Denver, CO | Established. Jan 01, 2014 | SELF
Montoneros, If You Think You're in the Wrong Place, You're Probably Here (Self-released)
Montoneros debut album, If You Think You're in the Wrong Place, You're Probably Here, is a wild ride through ten tracks of space-rock-tinged indie pop with an emo bent. The record showcases the dual personalities of frontman Gaston Leone, who was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, but raised in Denver. The spanish lyrics of "Como Yo" seem to capture Leone's longing for people who, roughly translated, feel just like him. Meanwhile, the ethereal groove and riffed-out bridge of that track convey a strange sense of wanderlust, which likely comes from having two very different homes. On a more universal level, this album is a must-listen for any confused twenty-something living in this uncertain world. -- Gassman - Westword Magazine
We’re pleased to bring you the exclusive stream of Montoneros‘ new track “Bikini Largo” (listen below).
Montoneros is fresh off a nomination for the Westword Music Awards as one of the best “Post-Punk” acts in Denver. The band has shared the stage with Seahaven, Comrades, Queen Kwong, Hearts Like Lions, and recently completed a successful seven-date spring tour that included a date at South By Southwest. Their debut album If You Think You’re In The Wrong Place, You’re Probably Here was released in November 2014.
Vocalist/guitarist Gastón Leone comments on the track:
"I’m originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina, so I enjoy writing in both English and Spanish. Personal subjects are easier to approach in Spanish since I know the majority of people won’t know what I’m saying. This particular song is about a fight over the phone with my ex-girlfriend that caused me to miss my exit on the highway.
Now, what do long bikinis have to do with this? Absolutely nothing. The title is a joke regarding the aforementioned reason as to why writing in Spanish is great – our drummer Brandon thought I was saying ‘Bikini Largo’ during the first chorus, and that just kind of stuck. Silly gringo…"
Montoneros’ next show is part of Denver’s Underground Music Showcase alongside STRFKR, Tennis, Milo Greene, DIIV, Brick + Mortar, and many more. Catch their set on Sunday, July 26th – 9pm at Moe’s BBQ.
The band will also play Richard Dreyfest in Billings, Montana on August 6th-8th, and downtown Denver’s Higher Ground Music Festival on August 22nd. - New Noise Magazine
Spanish melody, indie rock sensibilities, a fluid and extremely interesting instrumentation, and a compelling live performance. These are things that Montoneros have going for them very well, and these are the things that complete them as a band making music live.
I first saw Montoneros when I was traveling earlier this March with a band called Revivalist. I was conversing with Ian of the excellent powerviolence band Bone Rot. We were discussing music and what he enjoyed hearing before going on stage to get him in the mood for his band’s chaotic set when Montoneros came on. We both stood in a sort of quiet as we listened to this band melodically tear through song after song of winding, extremely pleasurable melodic rock music, with Ian commenting that this was great, especially as a build up to the hardcore later in the show. What made it even better was that the band gave out free CDs of their record “If You Think You’re in the Wrong Place, You’re Probably Here” to anyone who wanted one, letting everybody have a piece of the band’s music for free.
I took home one of their discs and popped it in to listen. The powerful melodies that are so evident on stage translate well into the recording, making the listening experience very pleasurable. The build of the songs is great, with the drums, two guitars, and bass working off of each other while at the same time constructing great riffage and musical syntax independently. Every track displays this, but really the examples of this are “Big Wet Garden, “Zapata,” and “U-571.” If You Think You're In The Wrong Place, You're Probably Here cover art
Lyrically the album makes for very interesting listening, especially where the differences in dialect are concerned. Like their name, a reference to a left-wing anti-fascist guerrilla group from Argentina, the band has many Spanish influences, with the actual usage of Espanol in their music an obvious indication as to where they pull from in terms of culture and musicality. “Como Yo” is almost entirely sung in Spanish, with the instrumentation being arranged in such a way as to allow the vocals to be illuminated in kind. This makes for an artistic depth not typically seen when it comes to punk/indie rock bands of today, indicating a very serious level of work and style evident in Montoneros’ repertoire.
These songs have a particular style of spunk and affluence in their sentiment, and the way in which they communicate their pleasure and meaning help to illuminate the musicality they represent (ex: “Jade”). Montoneros have really hit it outta the park here with “If You Think…”, making an album filled so much with interesting instrumentation and skill for songwriting that immediate enjoyment and excitement for this band’s progress are nearly guaranteed upon a single listen. In fact, I enjoyed the entire album too much to give a “Top Tracks” section, so I ask that you visit Montoneros’ Bandcamp and support this group.
Definitely purchase this record.
Get their jams on iTunes or Bandcamp. - Appetizer Radio
Something different this fine Friday. Denver math rockers Montoneros today release their new single, Bikini Largo, which you can hear below. Man, this song lifted me out of a pit of musical boredom. I get that way sometimes … everything starts to sound the same.
But math rock’s another critter. You can’t casually listen to a song like this. For starters, it’s sung in Spanish (LOVE IT), and its time signatures are too shifty to just bob along. Jazzy syncopation. Rhythm leads where it’s led. The song has a killer beach vibe, but the lyrics belie any sunshine.
hipocrita / hypocrite
eso gritaste / that’s what you screamed
que ansieda / this anxiety
segui de largo / i went too far …
This is an exciting time to catch on to Montoneros: Gastón Leone (voice, guitar), Logan Boyd (guitar), Brandon Brook (drums) and Jeremy Crawley (bass, voice). Last year’s debut album, “If You Think You’re In The Wrong Place, You’re Probably Here,” was voted one of year’s best by Westword Magazine.
I’m just getting into Montoneros’ music, but what I’ve heard so far is completely refreshing me as the doldrums of summer threaten to put me into a musical coma. This isn’t quite the right comparison to make, but the feeling is something like the first time I heard The Mars Volta. Totally intrigued, completely engaged.
Check out Montoneros at Denver’s Underground Music Showcase on Sunday, July 26th, 9 p.m., at Moe’s BBQ. Until then, if you’ve got 69 cents burning a hole in your pocket, buy Bikini Largo here and let your new jam begin. - Stubborn Sounds
Still working on that hot first release.

Currently at a loss for words...
Band Members