Steven Deeds
St. Louis, Missouri, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2008 | INDIE
Steven Deeds has
done something
very ambitious: not
content to write,
play, and record his
album as a stand-alone full-length album,
he’s also written a fully illustrated companion
picture book to tell the whole tale. But
then it’s an ambitious narrative, following
the life of a slave named Luge, who escapes
one kind of confinement for another — but
finds a whole other sort of freedom altogether.
The Cavern is meant to be experienced
in all of its pieces simultaneously,
with each of the eleven tracks corresponding
to a one-page chapter in the book, each
beautifully illustrated in watercolor by
Adam Baker and Keith Konya. The story is
both literal and metaphorical; Luge evades
his human captors, only to fall into a dark
cavern, still isolated from the outside world.
While the story and pictures are great,
it’s the music that is the real star here. The
songs are lush and gentle, with a strong
lyrical backbone that encompasses a
more expansive and abstract take on the
themes in the story. The music has a hint
of an Americana lilt, but with deep, layered
soundscapes. It’s not exactly Son Volt or
Pink Floyd, but resides in the space between
those two poles, maybe not so far from the
realms of Bon Iver and Andrew Bird.
Deed’s songwriting is excellent both
in form and function, which are equally
important in a project like this. It’s easy for
a songwriter and author to come across as
trite when tackling grand subjects like this,
but there is none of that here: the lyrics
are emotional and the vocals are especially
strong and pleading, perfectly evoking the
depth of the question at hand and the very
personal, yet absolutely universal quest to
answer it. - Hugh Scott - Eleven Magazine
Recently Steven Deeds had an album release show at the Demo, here in St. Louis, where he played “The Cavern” in it’s entirety. I was very anxious to see the live interpretation of the album since i really enjoyed the recorded version. I admittedly arrived a little late to the show. As i parked outside the demo i could hear the o’so familiar “my hands are slipping now, say a prayer for me” of The Fall. I rushed to pay the concert cost and walked in to see a crowd focused on the stage and the set. The set was great with a full live band backing of Mr. Deeds . The stage itself had props around the bottom and top to simulate a cavern and projected images to accompany the song.
As I watched the set i really enjoyed the strings that accompanied the music and they matched extremely well with Stevens melody and the mood he was directing towards the audience. Every song on the album has strong and raw emotion and they did their best to recreate that with the live show. There wasn’t much talking in between songs but that’s what makes it work. The talking that did happen was appreciation for everyone coming out and a few jokes made by Steven. Like i have said in my previous blog “The Cavern” really isn’t a regular album, it’s a story. I would say it is somewhat like a movie and i personally dislike it when people talk during movies, kind of gets you out of the mood. The really cool thing i noticed about the set is the band dressed the part. Their attire was similar to early 1900’s, late 1800’s attire and it really glued the theme of the performance together.
Everyone that walked in also received a flyer with the track listings, a little bit of info about the chapter/song, and a free Steven Deeds button (gotta love free merch). The crowd was quaint and very cozy and you could tell everyone really enjoyed the set and unlike most shows after every song was finished the audience kept their eyes to the stage in anticipation to the next chapter to be played.
I have never been to a show that orchestrated the theme of the live show, a book and an album so well. I hope Steven plays more shows some of you get to see “The Cavern” live. - Ribbit TV
When our photographer came to me with a friend of his by the name of Steven Deeds and told me that he was releasing new music and wanted me to review it I was like “Cool.” I mean i like finding new music. Especially unsigned music from my area. Later that day Steven sent me an email with the album. That email also obtained a link to a pdf file. I talked to Steven back and forth through email and text. He told me that the pdf was a book titled “The Cavern” also the name of his new album. Off the bat i was like “…hmmmm, this is different.” I mean its not to often you get sent a album and a book. Anyway Steven gave me the great advice to read the book before i really listen to the album.
I began to read the book and was amazed by not only the story it’s self but also the illustration that was included with it. The story “The Cavern” follows a slave in the south named Luge who longs for freedom. Luge attempts to follow his dream for freedom like his friend did months ago. After preparing for the escape Luge begins his journey for freedom. His journey takes a twist has he falls into a whole in the earth. In the cavern, alone and the in the dark, Luge meets a gruesome creature and the story follows Luge and this mysterious creature and Luge’s attempt not only to find freedom but to escape this cavern.
I wont ruin the whole story for you guys but what is amazing about this story is each chapter is accompanied by a song. The book follows a struggle that all of us can somewhat relate to. The album is an accumulation of folk, indie and blues tunes. Steven gels all of these genre’s with his soulful and intense lyrics. The empathy that the lyrics show with the narration of the book is artful. After reading the chapter “The Creature” and then listening to the song it gave me so much understanding and filled me with much more emotion because i knew the story of the creature in the story. Literature have always put readers in their own world and music captivates its audience. The Cavern, story and album, is good story telling and song-writing combined. Steven Deeds has created actual art with this collaboration and is something that has been attempted by other artists but not often achieved.
From songs like “The Fall” that compasses fear at the bottom of your heart and a plea for rescue to “The Harp” that portrays a longing for someone long lost, the album touches on the most sensitive human emotions. From start to finish the album is is a great listen. It’s lyrically impressive and the music is composed very well, including many different types of percussion and strings.
One last thing. One super lyric that i really dig in this album is “Didnt find God, but i found myself. Lost my mind but found my friend.” It’s in my favorite song on the album “Freedom”
So check out the album and the book both titled The Cavern and be sure to keep up with Mr. Deeds on Facebook. If you are in the St. Louis area come to his show on April 27th at the Demo.
http://stevendeedsmusic.com/blog - Ribbit TV
steven deeds has experience with sound. having been immersed in a variety of it for the better part of his existence, the 23-year-old independent artist from st. louis, missouri has made the most of his involvement, releasing a trio of eps and one full-length album, dreamer. the successes of each had enabled the folk singer to tour alongside several acts across the country, an adventure exposing him to myriad persons, places, ideas, and inspiration. throw in a few hardships along the way, and you’ve the recipe for an inevitable absence of artistry, accentuated by personal affairs and external endeavors of which he continues to be a part.
by utilizing a spirit similar to that within his optimistic music, steven refused to cave into the matter. instead, he brainstormed what has become his next project, and current focus, the cavern, which is slated for release in the spring of next year. the cavern is no ordinary album, however; it is not a sequel or a sellout or a smattering of wishful stardom; rather, it is the journey of a man, a slave entrapped by his own intellectual undoing. it’s an uncommon tale told in more ways than one—along with the musical piece will be a companion picture book, bringing the entire story to fruition. professionally illustrated and creatively crafted, the pages will provide clarity into the conscience of the project and its protagonist—affording the audience distinct angles with which to view the acoustic narrative. unfortunately, ambition is not as free as the mind of the main character.
while artistry offers an avenue for terrifying and terrific tales to be told, it is not without the efforts and expenses of the artist themselves that these stories blossom. to ensure the proper growth of the cavern, steven deeds is accepting a multitude of pledges, each incorporating gift(s) expressing gratitude. he hopes to be able to share this story with you all, and i kindly ask for your assistance in making that wish a reality. thank you. - Taylor Rummel
The Cavern - 2014Dreamer - 2011
Sincerely Yours - 2009

Steven Deeds' passion for music comes from his belief that storytelling has the power to offer the means to meaning; the purpose of all things.
“...a hint of an americana lilt, but with deep, layered soundscapes. It’s not exactly Son Volt or Pink Floyd, but resides in the space between those two poles, maybe not so far from the realms of Bon Iver and Andrew Bird” - Eleven Magazine
Storytelling, to Steven Deeds is a form of creation that is the root of his strong lyrical backbone that encompasses expansive and abstract takes on the themes in the music.
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