Boise, Idaho, United States | SELF
After All This Time (Low-Fi)
With their sophomore album, After All This Time, Boise band Low-Fi pierces to the indie rock heart of Idaho’s venison topography. Band members Todd Sloan (guitar, vocals), Josh Gilmore (bass), and Kevin Alspach (drums) wear their homeland proudly, from the cover album homage to the location love songs (the wistful “So Far Away,” and the energetic, anthemic and appropriately titled, “Idaho”); this is Idaho Indie, and it’s worth the drive.
Classifying this species isn’t so easy: certainly a Northwest prog-pop sound, a bit Minus the Bear, but where the bear stuck around. Gone is the overcast, coffee simmered survival mechanistic humor; this is a sound not of salty skyscrapers but of a land left wilder, the sound of a handful of speeding cars on I-84 at midnight. There is a definite Jimmy Eat World pop-punk mentality, with some hints of a lighter Tool (particularly the echoing syncopation of “Hey I” and “Into the Sun”) and less erratic Modest Mouse. This is Idaho Indie, and it’s worth the drive.
And drive is exactly what Low-Fi does. The album is energetic, full of swirling guitars and catchy melodies, and the undeniable sensation that these three love where they are and what they do. And that’s the real beauty. That’s what ties this album together. That’s what’s worth it.
Low-Fi will be at the High Dive on May 19, 2012.
Andy Gaines
Published: February 2 2012
- Andy Gaines
Low-Fi ‘After All This Time’ Review
By C.W. Ross
When I think about Idaho the first thing that comes to mind is the Boise State Broncos who have managed to become a major player on the college football scene. But after hearing the music of the band Low-Fi I think that has changed for me.
The band who calls the Boise, Idaho area home is comprised of founding members, Todd Sloan (guitars & vocals) and Josh Gilmore (bass) who split from the Seattle based band Spyplane in 2006 and moved back to Boise to form Low-Fi. The band added a drummer in 2007 and self released their debut, ‘Where You Are.’ Fast forward to 2010 and a drummer change (Kevin Alspach) and the recording of their sophomore effort, ‘After All This Time’, that was released in July 2011.
Things get started on ‘After All This Time’ with one of my favorite tracks from the release, “Last Transmission,” an up tempo track featuring some lively guitar work including a nice solo. I also like Todd Sloan’s vocals that fit seamlessly with the rock vibe of the song.
I also enjoyed the fact that the band’s music isn’t one note. Tracks like the alt. rock edged, “Idaho”, offers up a shout out to the band’s home state and other favorite places (Indiana, Louisiana, NYC) and the track, “Hey I”, with its sharp edged beats.
Review Takeaway: I like the ratio of music to vocals that Low-Fi achieves in the songs that make up their latest release, ‘After All This Time,’ with instrumental intros that draw you into the song along with vocals that takeover and keep your attention. - By C.W. Ross - November 27, 2011
Artist: Low-Fi
EP: After All This Time
Label: Independent Artist
Website: http://www.lowfirocks.com
Genre: Rock, Progressive Rock,
Sounds Like: Weezer, Go Go Dolls, John Mayer
Technical Grade: 8/10
Production/Musicianship Grade: 8/10
Commercial Value: 7/10
Overall Talent Level: 8/10
Songwriting Skills: 8/10
Performance Skill: 8/10
Best Songs Dog Days, Idaho
Weakness: Winded songs, excessive intro & outros
Boise Idaho’s’ own “Low Fi” release their latest EP sampler entitled After all this Time in 2011. The group is made up of three members: Todd Sloan on guitar & vocals, Josh Gilmore on bass and Kevin Alspach on drums.
The EP kicks things off with “Last Transmission” a rocking intro piece that flows & ebbs its way through to emotional fruition with its driving rock rhythm, melodic rhythm guitar and hypnotic vocal vibe from Sloan. Track 2 “Dog Days” is an upbeat follow up piece that serves up synthetic rock groove against easy flowing guitar & hooky vocal melody. Track 3 “Idaho” shifts gears a bit with its methodical musical build eventually leading into a power ballad of sorts with lyrics and subject matter that is thought provoking and vocal that are heartfelt. The EP makes a solid first impression dishing out 3 impressive songs in a row. As the EP slowly unfolds I can hear many different musical textures reminiscent of such acts like John Mayer, Go Go Dolls, Weezer, and Modest Mouse. For the record Low Fi’s sound is extremely hard to pigeonhole. The music itself is an impressive blend of progressive rock & even has a progressive aftertaste that is extremely dynamic & melodic in nature. Sloan’s voice goes down smooth and is full of passion, reckless abandon and bold honesty. The musicianship from this band is top flight with impressive solo guitar work and a rhythm section that push the natural accents well. The songs themselves are extremely dynamic and highly melodic. Each song possessing a unique personality, flair and signature groove. From dynamic “Hey” to mesmerizing “Sparrow” this CD has something for just about everyone. The EP ends with “Into the Sun” the perfect finale statement for a CD of this caliber.
Many songs take too long to develop with their excessive intro & outros. Track 3 dragged me to the finish line and I didn’t care for the drum performance on that piece either. (snare drum segments). The cover art concept misses the mark for me as well.
Overall ”After All This Time” by “Lo Fi” is an entertaining musical teaser. It’s strong suit – the amazing amount of melody, originality and potential this band brings to the table. The production value is solid and I look forward to hearing the Full Length release real soon.
Cyrus Rhodes - www.indiemusicdigest.com 9-20-2011
If anyone is making a name for the Boise, ID scene, it’s the trio of Josh Gilmore, Todd Sloan and Kevin Alspach – otherwise known as Low-Fi. The Boise guys have had tunes on Showtime’s “The Big C” and The CW’s “One Tree Hill”, and were even named the “Sonicbids Unsigned Fuse TV On Demand Contest” winner in August 2010. And I have even more incentive to be into this Low-Fi sound; bass player Gilmore and I share the same first concert experience – The Beach Boys! Sure, we were both under the age of 10, but what a stage show!
The group was actually born out of another project – a band called Spyplane that broke up in 2005. Josh and Sloan stayed in contact after Spyplane disbanded, recruiting Alspach and thus pushing out a collection of lo-fi demos that would make up the band’s debut record, “Where You Are.”
Today, Low-Fi brings us their sophomore release, “After All This Time”. Gilmore says of the effort, “It's all over the place. We have developed a knack for letting a song become what it wants to become instead of trying to ultimately shape it into something.” Sloan continues, “If you pick up a copy of 'After All This Time’ you'll hear pop, americana, progressive rock with a little bit of psychedelic math rock sprinkled on top.” You can definitely catch the band live out west, but those over here on the east side can certainly sample “After All This Time” right now. Keep an eye out for the third record while you’re at it. Continue now for so much more in the answers to the XXQ’s.
XXQs: Low-Fi
PensEyeView.com (PEV): How would you describe your sound ?
PEV: You split from your old Seattle based band Spyplane and moved back to your home region of Boise, Idaho. Having traveled and lived in other places in your lives, growing up what kind of music where the members of the band into? Do you remember your first concert?
Josh: "I have always been into what's around me - Growing up - Country music - when I moved to Idaho in 91' - Grunge Music, Classic Rock - College Years- Indie, Funk. My first concert was The Beach Boys @ Padre Stadium in Sand Diego. I think I was about 8 or 9."
Todd: I grew up listening to top 40 music on the radio as a kid during the 80's. I never really got into the hair metal bands though. I was always more into bands like U2, The Police and Depeche Mode. I got into rap and metal briefly. Nirvana pretty much sent me down a different path after hearing Nevermind for the first time. I've always loved the music that comes out of the Pacific NW like Built To Spill, Modest Mouse, Elliot Smith's early band Heatmiser as well as lesser known bands like Pond and Hazel. I'm a little embarrassed to admit this but i think my first big concert may have been MC Hammer..
PEV: What was it like trying to break into the music scene when you first started out as a band? What was your first show like together as a band?
Josh: "Breaking into any scene has always been a battle. Trying to get in where there is already a core group of individuals in any city is tough, people that are already ingrained in a scene tend to keep things close to their belt - as I get older I understand this mentality. I feel I have worked hard for all of the contacts and relationships I have made over the years - It is hard to just turn over information on these things to just anyone. Perseverance and thick skin helps in that arena. First show as a band was well rehearsed and well received."
Todd: Supporting other bands and going out to shows that you are not performing at is a great way to break into any music scene. Most of the time your peers will be your crowd so support yourself by supporting them. We have played so many shows over the years I honestly don't recall the first.
PEV: What can fans expect from a live Low-Fi show?
Josh: "Over the years we have had some great constructive criticisms about our live performances. In the end if you are on stage and it doesn't look like you are having fun - well, people watching you are going to be let down. People want to be entertained and see performers let go of themselves onstage. We do our best to be energetic and captivating, with a (3) piece, each person in the band has to OWN the instrument - In our live shows our instruments have become an extension of ourselves - they are part of us and I feel this caries over to the people in the crowd watching us."
Todd: You can expect to hear solid original music performed with positive energy by seasoned musicians.
PEV: What is the first thing that comes to mind when you step on stage?
Josh: "I always tell myself 'You never know who will be out there watching the show tonight' so I try to play every show like it is being watched by top players in the industry. We have played Jackson Hole Wyoming, Grand Targhee, Bogus Basin, Sun Valley & Park City over the years. What I really enjoy about these kinds of experiences is that we get to perform for people from all over the globe that are vacationing in these hot spots. So only traveling 6 hours from home sometimes it feels like we just toured the country due to the wide variety of people in these places."
Todd: Self, I'm prepared so try to relax.
PEV: Redefining your band name from Spyplane, tell us the story behind the name of the band now, Low-Fi.
Todd: After Spyplane disbanded in 2005 I spent most of my time writing and recording 'lo-fi' demos that would later become our debut album 'Where You Are'. I knew I wanted to put together a simple power trio and thought the name 'low-fi' seemed like a good fit for the project. Josh and I reunited in Boise after I moved back home from Seattle in 2007. It just didn't make since to resurrect the name Spyplane with only 2 original members and I thought a fresh start deserved a new name.
PEV: What’s one thing we’d be surprised to hear about the members of Low-Fi?
Josh: "We are all self-employed individuals - I feel very blessed that we have been able to come as far as we have without any external help from a larger machine. We get to travel to places we wouldn't otherwise get to see - We do all this on weekend runs. We pride ourselves on being 'Weekend Warriors' because in the end we have to get back home and back to work so we can get our bills paid."
Todd: We are all self taught musicians.
PEV: What can fans expect from your sophomore release, “After All This Time”? Tell us more about this album.
Josh: "For me personally it's a milestone record as I share song writing credits on a large number of the tracks on this record. So I think it is a bit different stylistically, This new record though shares similarity to the old in that there is no one style of song. It's all over the place. We have developed a knack for letting a song become what it wants to become instead of trying to ultimately shape it into something. If it starts out as a pop song it will generally end up a pop song."
Todd: 'After All This Time' is really a collection of singles written over the course of the last 3 years. We never limit ourselves to one sound, instead we go in whatever direction a new song takes us. If you pick up a copy of 'After All this time you'll hear pop, Americana, progressive rock with a little bit of psychedelic math rock sprinkled on top.
PEV: What is the feeling you get after a song is complete and you can sit back and listen to it being played the way you envisioned?
Josh: "I get a feeling of Accomplishment - It feels real nice to work on something, watch it come together and become finalized, it's one of the most creative outlets I have found in life."
Todd: Pure satisfaction!
PEV: With all your traveling is there one area you wish you could travel around and play that you have not yet?
Josh: "I personally would really like to get over to the East coast and travel - It seems like once there a band could play for ages since everything is so close. Europe has always been on the list as well."
Todd: I agree with Josh. The East coast would be wonderful with all of those cities and dense population. Living in Boise(the most remote urban area in the United States) we have to travel at least 6-8hrs to the next major city. I would love to tour Europe and Japan as well.
PEV: What can we find each of you doing in your spare time, aside from playing/writing music?
Josh: "I love to fish - hike with my wife and dogs. We are very fortunate to live in an area where everything outdoors is right in the back yard. I enjoy Snowboarding, going out and seeing live music and trying to get as much out of life as possible. It's not easy but I try to enjoy every day the Sun rises."
Todd: Ha! I run my own business and tour, what is free time? Seriously though, I am into snowboarding and catching concerts when I can.
PEV: Name one present and past artist or group that would be your dream collaboration? Why?
Josh: As a bassman I would love to have worked with Loius Johnson - The thump master. A Current figure would be Flea or Les Claypool - For me an artist that has developed their own sound and OWNS it with their instrument has always given me goosebumps - I would love to have a sit down with any of these fellas and try to absorb their greatness."
Todd: Wilco is my choice for present and past because they've been around for a long time and they continue to reinvent themselves with each new record. I love Jeff Tweedy's style and it would be a dream come true to work with him.
PEV: Is there an up and coming band or artist you think we should all be looking out for now?
Josh: "There is some great local and regional talent I really enjoy. From the Boise area some of my favorites include: Matt Hopper & The Roman Candles, Thomas Paul, Atomic Mamma & New Transit. There is a great band out of Salt Lake City Utah that is getting ready to release their first full length record - Desert Noises - I think they will go far in the industry if they can keep it going."
Todd: I would say to music fans keep an eye on Boise, ID!
PEV: If you weren’t playing music now what do you think each of you would be your career?
Josh: "I think the universe pulls & pushes one towards what they are meant to be - you just have to be able to pick up the signs and go with it - I have always tried to make things happen whether it's bringing in new clients in my Hardwood Flooring Business or trying to progress my music career - I don't want to be on my death bed and be wondering 'What if I had only made that phone call, or written that letter or introduced myself to anyone individual.' I have heard many a person in my life say 'It's all about who you know' which is truth - You can be the best at any one thing but if no one knows it or you don't try to make people aware of you, you'll be the best thing no one has ever heard of."
Todd: I'm not really sure but I would hope that I would be doing something creative.
PEV: So, what is next for Low-Fi?
Josh: "World Domination! As a band we are looking forward to what may come with the release of this new record. We are already in the planing stages for our next record - Currently thinking about another release in Spring 2012."
Todd: More shows in more cities and working on album number 3. - www.penseyeview.com
It only takes a few listens into each of the six tracks on ‘After’ for listeners to realize Low-Fi represents all that’s good about Indie rock.
Remember the line from Jerry Maguire – ‘you had me at hello’? Well, take a deep breathe music fans because every now and then a band puts together a package that is just to sweet to keep to oneself Of course, this is thinking like a fan that does not want their favorite band to really make it big in the event said band becomes sell outs.
Cat Is Out Of The Bag
The cat is out of the bag on this one folks, Indie rockers, Low-Fi have been seeping into TV watchers ears on shows like The Big C and One Tree Hill. But, for those of us that occasionally dwell under large rocks, the first time listening to Low-Fi is like getting an injection of some badly needed killer music. And, believe it or not, Low-Fi hails from Boise, Idaho.
The first track, “Last Transmission” teases the reader like they are going to be hearing something more Tokyo Police Club, or something even electro-rock with the bare with this writer, transmission-sounding introduction. Soon the listener is caressed into this nearly Wilco-sounding piece. The words are clear; the orchestration is timid but intensely sophisticated. It is awesome – like Rilo Kiley and The Foo Fighters decided to go for a coffee on a Sunday morning.
That chill flavor mixed with a rambunctious taste carries into the second track “Dog Days,” a song that truly does not get old after a handful of listens. The tracks “Idaho” (track three), “Hey I” (track four) and “Night Sparrow” (track five) neither drown the listener into a showcase of over-the-top solos or inexplicable lyrics, but rather a solid result of three guys that got together to form and band and make music for masses of people to enjoy. They have this western-charged ability (think Neil Young) to create a unique sound.
Read This Next
Track six, “Into the Sun” is an interesting choice to call it a day for After All This Time. It is a song that jumps out of the gate strong and grips the listener on each note. For a final track, it really slams the listener into this kicking wall of sound.
Overall CD Review is A+
In the event that as a reader you have not been reading any of the previous paragraphs and scrolled to this last paragraph, the accolades continue for Low-Fi and their impressive CD, After All This Time, cannot be enough. After All This Time gets a solid A+. Fans of Wilco, The Postal Service, Death Cab for Cutie, Hawthorne Heights and even Neil Young will dig this band.
-Melissa Kucirek - Suite101.com - September 11, 2011
Low Fi – After All This Time (CD) / 2011 Self / 6 Tracks /
“Last Transmission” is the first track on “After All This Time”, and it immediately provides listeners with the perfect blend of emo, rock, and punk music. The nearest thing that I can link Low Fi to is the pre-Metal Blade Goo Goo Dolls. There is a fury and passion that is present with each of the cuts on this EP that will permanently imprint the band onto the minds and hearts of all listeners. “Dog Days” has a little bit more of a crunchy feel to it, but the dynamic that is immediately created between the drums and guitar catches on immediately. The addition of different styles and sounds to Low Fi’s repertoire during each cut on this EP give the band tremendous latitude in overall sound.
What comes forth as the uniting element here is the quality of composition and arrangement of the tracks, all which provide a listener with a great appreciation and expectation for the band’s later recordings. “Idaho” is a defining track for Low Fi, as it works well to provide listeners with the road-weary lifestyle lived by all musicians.
The track gives listeners an eminently singable chorus while establishing a dense linking of sounds, styles, and influences to their arrangements. “Into the Sun” impresses immediately through a Metallica-esque guitar and is weaved through the subtle interplay of the different elements of the band. . The call and response arrangements to the aforementioned guitar is the narrative “Hey I” begins with a sun-baked guitar riff and brooding sound that is continued through heartbeat-like drums and an overall ropy flavor; the instrumental intensity of bands like Queens of the Stone Age and Tool are present here. Whenever you get the chance, pick up a copy of “After All This Time” and check the band out whenever they come to your neck of the woods.
Top Tracks: Last Transmission, Hey I
Rating: 8.3/10 - Published by James McQuiston - Edtor
Get ready for Boise, Idaho’s own Low-Fi as they come out with their second release ‘After All This Time’. This band calls themselves Low-Fi but they play with a hi-fi sound that will excite your senses all the way! The group is made up of three members: Todd Sloan on guitar & vocals, Josh Gilmore on bass and Kevin Alspach on drums. I’ve always been impressed when just a trio of band-mates can produce such a BIG & POWER-PUNCH-OF-A-SOUND and Low-Fi definitely achieve this. One of the best rock trios of all time and one of my favorite bands The Police undoubtedly set the standard for BIG ‘n’ RICH-sounding three-piece bands. And now Low-Fi is following suit with an album that will get much attention in that department.
Besides playing over 250 shows all over the Pacific Northwest Low-Fi also had a song featured on Showtimes’s “The Big C” and the CW’s “One Tree Hill”. In just four short years Low-Fi has accomplished so much and they seem to be all over the place! The crazy part is that it’s just begun for these musicians and so the future looks very promising for Sloan & company.
I received this digital promo copy of ‘After All This Time’ with just six tracks. The recording starts up with a very catchy pop/rock number “Last Transmission” with some impressive guitar playing. I have to say that this is Indie rock at its finest because the album has that lively, raw feeling where you can’t help but get hooked right away. The middle installment “Idaho” is by far my favorite song because it has a wonderful feel overall and it’s full of substance. Plus, the harmony & melody on “Idaho” is so damn good where I found myself singing along at times. What I loved most about Low-Fi and this promotional record is the fact that you sense the joy & excitement that Todd, Josh & Kevin all have playing together as a band. These guys are for real because they’re just playin’ cool, rock-’em-sock-’em music and they’re havin’ a blast the whole way through. Low-Fi and their second effort are proving to us all what it’s all supposed to be about—FUN! I would have gave this digital copy a perfect five but I felt shorted by not having the entire album in front of me because I’m sure I missed out on a lot of special gems. So…I can’t wait to hear ‘After All This Time’ in full without any interruptions!
By Jimmy Rae (jrae@skopemag.com) - Skope Magazine
Since coming on the scene in 2007, Low-fi has been one of those bands that doesn't quite fit. Their indie-ish, rock-laden, Americana-tinged, almost-pop sound makes it tough to decide what category to put them in, and their new sophomore release, After All This Time, doesn't help one damn bit.
Overall, Low-fi's power-trio sound is still evident but tracks are a little more hook heavy this time. While there are traditional themes in tracks like "Lonely" and "Dog Days"--heartbreak, loneliness and second chances--After All This Time includes songs about something bigger. In "So Far Away," frontman Todd Sloan sings about biking in the mountains, floating the Payette River and other geographical delights: "From the slopes of the Rocky Mountains to the desert below / I find myself in Boise, Idaho." After All This Time is, in part, a love letter to the band's home and with it, Low-fi hits a high note.
With Muffalo, 57 Heavy, Actual Depiction, Antique Scream. 8 p.m., $6. Knitting Factory, 416 S. Ninth St., bo.knittingfactory.com.
- Boise Weekly - Amy Adkins
‘Unlike many power trios, Low-Fi does not feel the need to beat your brains out. But standouts such as "War" — constructed around earnestly repeated lyrics and big, reverberating guitar melodies — exude a passion that's hard not to gravitate toward. Low-Fi understands dynamics and sonic nuance. On "Rabbit Hole," Sloan contemplates death while a guitar gently plucks notes that mimic his vocals. Low-Fi builds a pretty, dramatic instrumental crescendo during the first 90 seconds of "Goin' On" that finally explodes — blissfully — then dissipates like ripples in a lake as twin vocals take over.
Think of it this way: Low-Fi sounds like an original Boise rock band you can imagine seeing in a bar and wanting to pay attention to. This concept may seem foreign, but, yes, it is possible. "What do you want me to be? I'll be the thing that you need," Sloan repeats slyly at the end of plucky rocker "Second Best," sounding like a knight in shining armor. "Just try me." It's good advice.’ - Idaho Statesman - September 7, 2007
‘Their debut release, Where You Are, showcases the talents of the trio: guitarist/vocalist Todd Sloan, bassist Josh Gilmore and drummer Mike Rundle. The tracks on the CD alternate between pretty ("Getting to You") and gritty ("War), making the sum of the parts a raw and expressive whole.’ - Boise Weekly - September 19, 2007
‘Where You Are' doesn't sound exactly like anything else, yet it feels familiar at first listen. There are, however, seconds that make you stop and think "Wait, what song does this sound like?" Although it may share some notes with other artists, their songs still sound fresh. Listening to this album will have these tunes stuck in your head for days, but you won't be sorry. Low-Fi aren't trying to be a straight-up, pretentious rock band. They are what they are: indie, rock, country, alternative, 90's light rock. It's all there, and it all sounds great.’ - TheBoiseBeat.com - September 20, 2007
low-fi In store
Since releasing their debut album, Where Are You, earlier this year, Low-Fi has been getting rave reviews from BW's own Amy Atkins, as well as making appearances all over town. Their brand of Northwest indie-rock has them on the shelves at Tully's as the coffee shop's local guest artists, and Urban Outfitters will be hosting the band as part of their big-box approach to supporting the local community. Low-Fi takes the stage at 6:30 p.m. First Thursday to put on a free in-house performance at the clothing store. - Boise Weekly - January 2, 2008
7:00 - Low-Fi
Straight outa Boise, Idaho these boys were in the middle of traveling to support their recently release album “Where Are You” and it was great. Todd (guitar) and Josh (bass) played here in Seattle in a band called Spyplane for years before it disbanded and the two members transplanted to Idaho to start a new project. Todd is a seasoned player, writes great lyrics with revolving hooks that repeat like Bob Marley’s early works (structure wise only, they are not reggae). I even let them play extra (for reasons I’ll explain in the next paragraph) and they tore each song to shreds. If I had to give them any crit at all it was they left long akward silent pauses between songs that could have been filled by sweeping into the next number. I caught them later that night at Solo down on Roy in an acoustic set which was (in my opinion) even better than the electric, very intimate, very real. They play The Big Easy April 24th in Boise. - Author: C-Leb - Filed under Music, NW Show Critic April 21, 2008
Jangly mellow-guitar pop with smart lyrics. A brash boast for a band that only formed two years ago maybe, but in the case of this trio from Idaho, it is a case of doing exactly what it says on the packet. Indie music maybe a term that is not used as much as it once was, due to bands wishing to recreate a more retro sound of years gone by, but Where Are You, fills a huge void lacking in the new music scene. Think early REM with a hint of XTC with for a new generation complete with catchy lyrics and dynamic guitar riffs all of which leads you to believe you have heard it before somewhere before. It is the guitar sound which runs deep throughout which creates such a distinctive sound for a debut album. "Goin'On" is one of the stand-out tracks on the album with its powerful opening, drifting effortlessly into mighty fine solos on guitar courtesy of lead guitarist and vocalist Todd Sloan and nice work on the bass and drums by Mike Rundle and Josh Gilmour respectively. Sloan’s vocals were made for this kind of music and no better illustrated than on "1957", though it is difficult to pick highlights from such a complete piece of work. Indie, rock, pop, whatever you want to call it you won’t be disappointed. (MC) Hubbub UK - Hubbub UK
Low-Fi - Where You Are
2007, Low-Fi
Low-Fi is a Boise, Idaho based power trio with a unique sound. (Imagine REM with chutzpah). Where You Are is an exercise in nuance and subtlety, mixing jangly, mellow-guitar pop with smart lyrics and a keen sense of musical phrasing (there's a phrase you don't often hear in Indie Rock).
The energy is high throughout Where You Are, even on the slower songs. Highlights include War, 1957, and Where You Are. Where You Are is perhaps my favorite song on the album. Other tracks to check out are Goin' On, Overtime, and The Darkness. The tie that binds all of these tunes together is the tremendous sense of musicality of Low-Fi. Build in the expressive singing and asymmetric guitar work of Todd Sloan; the killer rhythm section of Josh Gilmore and Mike Rundle and some wonderfully written tunes, and you get a must-have CD.
Where You Are is the sort of album that helps a band build a following. It's not flashy or trashy or any of the other gimmicks that bands try, it's just great music.
Rating: 4.5 Stars (Out of 5) - http://wildysworld.blogspot.com
Low-Fi rocks you to the core and moves the soul with some down and dirty real life rock and roll baby! With nothing left on the table these cats give rock a zest that isn't often found in today's music industry...
Touching on various heartfelt topics that burn in all of us Low-Fi delivers what can only be called "real music". With tight and pleasingly melodic guitar chord riffs and well written song progressions, this 3 piece band delivers an epic musical punch of extreme proportions.
Memorable songwriting and catchy lyrics will have you humming along in no time. The song to song listen was an experience that I'm not often moved by but Low-Fi truly delivers the musical goods. Getting college radio rotation in Europe and Canada as well as some live performances on various American radio shows puts this band in a great position to keep the ball rolling and get their act on the North American wide touring scene.
Here's to seeing these cats live sometime in the future. If their music is any indication of their live performances, Low-Fi's live show must be one hellofa ride. Kudos gentlemen... Keep on rockin'.
-NME - by Catsask Music & Entertainment
2nd Self Released Album "After All This Time" July 19th, 2011
Self released album "Where You Are" September 2007.
In 2009 "War" was nominated for an Independant Music Award in the category of "Sing Out For Social Action". Though they did not win, this gained them some great national exposure.
In February 2010 "Where You Are" was played in it's entirety on the CW show "One Tree Hill." August 2010 "Where You Are" aired in Showtime's "The Big C"
"War", "1957", "Where You Are" have all been tracked on some commercial and many college radio stations domestically and in Europe & Canada.
"low-fi" has performed "live" on KEXP's "Audio Oasis", KUOI Moscow, ID, Portland's KPSU, Boise, ID's 100.3FM The X & 94.9FM the River and 90.3 FM NPR's "Music From Stanley Radio Show" Nov 15th 2008 & 2010.

low-fi is a three piece indie-rock band from Boise, ID that lives by the motto, “less is more.” The band formed in early 2007 and released their debut LP, ‘Where You Are’ to local critical acclaim in September of that same year. low-fi plays catchy tunes with smart lyrics that you’ll find yourself humming hours after hearing the band live or recorded. low-fi is Todd Sloan on guitar and vocals, Josh Gilmore on bass, and Kevin Alspach on drums.
Since their formation, low-fi has played over 250 shows around the Pacific Northwest. low-fi has received multiple accolades and air time including Sonicbids Unsigned Fuse TV On Demand contest winner in August 2010. , The song 'Where You Are' featured on Showtime's "The Big C" and The CW's "One Tree Hill", The song Overtime was featured on the Indie Revolution Radio on Show New York on April 11, 2010, In 2009 "War" was nominated for an Independent Music Award in the category of "Sing Out For Social Action". The music video's for "War" and "Where You Are" have been aired Nationally as well as in Canada. "War", "1957", "Where You Are" have all been tracked on some commercial and many college radio stations domestically and in Europe & Canada. Low-Fi has performed live on Portland's KPSU, Boise, ID's 100.3FM The X & 94.9FM the River and 90.3 FM NPR's "Music From Stanley Radio Show" Nov 15th 2008, they will again be featured this coming Spring 2011. Low-Fi has also played many outdoor music festivals in the NW over the last three years. Please refer to EPK for all dates - The band averages 50-60 live performances each year, having enough material to play 3-4 full sets as well as provide their own PA when necessary.They have played Taco Bell Arena, Qwest Arena, the Knitting Factory, The Egyptian Theater , Eagle Knoll Winery (Wood River Cellars), Neurolux, and the Visual Arts Collective in the Boise area. low-fi has played with The Whigs, The Helio Sequence, Portland Cello Project, Tao & The Get Down Stay Down, Free Peoples, The Young Dubliners, Doug Martsh, Wild Sweet Orange, Deer Tick, The Physics of Meaning, Finn Riggins, Yeah Great Fine, The Dont's, Shakey Hands, Tartufi, Horse Feathers, Joe Pug, Nick Jaina, Matt Hopper, Curtis Stigers, Steve Fulton Music . .. . The band also makes periodic trips to OR, WA, WY, UT, NV, CA & CO and played several outdoor festivals in 2008-2011including: The University District Street Fair 2008-2011 (Seattle, WA), Fremont Fair 2009-2010 (Seattle, WA), Music From Stanley 2008, 2010 (Stanley, ID), Music In The Mountains 2008,2009(South Fork Landing, ID), Summit Fest (Bogus Basin, ID) and Rock The Mountain (Centerville, ID), Mr Roger's Music Festival (La Grande), River of Fire Festival (Kennewick), Experience Music Festival (Eagle, ID). Some of the band’s influences are all around us.