Houston, Texas, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2017
JonoJono has one of the more unique takes on R&B that we’ve heard in a while; his Spotify bio will tell you all you need to know to grow interested in delving into his small yet must listen to the catalog.
On his first release since 2018’s “Senses,” he continues this streak of differentiation stylistically on “Little Bee.” Though he is a little bee in this land of milk & honey, ain’t shit sweet about this life, he’s not caught up in these elusive ideals like social media, that doesn’t dictate his life & it’s almost as if he’s breaking free from the shackles that something like that could make you feel bound to.
Hopefully, this strong record leads into an album, even if it doesn’t make it on there, we need a full body of work from Jono to expand on this separate from everything around its style. This record is music that will break down barriers that people so love to put up. - Anthony Colunga
When we reviewed JonoJono buzzingly delightful single “Little Bee,” we just knew he was of the purest souls the way he so effortlessly exudes his ambiance on this atmospheric cut. His heartfelt lyricism is just swerving through the airiness of the production, his love bleeding ever so gently over the listener, intoxicatingly so.
In the epically executed, sensual visuals for this single, JonoJono finds himself basking atop flower beds one minute, then submerging himself in an ocean of emotion the next to come down from the buzzed feeling he’s feeling. You see that bee on his face; he’s so calm that it doesn’t even think of flying away though he’s soaring throughout the globe.
JonoJono is an impeccable talent who has reached new altitudes with this elevating number. Like all his worries & sorrows are flying away up out his body, bringing him peace & serenity at a time when it’s most needed & as they say. Hope springs eternal in the human breast, so let’s not lose hope & just breathe in & breathe out like JonoJono is doing. - Anthony Colunga
This music spotlight features one of Houston’s own. He’s a rebel in this music game combining “thrash metal solos, poetic lyrics, and smooth vocals w/ punk tendencies.” JONOJONO thrives on “experimenting with the fusion of soulful melodies and aggressive vocals, introducing a new sound.”
His latest visual for his song “Senses,” is a tale of a tragic love story, shot on the southside of Houston.
Now JONOJONO is right back with his new single, “Little Bee.” His website describes the song as “self-reflective single where Jono compares the job of a bee to the cycle of life.”Little Bee” features lustful psychedelic echoes, with clear words mixed in with an edgy guitar auto-tune. The non-explicit self-reflection, the smooth vocal track is a perfect way to introduce JonoJono into R&B.”
Take a listen to “Little Bee” below and tell us what you think! - KG SMOOTH
Congrats on being chosen for our Swisher Sound ambassador program! How does it feel to be partnering with Swisher in this capacity?
I personally feel overjoyed and honored by this opportunity to partner with a prominent and traditional company such as Swisher Sweets. One of my biggest aspects in life is to impact and enroot music into the world and for the next generation . With that being said, I believe that this new journey with Swisher Sweets shall grow me as an ambassador for not only major entities, but as well create a solid mindset to pave my own path within the industry. - Swisher Sweets
In an industry where the “big conglomerates” market the next generations next superstar, there are many groups and artist that are taking their fate and career into their own hands. Some have been doing their craft for multiple years and have made good careers without the spotlight. Now the goal is almost always fame and stardom but for some artist, they manage to make careers while they wait. I call it patiently waiting.
Jono Jono swung by the studio after tons of messages to me on social media about how he is an amazing talent. His hustle and drive are what made me say he's next to blow in Houston. But he isn't waiting around to be next. He is taking his career by storm today which is why he made these weeks patiently waiting artist of the week. - Marcus Sullivan
Every now & then JonoJono is struck with Cupid’s arrow. With a different outlook each time... love helped him to mold into the artist that he is today. Love, in its truest form is expressed through the 3 things he’s mastered in music.
Not only can JonoJono sing in a way that gives listeners chills but he also is a natural when it comes to playing some scintillating guitar chords & writing emotionally moving songs. Influenced by the likes of Musiq Soulchild, Erykah Badu, Pearl Jam & Prince he identifies his sound as ROCK&B which in turn, has helped JonoJono to separate himself from the rest.
By using amplified synthesisers, a soft yet passionate vocal arrangement & a line of guitar riffs from track to track, JonoJono is able to extract different feels from the audience. - Varisity BPM
In earlier years, he was generally producing live instrumentals on his pastime using Garageband iOS and he soon produced and released “Contradictions (Interlude)” (formally known as “A New Legacy”) which hybridizes the art of poetry/spoken word, electronic, neo-soul and rock guitar. Upon release of “Contradictions”, his debut visual, on YouTube and other social sharing platforms, his social presence had been cemented by the swift, growing buzz the project had garnered. As a result, he generated peak interest from local venues and inaugurated his career with live performances at notable venues in the Houston area, creating an eager fan base for his anomalous sound. Within the same year of his debut, he has performed alongside with renowned R&B/Soul vocalist Keke Wyatt and shared the stage with charting R&B artists such as, Dondria Nicole and others. - FY Houston
Today we’d like to introduce you to JonoJono.
Every artist has a unique story. Can you briefly walk us through yours?
Music has always been my life, at the age of 6 is when I realized I could sing when my older siblings made me try to mimic the “O Happy Day” track from “The Sister Act Pt. 2” Movie and immediately surprising them once I gave it a go.
Ever since, I grew up singing in school and in church and it fine-tuned my musical niche. It wasn’t until the age of about 8-9 when I started tapping into my musicianship by firstly learning piano and then transitioning into electric guitar by middle school. During these times, I struggled with an imbalanced household and also being bullied when going to school and music turned into my escape from the commotion. As I grew up in my teens I started to find peace into the early Hard Rock/Metal scene from the 80’s and 90’s and soon the style latched onto my subconscious creative, but I still was learning the techniques of vocalists from gospel music and even Rib making me a black sheep to my peers. It wasn’t until after I took a break from college to work when I started to produce my own music that worked for me and soon recording my own tracks. After 2-3 years of fine tuning my sound and skills I eventually debuted my first single called “Life (feat. Niesha)” and the rest was history.
Please tell us about your art.
I call my music “Rocking”, I got the term from a coworker that was listening to my first self-produced project called “The Life” EP and said, “it’s like Rib, but the Rock guitar distortion and heavy drums gives me complete rock and metal sort of…like uhhhh…RocknB! Haha”. Even though it was a joke at the time it kind of resonated when I started to pay attention to what I was doing with my sound. When I made my music initially, I had limited resources when faced with countless bills, so I produced my music using GarageBand iOS and took the already mixed projects to a studio to give it a rich sound. I combine these genres because thats all I know and it all falls back to the form of feeling and soul, so it feels right for me. With my music I like to touch various topics that millennials like myself deal with during this day and age like: Love, politics, social issues, and even everyday thoughts and challenges that we face just because I want people to be able to gain knowledge from my music rather than just me being Artist with cool, shallow songs.
What do you think is the biggest challenge facing artists today?
The action of pleasing today’s fickle audience, everybody in the digital age are always wanting more right now rather than just enjoying the music. I think it slightly dilutes the artistry and the “fun” factor in this industry somewhat. - Voyage Houston
Dope. playlist series will feature 10 recent gems, mostly focusing on emerging artists, you should, now or never, get round to. No genre boundaries applied, just “dope” music… Let’s get it on! - Christos Doukakis

Sonically known to doing different stylistic takes on Rock & R&B through a nostalgic lens, JonoJono breaks the status quo of these genres live by embedding self-played raging guitar leads & riffs, punk-poetic rhymes and eccentric smooth vocals with no means to "playing it safe". In 2017 via Soundcloud, he debuted this fresh sound and in time, each release would audibly explain the two-sided niche interest of his ever growing catalog of distorted soul.
In the wake of his debut LP, JonoJono has independently acquired a signed publishing admin and distribution deal in affiliation with Roc Nation on their lucrative platform, closed ambassadorships with household company names and also collaborated with multiple artists to cultivate his raw anomalous sound while stirring an eager fan base . With an eye set on creating his own lane...singer, song-writer, guitarist & producer JonoJono has taken the rebellious path in todays popular music on and off stage.
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