Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2011 | SELF
A creative busy-body, Beth Isbell is one to keep an eye on
by Audra Elizabeth Yenny | May 5, 2015
NORMAN, Okla. – BeThisBell’s “Work It Out” is a self-proclaimed modern/indie alternative stadium glam rock with psychedelic, proto-punk, and blues-rock influences.
Simply put, it’s very chill and trippy music. A five track EP released this April in California, the music was produced by someone a little closer to home for Red Dirt Report. Trent Bell, of Bell Labs Recording in Norman, added his award winning production to this already pretty cool EP.
The musicianship involved on these tracks is really something special. There is a lot of talent on all fronts which engages listeners the entire time. I felt like I was listening to movie soundtrack music in the background of people rebelling or doing drugs or just simply rocking out against whatever it was they weren’t supposed to do. For the record, I mean this in the most positive way possible. It’s that kind of dangerous seduction to do the “wrong” thing in musical form – very, very cool.
I got to experience a rockin’ punk show without actually having to leave my very comfortable couch and I would definitely recommend you do the same. With four Rusties, “Work It Out” is a must-listen and can be found on the band’s website (link is external).
Beyond the music world, creator Beth Isbell is also a poet and author. The Broken Whale, released this February, is a collection of poems meant to entertain and cause the reader to think about the various subjects discussed. It can be found on Amazon, at Barnes and Noble, and on its Oklahoma City based Tate Publishing’s website (link is external).
Isbell also has The Book Of Green Goo: A Lesson In Being Snotty! being released this June 16. An illustrated tale of snot inspired by her twin daughters when they were younger, this book is Seuss-like in nature. With a light-hearted and fun theme, it also serves to promote acceptance of others who may be sick or simply different from us. The Book Of Green Goo can be pre-ordered on Tate Publishing’s website before its June release date.
A creative busy-body, Beth Isbell is one to keep an eye on for even more greatness to come. - Red Dirt Report (OKC)
BeThisBell - We Are The Gods! (Independently released CD, Rock)
Whew. Are you ready for BeThisBell...? Ready or not, this band has arrived. And they seem to be on a mission to re-energize the world of rock music. The band is based in the unlikely location of Oklahoma City. The last time we heard anything this exciting from this city was when we were turned onto The Chainsaw Kittens in the 1990s. Here's a funny coincidence...just after we typed the previous sentence, we scanned over the press release that accompanied this album and saw that Trent Bell (of The Chainsaw Kittens) produced this album. What most folks will remember and/or write about is the fact that the band's lead singer Beth Isbell is a transgendered individual (her original name was Bill). A lot may have changed with Isbell, but interestingly she still sounds very much like a man...which is kinda cool considering how many transgendered folks tend to want to try to talk differently after their transformation. But back to the music itself. We Are The Gods! features loud gripping guitar-driven rock/pop music with driving rhythms and introspective lyrics. The band's music reminds us very much of music from the 1990s when there were so many great underground guitar bands in the United States. This nice solid album features ten groovy tracks including "Ancestral Dance," "Oblivion," "She's Not Catholic," and "In This Moment." - Babysue.com
One-of-a-kind edgy sound is exactly what you can expect from BeTh isBell. Forget about your usual music preferences and check out this band and their album We Are The Gods!. The fact that the band’s frontperson is a transgender woman gives them further appeal, in my opinion, because this makes them a truly unique offering with Beth using her powerful vocals to sing with the same fiery passion that created these songs.
The debut single She’s not Catholic is catchy enough to make you want to listen to it on repeat after just one listen. It is an ode to Frank Black of the Pixies and is Beth’s way of bringing some comic relief to him after Kim Deal left the band. Oblivion is a more emotional track about death and losing a close loved one with haunting lyrics wrapped up in a softer sound. The music of many of the songs are full of a rhythm to make you move. I really want to see this band do well because there’s a gap out there for a new punk, glam/grunge rock band that I think BeTh isBell are more than capable of filling. Beth’s a dedicated lyricist with a musical education to support her craft. How would I describe the songs on this release? Anger fueled music that allows you to let yourself go with enough deeper meaning to challenge your mind with moments of simple fun thrown in for good measure!
Beth is a true example of following your heart and your passion regardless of how many bends may be in the road along the way. She left behind the person she once was to become who she was destined to be. She also left behind a career as a civil rights lawyer to become a full time musician. This album is more than a collection of songs, it is a map of a journey which speeds through coming out and despair and leads to hope.
We Are The Gods! was recorded and mixed at Grammy winning Bell Labs in Norman, OK with Trent Bell (Iggy Pop, Chainsaw Kittens) as the producer behind it.
Listen up
Who should listen to this album? Everyone should! You will especially enjoy it if glam/grunge rock, punk psychedelic tunes are your thing but even if they’re not that’s okay because these foot stomping tracks are punk enough for the punks and universal enough for everyone else.
Tracks you’ll love: ‘She’s Not Catholic”, ‘Oblivion’, ‘Hometown’.
The album is due for release on September 15 but you can pre-order it here - Gaelick Magazine
We recently reviewed BeThisBell‘s upcoming album We Are The Gods! and scored an interview with the group’s founding member and frontperson, Beth. The album is due for release on September 15. You can pre-order the album right now here. Beth revealed what we can expect from both her and her band as well as giving us a look inside the mind that created much of the lyrics behind her creation.
What was the greatest challenge you faced while working on this album?
The songs on this album were written while I was transitioning genders and going back to college for the third time to get a music degree. So think about that, transitioning is difficult enough, but then multiply that by continuing to perform in public while you’re transitioning, dressed as the woman you are and are becoming, while still singing like a male all the time because you’re voice doesn’t really change in the MtF process, in the heart of redneck Oklahoma where most of the residents would just as soon shoot gay people as have to look at us, or worse yet, listen to us, all while being slightly older and going back to college to hang with teens & 20 year olds and trying to fit in to their world.
Fortunately, the youth of today get gender equality and almost all the kids at ACM@UCO were very cool with and accepting of my gender transition, and just hanging around with them and listening to what they were playing and listening to really changed the way I approached writing the songs on the CD.
Do you feel like you have changed since the album writing process began?
Oh yes, definitely. Getting these songs, thoughts, battles – the same ones that many LGBT youth are also struggling with – the same ones you struggle with in high school or college – who am I? where do I “fit” in the world? why am I different? what is beautiful about me? how can I find and express what’s in my soul? – out of my head and onto the album was a bit like a catharsis for me, and many people who have listened to the album have shared that same sentiment with me – the music on this album, particularly when you listen to the whole album start to finish – can really effect, and hopefully help, some people who are depressed or struggling in a quite truly profound way.
I’ll add this, what’s really affected me most lately is moving out here to Northern California, it’s just so beautiful everywhere you look. I did not realize how much my soul craved the sound of the ocean, sitting amongst giant redwoods on a mountain hillside playing music for the animals and trees, but it does. The album brought me closure, acceptance, and hope. But it’s the next chapter, after closure, where you find your soul, your passion, your reason for living and creating meaningful art. I love my life now, and even though I’m still poor, life is definitely more fun!
Your album sounds like a personal battle with your demons. Does it ever feel draining pouring so much of yourself out into the world?
It doesn’t feel that way now, but it certainly did while I was going through all of that, writing the songs, and recording the album. I suppose the album is a reflection of many many years of demons coming to roost in my soul, and my struggle to kick their asses out on the street! ha! ;)
Was there anything in particular that you learned about yourself while writing the lyrics for this album?
I learned to turn around the hate. And to become beautiful.
Finding the right band members can be like finding a needle in a haystack… how did you know that these were the people you wanted to take on this journey with you?
They are my friends. They showed up. And that is the most important thing in a band – showing up. There’s either excuses or there’s showing up. You can do one or the other, but not both, and the only one of the two that’s important is showing up. Be there, make an effort, learn, get better, improve, help, participate, share the pain and the success. If you don’t show up & let your mind talk you out of opportunities, nothing ever happens.
The key to music success is to be happening. Not, it might happen, or someday it will happen if I’m lucky and find the right group of lads, you have to have the mindset, it’s happening right now, this music is happening, I’m happening, the band is happening. When you think that way and understand the hidden message here (which is really not so hidden, lol), then you, your music, your career, will take off and be happening too. Cody, Blaise, Justin, Nick – are all great musicians in bands signed to labels & touring for the most part, but most importantly, they are my friends.
Think of it this way, if you start a band with a great musician, who’s a jerk, you just kill each other on the tour bus, but if you really are good friends going into the band-making process, you’re probably more likely to let them live on the tour bus even if you don’t like something they are doing or said in the moment. I just started a new project, Pocketful of Posies (pocketfulofposies.org) with my good friend Chelsea. When we started that band, she had never sang on stage before, we didn’t even know if she could sing well enough to justify having a band. What I knew was she was the only one helping me carry around all the heavy equipment, without expectation or bitching. She’s in the band. And it turns out, she’s totally amazing. We’re headed off to the studio this afternoon to record a demo. All great bands start with friendship.
Your album has been described as a coming out tale. You drew strength and inspiration from your transition to create it. Do you think that your next album may be a reflection of your establishment in your new life?
I can tell you the songs I’m writing now have not been as dark as some of the songs on the album and that my perspective is more spiritual. Not that all songs have to be either or any combination of those things. Music connects emotionally, the key to writing great songs and even, maybe even especially, to great live performances is that they create a moment for the listener, the audience. Every single one of us craves moments.
What has been the biggest highlight of your music career so far?
Learning what I just told you. Really. It has opened so many new doors.
Do you think that being a band with a transgender singer makes it more difficult than it already is to become successful?
Hell yes. I don’t recommend transitioning for people who are aiming for quick success. Can I laugh my bum off now?
What can we expect from you and your band in the future?
BeThisBell will put out a follow-up EP to the We Are The Gods! album, maybe early next year. We have some killer songs from the album sessions that just didn’t fit with my vision for this particular album, plus a couple of new songs we’ve written lately.
Additionally, most of my time these days is going towards my new band Pocketful of Posies with my good friend Chelsea Yoak, who’s 22, gorgeous, quite the poet & visual artist, in addition to a voice that I just love, you might too. We’re recording our demo later today. I also have two poetry books being published which will be released later this year – The Broken Whale, which I guess refers to me – ha, and The Book of Green Goo, which is a kids book written in a Dr. Seuss style about snot. And really, why would you not read a book about snot, if you’re a kid? I mean, it’s a book about snot!
Right now, we’re working on booking the upcoming tour for Pocketful of Posies, which will also play some of the songs on the WATG! album, and when Cody, Nick, Justin & Blaise have breaks from their busy touring schedule with their other bands, hopefully they’ll join us on some shows. I’m really excited about this album and the new project. Most of all, I love the fact that writing all these cathartic songs for the WATG! album and letting go of all the doubts and self-hatred, has caused my confidence to return. And working with Chelsea is apparently causing our creative muses to be in constant orgasm. And, that is actually a lovely state of existence for a writer. And that’s what I am at my core. I write to live. - Gaelick Magazine
Band vocalist & guitarist BeTh isBell on the story behind the new BeThisBell album WE ARE THE GODS!
"You know that the new album tells a story, or people tell me it does :) ... perhaps, it's this story, which is my story, but all of our stories:
Prelude:Turn it up! Ready for this ride?
It starts with rage against your anger,
a rage, transferred to your hometown,
and which, infects your relationships,
until you experience a close death,
and begin the search to find yourself,
and to explore the fun, break the rules,
and begin to realize to bleed is important,
that we are all gods seeking/radiating love,
and you finally decide just to be who you are.
I suppose you could think of that as one line, per song, in album order. ;)"
These are actual comments made by fans who have listened to the new BeThisBell psychedelic grunge punk album "We Are The Gods!" But, of course, as you may suspect, we bribed these people and threatened to steal their candy ...well, not really, but we would. ;)
"An album that captures the listener in illusional, mystical and intriguing self expression and openness of inner thoughts. Captivating to the ear, the lyrics are a sense of reality, well-written and uniquely illustrated." -Maria Linker Runyon
"I love it! All of it! I have my favorites, but I really do enjoy the whole thing. It seems like they (songs) were all some sort of journey for you? And that comes through. A story or journey. Because when you LISTEN, you can really hear a story being told. Listening to the album. It RAWKS!!! (for this purpose, I mean it's RAW and it ROCKS) I totally was expecting something bluesy, but this is awesome. So far, Pathetic and Oblivion are my favorites. Oblivion maybe my first pick, but that's the one I'm listening to now... But I'm diggin on Freak! now too. This album is punk-y and I love punk-y. Punk/rock. Kinda like a mixture of Clash/Ramones/Sex Pistols, that totally ends up being absolutely none of those, but totally just BeThIsBell." -Tammy Kay Reeves
"This record fucking kills!" -Nick Ley, colourmusic
"It Rocks! MUCH better then a LOT of other bands I know who get radio play ... Great job. They really do sound awesome. Makes me think of the Sex Pistols mixed with Bowie with a little 80s post punk mixed in. Really good sound, good mixes. Sounds great!" -Paul Courtney
"If you like screaming, wailing guitars and vocals with a lot of energy and feeling, twist one up and listen to this!! Woo-fucking-hoo! The whole album sounds great. I am not a big fan of the grunge/punk/shredder genre, but I like this record. Congratulations!" -Andy Ridinger
"Lady, you FUCKING rock!" -Beth Ann Mock
"Big fat texture and inspiring lyrics, BeTh. Don't hold back next time, you shy thing." -Gary Boren
"AWESOME!!!!! FAB-u-LOUS!!!!" -Melody Joyce
"Me and Dustin decided ur music is fuckin badass and you should do everyone a favor and get really famous." -Zack Baker
"These are awesome!!! This record is damn cool. I DIG the tunes!" -Crystal Huffman
"WOW! I don't know what to say the world turned around in my head." -Darrin Kerschner
"I must say, your album is killer! Listening to it, I felt as if I was working some things out in my head with my whole staying sober day by day thing & I guess that's what music is supposed to do for everyone, move them... Wow! It definitely is moving for sure.... I had still photos playing out in my mind, hard to describe unless you yourself actually experience it but what I can say is that I have found a whole new appreciation for GOOD MUSIC since I've become sober & yours is certainly worth appreciation. AWESOME! I would love to own your album when it comes out! Sounds great!!!"
-Marie R.
"I really like your band's songs, the sound quality is amazing, and I have always liked your lyrics. The band sounds like the rock bands did in the 90's I thought, like STP or Black Crows ya know?" -Clayton Roszel
"BeThisBell your album is in my top 3 local albums I’ve heard in the last 3 years." -Kevin Kitchell. "Dammit this BeTh IsBell Album is so good. I encourage anyone into Stoner, grunge, garage or punk rock to check it out. One of the better albums I've heard from a local band in a while." -Kevin Kitchell, lead vocalist of Electric Camelz (OKC, OK)
"your music is really fucking great!" -Bec Halls Wolfers, bassist & lead vocalist of The Halls, Brisbane, Australia
"Love, Love, Love!" -Kimberly Castrellon
- band publicist
Pam Degroff | Sep 23, 2013
Beth Isbell
Beth Isbell
The last couple of months, I’ve been mentioning that Beth Isbell has a new project coming out. For those of you not familiar with Beth, she was first introduced to TGForum readers in our companion Transvocalizers column with a two part interview posted in October and November of 2009.
Ms. Isbell has a very interesting background, to say the least. She was a successful civil rights attorney in Oklahoma, but after transitioning, she couldn’t find another job in the legal field. Since she had been playing music for a long time, starting in high school, but laid it down for a time. After all the struggles brought on after transitioning, she decided to go to music college to sharpen her skills as a player, performer, and songwriter. Beth has recently received her bachelor’s degree in music performance and music business.
The new project that’s been mentioned is called We Are The Gods. Produced by Trent Bell, it features her current band mates Justin Hays, guitar; Blaise Thompson, guitar; Cody Fowler, bass; and Nick Ley, drums. Known as BeThisBell Band, the music is described by Beth as “…psychedelic grunge punk…think Iggy Pop, Lou Reed, David Bowie twerking The Strokes and The Liars…” Previous albums that Beth Isbell has released are The Good Woman Waltz (2005), The Best Of The Dead Prophets (2010), and This Is The Blues (EP, 2011).
The new project is available through Beth’s website as both a download and CD copy. For now, Beth has been gracious enough to submit to another interview and she has a lot to say about the new album, her band, playing music, and what it’s like to be a transgender person living in Oklahoma.
TGForum: I know that all the guys on the new project are also involved with other bands. How were you able to assemble this group of musicians?
beth_isbel02Beth Isbell: Nick, Cody, Justin, Blaise and I all met through the Academy of Contemporary Music at the University of Central Oklahoma, the music college we’ve all been attending here in Oklahoma City. And for the most part, all the songs on this new album were written while I was attending ACM. Justin, Cody and I have been playing gigs with various drummers for the past two years, and when Justin moved to Missouri last fall, Cody and I brought in Blaise, and Nick, who teaches at ACM, agreed to play drums on the album.
Booking is made a little more complicated by the fact that Nick tours as the drummer for popular indie rock band Colourmusic, which is signed to the Memphis Industries label, and Cody tours as the bassist for Horse Thief, another popular psychedelic folk band signed to Bella Union Records. Blaise and Justin are the same way. But they love the songs I come up with and we connect musically. We all love playing and writing together, ane there’s magic that seems to happen when all of us get in the same room, or in the recording studio. This new album is evidence of that explosiveness.
TGF: You describe the music on this project as “…psychedelic grunge punk with protopunk, indie, art rock and blues rock influences from OKC…” That’s quite a menu of ingredients. Is it an accurate description for someone who has yet to hear the music?
BI: I think our sound as starting with protopunk influences, like early Pink Floyd, David Bowie, Lou Reed and the Velvet Underground, and Iggy Pop, and hardcore punk influences like The Sex Pistols or The Misfits, then adding an early grunge Pixies influence, the amp and guitar tones of ‘90s grunge bands like Stone Temple Pilots, Alice In Chains, or even Nirvana; modern indie influences like The Strokes, Arctic Monkeys and Colourmusic. Also, acoustic based psychedelic folk bands like Grizzly Bear, Horse Thief, or Wilco, and mixing that with all my heavy blues and blues rock influences, e.g. Clapton, Page, Hendrix, SRV, Santana. Taking all those musical ingredients, stirring them together in a big musical pot, and seeing what comes out. It’s an interesting recipe, and we’ll see if it works. As with any experiment, the proof is in the pudding.
TGF: Is there a meaning behind the title We Are The Gods?
BI: Yes, of course. I try to write songs that make people think … about themselves, about why they do things, and even about issues. Not every song, mind you, but in a lot of my writing. “We are the gods” describes the situation of how wonderful life would be if we all saw each other, all of us, as fellow gods, that we are all worthy of equal respect and dignity. The song itself can also be interpreted as a love song between two young lovers, or even as between a band and it’s audience. Perhaps it’s a response or more complete version of statements like that of JayZ and others saying I am a god. This just tells the whole story. We all are, and we all should act that way, and treat each other that way. It’s not a radical way of thinking, but it is.
TGF: Is the material on the new project entirely written by you, or do you have co-writers?
BI: I am - TG Forum Magazine
Pam Degroff | Sep 23, 2013
Beth Isbell
Beth Isbell
The last couple of months, I’ve been mentioning that Beth Isbell has a new project coming out. For those of you not familiar with Beth, she was first introduced to TGForum readers in our companion Transvocalizers column with a two part interview posted in October and November of 2009.
Ms. Isbell has a very interesting background, to say the least. She was a successful civil rights attorney in Oklahoma, but after transitioning, she couldn’t find another job in the legal field. Since she had been playing music for a long time, starting in high school, but laid it down for a time. After all the struggles brought on after transitioning, she decided to go to music college to sharpen her skills as a player, performer, and songwriter. Beth has recently received her bachelor’s degree in music performance and music business.
The new project that’s been mentioned is called We Are The Gods. Produced by Trent Bell, it features her current band mates Justin Hays, guitar; Blaise Thompson, guitar; Cody Fowler, bass; and Nick Ley, drums. Known as BeThisBell Band, the music is described by Beth as “…psychedelic grunge punk…think Iggy Pop, Lou Reed, David Bowie twerking The Strokes and The Liars…” Previous albums that Beth Isbell has released are The Good Woman Waltz (2005), The Best Of The Dead Prophets (2010), and This Is The Blues (EP, 2011).
The new project is available through Beth’s website as both a download and CD copy. For now, Beth has been gracious enough to submit to another interview and she has a lot to say about the new album, her band, playing music, and what it’s like to be a transgender person living in Oklahoma.
TGForum: I know that all the guys on the new project are also involved with other bands. How were you able to assemble this group of musicians?
beth_isbel02Beth Isbell: Nick, Cody, Justin, Blaise and I all met through the Academy of Contemporary Music at the University of Central Oklahoma, the music college we’ve all been attending here in Oklahoma City. And for the most part, all the songs on this new album were written while I was attending ACM. Justin, Cody and I have been playing gigs with various drummers for the past two years, and when Justin moved to Missouri last fall, Cody and I brought in Blaise, and Nick, who teaches at ACM, agreed to play drums on the album.
Booking is made a little more complicated by the fact that Nick tours as the drummer for popular indie rock band Colourmusic, which is signed to the Memphis Industries label, and Cody tours as the bassist for Horse Thief, another popular psychedelic folk band signed to Bella Union Records. Blaise and Justin are the same way. But they love the songs I come up with and we connect musically. We all love playing and writing together, ane there’s magic that seems to happen when all of us get in the same room, or in the recording studio. This new album is evidence of that explosiveness.
TGF: You describe the music on this project as “…psychedelic grunge punk with protopunk, indie, art rock and blues rock influences from OKC…” That’s quite a menu of ingredients. Is it an accurate description for someone who has yet to hear the music?
BI: I think our sound as starting with protopunk influences, like early Pink Floyd, David Bowie, Lou Reed and the Velvet Underground, and Iggy Pop, and hardcore punk influences like The Sex Pistols or The Misfits, then adding an early grunge Pixies influence, the amp and guitar tones of ‘90s grunge bands like Stone Temple Pilots, Alice In Chains, or even Nirvana; modern indie influences like The Strokes, Arctic Monkeys and Colourmusic. Also, acoustic based psychedelic folk bands like Grizzly Bear, Horse Thief, or Wilco, and mixing that with all my heavy blues and blues rock influences, e.g. Clapton, Page, Hendrix, SRV, Santana. Taking all those musical ingredients, stirring them together in a big musical pot, and seeing what comes out. It’s an interesting recipe, and we’ll see if it works. As with any experiment, the proof is in the pudding.
TGF: Is there a meaning behind the title We Are The Gods?
BI: Yes, of course. I try to write songs that make people think … about themselves, about why they do things, and even about issues. Not every song, mind you, but in a lot of my writing. “We are the gods” describes the situation of how wonderful life would be if we all saw each other, all of us, as fellow gods, that we are all worthy of equal respect and dignity. The song itself can also be interpreted as a love song between two young lovers, or even as between a band and it’s audience. Perhaps it’s a response or more complete version of statements like that of JayZ and others saying I am a god. This just tells the whole story. We all are, and we all should act that way, and treat each other that way. It’s not a radical way of thinking, but it is.
TGF: Is the material on the new project entirely written by you, or do you have co-writers?
BI: I am - TG Forum Magazine
Considering the USA Songwriting Contest takes in several hundred thousand song entries, and they only pick one grand prize winner, one winner and 10 finalists in each of 15 categories. I'm fortunate to have made the finals two years in a row!
2009--I did it again, for the second year in a row I had a song selected as a top 10 finalist in the comedy category of the USA Songwriting Contest. I'm totally stoked about being one of the 10 finalists in TWO separate categories:
Lyrics - Misunderstood (which I've reprinted at the bottom of this e-mail)
Novelty/Comedy - Lube Me Tender (free download version of this song available at www.broadjam.com)
Feels nice to actually have some of my work recognized. :) Thanks for your friendship and support.
Beth Isbell
B. Isbell
Little Josie, she was so misunderstood,
And all her life her Papa told her she was no damn good,
So at 17 she packed her things and decided to retreat,
She said "if I can't find love at home, I'll have to find it in the streets,"
Yeah, mmmm, yeah,
But the streets are cold and there's no time for cryin',
And Little Josie had to make her way by cheatin', stealin'; and lyin',
Until she was caught lyin', in her own damn blood,
Little Josie, she was so misunderstood.
Carlotta was a looker, yeah she was on fire,
She could have any man that she desired,
But Carlotta had this secret ever since she was 5,
She said, "One day I'll have my revenge Papa, and a damn good alibi",
Yeah, that was her plan,
as she explained to the waitress and I working late at Dirty Dan's.
She told us, I'll bring him to his knees,
Gonna make that bastard beg for mercy, and when he starts screaming "Please!"
Like he should,
Gonna shoot that bastard down, 'cuz I'm so misunderstood.
And when I said, "No Papa, you're hurting me, (BANG!),
I guess you so misunderstood." - USA SONGWRITING CONTEST
Hello Beth,
Congratulations – you have been chosen as one of TAXI’s Top Artists for the month of July! Each month, the A&R staff handpicks some of our favorite artists to be featured on the site, to both provide a little more exposure for you – as well as help us to feature our best and strongest talent!
You can find the page here : http://www.taximusic.com/search.php?top10
In addition, we are requesting that you please send us 5 hard copy CD’s and email over a hi-res photo, so that we can give you a little extra push if we see an opportunity that would fit your material. As with anything – there are no guarantees in this crazy industry, but we hope to help as much as we can.
Please mail CD’s and any ancillary goodies to:
Craig Streaman
5010 N. Parkway Calabasas
Suite 200
Calabasas, CA 91302
Please feel free to call or email me with any additional questions / thoughts that you may have. Thanks, and have a great 4th of July Weekend!
Craig Streaman
Manager A&R
- TAXI (A&R Mgr Craig Streaman)
Music Connection magazine - p. 48 (Aug 2009 issue):
“A Fringe Fest performer, and alternative in the extreme, Isbell is an OK-based artist whose every note is invested with an edgy, subversive quality. Recorded raw, with just a guitar and the artist’s unusually deep, masculine voice, these are the songs of a message artist, one whose lyrics are primary. That’s especially so of “American” which reveals itself to be a political diatribe and anti-war song. “Magic” might be the most memorable song due to its engaging, singalong format. Isbell emits an outsider essence that we find compelling.”
Overall Score ... 7.4
Production …… 7
Lyrics ………….. 8
Music ………….. 7
Vocals ……….... 7
Musicianship … 8
Music Connection is a national music mag based out of LA. The on-line edition is at http://musicconnection.com/digital/ (see p.50)
& hard copies of the magazine are available at most Guitar Centers, Borders, Barnes & Nobles, and Hastings across the USA! - Music Connection
“Absolutely brilliant!” Melody Syre, Ass. Ed., Buddy Magazine.
The Dead Prophets are here! Mike Clark, B. Isbell, and Ms. Morgan bring Dallas to life with their unexpected brand of music. This trio of cross-influenced musicians brings retro feel with new ideas to create a blend of innovative tunes that exemplify the braggadocios-ness that is Texas music. Isbell is the trio's songwriter, but for a co-write with Clark on "Mountain King" and a Doors cover. At times the music can be "in-your-face"and at times a little more psychedelic. The disc contains two reprisals of "Camille" which can be heard on Isbell's solo EP. This band's music explodes with artistry at every turn as the multi-dimensional arrangements speak volumes about how rock music has evolved. Each song sounds like an old song and like a new song, giving rise to a level of listening comfort not always present in today's rock bands. Hats off to the DPs! This Bonus Edition is the definitive Dead Prophets collection. Get it now!" Lucky Boyd, My Texas Music
(Note-Beth Isbell is the front person, vocalist, rhythm guitarist, and main songwriter for The Dead Prophets)
- Buddy Magazine & My Texas Music
B. Isbell
Independently released
Review by Lucky Boyd, My Texas Music
"Three songs from B. Isbell, but three memorable ones. Galvanizing as they may be, start with “Vice-Presidential Blues” and take your stand on a song obviously inspired by D. Cheney, then move to “Fireflies” and work your way through an acoustic offering that showcases Isbell’s writing. Recalling those days of chasing the illusive gems, Isbell transforms the emotion to maturity in this intimate yet sparsely produced track. Move on, then, to “Katrina” as Isbell winds through this instrumental much like the storm of its name, but with grace and purpose. All in all, a defining project for Isbell, which in its simplicity and brevity, exudes a metamorphic ambiance, all but hinting of a shallow breath that preambles the winds of change. Played in one order, one develops a lineage of emotion that will rise anew when the tracks are played in a different order. Experiment for yourself."
- My Texas Music
B. Isbell
Independently released
Review by Lucky Boyd, My Texas Music
"Three songs from B. Isbell, but three memorable ones. Galvanizing as they may be, start with “Vice-Presidential Blues” and take your stand on a song obviously inspired by D. Cheney, then move to “Fireflies” and work your way through an acoustic offering that showcases Isbell’s writing. Recalling those days of chasing the illusive gems, Isbell transforms the emotion to maturity in this intimate yet sparsely produced track. Move on, then, to “Katrina” as Isbell winds through this instrumental much like the storm of its name, but with grace and purpose. All in all, a defining project for Isbell, which in its simplicity and brevity, exudes a metamorphic ambiance, all but hinting of a shallow breath that preambles the winds of change. Played in one order, one develops a lineage of emotion that will rise anew when the tracks are played in a different order. Experiment for yourself."
- My Texas Music
B. Isbell
Independently released
Review by Lucky Boyd, My Texas Music
"The opening mostly-instrumental track sets the tone for this seven-cut release. Featuring B. Isbell’s guitar work, the cut has a dichotomous message in its acting as a vessel for reflection and the lyrics conveying an internal frustration. Isbell offers a collection of reflective tunes from experience, observation, and reprisal of traditional thinking. Isbell forges ahead unafraid, through a field of ponderings that give each listener an opportunity for self examination. Isbell approaches the softer side with “Mountain Wind.” This is a live project that redefines ‘dark’ as a plausible blend of the psychedelic and the acoustic. Look for the new twists on old classics and take a peek inside the evolution of acoustic rock and blues with a tolerant undertone and a true passion for altruism."
- My Texas Music
Bill Isbell's 2005 release “THE GOOD WOMAN WALTZ” is an Americana project of cross-genre tunes that represent an artistic but somewhat softer side of Isbell’s music. Nashville pickers, slick production, good songwriting, and excellent performances make this arguably Isbell’s best work to date. The poignant “Home” is a great example of Isbell’s writing, as he takes a timeless yet current topic and provides a new slant. From acoustic country-fied tunes to rock-laden cuts, this is a gem of a disc. There’s even a down home gospel tune, “This River Is My Friend.” Excellent imagery and quality performance, this is a great project." Lucky Boyd, My Texas Music - My Texas Music
Bill Isbell's 2005 release “THE GOOD WOMAN WALTZ” is an Americana project of cross-genre tunes that represent an artistic but somewhat softer side of Isbell’s music. Nashville pickers, slick production, good songwriting, and excellent performances make this arguably Isbell’s best work to date. The poignant “Home” is a great example of Isbell’s writing, as he takes a timeless yet current topic and provides a new slant. From acoustic country-fied tunes to rock-laden cuts, this is a gem of a disc. There’s even a down home gospel tune, “This River Is My Friend.” Excellent imagery and quality performance, this is a great project." Lucky Boyd, My Texas Music - My Texas Music
Beth Isbell
Independently released
Review by Lucky Boyd
Beth Isbell is an edgy, lyric-based performer who never fails to invoke emotion with her music. Each song on this EP is there for a reason; because Beth had something to say. You’ll be entertained by her writing, her unique vocal style, and her innovative uses of technology to make this mostly bare-bones release shine. Isbell doesn’t have to do much more than grab a guitar and start singing to get her point across. Her politics are seldom hidden but she keeps it all within the realm of decent freedom of speech. While you may derive your own meaning, the lyric “I don’t want to be un-American, but I don’t want to be an American idol…” says so much about Isbell. The symbolism is thick and exists on so many levels. Isbell covers Radiohead’s “Creep” and offers five original compositions in this half-dozen EP. Beth will be heard. You might as well hear her now so you’ll have a chance at understanding. Isbell’s life has been hard and full of personal trials, crushing defeats, and remarkable triumphs. Each have found their way to this disc. This is alternative art at its best; shunning the mainstream and shouting the message. Buy the disc and get it in a few days, or download the album and listen tonight.
- My Texas Music
"As a singer-songwriter, guitarist, and vocalist, Beth Isbell certainly leaves her mark wherever she performs. Her unique mix of blues, rock, and folk music as well as her passionate performances have won over audiences across the Midwest. Enjoy a special performance from an artist who truly is one of a kind." OFMO Events Guide, March/April 2008. - OFMO Events Guide
BeThisBell's "We Are The Gods!" album was officially released on September 15, 2014.
BeThisBell's "Work It Out" EP was officially released on April 15, 2015.
Frontperson Beth Bell also recently released a single Love Sublime (A-side) with Hey Humboldt! (B-side) on July 28, 2015.
BeThisBell and Beth Bell are signed to publishing administration deals with Essex Music Intl. and TRO Workshop Prod.

Official CMJ 2015 Showcase:
Sat., Oct. 17th, 10pm @ Muchmore's
2 Havemeyer St, Brooklyn, NY 11211
Venue / More Info: (718) 576-3222
Guitarist & vocalist Beth Bell (Bio: http://www.sonicbids.com/band/bethbell/), and guitarist Justin Hays met at music college (ACM@UCO) and formed the band BeThisBell in Spring 2011. Shortly thereafter Cody Fowler (who is also in the band Horse Thief, signed to Bella Union Records) joined the band on bass and turned us on to Kellan Turner on drums. The band has played shows at various venues, music festivals, and pride festivals Oklahoma City, OK, and Dallas, TX, and the band's music has received FM radio airplay and been selected by several Sonicbids promoters for various licensing, airplay, and other performance opportunities.
After graduating from music college in 2013, the band began recording We Are The Gods! at Bell Labs in Norman, OK, with producer Trent Bell (Chainsaw Kittens) at Bell Labs, Norman, OK. We brought in Nick Ley of the band colourmusic (and now a member of The Flaming Lips), in to play drums on the album. Justin & Beth played all the rhythm guitar parts on the album. Our friend Blaise Thompson of the bands Moon, and Drainbows, and Beth laid down all the lead guitar parts on the album, with Justin laying down the lead on Ruby. The band's sound is alternative rock painted with psychedelic, proto-punk, indie-rock, garage, shoegaze, & blues-rock influences.
Due to the strength of it's first album, the band recently picked up a music publishing administration deal with Essex Music Intl., Inc., which also administers publishing rights for David Bowie. Garrett Haines of Treelady Studios mastered the album. Both Trent and Garrett are former grammy award winners for their prior studio work. The band's first album We Are The Gods! was officially released on September 15, 2014. https://soundcloud.com/bethisbell/sets/bethisbell-album-we-are-the-gods
The band followed up their September 2014 WATG! album with a 5 song EP "Work It Out" released this past April (2015). Whereas, We Are The Gods! told a dark angry twisting story ending in hope. Work It Out is, as the title suggests, a workman-like effort at delivering on that hope, living out that dream. From Beth's soaring guitar work - pouring her soul out in Bleed, to the passionate plea at the end of the EP to let your individual light Shine On, the contemporary alternative vibe of Work It Out finds society right where it lives musically. Produced by Trent Bell, the band's Work It Out EP is another well-crafted work of contemporary sonic art. https://soundcloud.com/bethisbell/sets/work-it-out-ep
The band is returning to the studio to record another album with Trent Bell producing in Oklahoma City, OK, in August. Details soon.
Frontperson Beth Bell also recently released a single Love Sublime (A-side) with Hey Humboldt! (B-side) on July 28, 2015. She is also a published poet signed to a book publishing deal and has recently released two books in 2015, an existentialist poetry collection and an illustrated children's book.
Music Publicist: Jory White, Vesperize PR (San Francisco, CA)
Music Attorney: Tomy McDonald (Tulsa, OK)
Music Publishers: Essex Music Intl., Inc., TRO Workshop Prod., Inc., and WCI Publishing, L.L.C.
CMJ Touring Band:
Blaise Thompson - Vocals, Guitars (Drainbows, Moon)
Derek Knowlton - Guitars (Pretty Black Chains), substituting for Justin Alan Hays
Cody Fowler - Bass (Horse Thief)
Bryan Wakeland - Drums (Polyphonic Spree, Tripping Daisy), substituting for Nic Ley (on tour w/ Flaming Lips)
Holly Moorad - Vocals, Keyboards (No band credits, but she does have perfect pitch, LOL).
Band Members