Tony Smiley
Vancouver, Washington, United States
Like the rebellious lovechild of David Bowie and Morrissey, Vancouver’s loop ninja packs this title song to his 2008 album with energy, compassion and an obstinate desire to make madness sound beautiful. The song comes close to representing the power of his live shows, but not quite, because I’m not sure any studio recording can. See this guy in concert. Do it. Do it now.”
Erin Kluka - The Vancouver Voice () - Erin Kluka - The Vancouver Voice ()
“The vision of art projected by Tony Smiley is one that is not easily understood in traditional formats. While the "one man band" moniker seems a fitting classification, it really does no justice to the stream of conscious music that he creates in his performances. Surrounded by guitar, bass, drums, dual mics, various electronic synthesizers, loop machines and foot pedals; Tony is able to give us an authentic window into his hyper-creative mind. His self proclaimed, "Loop Ninja" style is fluid and seamless in its execution.” (Guerrilla-media)
- olin - Guerrilla-media (Feb 14, 2009)
Tony Smiley is one of the most entertaining and talented musicians in the Portland area. He is dubbed the loop-ninja and, when you witness his verbal throwing stars and his black belt in smooth riffs, you’ll understand why.”(Portland Octopus) - Portland Octopus)
Sand Paintings- 2004
Driving Myself Sane- 2007
One Ton Heart- 2009

Tony Smiley is a one man band who packs the dance floor show after show. His mix of rock, human beat boxing, 80's new wave rhythms, and yes, dash of Mongolian throat singing, combine into one huge mountain of a performance. His songs are original, groove laden works of art that most importantly, rock!
Tony Smiley is a one man band super great song-writing freak! His songs literally wisk you away and make you want to move to infectious groove and world class melody. Tony doesn't just play every instrument (LIVE TOO!), he sings with real chops. He's going to actually be huge one day, because he is actually really really good.