St. Louis, Missouri, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2015 | INDIE
Ahead of playing a weekend full of shows, Missouri metalcore outfit Ecclesiast announce that they will soon unveil their latest single, titled "Naysayer", exclusively through The Hook. Over a month since they released their self-titled EP, Ecclesiast is already working on bringing new material to their fans.
The aforementioned shows which Ecclesiast will be playing take place from Friday, August 12th through Sunday the 14th. The first will be at The Concourse in Bedford, Indiana with I Set My Friends On Fire, Transitions, Gears, and others. Then, Ecclesiast will be playing Dirt Fest in Pontiac, Michigan on Saturday, which is being headlined by Killswitch Engage, Asking Alexandria, Hatebreed, and Attila, among others. Lastly, the band will finish off at Mac's Bar in Lansing, Michigan with A War Within, Violent Vessel, and Hyporium. - Alex Tripodi
After the release of their newest EP, Ecclesiast sat down with The Hook to talk about really cool stuff like what they're about, future plans, and what it's like to have a brand new EP under their belts!
Check out our interview with metalcore band, Ecclesiast, below!
1. Congrats on the new EP! How has the reception been thus far?
The reception for the EP has been incredible and better than we could have ever hoped for!
2. Did you have any goals set in place for what you wanted to accomplish with your debut release?
With this release, we just really wanted to lay it all down on the line and show you all where our hearts were and what we were going through personally in our own lives, in hopes that the listener would be able to relate in some way, shape, or form.
3. What was the writing process like? How quickly did it take for the material to come together?
The writing process was honestly one of the best parts of this whole album. After various changes, we each just came to a good and solid conclusion on what the songs would be, what they would mean, and in turn, what the end product would sound like. Bouncing ideas off of one another has always been a strong suit of ours and we plan on utilizing that for the upcoming full-length album.
4. Ecclesiast may fit comfortably into the metalcore genre, but the band nonetheless has a unique approach, especially in your melodic sensibility. Care to divulge any prominent influences?
While each of the band members do have similar influences, ranging from Slipknot, to War of Ages, we each had our own take on the album and how we present our own musicality. I [Tyler] grew up on blues, jazz, and classical music, and with that, incorporated that into my own playing, for heavier genres.
5. "High Horse" was a great single to introduce people to your sound with, but all the material on the EP stacks up as well. Do you feel "High Horse" in particular embodies what Ecclesiast is all about?
“High Horse” was chosen to be our single, for the sole reason that it indeed is what we’re all about. We’re all about compassion and change. We believe that an individual can always better themselves for the better of society, and the world, and that even if man has fallen so far behind, we can always get right back up on our feet.
6. All of your music has a really prominent message of redemption. Do you feel like you've dealt with that a lot in your own lives?
As many people do in their lives, each of us have dealt with our own personal hardships and trials throughout our walk of life and have therefore been able to incorporate that into what we’re doing, to create very honest, very real tracks for you guys to listen to. Redemption was something that really resonated with each of the songs, because that’s each of us strived for at one point in our lives. Reaching for a better cause, a higher purpose.
7. When do you guys think you'll be working on more material?
While we’ll more than likely be keeping it under wraps for a good while, we’ve actually already been working on more material for future releases and are excited to share it with you guys in the future.
8. Can we look forward to any tours in support of this new material?
You can definitely expect a large amount of shows, as well as some out of state dates, in support of this new material in the future. But as for now, only time will tell.
9. We saw that you guys are playing with In Dying Arms, It Lies Within, and Sea of Treachery when they come through on their Fight The Parasite tour. What was it like getting in contact with them?
Getting in contact with these bands was an awesome thing. Each of us actually really love the music that the bands on this bill have put out, and admire what they’re doing, so this show is sure to be one for the books.
10. What three bands, together or not, would you dream of touring with?
It would be an absolute honor if we were able to tour with Oh Sleeper, Gideon, and War of Ages. Seriously, that would be one stacked line-up!
Huge thanks to Ecclesiast for being super rad dudes who make heavy-hitting, powerful music! - Alex Tripodi
Metalcore outfit, Ecclesiast, has released their "Self-Titled" debut EP via Sancrosanct Records. That said, the band took the time to discuss this EP and their plans between now and the rest of this year.
1. Please tell us about the history of your band and its members.
After several line-up changes and really trying to find the right core group of guys, we eventually found one another who would be the right fit. It’s been a long time coming, but we’re happy to see that we not only see each other as bandmates, but as brothers and as family.
2. What’s the origin of the band’s name?
The name “Ecclesiast” means “From the heart.” What we set out from the beginning to do is create honest to God music, that’s very raw and aggressive. We wanted to deliver the utmost emotion we could possibly put into an E.P. and hopefully allow the listeners to really feel where we were in certain times of our lives.
3. Where is the band based out of and what is your music scene like there? Are there any local bands you could recommend?
Our band is based out of St. Charles County Missouri, and the music scene is very much alive and growing here! One band that’s very close to home that you should check out, is Reconcera. You could say they’re like brothers to us.
4. How would you describe your style?
You could describe our style as very aggressive and in your face, border lining hardcore, with elements of deathcore, and choruses that contrast in such a way that it really compliments the entirety of the songs.
5. What can you tell me, about your new EP?
This new EP is very sincere, and tells a story of a man going through life, and his journey through the walk of faith.
6. What can fans expect from the new EP?
Fans can expect honesty, and aggression. What we hoped that people would hear when they listen is the struggles that we ourselves overcame, and hopefully relate that to themselves.
7. What was the writing and recording process like for the EP?
The writing and recording process was pretty easy going in all honesty. We just bounced ideas and opinions back and forth off of one another, until we came up with that right niche that we thought we fit into.
8. What plans do you have for the future as a band?
In the near future, we plan on playing festivals, more shows, writing, recording, and releasing more music. Be on the lookout, because things are happening, and happening fast!
9. Where can we listen to your band and where can we buy your stuff?
There are various outlets online where our music is available for streaming, and you can buy our album on iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Vision of God Records, Sancrosanct records, or from the individual band members, to get your copy.
10. Why do you think people should check out your new EP?
We would love for people to see what each and every member of this band dedicates 100% of their time into. This E.P. is a display of struggle, of hardship, of overcoming adversity in the face of darkness, and really laying it all down on the line. If you love it, great, if you hate it, let us know. Feedback allows us to grow and we could never grow without you guys. - Natalie Perez
Hi guys, welcome to VENTS! How have you been?
We’ve been fantastic! Just now hitting the road to go to Urbana, IL and play AudioFeed Fest a the Champaign County Fairgrounds, so we’re pretty excited for that.
Can you talk to us more about your latest single “High Horse”?
The track, “High Horse” is a very aggressive and honest track, depicting the fall of man. Right off the bat, the lyrics are, “Look where your arrogance has led you, just look at how far you strayed.” This single line in itself really shows how man can fall so far off the beaten path, and how one must come to the realization that they must return to a more positive light, whether that be in attitude, or spirituality.
Did any event in particular inspired you to write this song?
Within each of our own lives, there had come points where we struggled with the idea of God, and our faith, but in the end, we came to terms with ourselves that the reason we felt this way, was because of false ideals, because of people who had made Christianity out to be the bad guy. When we finally came to the crossroads, we realized that God would be a huge part of our lives and what we do, and live to serve, on a daily basis.
Can you tell us more about the upcoming video?
We’re doing a lyric video for track number three off of our E.P. titled “From the Heart.” We’re really excited to show you guys, and are truly grateful to be working with Scott Rudd, of SRFilm.co.uk
The single comes off your new self-titled album – why naming the record after the band?
After mulling around several options and different name choices, we eventually decided to name the E.P. after the band’s name, not for lack of a better name, but really, just because of what it stands for. “Ecclesiast”, means “From the heart.” What we want to do as a band, is really create and put out music that comes from the very depths of our souls. We wanted to give something very viscera honest to God. So, in the end, we felt that the E.P. being what it is, would be better suited to be named as such, due to the nature behind its meaning.
How was the recording and writing process?
The recording and writing process was great! We all work together so well, we just basically bounced ideas and opinions back and forth until we came up with a really solid sound that each of us were pleased with.
What role does your faith plays in this record?
Our walk of faith and journey through life embodies itself in a character that goes through his own journey, through the E.P. from track to track.
What aspect of your personal and spiritual life did you get to explore with this material?
With this material, it really explains our lives through the mindset of a character created through the lyrics. If you listen to the album, beginning with the last track and ending with the first, you can really see where we were in certain times of our lives. “High Horse” begins stating the fall of man, the turning away from what once was, and what could have been, as far as the character’s relationship with God. You then have “The Plea”, where, in the chorus it very plainly states, “Father, father, father- please forgive me.” There is a sense of regret and disappointment with one’s self, and a fear of not being accepted into the family of Christ again, as the character repeatedly cries, “Don’t turn your back on me.” In track three, this character starts putting his ducks in a row, where, because of his past decisions, and future endeavors to better himself, confidence that was once lost, begins to resurface. The main theme of this song is “The demons in my head, they will leave me for dead.” These demons are very much so, self-doubt. Without the realization that a lower sense of self will keep us from achieving or dreams and aspirations, we will never progress and move forward. We must push on. This leads straight into the second track, “Stand Up.” This is one of the more aggressive songs on the album, where the song is really focused on this one central point. We as a people, as a nation, as a generation need to stand up and fight for what we believe in. Don’t allow others to tell you that you will never become something- that you will never succeed. The impossible is within the palms of your hands, and all it takes is for you to take the reins and ride with it. And finally, we have the first track on the album, “Follow Me.” This is a very honest, very humbled, and very sincere song, where the chorus states, “Follow me into the light, you will feel secure. Promise me you’ll take my hand.” Differing from the other songs on the album, the chorus here is God, speaking to his people, basically saying that there is hope. There is faith. There is love.
Any plans to hit the road?
Right now, we’re currently on our way to play a three day festival in Urbana, IL called AudioFeed Fest, and will be leaving for Pontiac, MI, August 13to play DirtFest, with bands such as Asking Alexandria, Killswitch Engage, Born of Osiris, Attila, and many more!
What else is happening next in Ecclesiast’s world?
We’re always writing, always improving, and always striving to deliver the best that we can. What we do, we want you guys to be as much a part of this as we are. Feel free to message us, or come to and hangout. We’d love to meet you, on a face-to-face basis, and really get to know you, not only as fans, but as lifelong friends. - RJ Frometa
St. Charles, Missouri metalcore band Ecclesiast has premiered their new song recently. You can check out the stream for “Stand Up” below. The song is from the band’s newest EP Ecclesiast which was released last Friday, June 24th via Sancrosanct Records. - Jay Encina
Episode 79, Keith, Justin, and David sit down to talk with the guitarist (Tyler), drummer (Nick), and lead vocalist (Joey) of the band Ecclesiast. They discuss the influences behind their music, the role their faith plays in the band, and how they've managed to play alongside such huge bands at major festivals. They also talk about the band's upcoming EP, as well as the group's foray into those major venues, which include AudioFeed festival. These guys are a blast to talk with, so be sure to listen in! In the beginning, the guys stall as they wait for the band to come on, and they talk about what's going on in their lives. As always, we are later joined by Darcy Rumble from Giants in the Sound as we discuss Starflyer 59 and Deafheaven. Finally, the guys wrap up the show by giving their final thoughts on the interview. As always, be sure to comment, rate, and subscribe to the podcast. Let us know what you think! - ForgettingWalls
In this new occassion we have had the opportunity to interview the Metal/Metalcore band Ecclesiast, from USA. Check out this band and give them a like on their FACEBOOK PAGE.
1.Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that?
After several different ideas, and changes, the original members finally came to a conclusion that the band would be branded as, "Ecclesiast". Meaning "From the Heart", and Ecclesiastes, as "Teacher/Preacher" this name was to display not only one of uniqueness, but a message in itself.
2.Why did you want to play this genre?
For each of us, metal was somewhat of a calling. The abrasive riffs, crushing rhythms, and screeching leads was something new and fresh to our ears at a very young age, and it just stuck. We wanted to play something that's very visceral, organic, and from our very souls; all the while spreading the word of God, and glorifying all things in his name.
3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?
Before the band was formed, I [Tyler] didn't know either Joseph, or Nick at all. Not through mutual friends, or even any previous banda; It's a blessing that we've all came to know one another and work so well together.
4. Each band member favorite band?
Joseph: Demon Hunter
Nick: Oh Sleeper
Tyler: Sleeping Giant
5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?
For myself [Tyler] past experiences, as well as present situations spur a bout of creativity within my mind. Sometimes, it's a bit hard to relay the emotion that's being felt from my mind to my instrument, but other times something really interesting happen. Music happens. As for Ecclesiast as a whole, we each draw from our own personal experiences, the trials and tribulations that we each go through in our lives, and release it all in a very sincere, very honest way.
6. Where was your last gig?
Our last gig was actually in Nick's (Our drummer) basement. It went great, there was a fantastic turnout and we were so humbled to have played alongside some incredibly talented bands.
7. Where would you like to act?
Honestly, we all would love to play anywhere we get the chance to. No place is too small, or 'not good enough' for us to play a show there. We just love playing music and having a great time.
8. Whom would you like to feature with?
Nick: For Today
Joseph: War of Ages
Tyler: Gideon
9. Whom not?
To be fair, we don't really have an answer for this; the sky may be the limit, but we will always remember where we stand in humility, and character. We'd love to feature with any band, no matter how big or small.
10. Any of you has ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that?
Joseph: My 1st skit that required acting that I did live. So after that experience I figured out music was more my thing than Acting!
Nick: My first open mic night at a biker bar that my uncle played at a lot, I played "Killing In the Name Of" and when I got up to the drums I saw everyone staring at me and I felt my arms turn to spaghetti and I couldn't keep time to save my life it was really bad.
Tyler: I used to be a part of Troy Buchanan's "Express" show-choir, so performing was something I was a little used to, but we went to Florida, I believe my Freshman year and performed at a Hard Rock Cafe and there was quite a bit of people there, so I was pretty nervous. My palms got sweaty and my neck did this weird thing where it like tensed up, haha, good times.
11. What bands have inspired you the most?
The bands which have inspired us the most would have to be War of Ages, Oh Sleeper, Gideon, Sleeping Giant, For Today, Extol, Demon Hunter, and many more.
12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?
"Can you sign my shampoo bottle?"
13. What do you think of your fans?
We in Ecclesiast love our fans. Without an audience, without anyone coming to our shows and showing the amount of support they do, we would be no where. We thank everyone who has even given us the time of day, or gave us a listen, or anything to contribute to supporting what we're doing. It means the world to all of us and we are so grateful for the people's continued encouragement.
14. What do you think of our site?
We think your website is awesome! Just wanted to say thank you for having us do this interview, we each appreciate it so much, and are looking forward to working with you guys.
15. Something to add?
If anyone was to get one thing from what we're doing and the music we put out, it would be that what we believe in, what we want for everyone, is love and a just nature. We want each and everyone to be able to enjoy what they're doing in their own lives and relay that to their peers, and strangers alike. It's incredible what a helping hand and a simple smile can do to help someone out, or brighten someone else's day up, so get out there, meet someone new, and create lifelong friendships that will be forever fulfilling. - Screamer
Ecclesiast is a four piece Christian metal band based out of St. Charles county Missouri. They strive for excellence, not only through their electric performances, but through the heartfelt message and music they put out. Pursuing a professional look, with a hometown feel, they are fully dedicated to what they do, through the passion, and authenticity of leading the listeners and audience alike to Christ through driven lyrics with a backbone. Stemming from personal hardships, to glorifying the lord, Ecclesiast encourages all to stand up, fight for what they believe in, and pursue whatever dreams they may have, be it small, or large, no task is too heavy to handle. We are Ecclesiast. We are the heart and soul of ministry through compassion, love, and a willingness to perform for the glory of God. - Staff
Missouri metalcore quartet Ecclesiast has not only announced a forthcoming self-titled EP, but has paired this announcement with their debut lyric video of their biting new single “High Horse." The EP, coming out on June 24th through Sancrosanct Records, is available for pre-order via iTunes.
“High Horse” is a charged, streamlined ride through the Ecclesiast sound, featuring crushingly rough assaults of abrasive riffage paired with an interestingly anthemic chorus. Says vocalist Joseph Smith of the single: “In my eyes, I see the path that's laid before in my heart and I know what is wrong and right. High Horse. This quote means something personal that I went through and questioning my own decisions through how other people felt. This whole song basically is about being the person that God wants you to be and not what man wants you to be.”
Check it out below!
Smith, along with guitarist Tyler Cobillas and drummer Nick Magasano, are going in a more personal direction with their brand of Christian metalcore, which is refreshing in a genre that has by and large seen its glory days come and go.
They have been playing shows non-stop for a while now, and they have no plans on stopping, with shows for the 4th, 11th, and even July 17th with fellow metalcore acts It Lies Within and In Dying Arms, as part of their larger Fight The Parasite tour. Don’t miss out!
Be sure to keep up with the band on social media so you can see when they’ll be through your area. This group is killing it right now, so sleeping on them is not an option!
As always, stay tuned for more! - Alex Tripodi
Midwest metalcore quartet Ecclesiast has announced a self-titled EP is set for release on June 24th via Sancrosanct Records. With the EP announcement, the band also debuted a first single off the record titled "High Horse."
Vocalist Joseph Smith commented on the new single: "In my eyes, I see the path that's laid before in my heart and I know what is wrong and right. High Horse. This quote means something personal that I went through and questioning my own decisions through how other people felt. This whole song basically is about being the person that God wants you to be and not what man wants you to be." - xFiruath
Midwest metalcore quartet Ecclesiast has announced their Self-Titled EP set to release June 24th on Sancrosanct Records. With the EP announcement, the band has debuted their first single off the record titled, “High Horse“.
Vocalist, Joseph Smith commented on the new single saying, “In my eyes, I see the path that’s laid before in my heart and I know what is wrong and right. High Horse. This quote means something personal that I went through and questioning my own decisions through how other people felt. This whole song basically is about being the person that God wants you to be and not what man wants you to be.”
Pre-orders for the new EP will go live on iTunes today. Watch “High Horse” below. - Melody Thomas
Midwest metalcore quartet Ecclesiast has announced their Self-Titled EP set to release June 24th on Sancrosanct Records. With the EP announcement, the band has debuted their first single off the record titled, “High Horse“.
Vocalist, Joseph Smith commented on the new single saying, “In my eyes, I see the path that’s laid before in my heart and I know what is wrong and right. High Horse. This quote means something personal that I went through and questioning my own decisions through how other people felt. This whole song basically is about being the person that God wants you to be and not what man wants you to be.”
Pre-orders for the new EP will go live on iTunes today. Watch “High Horse” below. - Colette Josef
St. Charles, Missouri metal Ecclesiast has announced that they will be releasing their Self-titled EP new album on June 24th via Sancrosanct Records. To go along with the announcement, the band has premiered their new song. You can check out the lyric video for “High Horse” below. - Jay Encina
Midwest metalcore quartet Ecclesiast has announced their Self-Titled EP set to release June 24th on Sancrosanct Records. With the EP announcement, the band has debuted their first single off the record titled, "High Horse".
Vocalist, Joseph Smith commented on the new single saying, "In my eyes, I see the path that's laid before in my heart and I know what is wrong and right. High Horse. This quote means something personal that I went through and questioning my own decisions through how other people felt. This whole song basically is about being the person that God wants you to be and not what man wants you to be."
Pre-orders for the new EP will go live on iTunes May 30th. Watch "High Horse" below. - Insane Blog
Christian metal band Ecclesiast is premiering their new lyric video for “High Horse” today on HM. The single comes from their debut self-titled EP scheduled for release June 24 on Sancrosanct Records. Vocalist Joseph Smith wrote in to HM to talk about the track:
“In my eyes, I see the path that’s laid before in my heart and I know what is wrong and right. High Horse. This quote means something personal that I went through and questioning my own decisions through how other people felt. This whole song basically is about being the person that God wants you to be and not what man wants you to be.” - David Stagg
Midwest metalcore quartet Ecclesiast has announced their Self-Titled EP set to release June 24th on Sancrosanct Records. With the EP announcement, the band has debuted their first single off the record titled, "High Horse".
Vocalist, Joseph Smith commented on the new single saying, "In my eyes, I see the path that's laid before in my heart and I know what is wrong and right. High Horse. This quote means something personal that I went through and questioning my own decisions through how other people felt. This whole song basically is about being the person that God wants you to be and not what man wants you to be."
Pre-orders for the new EP will go live on iTunes May 30th. Watch "High Horse" below. - Screamer
Official press release:
Midwest metalcore quartet Ecclesiast has announced their self-titled EP set to release June 24th on Sancrosanct Records. With the EP announcement, the band has debuted their first single off the record titled, “High Horse”.
Vocalist, Joseph Smith commented on the new single saying:
“In my eyes, I see the path that’s laid before in my heart and I know what is wrong and right. High Horse. This quote means something personal that I went through and questioning my own decisions through how other people felt. This whole song basically is about being the person that God wants you to be and not what man wants you to be.”
Pre-orders for the new EP will go live on iTunes May 30th. Watch “High Horse” below: - Josh Doe
Ecclesiast - From the Heart
La banda estadounidense de metalcore llamada Ecclesiast nos comparten su nuevo video lyric "From the Heart" creado por Scott Rudd. El track fue extraido de su proximo EP titulado "Ecclesiast." "From the Heart" fue grabado por Jake Roach, mezclado y masterizado por Matt Dalton en 37 Studios. - HeadbangersLatinoAmerica
Midwest metalcore quartet Ecclesiast has announced their Self-Titled EP set to release June 24th on Sancrosanct Records. With the EP announcement, the band has debuted their first single off the record titled, “High Horse“. Watch here.
Vocalist, Joseph Smith commented on the new single saying, “In my eyes, I see the path that’s laid before in my heart and I know what is wrong and right. High Horse. This quote means something personal that I went through and questioning my own decisions through how other people felt. This whole song basically is about being the person that God wants you to be and not what man wants you to be.”
Pre-orders for the new EP will go live on iTunes May 30th. - RJ Frometa
Today's guest is Joey, the vocalist of Ecclesiast. He gets on the mics with Eric & Chance and 5 Ecclesiast songs are played from their most recent CD. Enjoy! - Riot Radio
Ecclesiast has released a new video for "Naysayers". Check it out right HERE. - Natalie Perez
Missouri’s Christian metal band, Ecclesiast, has premiered their music video for “Naysayers.” The video, which you can find below, was filmed and edited by Freddy D’Angelo Studios. “Naysayers” effortlessly weaves the band’s passionate and powerful lyrics in a way that creates an anthemic feel. Forcefully driven by the guitars and drums, the intensity within “Naysayers” rises and falls, before finally building up and coming to a seemingly abrupt end that leaves the listener begging for more. - LivingthevanLife
Missouri metalcore act Ecclesisast has just released a brand new single and video today! Check out “Naysayers” below:“Naysayers” was recorded, mixed and mastered by Gabe Fry of Kimura Recordings.
The video was filmed/directed by Freddy D’Angelo Studios.
Ecclesiast has more great music on the way but be sure to check out their debut self-titled debut EP, out through Sancrosanct Records. (Read my review of the EP here) - Darcy Rumble
Metal band Ecclesiast has dropped a new music video for “Naysayers,” premiering here on HM today. The video, filmed by Freddy D’Angelo Studios, comes as a single release; if you dig the music, you can still grab the band’s self-titled EP.
We spoke with the band about the song:“‘Surrender, remember — I will give my all to you. Surrender, remember me.’ This line from the chorus of ‘Naysayers’ and specifically depicts the need to surrender yourself and give yourself fully to the body of Christ. Simply, to remember Christ for who He is and what He’s done for us in everything we do.” - David Stagg
Midwest metalcore quartet Ecclesiast has announced their Self-Titled EP set to release June 24th on Sancrosanct Records. With the EP announcement, the band has debuted their first single off the record titled, "High Horse".
Vocalist, Joseph Smith commented on the new single saying, "In my eyes, I see the path that's laid before in my heart and I know what is wrong and right. High Horse. This quote means something personal that I went through and questioning my own decisions through how other people felt. This whole song basically is about being the person that God wants you to be and not what man wants you to be."
Pre-orders for the new EP will go live on iTunes May 30th. Watch "High Horse" below. - Screamer
Midwest metalcore quartet Ecclesiast has announced their Self-Titled EP set to release June 24th on Sancrosanct Records. With the EP announcement, the band has debuted their first single off the record titled, "High Horse".
Vocalist, Joseph Smith commented on the new single saying, "In my eyes, I see the path that's laid before in my heart and I know what is wrong and right. High Horse. This quote means something personal that I went through and questioning my own decisions through how other people felt. This whole song basically is about being the person that God wants you to be and not what man wants you to be."
Pre-orders for the new EP will go live on iTunes May 30th. Watch "High Horse" below. - Insane Blog
St. Charles, Missouri metal Ecclesiast has announced that they will be releasing their Self-titled EP new album on June 24th via Sancrosanct Records. To go along with the announcement, the band has premiered their new song. You can check out the lyric video for “High Horse” below. - Noise Barrage
Ecclesiast - Self Titled E.P. including the following:
1.) Follow Me
2.) Stand Up
3.) From the Heart
4.) The Plea
5.) High Horse

Ecclesiast is a Christian metal band, from St. Louis, Missouri
Band Members