Folsom, CA | Established. Jan 01, 2015 | SELF
Maddi Gruber (Madd) is 18 years old, from Chico California. Has been actively performing and recording since 2015. The genre best to describe her work is ‘rock’ but that is a blanket statement for her songs string from many genres such as punk, folk, new wave, blues, funk and grunge. Madd released her first album, Q.E.D., in December of 2016. On this 12 track album, she wrote every song, played every instrument accept drums (drums by Clay Hawkeswood) and produced it all herself. Spending her life savings to produce and distribute this album. Madd has been writing music since she was 8 but began writing seriously at age 14, that same year, starting to record demos in her room and taught herself the production software to produce music. By the next year she had a 3 piece band, Astro Turf, that was together for about a year playing all originals Madd wrote. Later, the songs were released under Madd as a solo artist on Q.E.D. with the drummer of Astro Turf, Clay Hawkeswood. Madd played the rest of the instruments. In 2017, Madd graduated high school in Chico Ca. and moved to Folsom, Ca. where she is currently working with other local musicians to create a solid band to tour with for the next album that is currently in production.
Band Members