian at The New Vintage. We caught up with Longoria to ask him why he chose music, how you balance adulthood and art, and which Ninja Turtle he is most like!
Never Nervous: How did you get started? Was music part of your life growing up, or did you gravitate towards it in some way?
Zach Longoria: Music has been a part of my life from an early age. It all started when I was nine and my dad gave me his record collection. That collection included Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, Isley Brothers, you name it. You could say my passion for the genre was born right then and there. Once I got in middle school I joined band and played saxophone, then one day I decided to learn guitar so a taught myself and the rest, as they say, is history.
NN: Relative to that, why play music at all? What does being a musician do for you in the long run?
ZL: I was a 9-5 working stiff before I decided to do this, and frankly I'm so glad I did. Music is something so inherent in my being that I literally couldn't imagine doing anything else. It's the only job that I have ever had where I wake up everyday and can't wait to get started. For example when we got to record our last album at La La Land, I got up early, hit the gym, and then was usually waiting outside like a puppy waiting to be let in so we could start the day. I did that everyday. First one in, last one out. I very much believe that I am doing exactly what I am supposed to do, so it doesn't feel like work, but it is. I can't speak to what music will do for me in the long run; I hope its successful enough to sustain itself to where I can do it forever.
"I very much believe that I am doing exactly what I am supposed to do, so it doesn't feel like work, but it is. I can't speak to what music will do for me in the long run; I hope its successful enough to sustain itself to where I can do it forever."
NN: What is your musical resume? Did you start solo, or have you been in other projects? What is the order of operations in the Zach Longoria Project? Are you the primary songwriter, or is it collaborative? Which do you prefer?
ZL: I started out solo. I remember calling everywhere to get acoustic gigs back then, but I got my first gig at, of all places, Manny and Merle downtown. ZLP is just a beautiful story in and of itself. I love those people so much. The amount of love and support we give one another is magic in my opinion, I am so lucky to have happened upon this band. The first ZLP record was predominately my songs that I had written before we came together, although Chris Gzrech (keys) and I wrote 'The Truth' together. As we progressed, writing became more collaborative. Generally, Chris and I will get together and write the music portions and get a nice structure going, then we take them to the band and let them go nuts, after that we fine tune it. The last step is lyrics, and while there are a few that I wrote solo, my primary lyric writing counterpart is Gina C, her and I usually work those out together.
NN: How would you describe your music to someone perhaps unfamiliar?
ZL: Generally when people ask what our music is like, I tell them R&B... but real. R&B has a lot of sub-genres, but we are a little bit of everything with a dash of jazz.
NN: Tell us about Up Up Away. What was the writing process like? How is it a departure from your previous work?
ZL: UP UP & Away was a song about us. It's about what all musicians go through, and how grueling the grind is. I remember writing the music and just listening to the recording on my phone of me playing guitar, while I was running in Cherokee park and Up Up & Away just wouldn't leave my brain. Next thing you know Gina comes over and we said "this should be about us," and boom, we wrote a song. I knew that this would be a little different then our normal style, but that's ok. If Beyoncé can do a country song and Florida Georgia Line can rap, I think we can do one rock song per record, ha-ha!
NN: What most informs the writing of your lyrics? Are there any subjects that are off limits or that you might shy away from? If so, why?
ZL: Lyrics can range for me. Sometimes they can be fun like in 'Dance Till You Die,' and sometimes I like to say something. For instance in like in 'Heaven,' I describe the longing for "the thing," but also the contempt for those who think they know how to achieve it. I pull a lot, as does Gina, from personal experiences. My path in life has been a hard one, parts of it my fault, some not, so I have some real material and emotions that I can always tap into. Everything is on the table though. Why put yourself in a box?
NN: I know you to have strong political opinions. How are those opinions manifested in your music, if at all?
ZL: Well we have a little number called 'The Truth' and it's all kinds of political. I write about political stuff all the time, but I thinks it's important to say something that touches a nerve in everyone. If your gonna do it you should try and get everyone to listen to it and like it. 'The Truth' is about political disenfranchisement, but I wrote it in a way so everyone could resonate with it regardless of political party.
NN: How do you hope to see your legacy?
ZL: I hope my legacy is that I'm a good father, husband, friend, and decent human being. Obviously I would love to have all the accolades in the world, but if I can check that list, I think I'm a success no matter what.
"I hope my legacy is that I'm a good father, husband, friend, and decent human being. Obviously I would love to have all the accolades in the world, but if I can check that list, I think I'm a success no matter what."
NN: Speaking of, what do you see as success? How do you measure that?
ZL: Well given the list I provided I can only measure that by the way I am perceived by those individuals."
NN: What makes for a good show and why? What about a bad show?
ZL: Good shows are when you connect with your band, everyone is hitting hard, not thinking, and just playing. When we become one sound, that's when we know. I'm sure a lot of bands have that. When we are on it's real easy to tell, but when we are off it's also easy to tell. With a band our size you really have to have your shit together. A lot of our music has very specific parts and if one goes it can create a domino effect. Luckily those have seemed to stay behind us. *knocks wood*
NN: As a parent, how do you balance adult responsibility and art?
ZL: It is hard to balance that, but it's my bed to lie in. A lot of times I work schedules around when I have the kids, so I can spend as much time as I can, but sometimes it doesn't always work out. So you can imagine a 4 year old, 7 am wake up, comes pretty early on those days.
NN: I understand you were in England recently. What took you there? What did you take away from the experience?
ZL: Well, I was invited to the U.S Embassy in London for an election night watch party. It was a surreal experience. To watch this election abroad was a perspective I never thought I would get in my life time. I found it incredibly enlightening to hear how informed Brits are on our politics and political system. I also found it interesting to hear the fears they have for a Trump presidency, and how dumbfounded they are by his nomination, much less in his becoming president.
NN: Which Ninja Turtle do you most identify with and why?
ZL: Hands down Raphael. He is my spirit turtle on so many levels. One, pizza. That's a given. Two he is rough around the edges and at times and asshole, but underneath he is a good dude.
"He is my spirit turtle on so many levels. One, pizza. That's a given. Two he is rough around the edges and at times and asshole, but underneath he is a good dude."
NN: What happens when you die? Get weird with religion!
ZL: I don't know and neither does anyone else. I feel that we are all connected to a thing, and that when are minds are free and hearts are open we can all feel that. You don't need church, synagogue, or a Mosque to feel the human connection or to be spiritual.
NN: What non-musical things have you excited recently and why? Have you read, watched, eaten, or drank anything worth mentioning of late?
ZL: I am really into Westworld right now. That show is absolutely off the charts. Toss in an Anthony Hopkins villain and I'm hooked.
NN: What are your top three desert island albums?
ZL: In no order...
My Morning Jacket - Okonokos live
Donny Hathaway -Live record
Michael Jackson- Off The Wall - Never Nervous
Thanks to everyone who voted for your favorite albums of 2016. It may not have been the best year for some, but the music was still amazing!
100. Michael Kiwanuka – Love and Hate
99. Sam Bush – Storyman
98. Amanda Shires – My Piece of Land
97. Umphrey’s McGee – Zonkey
96. The Pass – Canyons
95. Pixies – Head Carrier
94. Jack Garratt – Phase
93. Hamilton Leithauser + Rostam – I Had A Dream That You Were Mine
92. Dinosaur Jr – Give A Glimpse of What Yer Not
91. DIIV – Is The Is Are
90. Case/Lang/Veirs – S/T
89. Brett Dennen – Por Favor
88. De La Soul – And The Anonymous Nobody
87. Nada Surf – You Know Who You Are
86. Karl Blau – Introducing…
85. Garbage – Strange Little Birds
84. Frightened Rabbit – Painting of a Panic Attack
83. Damien Jurado – Visions of Us on the Land
82. Bob Mould – Patch the Sky
81. Bear’s Den – Red Earth and Pouring Rain
80. Van Morrison – Keep Me Singing
79. Todd Snider – Eastside Bulldog
78. The Monkees – Good Times
77. Regina Spektor – Remember Us To Life
76. Paul Simon – Stranger to Stranger
75. King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Nonagon Infinity
74. Eric Clapton – I Still Do
73. Dylan LeBlanc – Cautionary Tale
72. Amos Lee – Spirit
71. Solange – A Seat at the Table
70. Lera Lynn – Resistor
69. Frederick The Younger – Warm Front
68. Carl Broemel – 4th of July
67. Vandaveer – The Wild Mercury
66. Kanye West – Life of Pablo
65. Green Day – Revolution Radio
64. Brenda – Nightschool
63. 1200 – Symphony I
62. Sharon Jones & The Dap Kings – Ms. Sharon Jones Soundtrack
61. Parquet Courts – Human Performance
60. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Skeleton Tree
59. Kaleo – A/B
58. Hiss Golden Messenger – Heart Like A Levee
57. Glass Animals – How To Be A Human Being
56. Charles Bradley – Changes
55. Andrew Bird – Are You Serious
54. The Claypool Lennon Delirium – Monolith of Phobos
53. Mumford & Sons – Johannesburg
52. Norah Jones – Daybreak
51. Justin Paul Lewis – Every Little Thing
50. Jeff Beck – Loud Hailer
49. Dr Dog – Psychedelic Swamp
48. Ben Sollee – Infowars
47. Mudcrutch – 2
46. John Prine – For Better, Or Worse
45. Bonnie Bishop – Ain’t Who I Was
44. Otis Junior & Dr Dundiff – 1Moment2Another
43. BJ Barham – Rockingham
42. Angel Olsen – My Woman
41. The Jayhawks – Paging Mr. Proust
40. Robert Ellis – Robert Ellis
39. Kings of Leon – WALLS
38. Tedeschi Trucks Band – Let Me Get By
37. Lake Street Dive – Side Pony
36. Villebillies – Holy Water
35. Drive-By Truckers – American Band
34. Dawes – We’re All Going To Die
33. Car Seat Headrest – Teens of Denial
32. C2 & The Brothers Reed – Weigh Station Tour: Exit B
31. The Rolling Stones – Blue & Lonesome
30. Bonnie Raitt – Dig In Deep
29. The Head and The Heart – Signs of Light
28. Band of Horses – Why Are You OK
27. Zach Longoria Project – Up Up & Away
26. Nellie Pearl – Lonesome No More
25. Lucius – Good Grief
24. Frank Ocean – Blonde
23. Iggy Pop – Post Pop Depression
22. St. Paul & The Broken Bones – Sea of Noise
21. Nick Dittmeier & The Sawdusters – Midwest Heart / Southern Blues
20. Shovels & Rope – Little Seeds
19. Ray Lamontagne – Ouroboros
18. House Ghost – Handshakes
17. Lucinda Williams – The Ghost of Highway 20
16. Hayes Carll – Lovers and Leavers
15. Dave Moisan – Heavyweight
14. Twin Limb – Haplo
13. Radiohead – A Moon Shaped Pool
12. Chance the Rapper – Coloring Book
11. Leonard Cohen – You Want It Darker
10. Wilco – Schmilco
9. Beyonce – Lemonade
8. A Tribe Called Quest – We Got It From Here
7. Bon Iver – 22, A Million
6. The Lumineers – Cleopatra
5. Brooks Ritter – Stereo of Steel
4. The Avett Brothers – True Sadness
3. Jim James – Eternally Even
2. David Bowie – Black Star
1. Sturgill Simpson – A Sailor’s Guide To Life - WFPK.org
Louisville’s always been a great music city, from its influences in Appalachian folk and bluegrass or the city’s own booming ‘90s punk scene. More and more, talent of all genres is thriving in L-ville and the city has been home to great acts from My Morning Jacket to Bryson Tiller. But you know those guys already. What we’ve got here are 20 bands who are creating new and distinct music in Louisville right now that you should have been listening to all year. Well, now’s your chance to catch up (and don’t worry, we won’t call you out on your local music cred).
Bridge 19
Genre: Folk/Americana
Bridge 19 has played in support of artists like Sarah McLachlan and Brandi Carlile, channeling an energetic and distinct sound that employs instruments like horns and accordion to complement the standard folk rock ensemble.
Latest release: Riding On A Wire
Start listening: “Chain”
The Big Quiet
Genre: Jazz/Rock
This group joined up after meeting at the University of Louisville School of Music, where they all studied jazz and realized a shared interest in making that genre accessible to the average listener. From there, the guys mixed their jazz skills with pop and rock to create a distinctive sound that culminated in their debut, self-titled EP.
Latest release: The Big Quiet
Start listening: “Sophia”
The Fervor
Genre: Rock/Indie
Sultry and strong, vocalist Natalie Felker’s lyrics speak to a higher power, evoking a sound that envelops the listener and pulls them along on a journey. The latest one through the Kali Yuga, a Hindi period of global, spiritual discord.
Latest release: Nightfall In The Kali Yuga
Start listening: “Power of Friends”
Phourist & The Photons
Genre: Prog Rock/Folk
Phourist & The Photons has a distinct sound, rooted in energetic piano and the distinctive voice of frontman Nick Hill. Look for the band’s upcoming album, “While We Still Have The Morning,” which features singles that are being released across several Louisville publications before its March release.
Latest release: An Infinite Indigo
Start listening: “Here’s Some Moonlight For Your Day”
Otis Junior
Genre: Soul
Whether he’s collaborating with other musicians or performing with his backing band The Jesse Lees, Otis Junior always brings a mix of funk, soul and synth. His recent EP Ships was closely followed by 1Moment2Another, a collaboration with Louisville rapper and producer Dr. Dundiff and released through German label Jakarta Records.
Latest release: 1Moment2Another (a collaboration with producer Dr. Dundiff)
Start listening: “Me Vs. Me”
Frederick The Younger
Genre: Rock
An example of well-paired male and female vocal talent, Frederick The Younger is an upbeat group who’s found their groove here in Louisville. Their latest EP, Warm Front, was picked up by a label and I can only hope to see a full length album on its way. The sooner, the better.
Latest release: Warm Front
Start listening: “You Don’t Lie”
In Lightning
Genre: Instrumental/Rock Symphony
You may recognize In Lightning from Kentuckiana Pride 2016, where they opened for Jordin Sparks. This seven-piece band is dynamic, creating modern symphonies that are energetic and electric. If you have the chance to see them perform live, take it.
Latest release: In Joy
Start listening: “Cardinal”
Genre: Rock
The epitome of garage rock, BRENDA lives and plays with an all-caps attitude. They’re loud, groovy, grungy and full of energy, led by Brenda who is literally beating her own drum. Plus, their love of pizza is all of us.
Latest release: Nightschool
Start listening: “Top Shelf”
Jaye Jayle
Genre: Rock/Blues
It’s hard to put Jaye Jayle into any category. Each song on House Cricks is its own, from distortion and grunge to something reminiscent of Johnny Cash’s “God’s Gonna Cut You Down.” Evan Patterson’s gruff voice anchors each song, telling a somber story but ultimately pulling the listener into a shadowy world of sound that’s hard to leave.
Latest release: House Cricks and Other Excuses to Get Out
Start listening: “House Cricks”
Genre: Electronic
If you ever have the opportunity to listen to BEACONS in person, take it. Mixing distinctive vocals with reined-in synth, the group channels classic indie vibes, while their latest release strongly embraces a rock foundation. One night dancing to BEACONS at Zanzabar will make you want to make it a weekly ritual.
Latest release: Black Boxes
Zach Longoria Project
Genre: Soul
Establishing their sounds as “Kentucky Fried Soul,” ZLP is another example of male and female vocal collaboration that takes good music to new heights. With the support of a huge ensemble, ZLP has been able to produce an impressively distinct brand of southern soul.
Latest release: Up up & Away
Start listening: “Shelter”
Jack Harlow
Genre: Hip Hop
This young talent came into the spotlight before he’d even finished high school, releasing his debut album, 18, just a few months after graduating. Fast and energetic, Harlow’s lyrical tracks depict the life of a teen guy, from girls to riding ‘round town.
Latest release: 18
Start listening: “Got Me Thinking”
Andrew Rinehart
Genre: Americana/Indie
The latest iteration of an artist who’s explored a number of genres from hardcore to indie, Andrew Sellers is now going by Andrew Rinehart and exploring more the elemental sounds of acoustic and folk music. Touches of his musical history remain, making the end product an interesting mix of sound and sentiment.
Latest release: Nothing / Everything
Start listening: “Doin’ What We Have To Do” (feat. Cheyenne Mize)
Quiet Hollers
Genre: Americana/Alt-Country
A self-described “bummer rock” band, Quiet Hollers has been bringing down the mood since their 2013 release, I Am The Morning. Despite some dark themes, Quiet Hollers consistently delivers vibrant visuals and storytelling that makes their music captivating and compelling.
Latest release: Quiet Hollers
Start listening: “Mont Blanc”
Nellie Pearl
Genre: Americana/Rock
From their sound to their wardrobe, Nellie Pearl is into channeling sounds from another time. Lauren Monroe is a powerful vocalist, yanked from any number of eras where women ruled the stage and captivated every audience. The latest album, Lonesome No More!, explores several genres and covers everything from love to drug use, pulling listeners through a whole gamut of experiences.
Latest release: Lonesome No More!
Start listening: “Cowboy Cold”
James Lindsey
Genre: Hip Hop
Formerly known as Jalin Roze, Lindsey has established himself well in Louisville’s hip hop scene. Now, with a change in name comes a shift in music with more deliberate lyrics, increasingly complex sounds, more cross-genre collaboration and stunning art and visuals. Be on the lookout for a number of releases in the coming months.
Latest release: Gold Watch (Get Lost) - House Ghost feat. James Lindsey
Start listening: “Breaks Over”
Wax Fang
Genre: Prog/Psych Rock
Each Wax Fang project is distinct, like their rock opera The Astronaut. Everything that this band does is deliberate and artistic, reaching for the next theme, the next expression, the next journey through space. Every release from Wax Fang is new and remarkable.
Latest release: Mirror, Mirror
Start listening: “Majestic”
Genre: Indie Folk/Alt-Rock
Recently moved back to Kentucky from Washington, D.C., Vandaveer is a group that has perfected vocal collaboration and paired it over sanguine sounds with enchanting lyrics that channel life’s experiences.
Latest release: Love Is Melancholy
Start listening: “But Enough On That For Now”
Justin Paul Lewis
Genre: Americana/Soul
Lewis’s soulful voice is one that’s hard to compare. He’s been playing in Louisville for years, shows big and small (including opening sets for Norah Jones and Leon Russell) and collaborating with artists like Ben Sollee. Each EP release gives a glimpse into life, rich and dynamic and relatable.
Latest release: Every Little Thing
Start listening: “Go Outside”
Howell Dawdy
Genre: Comedic
Howell Dawdy is unlike any other. A project of Lydia Burrell’s Alex Smith, Howell Dawdy is an alter ego of sorts, showcasing wit sing-spoken over electronic music and creative collaborations. Somehow, there’s a Howell Dawdy song for seemingly any occasion -- Halloween, the middle of summer, that time you accidentally set the kitchen on fire.
Latest release: Handsome Boy
Start listening: “Fire Extinguisher” - Thrillist
2014- EP: ZLP

The Zach Longoria Project is an 11-member band from Louisville with an incredibly soulful vein. With R&B seated at the core of their music, ZLP weaves elements of jazz and a touch of old-school this & that to create what they like to call “Kentucky Fried Soul”. Their music has just the right amount of the south mingled in.
ZLP is a collaboration of musicians who are all in it for the love of music, and are driven by the passion of creating it. They came together in 2013 in a town that is much smaller than it seems. Zach had a vision early- to have a band that was made up of people who are good to each other and share the same set of values, musically and by virtue. This group is a close-knit partnership of kindred spirits, and it shines through in the music they put forth.
In July 2014, ZLP released their self-titled EP. They were also featured on WFPK, a Louisville radio station, where they participated in the “Live Lunch” series.
The Zach Longoria Project has been working hard since July 2014 performing and writing music. 2015 was a great year, ZLP was able to perform the Bunbury Music Festival in Cincinnati in June, which was a wonderful highlight. With the release of their second album, 2016 is a year that brought ZLP to new heights. They got out on the road, and took a few weeks to travel and play shows across the US.
ZLP has been working hard writing songs for the next album, The first single to be released in November 2017, and much more on the horizon. They'll be hitting the road more and more, so please be on the lookout.
Band Members