Elypsis The Architect
Denver, CO | Established. Jan 01, 2008 | SELF
Thanks for taking the time to do this interview Elypsis The Architect. Tell us a bit about yourself, your name, age, where you’re from and an interesting fact
My name is Steven A. Freeman, I am a 22 year old producer representing Aurora Colorado. I am a lover of music and music creation. I have been in production since 2008.
Is there a story behind your name Elypsis The Architect?
Well, of course. I originally chose Elypsis because the definition of the word indicates the requirement for a slight pause after any statement... When this idea is applied to music a musical statement, it is where the sound can be appreciated from silence, "Elypsis" implies that silence is as important in music as sound, then I changed the i to y, I like y's. I added the "The Architect" because I am a musical architect, creating blueprints from the harmonious combination of sound and silence. Elypsis The Architect.
What genres of music do you produce? What's your favorite?
I produce a wide variety of genres; I’m not really genre specific; I do make more than others sometimes. I am mainly an electronica producer: Dubstep, Trance/Techno, Drum & Bass; also I do a lot of Hip Hop, and currently produce lyricist "Mr. Garcia" who will be on my upcoming album "ET Architect: Dubometry" summer of 2012!!! -NewAge- Productions
I produce a wide variety of genres; I’m not really genre specific; I do make more than others sometimes. I am mainly an electronica producer: Dubstep, Trance/Techno, Drum & Bass; also I do a lot of Hip Hop, and currently produce lyricist "Mr. Garcia" who will be on my upcoming album "ET Architect: Dubometry" summer of 2012!!! -NewAge- Productions.
How long have you been producing?
I have been in production since 2008. I started with Hip hop production and quickly moved to electronic music, when I realized it fit my passion completely; a genre where I can implement the complexity of a composure with the Hip Hop feel, grime of dubstep and atmosphere Ambience of Drum and Bass.
What first got you interested in becoming a music producer?? I became interested in becoming a producer with time from listening to all the different Hip hop as a kid that was out there, and mainly hearing compositions by classical and renaissance artists. That crazy combination made my mind turn to making my own music, then I found electronic software and realized this is what Mozart would be using today... lol.
I became interested in becoming a producer with time from listening to all the different Hip hop artists as a kid that was out there, and mainly hearing compositions by classical and renaissance artists. That crazy combination made my mind turn to making my own music, and then I found electronic software and realized this is what Mozart would be using today... lol.
What/who are you inspired by?
I hold my inspiration in a lot of areas, as of current; my biggest inspiration has been Excision and Deadmau5.
Do you use samples or compose your beats from scratch?
I compose my beats from complete scratch, no loop samples have been used for melodic ideas that I have presented ad created in any beats. However, I love to use vocal samples from movies and enjoy making what I call, "Thematic Dubsteps" Dubstep based on a movie, so I get vocal samples for that part of my music, but beats and melodies are made from scratch.
What software and hardware do you use to produce music?
I use a wide variety of software from Logic, FL Studio, Ableton Live, Reason and hardware such as various MIDI instruments, mixer boards, and filter plugins for extra distortion or compression. Also, for any voice I may add to my productions, professional studio quality recording hardware and software provided by MXL and M-Audio.
Do you see music production as a career or as a hobby?
Music production is my life passion, other than self advancement, learning. It is more than a career and a hobby.
What are you trying to do with your music? Do you want to help your community? Are you trying to get rich? What is your goal for your music?
My goal with my music is to reach people on a level they forgot they had. To reach that part of the individual that they become disconnected with. People are all searching for answers and they turn to many resources for the energetic relief that I seek to serve an alternative. I make music for people to become awake and remember. I am the main producer for -NewAge- Productions.
Do you have any kind of management, publishing or distribution team behind you? If so what are their responsibilities?
I have a good network of friends and fans that help more than anything...
What are some accomplishments that you have achieved and are most proud of?
I have done a lot in my life, which has made me the person I am today, some non music related. These experiences have shaped my mind therefore my life; I am humble about my accomplishments, and keep a clear mind for where I can make improvements.
Have you ever made any contact with big time people in the industry and do you keep in contact with them?
I have made a lot of contact with people in the industry, and stay in touch with a lot of those people. It’s important to have connections that can vouch for you.
What 1 tip would you give to other aspiring music producers? I would say, keep your intentions pure, and the music will always come out amazing, make music you will love, if we are the professionals, the crowd will love it too...
I would say, keep your intentions pure, and the music will always come out amazing, make music you will love, if we are the professionals, the crowd will love it too...
What do you see is in the future for the music industry? How do you think it will evolve/change?
The music industry is evolving greatly, everyone is saying this genre is dying and that genre is dead, when in reality; we are coming to a point of music singularity. With the new technology we have and will have very shortly, the music industry is going to become infected with the sounds of the new age... Which is where I come in...
Can you tell us how you found CrazyPellas.net?
I found out about this website in searching for communities for music producers and fans alike.
Has this website helped you at all in your musical journey?
Of course, all points in this journey are as significant as the next.
Do you feel like the internet is helping you as an underground producer?
Yes, I feel like with the world the way it is with technology, it’s important for an underground producer to utilize the power of the internet.
How do you think social networks such as Facebook and Twitter have affected the music industry?
Those social websites make it easier for big time labels, production companies, and music names get a scale of new upcoming independent artists like myself. It helps people get recognition that would otherwise take a bit longer ;).
Where can we check out your beats online?
What are you waiting for! Join the revolution, become infected...
-Just don't feed the zombies...
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What projects are you working on at the moment?
More dubstep and trance, don’t want to reveal too much... I have my dubstep album coming summer of 2012 "ET Architect: Dubometry" so look out for that!! Working on some unheard unreleased tracks!! & some album specials!
Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years time?
Building only the cleanest, purest vibrations for that mental infection...
Thanks again Elypsis The Architect for doing this interview.
We look forward to seeing some of Elypsis The Architect beats in the Homemade Beats forum in the near future.
Cited from: http://www.crazypellas.net/content.php?r=124-interview-with-elypsis-the-architect#ixzz5c8fPKGxa - Crazy Pellas
Still working on that hot first release.

Elypsis The Architect has spent countless hours mastering musical software, hardware, researching musical theory and collaborating with great minds from around the world to develop a new sense of his mental expression. Requiring only the cleanest, most crisp high-quality sounds he can make or find, blending deep rooted concepts of spirituality and physics with shamanistic invocations of raw sacred energy through rhythmic repetitions and uniquely addictive timing.
" Basically I translate conversations between aliens and robots" - ETA
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