The FAMM (Forever.About.Making.Music)
Denver, Colorado, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2008 | SELF
Living life is the longest thing you’ll ever do …
The perpetual creators in Blurred Pictures and The Famm Crew — alongside The 3hree Project hip-hop collective — dropped another visual slice of musical dessert with its “I Got A Feeling” music video. Take notes, the crew is out to teach #RetirementGoals with this one.
Take a journey watching turnt-up grandpas living out the remainder of their years all whooped-up on cheap lager and chasing pretty girls — an all but perfect ending to a lengthy existence otherwise spent paying bills and brushing off rejection. *sad horn* - The Rooster
The Famm Crew out of Denver, Co was part of The 3hree Project. The Colorado movement that is rapidly taking the world’s attention off of the current sound scape of the industry and introducing a fresh new, yet classic perspective, where the goal is simple: Create timeless music. The “Who is who” of Colorado, ranging from soulful vocalists to gritty emcees, teamed over the last year. Out of the project The Famm Crew created the the wildly popular dance/funk track I Got A Feeling and recently released t the video as group memembers Trav, Johnny Chill and resident soul singer D’Angelo get into a little bit of trouble in the best of ways.
What Inspired You To Make This Song?
- Just wanted to do a fun track. A song that can be played anywhere and have the same effect, get everyone to party and dance.
Are You Working On Any New Projects?
- Yes
If Yes, Tell Us About The Project...
- New Famm Crew Ep Coming soon.
Who Are Your Musical Influences?
- Just about anything and everything. Our musical taste doesn’t have any boundaries.
Independent Or Major – What Are Your Goals?
- Definitely stay independent, unless a major is cutting the right check…….and it clears at the bank.
What Do You Think About Indie Speaks?
- We fuck with you guys heavy…….sorry for the cussing. But yea, we like using you guys to release our music. - Indie Speaks
It's Viral > New video from COs own The Famm Crew
Check out the new video from The 3hree Project ft The Famm Crew's "I Got A Feeling" Dope concept! Follow them on Twitter at: @TheFAMM - KS 107.5 Radio
The lineup for Colorado Music Party was recently announced, detailing bands playing at the 5-day, 5-night event in conjunction with the well-known Austin, Texas music and film festival South by Southwest (SXSW).
The Colorado Music Party will take place from March 17 to March 21 at The 512 — a music venue on Austin's 6th Street — and feature live performances from Colorado-based bands like The Yawpers and SPELLS and others with Colorado industry connections, like Residual Kid and Sister Sparrow and The Dirty Birds.
The five-day event is presented by Colorado Creative Industries, the Colorado Tourism Office and SpokesBUZZ, a Fort Collins-based nonprofit aimed at increasing the visibility of our local music scene.
"The Colorado Music Party gives us an unparalleled opportunity to show off the incredible musical talent found across the state — especially this year, with five days and nights of highly visible performances," SpokesBUZZ Director Dani Grant said in a news release. "But what it also allows us to showcase is the experienced, well-connected creative professionals that represent the Colorado music industry. Our partners include venues, management and marketing agencies, festival organizers, event producers and other industry experts that support national and international talent."
Other bands playing at the Colorado Music Party are:
3Two, Albny, Altas, AMZY, Andy Sydow, Aspen Hourglass, Babah Fly, Ben Marshal, Better Than Bacon, Birch Street, Blake Brown & The American Dust Choir, Bonnie and the Beard, Branded Bandits, Brett Jarnagin, Bud Bronson & The Good Timers, Calder's Revolvers, Candy Claws - Sound of Ceres, Caramel Carmela, Carson Block, Chris Dismuke, Cobary Jam, Cold River City, Cōvergeist, CRL CRRLL, Dave Arcari, David Michael Boyd, Dirty Few, Disguise the Silence, DOUBLEWIDE, Dragondeer, Edison, Eldren, Elise Wunder, Facing West, From Thin Air, Grim&Darling, High Five Hip Hop, In The Whale, Inner Oceans, Indigenous Robot, iZCALLi, Jack+Jill, Jilly.fm, JiM ChieF, Jordan Igoe, Kind Dub, Kitty Crimes, Lisa Bell Band, Lissa Hanner, Matt Mahern and Constitution, Matt Skinner Band, Maxwell Hughes (formerly of The Lumineers), Montoneros, No Fair Fights, OKO TYGRA, Open Space, Palace Brands, Poor Me, Post Paradise, Professor Fox's One Man Band, Publicist UK, Qbala, Red Fox Run, RipRats, Rob Drabkin, Robert Cline Jr., Rocktin Grove, Rootbeer & Mermentau, Rubedo, Rumours Follow, Ryan Chrys & The Rough Cuts, Sarah & the Meanies, SarCa$t*, Sexy Ester, Shaley Scott Band, Shatterproof, Shelby Britton, Slow Caves, Steele & Colfax, Stella Luce, Strawberry Runners, The 14ers, the B.A.B.E.S., The Covz, The Echo Chamber, The FAMM, The Left Ready, The Lindsey Saunders Band, The LoLos, The Patti Fiasco, The Railsplitters, The Rayo Brothers, The Robby Wicks Band (acoustic duo) The Royal, The Seers, The Sweet Lillies, Thunderthief, Tight Thump. Travellers Music, Von Stomper, Wandering Monks, Wasteland Hop, We Are Not a Glum Lot, Wheelchair Sports Camp, Wild Wombat, Write Minded. - Coloradoan
Why so serious, musicians of Colorado? Didn’t you know it’s possible to be an artist and have fun with it?
No other hip-hop troupe in this state embodies that credo more than The FAMM. Often described as “charismatic and bombastic” on stage, emcees Johnny Chill and Trav bring humor and personality to their translation of hip-hop, and are stacking up fans like wildfire in the summer because of it.
This morning The FAMM is dropping the music video for its single “5am” – a song about late nights turning into early morning all in the name of productive creativity. After incessant groveling and promises of first dibs on Halloween candy tonight The FAMM agreed to give us the premiere, and gave more insight to the “5am” video and the process.
“It’s one of those things where you feel almost overwhelmed with all the shit you have to do,” Chill says about the song. “Not only to accomplish your next project but all the things you have to do to build off of that. Missing out on sleep is a regular part of what we’re doing (laughs). I honestly think it’s good. I feel like the hours that most people are sleeping in, it gives you peace and quiet to think for yourself. I definitely feel constantly being … almost … obsessed with music and the process is something that helps us stay focused.”
“It’s Jerry Maquire syndrome!” jokes Trav.
The accompanying theme of overworked mindsets and fervent creative output in the video for “5am” is something the duo says came pretty natural in the songwriting already. When creating lyrical prose, there’s most always a video in mind even before production rolls out.
“When we write songs we write them with a video in mind,” says Chill. “Almost every song we do we have some potential video in place. With this we got with Jeremy Pape (Welcome To The D.O.P.E Game) and we gave him our vision for what we wanted to do, and he dove off of that and came up with some great visions.”
But late night think sessions and easy-city-reppin’ isn’t the only face The FAMM crew can strap on. Trav says that the obvious easygoing vibe is a portion of who they are, but horizons are limitless for musical endeavors, and the creative spotlight is always on all forms of music.
“We’d like to think we’re versatile and we can go anywhere now,” says Trav. “We can do upbeat stuff, dancey stuff, soft, laid back – it’s all where we have fun. (This is) just the beginning. We feel like we’re artists that like music all across the board. The theme is forever making music, FAMM if you break it down, it’s Forever About Making Music, we don’t try and limit ourselves at all.”
It’s a dynamic that stems from differing formative backgrounds – Johnny Chill from Tucson, AZ and Trav from Long Beach, CA – and is a noticeable element in the blended formats. They take those inspirations from separate area codes and fuse it with our own here in Colorado, and say they are each proud to be in a place that facilitates a booming hip-hop community.
“We definitely want to continue reppin’ the state of Colorado,” says Chill. “We’re proud of where we’re at. Colorado is known for the weed and the alcohol and partying and having fun and being laid back, that’s a big part of who we are, but at the same time we’re from different places so we bring more than just Colorado to our music.
Being in a place where weed is legal and prevalent, you know, people get together to smoke and have fun and laugh and act like morons. That’s our lane, we’re out there, we like laughing and making people laugh and that’s something bringing people together too and putting down the bullshit aside of trying to be tough rappers.”
For now The FAMM is continuing work on its highly anticipated EP and gearing up for a few big performances: Nov 6 at Herman’s Hideaway and the other opening the stage for 2 Chainz on Dec 6 at Cervantes’ Masterpiece Ballroom.
It’s all part of the 5am grind, and it’s The FAMM’s way of life.
- See more at: http://www.therooster.com/blog/local-love-video-premiere-famms-5am-mimics-our-own-work-ethic-wed-never-work-hard-they-do-ever#sthash.4TdkFO0l.dpuf - The Rooster
Colorado’s own, The FAMM, dropped their latest video today, which as usual for these emcees, is nothing short of a cinematic delicacy. The FAMM Crew has been building a reputable name for themselves in the Colorado music scene for the past few years, and it’s apparent to us that they have tremendously outgrown many of their peers in regards to the quality of the material they put out ; both visually and vocally as well as the content of their music. This music video can be taken as a testament to the undeniable hunger for success these two posses.
“…and anybody askin’ why me and Johnny so damn cold, it’s years of doing WORK, and it appears that doing it worked. Went from paying to perform, now they pay to wear my shirts.”
Stay connected: facebook.com/thefammcrew/ - MileHI Music
Q+A With The FAMM Crew
Tim Wenger | October 1, 2013 | 0 Comments
by Brandon Hart
Colorado Music Buzz hosted a Q&A session with the FAMM Crew about their group and the experience they had in the Step Up and Get LIVE Competition at Herman’s Hideaway. This innovative rap group, originally from Colorado Springs but now rapping out of Denver, has a very interesting and very relatable sound to them. Their influences and their love for music make a strong appearance in their music. Originally hailing from different parts of the country, the band’s togetherness shines through in all their music. I had a conversation with them about their interests and the music. Here is some of that.
CMB: Is FAMM short for family? How did you come up with the band name?
FAMM: It stands for Forever About Making Music
CMB: Do you guys have certain people that have influenced your music?
FAMM: Well yeah we like the classics. You know Tupac and such, but we are really influenced by the local scene.
CMB: What brought you guys to want to be in Denver as rappers? Isn’t it [Denver] kind of a weak market for rappers?
FAMM: No, we love it. Denver is really into it music scene so it makes it good for us to rap and make the music we love.
CMB: As far as collaborations go all rappers like to experience different styles. Is there a style that you haven’t collaborated with that you would like to?
FAMM: Dubstep and house music because it is really hot locally. So doing that would be a good one for sure.
CMB: So I know you guys want to make music and that’s the main goal, but what’s next for The FAMM Crew?
FAMM: Mostly we want to just keep making music our way.
The FAMM Crew is definitely a group to check out if you haven’t already. A lot of rappers have one distinctive sound that epitomizes the region they come from, but The FAMM Crew brings likeability to their rap music that makes it aesthetically pleasing for the ear. Not to mention that they are Colorado Guys.
Online: thefammcrew.bandcamp.com - Colorado Music Buzz Magazine
The FAMM has released four official mixtapes, three of which are available at thefammcrew.bandcamp.com
The FAMM is currently working on dropping 12 EP’s in 2018 and continuing further success in thier weekly online cypher #FAMMFridays. Stay tuned...

The FAMM, which also stands for Forever About Making Music, consists of Johnny Chill and Trav. These two MC’s hail from different parts of the country (Chill is from Tuscon, AZ and Trav from Whittier, California) but came together in Colorado Springs, CO. in 2008. The collaboration derived from each members desire to create memorable music and have fun.
Their fun, energetic personalities, coupled with their serious talent for music helped the crew gain notoriety in various local showcases. Recently The FAMM started an online cypher called #FAMMFridays where they have currently dropped a 16 bar verse, over a different beat, every Friday for over 60 weeks straight and still running....the crew is now planning to drop a full song a week in the form of 12 EP’s dropping every month in 2018. The FAMM is currently on the rise and undeniably one of the most excited up and coming artists to watch. Stay tuned for more excitement on the horizon!
Band Members