Sovereign Dame
Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States | SELF
Also on the horizon is the debut disc by Sovereign Dame, a female-fronted rock act led by Felicia Andrews. Essentially, she's got Baron Von Swagger as her backing band, but the dual guitars of Nick Arnhols and Bradley Thomas set back to balance against Andrews' vocals, giving it a slightly more soulful feel.
Granted, Andrews benefits from the punch and energy that the Baron Von Swagger guys provide, but so far, she's proven to be an able front-woman, able to swing between the power-rock vibe of Heart or Pat Benatar and an aggressive soul vibe, channeling a little Donna Summer or Gloria Gaynor with a rock attitude, depending on what the night and circumstances call for.
Andrews was originally aiming for a fall/winter release for this disc, but no date has been announced as of yet, as the final mix and mastering is being worked on. This one should come across the horizon shortly, however, as I know that the band was recently busy with a fresh photo shoot, so the wheels are obviously in motion, gearing up for a pending release. - Urban Tulsa Weekly
Also on the horizon is the debut disc by Sovereign Dame, a female-fronted rock act led by Felicia Andrews. Essentially, she's got Baron Von Swagger as her backing band, but the dual guitars of Nick Arnhols and Bradley Thomas set back to balance against Andrews' vocals, giving it a slightly more soulful feel.
Granted, Andrews benefits from the punch and energy that the Baron Von Swagger guys provide, but so far, she's proven to be an able front-woman, able to swing between the power-rock vibe of Heart or Pat Benatar and an aggressive soul vibe, channeling a little Donna Summer or Gloria Gaynor with a rock attitude, depending on what the night and circumstances call for.
Andrews was originally aiming for a fall/winter release for this disc, but no date has been announced as of yet, as the final mix and mastering is being worked on. This one should come across the horizon shortly, however, as I know that the band was recently busy with a fresh photo shoot, so the wheels are obviously in motion, gearing up for a pending release. - Urban Tulsa Weekly
EP ~ Highs And Lows
Web Release Only
Change This
Matty's Lullabye
Little Princess
Same Sad You
EP ~ For The Boys
Bottle Of Jack
Grapvine - Re-recorded and produced
Ain't Gonna Bring Me Down
Full Length Album Due out in November -
The Stories That You Tell
Love Is A Sad Song (Piano Intro)
Bottle Of Jack
Same Sad You
Best I've Ever Been
Little Princess
Hello Heartache
Not Going Anywhere
Silence Outro
Ain't Gonna Bring Me Down
The Saddest Happy Ending (Piano Outro)

Recently described as a breath of fresh air, this piano driven, female fronted rock band will keep you firmly on the edge of your seat, if you can sit still that is. Keep an eye out for them around Oklahoma and surrounding states...they are a force to be reckoned with.
Band Members