Mount Vernon, New York, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2000 | INDIE
Through a partnership with Reverbnation, Unheard Voices features raw talent making a noise and difference in the music industry. We introduce Kin4Life.
Nor and I.Q. known as the rap duo, Kin4Life, quickly got my attention after viewing a freestyle that was featured on Thisis50.com. I said to myself the days of asking what happened to real lyricists in female hip-hop were over. I was even more intrigued that they represented the LGBTQ community, and are heavy advocates. Since then I have been following the career of Kin4Life. In the midst, Unheard Voices has featured songs of theirs along the way.
Hailing from Mt. Vernon, NY now by way of Atlanta, the duo has been hitting the music scene hard for ten years. Together as a group and friends for over fifteen, Nor and IQ have solidified their family ties and KIN4LIFE has never had a truer meaning. KIN4LIFE says they’re determined to bring hip hop glory back to their hometown and respect back to their genre. As young entrepreneurs, they founded their label, Noriq Records in 2002. Under this imprint, they have released the album KIN4LIFE Volume I” and the EPs “Rock Star” and “I Love KIN4LIFE”. The video for the hit single “Make Up Girl” held a spot on the Click List Countdown on MTV’s Logo for 11 consecutive weeks, and was nominated for The Click List’s Top 10 Videos of 2009. In 2013, KIN4LIFE released their full length album “Money Brings Trouble”, available on iTunes and other online retailers.
Recently, KIN4LIFE has performed at South By Southwest 2015, the GO Magazine New York Nightlife Awards show, Pride celebrations in major U.S. cities and the Dominican Republic (where they performed along with Grammy nominee Marsha Ambrosius) and nightclubs and music festivals across the country. KIN4LIFE won the Out Music Award for Best Hip Hop Song of the Year in 2012 for “It’s Over Now”, was chosen as Group of the Year by the OutHipHop.com 2010 Readers Poll and named one of the top 50 most influential LGBTQ celebrities by the G-List Society in 2013. Notable collaborations include tracks with producer DJ Jazzy Jeff and artists STS, Lil Flip, Black Ice and Clarita De Quiroz.
While the two loves the art of emceeing, they say their production and songwriting skills makes them a hot commodity behind the scenes. Working with the hottest up and coming hip hop and R&B acts, KIN4LIFE garnered comparison to Missy Elliot, prompting them to form Noriq Records’ subsidiaries, Red Eye Productions and The KIN Factory (writing and production). They showcased their talent as producers in the fall of 2009, winning the “King of the ATL” battle at the industry proving ground Producer’s Swap Meet in Atlanta. They have worked with a range of artists including Black Ice, Babs Bunny, Monifah, Lady Twist and Ty Ward. Their single “Money Brings Trouble” was chosen for placement in the feature film “Changing The Game” which premiered at the 2011 Hollywood Black Film Festival and opened in AMC Theaters in May 2012. KIN4LIFE’s music has also been featured in the films: Black Womyn Conversations, M.I., Honor and Pride, The Family, and the Crazy Sexy Cool, GirlPlay and Lovers and Friends webseries. In 2012, KIN4LIFE made their acting debut as cast members in an Atlanta production of Eve Ensler’s “The Vagina Monologues”. The music video for “It’s Over Now” was an official selection for the Philadelphia Independent Film Festival 2012 and The Women’s Film Festival 2015. In 2010, KIN4LIFE wrote and produced the single “Lone Ranger” in support of LGBTQ youth, and in response to the recent wave of bullying and attacks that have made national headlines. The track was released as a free download on Christmas Day and had 2000 downloads in the first 48 hours. KIN4LIFE has also been featured on the PBS Emmy winning series “In The Life: Defying Stereotypes” which they now screen at universities across the country as part of a diversity and anti-bullying program and workshop for students and faculty.
More recently, we featured Kin4Life as 5 LGBTQ rappers that you should know about that’s killing the game. And now we’re featuring them as a featured artist of the month with our partnership with Reverbnation, to honor their community & LGBTQ activism, individualism, and contributions they have made in the music industry. It’s not easy being a female in hip-hop, and the two do it well. Get to know Kin4Life in our interview below and stream some music below!
UV: When did you fall in love with music? Nor: I loved music since I could remember especially Hip Hop. Being from New York,the birthplace of Hip Hop,I was exposed to people freestyling and beat boxing in the hallway of my building. IQ: The mid 80s listening to mom play all herfavorite songs on repeat.
UV: How long have you been creating and performing music? Nor: I wrote my first song in 1991 and we’ve been doing shows since about 1995. IQ: For 15 years and plan on going 15 more!
UV: Tell the Unheard Voices readers what your passions are and who or what motivates you to continue to strive in a cut throat industry? Nor: I am extremely passionate about Love,Life and Happiness. Everything I do is in the name of a positive outcome whether it be for me personally or something else.I want to make the world just a little bit better by sharing my talents and good vibes. My passion is my motivation. I love what I do so I will never stop. IQ: I am passionate about the arts and music education in general. I know music saved my life. I am motivated to continue growing and creating so that every little girl knows there is a place for her in this cut throat industry.
UV: How would you describe your music? Nor: I would let the listener determine that. There’s no one way to describe our music other than the fact that it’s dope and all ages and races rock to it. IQ: It’s the struggle + fun movement.
UV: Do you compose and write your own music/lyrics? Nor: Most definitely I have so much to say there’s no way someone else would be able to articulate what goes through my mind in the way that I do. I also love producing music. I have produced the majority of the music you have heard from KIN4LIFE for the last 15 years. IQ: Absolutely we compose 95% of our music and write 100% of our lyrics.
UV: What`current projects do you have out or forthcoming projects in progress? Nor: You can enjoy all of our music on our site www.kin4life.com we have numerous mixtapes, albums and EPs that you can enjoy. Also we are sewing the last pieces to our new EP we got dropping this summer followed by a full length album which we are looking to release early fall. IQ: Currently,you can support our album Money Brings Trouble everywhere online. We have all of our current and past projects available on kin4life.com. Our new project is so controversial I don’t want to release the name as of yet but watch out.
UV: What artists have the greatest musical influences on you and your music? Nor: KIN4LIFE we are the standard. We compete with our own records and aim to get better with each creation. There are tons of great artists in the world of music but KIN4LIFE is my favorite. IQ: Biggie!
UV: What or who influenced you to begin your music career? Nor: My mom is definitely my biggest influence. She taught me how to write my first rhyme and she also was a recording artist. She would take me to the studio with her and I would sing background vocals and co produce tracks for her. IQ: My mom playing my first demo over and over and the geek, myself, gaining respect from my peers because of my flow. It was a no-brainer.
UV: What advice do you have for other indie artists trying to succeed? Nor: Be true to your own sound. Don’t try to make music that sounds like what the radio is playing. Be you do you no matter what. Use your immediate resources and make no excuses. You want it go get it. IQ: Never quit, and do it for the love not the money.
UV: What is the hardest challenge you have encountered your fan base? Nor: I can’t say its been hard other than the fact that so many people are now competing to be in the limelight so the good artists may get lost in the shuffle. However, its a rewarding journey and we have been blessed to have fans that have rocked with us for our entire career and our fan base continues to grow and progress. Longevity is the key and we have had that. IQ: Attention span is short, so you gotta keep em with new music and content.
UV: How in tune are you with your fans? Nor: Our fans are our family, our KIN, we love and embrace each one individually as if they were our own personal friends or family. Any fan that meets us will be greeted with a warm smile and a lasting embrace. IQ: We are very in tune. We could not be independent artists for 15 years without listening to our fans.
UV: Has anyone ever given you negative feedback on your music, if so howdid you react to it? Nor: For all the positive feedback we have had on a our music the small amount of negative feedback seems like background noise. IQ: Well, it was more like negative feedback on our look. AnA&R at Sony said we weren’t f–kable and it inspired us.. I have seen him multiple times in my career. I’m still KIN4LIFE, his job has changed several times.
UV: How important and how difficult is it to support your career with your own funding? Nor: It is very important to invest in yourself and when you truly believe in yourself you will sacrifice everything to make it happen. It’s rewarding when you can take two quarters and flip it to a dollar. A lot of investments in this game are for the long term so one must be steadfast and not look at things as difficult, but merely as a vehicle to take them where they want to go. IQ: It’s important and necessary. One must despise the free lunch.Anything worth having will be difficult so just go for it!
UV: To date, what has been your best performance? When was it,where was it and why is it your best performance? Nor: Definitely Idapalooza, the music festival in Tennessee. It was in the middle of the woods with thousands of great earthy hippie type folk sleeping in tents. They showed so much love, we rocked a stage in the middle of a barn yard and I all remember is half naked women being thrust towards the stage (willingly)and men hanging from the beams in joy. Very wild and very exciting. IQ: South by Southwest 2015 in Austin was my favorite performance. We rocked the crowd and left a huge impression on the industry and the offers are starting to pour in.
UV: Where do you see yourself in the next five years? Nor: In five years I will still be making dope records and doing shows on a larger level. I plan to use my talents and celebrity to give back to my community and inspire a generation. IQ: Doing music, touring,mixing, writing. All music, all day.
UV: In closing, I would like you to leave the Unheard Voices readers words of encouragement and inspiration, especially for those pursuing a career in music and entertainment. Nor: The answers are inside you, listen to your inner voice and never quit. Be happy and do what you love. Everything else will fall into place. IQ: I know you think you have to please people and go mainstream. You don’t– make music that makes you happy and that you are proud of. The mainstream will come to you. - Unheard Voices Magazine
Like many sappy, wine-loving, passion-exercising adults, I was once that over-imaginative kid who enjoyed the secret kink pleasure of reading racy romance novels behind my textbooks in math class … English teachers giving me that knowing look and silently consenting me to openly reading them because they’d read them just as
much and understood … discovering the written worlds of artists painting their lovers, whom they soon conquered on lush garden beds and grand pianos. That flowery fog was always a nice way to tell a tale, but what most of us were really reading for were the steamy sex scenes only a wicked imagination could conjure up that the author so extensively and generously detailed; six pages of blissful intimacy to light a fire in your loins would always send me back to the library looking for the next juicy book to take me somewhere intense and show me something intimate.
That consequently led me to pick up Kerrine Stephens’ book, “The Confessions of a Video Vixen.” The book cover — displaying a scantily clad, smooth-skinned, honey-blond woman who exuded sex — had me expecting some raunchy rap fantasy to take me to the wild and extravagant movie-star lifestyle by page one. In turn, I realized by page two, I got anything but that; rather, it was a rude awakening into the cold, harsh world of being a used-up video girl. If you haven’t read it, here’s a quick catch-up: Young island girl, sexually and mentally abused, relocates and finds herself drowning in the gooey glamour of the world of hip-hop, Hollywood, sex and drugs. She survives to tell her story — and does just that, in explicit picture-book detail that tells all of her sexual “adventures” she had with big-name rappers, A-list actors and various athletes, and how she was deemed “SuperHead.”
Similar to Stephens, I am an actress in this ever-changing, sexually charged industry, and got called in to be a video girl for Mt. Vernon-born hip-hop street-rock duo KIN4LIFE for their new video, “Never Meant to Hurt You.” Immediately I thought of rejecting the invitation not only because the call sheet instructed I wear lingerie and a low-cut shirt, but because I didn’t want to be the next SuperHead! My desire to be taken seriously as an actress and not use my body to break into the film world was paramount to me. What is a video girl, anyway, but a girl who stands around the artist, looking “f-able”?
Evidently, to market yourself as a female in the entertainment industry today, you have to be “f-able” — cleavage and round bottoms shaking galore. From the moment you walk into a room, talk or breathe, you should be exuding sex — to be wanted, specifically by men — because, let’s face it, it sells; why else did I struggle through math so badly? I was sold. But what happens to the gender-bent artists who want their message heard and respected without fitting into society’s mold of what is sexually enticing? Where are the role models for young masculine women and effeminate men?
One group immediately comes to mind: KIN4LIFE had a chance in front of a name-recording artist and was shooed away because they didn’t look “f-able.” But, they continued manifesting and demonstrating that LGBTQ talent can be heard and is valuable.
So on the evening of Nov. 30, I rolled my little red suitcase to the famous Milkboy Recording Studio, heart pounding. I honestly barely researched the group, afraid I’d lose my nerve and not show up because I didn’t want to be exploited. Greeted at the door by director Danielle Erwin, I was told to change, and not into the lingerie, but into simple clothing. Breathing a sigh of relief, I headed to the bathroom and met the notorious duo: Nor and IQ. Towering over me, these beautifully eccentric-looking women surprised me with warm smiles, sparkling eyes and normal handshakes. Even more surprising, they’d actually watched a show I was in (KIN4LIFE composed the theme song) and complimented me on it. Now I was embarrassed; all of my silly expectations of this group turning me into SuperHead just vanished. These were chill, beautifully unapologetic women comfortable in their skin. They never once labeled themselves “lesbian” or “stud rappers” but just rappers, living and manifesting their art, just like me. Suddenly — I realized, wide-eyed — these women could take me somewhere intense, and show me something intimate, and that many had to see, if I allowed myself to go.
After a bit of research, I uncovered a gold mind. Being so afraid at times to openly discuss my sexuality on set, I loved that this group wore who they were so proudly and didn’t feel the need to explain, despite being told they weren’t f-able. Originally KIN, and renamed by fans as KIN4LIFE, the duo is a hip-hop, street-rock pair comprised of two emcees/producers/writers/engineers who have been passing their kinetic energy of positivity through the music industry for over a decade. Both artists hail from not only the home of Heavy D, Denzel Washington and P. Diddy, but the birthplace of hip-hop itself: The Big Apple. They’ve been featured in Curve Magazine, Elixher, Black Gay Gossip, Out and many more. They won the Out Music Award for Best Hip-Hop/Rap Song for “It’s Over Now” and the Honorary Atlanta Pride Hip Hop Award. They produce 98 percent of the music they put out and also record, mix and engineer 99 percent of the music, such as the album “Money Brings Trouble” and my favorite songs, “Type Girl, Right Girl” and “Make-Up Girl.”
PGN: Hey guys, thanks so much for sitting down with me and letting me breathe the air on Planet Noriq for a moment! So your genre is hip-hop, street rock? Your sound is so new. How so?
N: The best thing about hip hop is that it is influenced by other genres, so you will always get a nice mix of everything from us. We are always experimenting and aren’t afraid to sing on certain records too.
PGN: What does it mean to be KIN4LIFE, and why did you choose each other?
N: KIN4LIFE is just that, family for life. We’ve known each other long enough to call each other sister so we have an unbreakable bond. The music chose us. The universe put us together to experience this unfolding together.
IQ: You can’t choose your family.
PGN: Why is it important to be visible and current in the industry today?
N: We create the balance. In a world of trappers and fake rappers, somebody has to supply the fresh air. It’s important to also have a woman’s perspective in hip-hop, women who actually have something relevant to say.
PGN: Who has influenced you the most?
N: Definitely my mom. She was a recording artist while she was raising me and actually helped me write my first rhyme. She would let me get on records with her and co-write and co-produce, so to me it doesn’t get any more influential than that.
IQ: My grandmothers have influenced me most in life. They are strong, powerful, successful, no-nonsense women. They are my blueprint.
PGN: What is the most embarrassing event/thing that has happened while performing?
N: Luckily, I don’t get embarrassed but I would say the closest thing is when we performed at New York City Skate Key on a slippery picnic table back in like ’03. [Laughs] No one could hear the mics so they just turned around and kept skating.
IQ: Same show [laughs], Skate Key.
PGN: What was the craziest experience off the top of your head?
IQ: We performed in an outdoor festival in the woods in Tennessee called Idapalooza. I went on stage in my pajamas; it was that type of crowd. We performed our single “Take Ya Clothes Off” and by the end of the first hook the first three rows of girls were topless. Best audience ever.
PGN: What was the hardest/most difficult obstacle to overcome, and how did it change you into the musicians you are today?
N: I learned that the only obstacle is me. At times not feeling good enough or doubting that people would give an openly gay group a shot was quite haunting. I had to learn to keep pushing with confidence. I’m dope; just make good music with good intentions.
IQ: My most difficult obstacle to overcome was allhiphop.com outing us in the article “Black Lesbians Rock,” but I credit it as a major turning point in my career that taught me the power of truth.
PGN: If you could compare you journey to any fairytale or Disney movie/character, what would it be and why?
N: “Sleeping Beauty” because people keep sleeping on us! [Laughs] It’s time to wake up!
IQ: “Lion King” because I’m an obnoxious Leo and I love that movie. But Simba goes through trials and tribulations but at the end he wins.
PGN: Every artist has a message that causes them to create. What is your message? (This can be to young LGBTQ, allies or any widespread audience.)
N: Our message is love, acceptance and understanding. We want people on Planet Noriq to feel they can be whoever they want to be and achieve their dreams in spite of what people say.
PGN: Is there anyone you’d like to thank?
KIN: I would like to thank our management, Artists First Inc., for always having foresight and believing in our movement. And all the whack rappers for making us look even better.
PGN: Where are you guys touring, where can we look out to see you live? And where can your fans find everything on you?
N: We are currently in the process of recording a couple new albums so we will be planning a summer 2015 tour. Keep checking back with us at Kin4Life.com; it’s the hub, everything is there! - Philadelphia Gay News
There isn’t any other American female music duo in the United States today whose music and influence compares to Kin4Life’s, or who has accomplished what they have as artists who are out and proud and who are entrepreneurs of a new generation. Just watching them brings a number of things to mind. Among the milieu of what transcends from their prose and their dynamic presence is what distinguished Audre Lorde as a legend of the Diaspora and a leader ahead of her time. It’s what made New York’s Stone Wall Movement legendary beyond refute: The quest for freedom and the right to love boundlessly as we define ourselves as same gender loving people. Yet, as entrepreneurs of a greater enterprise they are truly what we’ve needed and just what we’ve been waiting for.
They are Kin4Life. And as we ensure that the quest for change never falls on def ears, they and other game changers remind us of what the remedy for change truly is. Undoubtedly, it confirms what the freedom fighters of the stone wall movement emphatically and poetically declared and what the message behind Audre Lorde’s words rang clear: That we’ve never been more ready than we are right now.
We caught up with Kin4Life who are manifested as Nor and IQ.
TaschimaAllen: How do you feel you’ve changed the game?
Kin4Life: I think we've changed the game by being the only female duo that not only writes their own material but produces, engineers, and mixes the music as well. I haven't seen any female duo in Hip Hop do that. We also have made a statement with our image. We have shown upcoming artists that it’s ok to be who you are and that you don't have to hide your true being just to satisfy the "industry standard" of what they think a female mc should look like.
TaschimaAllen: It seems like you came at the right time, cause so many of us were missing the female MC for a long time before KIN4LIFE emerged on the scene. How does your reception now compare with the reception you received in the very beginning?
Kin4Life: We have always carved out a spot for ourselves in the game. Although there are many female mcs on the rise, we don't fit the mold of the highly sexed up image that's out there. Our journey has always been a tad more difficult but people have had no choice but to fall in love with KIN4LIFE once they actually listen to the music. One listen and you're hooked. Our beautiful fan base expands daily. Our reception has become warmer and warmer as our career grows. It is always our goal to challenge the music fan to rise above mainstream stereotypes and appreciate the talent God has bestowed upon us. Plus we look good while doing it.
TaschimaAllen: Are you working on any projects right now?
Kin4Life: Most definitely. We always have something in the works. We have a couple new music videos in the editing stages as we speak. One of them being the premiere single "It's Over" now which will be released later this year. The "Welcome to Planet Noriq" Mixtape series has been doing really well for us online. Make sure you pick up Volumes 1-3 currently available for free on www.KIN4LIFE.com. While working on a new album we are also writing and producing for other artists signed and unsigned so look out for some great things in the near future. We also have tons of film projects in the pipeline. Our single “Money Brings Trouble” is featured in the full length feature film “Changing the Game” which is currently making its film festival rounds. Also our music has been featured in several documentaries and new sitcom projects. KIN4LIFE is everywhere.
TaschimaAllen: When I look at Kin4LIfe, I see history being made. The very image of you both together is powerful to see and it reinforces the great things that women of color are doing. Does it feel that way for you?
Kin4Life: KIN4LIFE is a revolution all on its own. They way we think, speak, create, and act makes the world around us change. With an industry full of cowards who won't take chances we constantly must create our own opportunities. We are definitely making history with every move we make from being the first black female mcs in OUT magazine to being the first black
female hip hop duo on the MTV LOGO click list. We are the first for many things..trailblazers if you will.
TaschimaAllen: At any point in your career, have you received any mentoring or advice from any MCs who preceded KIN4LIFE? Who would you want to be your mentor if you could choose one?
NOR: We have definitely met a lot of artists out there who have given us advice along the way. I have had some impactful advice from the likes of LL Cool J to 9th Wonder to of course the great DJ Jazzy Jeff. I wouldn't quite call anyone a musical mentor to me besides my own mother. She was an artist back in the 90's and she definitely was the reason I even started rapping. My mom helped me write my first rhyme and that is the moment I never looked back. If I had to choose an artist to mentor me currently I would definitely seek out Missy Elliot or P.Diddy. They both have been successful from being different and innovative.
IQ: LL Cool J definitely left an impression on me; having met him several times in my career he always treated us with respect and never made me feel like I was bothering him. That means something to me because we have also been ignored or treated rudely by other “celebrities” we have come into contact with. In terms of true mentoring I would say our manager Melody Forrester has had the greatest impact on me. From our meeting at a Russell Simmons event, she took the time to listen. She took the time to give us that first call back and to really believe and invest in our talent. If I had a choice of a mentor currently it would be P. Diddy on the business end. My dream/fantasy mentor would be the late great Biggie Smalls.
TaschimaAllen: Your fan base is so diverse, ranging in fact, from children to adults. Do you ever worry that you might leave out a certain demographic or age group of people who feel your music when you write? How do you both cover all bases?
Kin4Life: Our fan base does definitely vary from all ages, races, colors, and creeds. By making music that is true to our lifestyles people gravitate to us naturally. Our versatility allows us to create different sounds and speak on different topics that are relatable to so many people. At the end of the day we make music that comes from an authentic and honest place. Authenticity makes our music universal. Struggle + Fun = The KIN4LIFE Sound.
TaschimaAllen: What impact do you hope to have on young women of color globally?
Kin4Life: We hope to show women of color that there are many representations of us in this world and not to be afraid to be loud and proud about who you are. There are no limits if you put your mind to it. Women of color have a place in this world, we can be engineers, producers, and writers in this game with no apologies for being who we are.
TaschimaAllen: How do you handle the impact you’ve made on LGBT youth and the responsibility that it carries?
Kin4Life: The impact we have made on the LGBT youth has been an integral part of our movement. We have shown them that no matter what adversity brings, keep fighting and keep pushing towards their dreams. I take great pride in being a role model to the LGBT youth and we are bearing the cross to make it ok for them to have chances in this world. Your sexuality should not be a determining factor in whether you do well in life or not. We are the voice of the LGBT community and we wear that badge with great honor.
TaschimaAllen: In recent years, the number of suicides by LGBT youth have increased. For some of those teens or youth who are bullied in school, who might be reading this in China and the United States, Brazil and the world over, what message would you like to send them?
Kin4Life: Suicide is never an option. We live in a world where people judge you for everything but we cannot fall to the negativity. Your life is more precious than you know and this world needs you here to stand and fight against the opposition. It may seem hard and like no one understands but there are so many people going through the same struggle. Bullies only try to make you feel terrible about yourself because they feel terrible about themselves. It's called projection. We have been harassed for being openly gay on so many occasions in my life but we choose to not let it affect who we are. We know our hearts and no one can take that from us. No one can make you feel less than because we are all here to serve a special purpose. We address the teen suicide issue in our song "Lone Ranger" which you can check out on www.kin4life.com.
TaschimaAllen: What’s your favorite song by KIN4LIFE and Why?
NOR: Wow we have so many songs it’s hard to choose just one. I would have to say "Make Up Girl" because of what it's done for us career wise and for the lgbtq community. The "Make Up Girl" video is still on MTV in several different countries and we released it years ago. Timeless classic! check it out in youtube or just google KIN4LIFE MAKE UP GIRL
IQ: I have to agree with Nor and say "Make Up Girl" is one of favorites as well for a similar reason. But to expand on the question I think I have to throw in our 2002 anthem "KIN4LIFE" as a favorite because that track renamed us. The track and album was so groundbreaking in building our fan base that the fans decided to call us KIN4LIFE. Just in case you didn’t know we were the hip hop duo KIN from about 1999-2003.
TaschimaAllen: What’s the greatest thing about picking up the microphone?
Kin4Life: The greatest thing about picking up a mic is the power that it has once you use it. With a mic I am able to spread messages to the masses on records and live shows. It’s the main tool of any performer; it’s like a basketball to Lebron James.
TaschimaAllen: Like many artists who start out, there are a lot of obstacles to get through. Inasmuch as we know that your acclaimed success signifies that you’ve already overcome many hurdles, what are some obstacles you still face today, socially or politically?
Kin4Life: So many industry people know who we are but won't touch us because we are openly gay. That is the biggest hurdle for us currently. It’s crazy to know that people are watching to see if we can make it on our own because they are too scared to take a chance on a 'OUT" duo. Knowing this, it just makes us work harder to prove to the world that you can be Black, Gay and Successful.
TaschimaAllen: The world has just lost a great icon. Can you tell us the impact that Whitney Houston had on your life as a young woman of color in the United States?
NOR: I was raised listening to Whitney Houston. When my mother would clean the house she would throw on a Whitney record and we would jam out. Being an 80's baby, Whitney told us we were the future! Very inspiring artist and my heart goes out to her young daughter Bobbi Kristina.
IQ: Whitney Houston was the reason for my first live performance. At 6 years old my mother made my sisters and I memorize Greatest Love of All and perform it for our family during Thanksgiving. I think that feeling of all eyes on me singing, I been addicted ever since. She is an icon and a legend, she is MORE than missed.
TaschimaAllen: What do you hope to see manifested in the media and in society in the near future?
Kin4Life: We would like to see more positive representations of black women in the media, period. With so many reality shows out there a lot of young women can only look to shows like the Bad Girls Club and Basketball Wives; shows that depict jealous black women fighting and scratching each other’s eyes out over nonsense. We would also like to see more openly gay black people being highlighted for their accomplishments as well as being covered in gay press which unfortunately, is primarily geared towards our Caucasian brothers and sisters.
- Beijing Tourism visitbeijing.com.cn
KIN4LIFE's Hit Single and Music Video "Make Up Girl" has made it to MTV UK.
- MTVUK.com
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America (Free-Press-Release.com) June 9, 2011 --
Hip hop/R&B supergroup KIN4LIFE will shoot their highly anticipated new video on June 17-19 at MBN Studios in Philadelphia. The video is the group’s second official music video and follows the unpredicted commercial success of their first video for the hit single “Make Up Girl”, which held a spot on MTV Logo’s Click List Countdown for eleven consecutive weeks, and was nominated for The Click List's Top 10 Videos of 2009. The video was also honored as Best Music Video of 2008 by the Afterellen.com Visibility Awards. Dorian G. Stone, director of the “Make Up Girl” video, returns to helm the new project, in collaboration with Director of Photography Mike Hechanova of UrbanMouse Productions, an independent film and video services boutique based in New York City. The project will utilize the revolutionary RED ONE digital cinema technology. Vince Wright, of Wright Films, will document the production, with R.Brian Chacon of RBC Production Management handling set design.
As the founders of independent label Noriq Records, Nor and IQ of KIN4LIFE have consistently grown a cult-like following during a time when female rappers have struggled to maintain prominence in hip hop. Under the Noriq Records imprint, the group has released the album”KIN4LIFE Volume I” and the EPs “Rock Star” and “I Love KIN4LIFE”. The yet to be announced single chosen for the new video is slated as one of the tracks for the upcoming KIN4LIFE album due this fall. KIN4LIFE’s recent performance schedule includes headlining the GO Magazine New York Nightlife Awards show; Pride celebrations in Philadelphia, Toronto, Washington, D.C. and other cities; and Inferno Dominican Republic on Labor Day weekend 2011 (with recording artists Marsha Ambrosius and Kelly Price). Last year wrapped with the OutHipHop.com 2010 Readers Poll choosing KIN4LIFE as Group of the Year. KIN4LIFE's film credits include the single “Money Brings Trouble”, chosen for the 2011 feature film “Changing The Game”, and anthem “Lone Ranger” which has been selected for two documentary soundtracks.
MBN Studios is a subsidiary of Media Bureau, Inc., producer of the Philadelphia Independent Film Festival. MBN Studios hosts the KIN4LIFE video event as a precursor to the festival’s opening on June 22nd. Media Bureau is a homegrown digital media agency with an 11, 000 square foot facility in Philadelphia’s Northern Liberties neighborhood; it houses 5 studios, an internet café, HD projection screening room and audio/video recording suite.
- Free-Press-Release.com
Here's some early ear candy prior to #MusicMonday: KIN4LIFE'S "Lone Ranger" has hit the net!
With over 1,100 downloads so far today, this is truly a must listen to track. With the vast amount of suicides happening nationwide in part to our LGBT youth being ridiculed and bullied by their peers because of their sexuality, "Lone Ranger" is among the many efforts put forth to bring this to an end.
KIN4LIFE got together with YouTube personalities, Studology101, and acoustic artist Neftunes to create "Lone Ranger" which with KIN4LIFE's soothing voices, sincere words as well as talented beat making skills [all music was created by them], Neftune's "Acoustic Gangsterism ", and Studology101's facts creates a song that surely needs to be in heavy rotation and on the airwaves!
- Co Co's Tea Party
PRLog (Press Release) - Oct 27, 2010 -
The unreleased single “Money Brings Trouble”, written and performed by Hip Hop/R&B supergroup KIN4LIFE, has been chosen for placement in the feature film “Changing The Game.” The song will also be featured on the film’s soundtrack.
“Changing The Game,” based on the screenplay by award-winning director Rel Dowdell, is the gripping story of two childhood friends from a gritty North Philadelphia neighborhood who choose divergent life paths but find themselves facing the same risks and, quite possibly, the same ending.
Darrell Barnes is a gifted student reared by his devoutly religious grandmother who wins a scholarship to Columbia University. Dre Newell is a street-wise hustler guided by the tactics of Niccolo Machiavelli who has put together a crew of teen-age drug dealers. Dre tries to introduce Darrell to his Machiavellian ways, giving him a dog-eared copy of the Italian philosopher’s book “The Prince.’’ But soon after “Dre” is blown up as he starts his car, leaving Darrell to ponder the lessons his friend hoped to impart.
Armed with an MBA from Columbia, Darrell is recruited by a leading investment house and becomes one of Wall Street’s most charismatic and powerful young players. But a corporate scandal, a corrupt ex-roommate, and a mysterious banker with a unique business service threaten to end his career and possibly his life.
On a trip home to Philadelphia, Darrell recalls the words of his late friend. Taking a page from Machiavelli, he conceives a plan to “evade one’s enemies and gain power” that triggers a climax as explosive as it is unexpected. The film is scheduled for a 2011 nationwide release and will be screened on the film festival circuit.
Yet again, Dowdell has assembled an enviable cast, including Tony Todd, Irma Hall, Kirk "Sticky Fingaz" Jones, Suzzanne Douglas and Sean Riggs. Among his other credits, Dowdell wrote and directed the number one African-American themed film in 2005 for Sony Pictures, “Train Ride” which grossed over $20 million in revenues.
“Money Brings Trouble” will also be featured on KIN4LIFE’s upcoming CD, also due for release next year. Under their imprint, KIN4LIFE has released two studio albums,”KIN4LIFE Volume I” and “I Love KIN4LIFE”, the EP “Rock Star” and the 2010 mixtape “Welcome To Planet Noriq”. Their video for the hit single “Make Up Girl” held a spot on the Click List Countdown on MTV’s Logo for 11 consecutive weeks, and was nominated for The Click List's Top 10 Videos of 2009. The group’s 2010 schedule includes headlining at: the GO Magazine New York Nightlife Awards show in April; appearances in Philadelphia, Toronto, Houston, Atlanta, Columbia, S.C. and other cities; and performing at Inferno Dominican Republic on Labor Day weekend.
KIN4LIFE admits their first love is emceeing but their production and songwriting skills also make them a hot commodity behind the scenes. Working with the hottest up and coming hip hop, R&B and pop acts, KIN4LIFE garners comparison to Missy Elliot and The Neptunes, which prompted them to form Noriq Records’ subsidiaries, Red Eye Productions and The KIN Factory (writing and production). KIN4LIFE showcased their talent as producers by winning the “King of the ATL” battle at the industry proving ground Producer’s Swap Meet in Atlanta in the fall of 2009.
For “Changing The Game” press inquiries, contact Philly First Entertainment at:
For more on KIN4LIFE, visit:
Official Website: www.kin4life.com
EPK: www.reverbnation.com/kin4life
MySpace: www.myspace.com/kin4life
YouTube: www.youtube.com/TIFFJONES820
Twitter: www.twitter.com/KIN4LIFE
UStream: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/kin4life-tv-tester
Press and Booking Inquiries: Melody Forrester, Esq.
Artists First, Inc.
(267) 252-1086
# # #
Artists First is a full sevice entertainment management and consulting company.
Managing recording artists, musicians, music producers, screenwriters, film and television producers, directors, videographers, spoken word artists and actors. - PRLog.com
“Real music makes us happy. We define real music as music that comes from the true heart and soul of a person, completely ignoring music industry perceptions of what's hot and what's not. KIN4LIFE's new single, "Queen Latifah", exemplifies just that. While lesser musical talent would have chosen to emulate icons that they could not relate to or make sense of, K4L chooses an '80's Baby' favorite and an example to business-women everywhere. The self-engineered Hip-Hop/ Street-Rock duo and owners of Noriq Records, go in on the various scams being run by the 'vultures' of this industry, the fame centered attitude of many of today's artists and how to handle your business like a true Queen Latifah,.. ”
- CCCollective Blogspot
PRLog (Press Release) - Aug 26, 2011 -
On September 1st through 5th, Hip Hop/R&B supergroup KIN4LIFE returns to Inferno Dominican Republic for the second consecutive year and will open for six-time Grammy nominee Marsha Ambrosius, who is enjoying commercial and critical success with her top-charting J Records debut “Late Nights & Early Mornings”. The artists will be featured at a September 3rd concert hosted by comedienne Tammy Peay.
As the founders of independent label Noriq Records, Nor and IQ of KIN4LIFE have consistently grown a following during a time when female rappers have struggled to maintain prominence in hip hop. Under the Noriq imprint, the group released the album “KIN4LIFE Volume I”, the EPs “Rock Star” and “I Love KIN4LIFE”, and the 2010 mixtape “Welcome to Planet Noriq”. Last year wrapped with OutHipHop.com Readers Poll choosing KIN4LIFE as Group of the Year. Film credits for KIN4LIFE songs include the single “Money Brings Trouble”, chosen for the 2011 feature film “Changing the Game”, and the anti-bullying anthem “Lone Ranger”, selected for two documentary soundtracks. KIN4LIFE is currently completing their new mixtape, “Welcome to Planet Noriq Vol. 2: KIN vs. KIN4LIFE”.They will release their highly anticipated full-length CD project later this year, featuring the single “It’s Over Now”. The music video for “It’s Over Now” was filmed in June using the revolutionary Sony RED ONE digital cinema technology.
Launched in 2008 by founder Will Williams, Inferno Dominican Republic is the premier LGBT international Labor Day event held at the beautiful Melia Caribe Tropical in Punta Cana--the all-inclusive resort boasts of world-class accommodations and amenities, 14 bars and 13 restaurants.
For more on KIN4LIFE visit:
For more on Marsha Ambrosius, visit
For more on Inferno Dominican Republic, visit:
# # #
Artists First is a full sevice entertainment management and consulting company.
Managing recording artists, musicians, music producers, screenwriters, film and television producers, directors, videographers, spoken word artists and actors. - PR.Log.com
The Southern Voice
Atlanta, GA
The sounds of Pride
Stage lineup offers diverse musical styles for everyone
Oct 30, 2009 | By: MATT SCHAFER and | COMMENTS | |
Over 200 musicians applied for fewer than 20 slots on Atlanta Pride’s two stages this year, resulting in an eclectic mix of straight and gay performers from Atlanta and across the country.
Organizers combed through applications to find performers who offered a diverse array of sounds and styles, from beat-boxing “American Idol” Blake Lewis to Nadirah Shakoor, the former lead singer of Arrested Development.
“Every year we have a process where we allow people from across the world to apply … then we have a pretty diverse panel,” Pride Events Manager J. Sheffield said.
Pride accepts applications online and then culls through the applications to find a lineup that is diverse and affordable.
“There’s some people who send us things that we love, but we absolutely can’t afford… Our entertainment is free, and while we would love to have Cyndi Lauper on stage, we are an un-ticketed festival, so there are some things we just can’t do,” Sheffield said.
The lineups at the Coce-Cola and Budweiser stages look different than they have in the past, and include more current and upcoming artists, exchanging headliners like Tiffany in 2008 for Blake Lewis in 2009.
“Blake Lewis is a kind of entertainer that we have not had before. Number one, most of our headliners have been female, and our community loves throwbacks,” Sheffield said. “We really haven’t had a headliner who’s as current as Blake, especially when you take into consideration that he wasn’t just on ‘American Idol,’ he was a finalist on ‘American Idol.’”
Lewis plays the Coca-Cola state Sunday at 5:50 p.m.
While Pride wants a diverse lineup, the committee doesn’t ask performers about their sexual orientation or gender identity.
“Obviously we want to support our gay artists, but we don’t ask on our applications if they’re gay, or trans or bi… we do have on our application a whole paragraph that says that this is a GLBT community event and we support people who support the community,” Sheffield said. “A lot of times artists will come out and tell us their orientation during the application process.”
This year’s festival includes a mix of Atlanta Pride veterans like Eric Himan and Josh Zuckerman. Also this year, queer rap duo God-Des and She and Kin4Life perform on the Coca-Cola Stage.
KIN4LIFE IS THE LESBIAN “street rock” duo Nor and I.Q. The New York artists who recently relocated to Atlanta impressed Atlanta Pride so much they won the first spot of the festival, cranking up the Coca-Cola stage at 1 p.m. on Saturday.
“It’s the first time they’ve submitted to apply to play at Pride, and not only did they get accepted, they’re on the main stage, and that never happens,” said Sheila Merritt, a vice president of Q&A Events, which books the events for Pride.
I.Q. said the band is called Kin4Life “because we’re like sisters. We’ve known each other our whole lives, we’re like sisters, not partners, like sisters.”
“Yes, like sisters,” Nor added. “She was the one who taught me how to drive actually.”
“I’d like to go on record saying she started calling me gay when we were in junior high and look who is gay also,” I.Q. said.
The hip hop duo has made a living playing Pride festivals throughout the country and were able to clear time for Atlanta Pride this year because it fell on Halloween, and outside of traditional Pride season. Since moving to Atlanta they’ve played a mix of straight and gay venues to solid reviews, from winning beat battles and performing at The Earl to playing in front of gay scenes like Mary’s and the queer arts and music fest MondoHomo.
“We love, love playing Prides,” I.Q. said. “Also what’s fun [is] when we sing our song ‘Makeup Girl,’ we pull a girl up on stage and we sing to her and we get the reaction like the big stars do, and people act like they’re going to faint. It’s great.”
Kin4Life has tried to create their own niche inside the larger hip hop genre, and promise to give the Pride crowds a good time.
“We call it street rock — it’s basically an infusion between hip hop, rock and bass… so it’s high energy stuff, funny stuff, we sing about our lives,” Nor said.
ALTHOUGH ERIC HIMAN HAS PLAYED ATLANTA Pride before, this year he is bringing an entirely new sound and a new band with him when he performs at 4:55 p.m. on Sunday.
“I am very excited to see Eric Himan with the band,” Sheffield said. “We have booked him several times over the past couple years, but this is the first time we’ve booked him with a band and we’re hearing great things about the band.”
Himan, sometimes called “the gay Johnny Cash,” has teamed up with brother-and-sister duo Jimmy Adams and Angel Adams to give his work a more rock sound as he starts to move away from the folk acoustic scene in which he’s established himself.
“Even though I played acoustic guitar I always assumed I was folk because folk is people playing acoustic instruments. But all the shows I would go to, people would tell me that I wasn’t folk, I was rock,” Himan told Southern Voice.
Himan counts among his influences bands like the Black Crowes and Cake, but never moved towards that sound because he considered himself more of a Bluegrass performer. While living in Tulsa, Okla., he met the Adams — Jimmy plays bass, Angel the drums — and the three started to forge a new, more rock-centric sound.
“Everyone seems to have a very, very strong reaction,” Himan said. “We’re still playing the songs I’ve been playing my entire career, but now they have full sound behind them.”
Himan’s set at Pride will include some of his staple hits, but also some new cuts from his recently recorded album that is set to drop in December.
“We played a few of them out in Tulsa where we live, and this will be the first time we’ve played them outside of Tulsa so it will be cool to see people’s reactions,” he said.
ANOTHER VETERAN OF ATLANTA PRIDE, openly gay singer/songwriter Josh Zuckerman, said he is debating whether to perform in costume to celebrate Halloween.
“I’m curious as to whether the other entertainers will be in costume a lot,” he said. “I think it would different if everyone knew who I was then I could do it, but I wouldn’t want that to be my first impression of me as an artist.”
Zuckerman will be appearing at Pride as a part of promoting his new album, “Got Love?” an endeavor that he says reflects his soul as an artist.
“My music is definitively eclectic; it’s a little bit of rock music, pop music. It’s like all these different musical styles all rolled up into one,” he said. “The message that I really sing about revolves around loving yourself.”
The title track of the album is a funky song love song that has been hanging out on the top-10 of Logo’s video countdown.
Zuckerman said he loves Prides, but won’t get to see much of Atlanta this trip, arriving the night before his 1:50 p.m. performance on the Coca-Cola stage on Saturday and leaving the same day.
Zuckerman is trying to make a push to increase his overall visibility in a bid to achieve crossover success.
“I’m trying to gain more fans, and trying to get my music on television or in movies, trying to get my music out there,” he said.
The Ticker
Baruch Rapper Tiffany "IQ" Jones Makes a Name for Herself
By Phillip Gong
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Share this article Published: Monday, May 12, 2003
Updated: Sunday, February 15, 2009
My first class of the spring semester began with my Chemistry 1000 class. Little did I know that there would be someone famous in my class and that this person would turn out to be my lab partner. I got to know her a little more on the second day of class and found out that she was a rapper. She then proceeded to tell me that she was the CEO of a record label, Noriq Records. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, so she told me to check out her website at KIN4LIFE.com to verify what she was saying. So when I went home and checked the site, I was amazed to find out she was actually telling me the truth. I just made friends with a CEO! From that day forward, I have learned a lot more about Tiffany “IQ” Jones since. I’m going to tell you more about IQ’s journey as a performer.
IQ has always felt the beats and the rhymes of rap music. She wrote poetry during all four of her years in high school, and eventually gave beats to her verses. In high school, she was one of the smartest kids in her school and that’s where her rap name came from: all the kids called her IQ because of her smarts. Despite running a record label, this Baruch senior majoring in Music Management Enterprises has still managed to maintain a 3.4 GPA. She has found time for her classes by studying in between classes during her breaks and while she is riding on the train to school from her hometown in Mount Vernon. “I’m surviving,” she says. The rest of each of her days is dedicated to Noriq Records which includes engineering, producing, managing and maintaining the label’s website, KIN4LIFE.COM.
IQ and her rap partner Nor, who is also from Mount Vernon formed the rap duo known as Kin. Kin was formed in early 1999 and has been gaining popularity ever since. Kin has performed at various colleges including all the CUNY colleges and NYU. Jimmy’s Uptown and Club Downtime have shown Kin much love as well. Kin’s performances have not been limited to New York either. They have gone down to Virginia and Philadelphia to do live shows and promo tours. In addition, the Philly radio station 103.9 and KCLA in Los Angeles have given Kin some airplay too. What is most impressive about Kin’s accomplishments is its continual growth overseas. European countries like France, Germany and the Netherlands all play KIN4LIFE, Kin’s current single, on the radio. Yet, the country that loves Kin the most is Croatia; Croatian Radio gives Kin the best airtime and plays Kin’s songs at least once a day.
IQ's record label, Noriq Records was incorporated on June 5, 2002. As the CEO of Noriq Records, IQ has recruited some raw and undeveloped rappers from the streets. IQ has also brought a few R&B and Gospel singers into her label. The roster at Noriq Records is not big, but the quality of talent is. IQ only recruits those who have both the talent and the drive to perform. IQ looks for performers who give “110 percent” and have “the same drive as we [Kin] did.” Part of the talented Noriq family is R&B singer Kacie who has an astonishing voice. Another developing talent is a bright, upcoming 10 year-old rapper known as Kas Littles. Noriq Records continues to grow in size, and the label will only get better. Their popularity spreads each day when members of the Noriq street team spread the word to others about Kin.
The latest news involving Kin is the release of their street single, KIN4LIFE. Their hot new street single can be purchased through their website at KIN4LIFE.COM. They will also be featured in the new magazine Rap Illustrated. The first Kin album is expected to drop in stores sometime in July. If you like rap, you will like Kin. If you don’t believe that their rap is good you can go check out the website where samples of Nor and Iq’s songs can be heard. In a few years, Baruch student Tiffany “IQ” Jones and her friend Nor will make it big in the rap game. Keep an eye out for them.
KIN4LIFE 2008 Year in Review
2008 started off with a bang for KIN4LIFE....January was filled with several first that set the tone for the new year.
January saw KIN4LIFE featured in Emmy Award Winning PBS Series "In The Life” KIN4LIFE would like to thank director Rick Mordecon who was an integral part in putting together our episode.
January also saw main stream hip hop pay attention to the KIN4LIFE movement with one of AllHipHop.Com’s most controversial articles to date...”Black Lesbians Rock” A title that at first sat with us funny until we realized that an entire article about Black Lesbians Rock should be about KIN4LIFE. It was one of the most commented articles on Allhiphop.com for a signed or unsigned artists. We started dialogue sometimes ignored in that African American community and for that we are proud and that we are grateful to Tanisha Alston for having the guts to write about your girls in such a positive light.
February also saw KIN4LIFE featured in the groundbreaking documentary “black.womyn.conversations” by Director Tiona M. The film is still being showed nationwide so make sure you catch it when it comes to your area or visit the official youtube page at http://www.youtube.com/tionanm
March KIN4LIFE linked up with GONYC Magazine to tear down Public Assembly NYC for their annual Breast Cancer Awareness Benefit. Shout out to GONYC Magazine who has supported KIN4LIFE for years!
We also took our band on the road for the first time when we rocked Fran’s Place Unplugged. We gotta show love to our band some of the most talented group of musicians we have ever met. Thank you Scotty, Santos, and Tony for bringing our production to life with our live show! Extra Special thanks to SheSoFocuzed Entertainment for making that show happen after a couple beantown promoters tried to block our original show! You can not stop KIN4LIFE!!!
In May, KIN4LIFE recorded their groundbreaking video “Make Up Girl” (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTG-g18xgmc) under the amazing direction of Dorian G. Stone and the hardest working cast and crew ever. The video was shot in the most rewarding 39 hours of our lives. 2 Days of non stop work and dedication by everyone led to the video that has our storming into 2009 and taking no prisoners.
May we also headlined MondoHomo2 for the second year and this time we brought our band out! Shout out to Ria and KiKi that help make that concert happen every year.
One of the highlights of June for KIN4LIFE was our performance at Portland Oregon Black Pride. Not because it was the best show ever but led to the best and longest KIN4LIFE Travel Terrors to date!!! You can check out all of our Travel Terrors by visiting our YOUTUBE Channel at WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/TIFFJONES820
We also premiered our video during NYC Pride with Hot Nickel Entertainment. Thanks for making that premiere a success and shout out to Evon by way of the UK for opening up for your girls. Check her out.
July we got back in the studio to continue to craft our forthcoming album KIN4LIFE Vol. 2: I Love KIN4LIFE. Album coming soon!
- Noriq Records
Firewerk (2017 Full Album)
Never Meant to Hurt You (Single and Music Video)
Money Brings Trouble (Full Album)
Its Over Now (Single and Music Video)
Welcome To Planet Noriq Vol.2: KIN vs. KIN4LIFE (Mixtape)
Welcome To Planet Noriq (Mixtape)
Make Up Girl (Single and Music Video)
Rock Star (EP)
Best Of KIN Freestlyes Vol. 1 (Mixtape)
KIN4LIFE Volume 1 (LP)

Mount Vernon, NY natives Nor and IQ became KIN4LIFE in 2000 and since that time they have been at the forefront of female MCs and businesswomen in music. KIN4LIFE released two other studio albums previously—“I Love KIN4LIFE” (2009) and “Money Brings Trouble” (2013). Discussing the inspiration behind the new album “Firewerk” (2017), IQ explains “This album is about love and life. I invite you to experience the love that has shaped my life and challenge you to recognize that the way I love is no different from the way you love.” Nor notes how “Firewerk” differs from the other projects they’ve released. “This is the first album of our career where we worked with other producers. This record is a culmination of everything we've done musically up to this point.”
In 2017, hip hop super duo KIN4LIFE released their new album “Firewerk” on independent record label Artists First Records (Ropeadope). A brilliantly woven mix of hip hop and R&B offerings, the project features production from Los Angeles based producer Parker Lewiz, Atlanta production house Marsie Music, legendary New York producer DJ Mary Mac and in-house crew The KIN Factory. Other collaborators include musician prodigy Tosh the Drummer, NBC’s “The Voice” season four contestant Karina Iglesias and New Orleans rapper Look Alive.
“We are proud to share the immense talent and versatility of KIN4LIFE as they represent the very best of the female rap game and beyond Hip Hop, the strong legacy of female game-changers in the music industry” says Melody Forrester, Artists First Records owner. “They do it all, performing, writing, producing, engineering, directing and shooting visual content—they are the full package.”
MANAGEMENT: Melody Forrester, Esq. | Artists First, Inc. | mforrester@artists1st.net | (267) 252-0186
Band Members